
______Into You_____

Begins with the return of the heir to the motherland, the RSPV throws a tempting hot gossip: The heir was a big snapper. The initials AR. Identity withheld. Alaric and Aymard messed around with the deteriorating family business, they couldn’t ignore this big snapper. It's simple. Just about AR who is like a golden-horned deer, lost in a wilderness full of foxes in sheep's clothing. With the wild wolves commanding while lurking from the dark.

digidiggerr · Urban
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35 Chs

Light Dessert

Her name was Sophie-Margueritte Margaux, the Princess who had recently captured attention at those semi-official party. She sat across from Jaya Emyr, on Aisha's right side, during the impromptu dinner with Jatmiko Dirdja. The reason being Jatmiko had very limited time available. Aisha, who was initially flustered, eventually agreed to the choice made by Jaya Emyr's mother who never failed to deliver.

Though not as famous as Kembang Gula Restaurant, the authentic Peranakan menu by Pondok Serodja Setaman, coupled with its original Betawi interior, created a profound impression. Jatmiko Dirdja appeared to be thoroughly satisfied with the local dishes that were becoming increasingly rare to find in street stalls. Sophie-Margueritte maintained a friendly smile, even though everyone questioned whether she genuinely enjoyed the richly spiced flavours. Martin Ingmar was absent, leaving everything in the hands of Aisha who seemed to be in full control that evening. Even Sophie-Margueritte seemed like an intern. In reality, that was exactly the case. For the newly crowned Princess was still deemed inexperienced, not yet entrusted with any significant responsibilities, despite her royal title.

Jatmiko Dirdja smiled with satisfaction as the dessert was served: the enticing Kembang Tahu with its fragrant ginger and slight brown sugar broth. It was indeed a fitting choice coinciding with the chilly weather at the beginning of tropical dry season.

"You're a young person with vision, Aisha. I understand why Martin has complete trust in you. The Assistant position at Durlach is no ordinary feat, isn't it?" Jatmiko remarked.

Aisha politely laughed, "Thank you, Mr. Jat. I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to share my vision with someone as wise as you. I consider myself lucky."

Jatmiko chuckled softly, nodding his head. "I'm the lucky one," he said. Then he turned to Alaric, "Your work is impressive too, Alaric. Your introduction this time wasn't just an empty talk."

Alaric flashed a forced smile, "I tried my best to convey Aisha's vision, Uncle Jat."

Aymard remained silent, his jaw clenched tightly beside Jatmiko, observing Alaric seated next to Aisha. He didn't like this seating arrangement. Sitting facing Alaric, side by side with Jatmiko.

"Alaric is starting to mature now, Mr. Jat. I still don't know what caused it," Jaya Emyr joked.

Jatmiko laughed again, looking proudly at Alaric before shifting his gaze to Dharma. Dharma smiled sincerely as he looked at Alaric, and they exchanged meaningful glances with Jatmiko.

"It's such a relief," Dharma said.

Jatmiko nodded, "Yes. Ah, this has been a delightful dinner, albeit short. I agree with everything here. Strong visions like this always excite me. It's extraordinary that my family is involved."

Dharma nodded, looking at Alaric with a warm feeling. He was proud and relieved that Alaric could show that he had hopes and cared about his work, meeting Dharma's expectations as a father. But the warmth dissipated as Dharma noticed Aymard's silence. It was truly strange—unformulated questions took shape in Dharma's mind. Usually, even if Aymard wasn't in a good mood, he would still engage in the ongoing conversation. It wasn't just Dharma who found it odd. Jaya Emyr also considered Aymard to be very strange tonight.

"My uncle would be very grateful, Monsieur Jat,"

Sophie-Margueritte's voice snapped Dharma back to reality. It brought him back from the hazy realm of vague assumptions. But in an instant, Dharma squinted as he saw Alaric bowing his head and staring at his porcelain bowl. It seemed as though he was pondering the contents of the bowl.

This was truly peculiar, once again fuelling Dharma's unspoken questions that plagued his restless mind. Alaric was always confident, even arrogant. Anytime, anywhere, Alaric would assert his self-assuredness and dominance. So, there must be a reason why suddenly Alaric was acting like a child avoiding something. Moreover, just before Alaric lowered his head, Dharma caught a fleeting moment when his son exchanged glances with Aymard.

Dharma clearly caught the restrained expression of anger from Aymard. His jaw tightened and his piercing gaze seemed ready to make calculations. As a father, Dharma was certain that something had happened between the two of them. Something bad and very personal. Dharma let out a loud sigh that made Jatmiko turn his head.

"What's wrong, Dharma? Aren't you fully on board with us doing the same thing? Like Daud's suggestion?" asked Jatmiko, Dharma's older brother.

Dharma raised an eyebrow, then shook his head. "Sorry, Mas Jat. I'm thinking about something else."

Aymard turned and furrowed his brow, looking at Dharma with curiosity. In Aymard's mind, whatever Dharma was thinking about must be significant if it made him disengaged from the conversation.

"About empowering the local population, Papa. Uncle Jat suggested that it would be better if we involve them in the Super Construction. Making them laborers or other operational workers," Aymard spoke up.

Dharma looked at him pensively, nodding along. It was a utopian concept, but this time he has the urge of needs to realization the utopian concept.

"Even Jaya Emyr came up with a crazy idea. As part of the compensation for purchasing their land, we could be planning a large residential site for them," Jatmiko continued, ending with laughter.

"Relocation, Mr. Jat?"

"Yes. Relocation. But not just any relocation," Aisha interjected.

Jaya Emyr smiled with intention, "Imagine this, our products already have a loyal customer base. They're descendants of the previous generation. I'm just trying to seize this opportunity to attract a new group."

Dharma furrowed his brow. Jaya Emyr chuckled,

"Mr. Dharma, just imagine. A haphazard compensation and relocation will only make us look like greedy businessmen. They'll accuse us of ruthlessly displacing the lower-middle class and turning them into proletarians. Just like what we or our competitors have been doing," Jaya Emyr explained.

Aisha glanced at Jaya Emyr with a restrained smile, briefly locking eyes with Aymard who, despite his gloomy expression, couldn't help but respond with a warm gaze. It was all captured by the eyes of Dharma and Jatmiko, as well as Alaric, who felt uneasy and slightly restless.

"What if we do it like this: we build an integrated residential site with high-quality standards? Prioritize them as the primary occupants. Make CorporatE and Dirdja the developers in charge of everything, including education. Super Construction will also require a workforce once it's built. We prioritize them as employees as well, on the condition that they meet the required Human Resources standards. We provide intensive training for them. We offer permanent ownership of residences in a sector that is better than the standard, with friendly credit terms, of course. But remember, this is specifically for those we relocate. Make them our priority. Execute this mission to the best of our abilities. And within twenty years, they will undoubtedly become loyal customers for all of our products."

Dharma remained silent, gazing at Jaya Emyr. "So, you're proposing a standard residential district that is already above average, and they are being enticed with the promise of upgrading their quality of life when they become employees?" he asked rhetorically.

Jaya Emyr smiled broadly. A suppressed laughter could be heard.

"Typical capitalists to the core," muttered Sophie-Margueritte.

"Imperialism of the typical landlords is gathering dust. Have you forgotten?" added Aymard.

"You resemble your father more than your mother, Jaya!" Dharma quipped playfully.

Alaric wanted to add a comment about "colonialism," but he restrained himself. Luckily, he did, as colonialism was not an appropriate topic for Jaya Emyr's proposal, which felt modern but was actually quite outdated.

Treating people well until they feel indebted to you was a practice of landlords in the past. Just like how Britain treated its colonies as a first act. Even now, despite being liberated, those countries still have emotional attachments to the United Kingdom. They remain loyal, often unconsciously, due to that emotional bond.

Jaya Emyr chuckled, "You all!"

Followed by laughter from the others. Jatmiko sighed at the end of the laughter,

"Truly a warm evening. But tomorrow, I have to take off early in the morning."

Jaya Emyr nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Jat. I'm genuinely grateful that you gave us the opportunity to explain in more detail."

Jatmiko nodded, "I need to know the extent of your understanding of this project. Listen, this is not a game. It could truly become a pilot project. Don't disappoint. I assure you I will be quite demanding in requesting progress reports from every department, Dharma."

Dharma nodded, "I'm on the same page, Mas. Of course, I will closely supervise them. I'm also tired of the media always digging up any insignificant mistakes. They portray it as if it's our corruption and create a stigma that large-scale projects for the future are a terrifying spectre for the people. It's as if they want to keep society stagnant without progress. They label big business people as villains causing misery. I won't give them that opening," he spoke at length, with a hint of frustration.

All the young people at the table fell into contemplation sensing Dharma's emotions, and they understood. It's true that their world was never as pure as white paper. However, that doesn't mean that every large-scale business player is a group of greedy individuals solely interested in quick profits. CorporatE, which operated quietly in the past, was often accused of silently destroying its competitors. But who cared if they actually prioritized their opponents. They didn't simply aim to bring them down; often, they chose the ones who made other people suffer the most to be eliminated. Eradicating people's existence was not taboo for them. So, next time, when encountering those who appear beautiful in their expensive attire, make sure to first determine their background. It's certainly not pleasant to be involved with a man who will always prioritize his family and company's interests over the fiery passion he has for you.

One of the reasons why arranged marriages remained successful among them was the understanding of each other's positions. To avoid expending unnecessary energy since emotions had been minimized. Just like Sophie-Margueritte, who was currently exploring the possibility of a permanent partnership. Who knows whom she will be paired with. Her situation can interpretated as a might be or might not be happen at all then she would return to Belgium to await further arrangements. Who could predict?

One thing is certain, if Magdeléne knew, she would scream with joy and immediately urge Alaric to always be close to Sophie-Margueritte. She could care less about the mysterious AR Durlach. A woman with the status of a Princess would provide more benefits than just high social standing. Especially if the Princess is part of a respected world-class business family. Respected both in Europe and America. Their business would only collapse if and only if every bank on Earth were to shut down. Which is highly unlikely unless it's the end of the world. They are the ones who are not related to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, who are considered servants of the devil because their wealth exceeds the combined amount of all the common people's money worldwide. In fact, Sophie-Margueritte's families are the strongest competitors to those dark and prominent names.

"I'll hold you to your promise, Dharma. You're right, never give the media a chance. Well, now I must truly take my leave. Once again, it was a truly memorable dinner. Aymard, could you escort this elderly couple home? My driver is on leave as his wife is being treated for Dengue Fever, poor thing. Or perhaps you, Jaya?"

"I'll take Uncle Jat home," Alaric interjected, offering himself.

All eyes turned to Alaric, who hastily stood up. Dharma felt uneasy again, noticing that Alaric seemed eager to get away quickly.

Jaya Emyr quipped, "That's a good idea. Because I still have to tend to my nightclub in Denpasar tonight as well."

Alaric nodded and approached Jatmiko. Dharma also stood up.

"Thank you for everything, Aisha. Myanna must have suggested this place. I'm sure of it," Jatmiko praised, throwing compliments.

Jaya Emyr responded, "Yes. Mama said a place with few prying ears is more suitable. Plus, the food here is exceptional."

Aisha smiled politely before adding, "Indeed, Aunt Myanna always knows the best, Mr. Dharma."

"Yes, yes. I've known that for ages. But that troublemaker holds grudges. I was actually hoping for the presence of your father or mother, Jaya. After all, we were friends back in our youth," Jatmiko grumbled slightly annoyed.

Jaya laughed while Aymard snorted, "Uncle Jat is at it again," he muttered.

Jatmiko chuckled, "I, who know nothing and never got involved in those matters, still got caught up in it. Daud can be quite annoying indeed. But I understand that if he never wanted to sit at the same table as us, Aymard."

Aymard narrowed his eyes, "I was in elementary school back then. How could I understand? Come on, give me some tolerance, Uncle Jat!"

Jaya Emyr burst into laughter, "You guys are so serious. I admit Papa was a bit excessive about this matter. Mama and I don't even have an issue with it anymore. So, next time, Mr. Jat will definitely meet them."

Jatmiko laughed again, "This is all because of Magdeléne and her excessive jealousy, Dharma. Yet Myanna never realized that she had quite a good reputation among us men back then."

Dharma laughed once more, "Women's thoughts."

"What?" Sophie-Margueritte exclaimed, immediately covering her mouth with her hand.

Aisha smiled, looking at her and gently patting her arm, understanding her reaction. Jaya Emyr grinned mischievously, well aware that Sophie-Margueritte, being young and passionate yet modern-minded, wouldn't like hearing it. Women's thoughts? It tickled her mind. Was there really a difference between women's thoughts and non-women's thoughts?

That's how she understood the equality of human beings on this earth, women and men were the same. Because thoughts had no physical form and were purely the evidence of literary and empirical information processing. Sophie-Margueritte was indeed an active princess. Not just accustomed to spreading a towel as a cushion while tanning her skin in Cannes or Santorini.

Dharma smiled softly, "Especially for my wife, Princess Margaux."

Sophie-Margueritte blushed, feeling embarrassed. Jatmiko sighed and nodded, "Goodnight, Young People. These elderly folks really have to go home."

Alaric smiled awkwardly, bidding farewell to Aisha and Sophie-Margueritte but passing by Aymard without a word. Jaya Emyr furrowed his brow and looked at Aymard, who ignored him. Dharma patted Aymard's shoulder,

"I'll go ahead, son. Don't stay out too late because there's something I want to discuss with you tonight."

Aymard nodded, "Alright, Pa."

Alaric walked following Jatmiko and Dharma. His heart was filled with indescribable feelings. Aisha behaved very naturally, as usual, like any other day. On the other hand, Aymard distanced himself from him immediately. It was odd, and Alaric didn't like it. He thought that Aymard wouldn't be so furious about the events of a few days ago.

"Is that so? Not Aymard?"

"Magdeléne insists it must be Alaric. But for me, Aymard is more deserving."

Jatmiko stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Alaric. Dharma did the same. Alaric, who overheard their conversation, furrowed his brow in confusion, not truly understanding their intentions.

He chose to ignore it and instead requested the valet service to bring his car to the front door. Dharma patted his back,

"Papa wants you to come home tonight. There's an important matter that Papa also needs to discuss."

Alaric, feeling bewildered, simply nodded until he felt a vibration in his pants pocket, interrupting his thoughts. He reached for it and saw a notification that, for the past few days, had been filled with discussions of arranged marriages and social rumours. He lazily decided to open it.

Today. 8:11 PM_____________ After careful consideration, since the reshuffling of the cabinet, Mrs. SM has always been confirmed in her position. The presence of AR since last year has led us to speculate about conspiracies. In fact, AR's return has been followed by assets and equities affected by formal taxes, directly fattening the country. The rumor is that he agreed to a 10% deduction, but it's not free. There's something that the executives have to pay for regarding AR Durlach's boldness. What if AR Durlach's behaviour triggers the country's greed? Initiating discussions on Tax Amnesty! A 0.2% penalty for each month of negligence and criminal threats? Is the country starting to resent conglomerates because the Panama Papers revealed that the wealth held abroad is too significant? It has never been utilized by the country, even though they dug it out of the country's soil._______

Another fact, Super Kontruksi. Unexpectedly, CorporatE and Dirdja have already begun their project, without announcing their business proposal to anyone. This time, Dirdja is very confident, supported by CorporatE. And AR Durlach. Highly secretive. It's still unclear what this super construction project entails, located in Jagakarsa. Do they want to have their private city? An region barely ruled by them. _______________________

Alaric widened his eyes. He looked around, left and right. Dharma gazed at him, perplexed.

"What's wrong, Alaric?"

Alaric stared at Dharma, "It's leaked, Papa."


"Super Kontruksi."

Dharma clenched his teeth, "Let's go home. There's too much work tonight."

A sleek white Escalade stopped in front of them. An attendant opened the door for Jatmiko, who jokingly tossed a playful remark. Meanwhile, Dharma sat with Jatmiko in the backseat, while Alaric truly became a driver now. A restless driver, due to the RSVP news. A driver with various expressions of the faces of those he loved swirling in his mind. And he always lingered on Aisha's bewildered expression as she looked at him longingly. Everything was muddled, confusing every action and even Alaric's thoughts.

Normally, it would be impossible for him to be a driver like this, even if it was for his own father and uncle. Dharma and Jatmiko spoke quietly in the back, discussing Alaric's transformation that made them proud. But deep down, Alaric felt like he was being controlled by something foreign, to the point where all his behaviours contradicted his daily life.

Hopefully, the conversation with Dharma tonight wouldn't make him feel even more lost. Honestly, Alaric admitted, ever since he got to know Aisha well, he had been changing slowly. Every action he took, unconsciously became filled with consideration. Imagining what kind of behaviour Aisha would like. What kind of behaviour Aisha would adopt.

Many say that falling in love can make one foolish. Or that love can destroy. Of course, not all love is the same. Perhaps Alaric was experiencing a type of destructive love that compelled him to reconstruct himself. A love that required a new foundation to reshape his identity.

Or, rather than getting entangled in Alaric's jumbled thoughts, let's simplify it as the forceful nature of love. A compulsion that arises unknowingly, in order to understand the-only-one you love. The desire to get to know them more deeply and eventually immerse oneself in Aisha's thought processes. It continues as if creating a spiritual connection, as Alaric feels that he understands Aisha to the very core. Willing to compromise for the sake of the one you love. To be in harmony with their thoughts and actions without any coercion is the consequence of love. It would be ideal if there was true mutual understanding and mutual.

If only it weren't a one-sided affection.

The problem is, Aisha is in sync and in agreement with Aymard. It leaves Alaric flailing in the wind and losing his sense of self. Just look at how even the collar of his shirt is misaligned and he doesn't even mind. Usually, he would get upset with the laundress who takes care of his closet for such matters.

Indeed, falling in love feels like a million emotions, including excessive admiration. Moreover, the expectation of passionate and intense sexual encounters has been fully understood by Alaric. So, it's only natural that Alaric feels shattered. He truly wishes Aisha would also see him, not just be fixated on Aymard. Nor does he want Aisha to see him as just a sweet dessert. But, for now, Alaric never the first choice in any situation for Aisha.

If only Aisha remembered the night before, Alaric would gladly accompany her in melancholy.
