
Part one

"Come with me please. I don't know what I would do without you. All I want to do is run away with you."

"Tony, you know I can't leave my mom. It would only make the abuse so much worse on her."

"I can protect you. I can protect you both, all you have to do is trust me. I have resources that nobody can even imagine. You could change your name."

"I'm sorry. But I don't know if something like that would work. He's smart and ruthless. He would kill us."

A blood curdling scream was heard after she had said the last word. Was I too late to save her mom?

"Iz, go. Run to my car. Now." I knew what I was going to walk into could be potentially bad, but I was never ready for what I saw. Her mom was dying on the floor, a knife in her abdomen, a bloodied face and papers all over the floor. I knew what they were. Restraining order papers. All filled out. He found them. The monster of nightmares. Not caring if he saw me I gasped. I'm not easily made sick, but I was then. Charging me, he punched me and all I remember is getting punched really hard.

Lets get to the beginning of the story shall we. My name is Anthony Thomas Feell. My dad is the great assassin, Michael Feell. I fell in love with a girl named Izzy Ingraine Klien. I've known her for almost fourteen years. A few months ago her step-dad starting beating them almost every night. There were a couple of nights when it first started that she stayed with us. But after a while her step dad would start pounding on my dads door saying that he would call the cops and everything if we didnt force her to go back home. The last time that he came pounding on the door, we had her go with him, and followed them back to where they were staying. That's when I was trying to get her to leave with her mom. Flash forward to when I woke up. I was tied to a chair, staring at Izzy.

"This was your escape plan? A kid that is more worthless then his father. You really think that you can hide from me?"

"And you, boy, think you can help her hide from me? Shes worthless. The whore will never be anything more then a rotting piece of shit that nobody will love. She should've killed herself a long time ago. I'll fix that mistake, and make you watch me do it. Then it will be you're turn. Didn't your deadbeat father teach you not to get in peoples' way? Oh wait, you're dad doesn't do shit. Too bad, because had he been somebody he might've been able to stop me from killing you. Such a shame he won't be here to watch the show too!" The evil laughter filled the room

"I might seem worthless and uncaring, but i can assure you that you won't touch a hair on your daughters head, let alone my sons. You don't think i'm anybody because I don't do much with my son right? That's because he can already protect himself and others from most things that would threaten him. You are somebody that picks on people smaller then you because it makes you feel powerful. I enjoyed killing people like you the most. The gleam of fear in their eyes when i push the knife into their heart. Realizing that there will always be somebody bigger and badder then them in the world. In that moment they fear everything. The moment they piss or shit themselves because they are scared. The biggest bullies are the biggest pussies when they get put in their place. They beg and beg for their life as I get closer and closer. Seeing the life fade from their eyes as every wrong they've done being avenged." Moving shadow like across the room, my father gets up in her stepdads face. "Do you know why I was always called the Avenging Angel? Let me show you. Sick bastards like you make my hatred run rampant"