
the family legacy

( keep in mind none of the information in this is real and it's just a stories based off of imagination also all the names are made up along with everything else)

her mom was an assasin as was her father and it all dated back to world war 2 when the assassinations began and it all led up to this. Her and one man goes by the name jack, either hit him or lose the 1,030 cash she needs to keep the house bills payed . She angles the gun to his head, and Pulls the trigger as he is hit she gathers her things and runs to the nearest corner, pulls out her phone and dials a number. "Hello,have you done it?" "yes sir but the people swarmed around me as soon as he was hit" "doesnt matter , all that matters is it was done , come collect the cash I promised , he will be waiting at the corner store". "yes sir" .

she collects the cash and as she walks down the road she crashes into someone "oh I'm sorry young la- ma'am are you ok?" " *gasp* yeah I'm fine now move it " she shoves him out of the way and carrys on , " uh ma'am you dropped this " he picks up her wallet "miss~ hashido moruka , HASHIODO MORUKA!!"

stay tuned to see what's next