
______Into You_____

Begins with the return of the heir to the motherland, the RSPV throws a tempting hot gossip: The heir was a big snapper. The initials AR. Identity withheld. Alaric and Aymard messed around with the deteriorating family business, they couldn’t ignore this big snapper. It's simple. Just about AR who is like a golden-horned deer, lost in a wilderness full of foxes in sheep's clothing. With the wild wolves commanding while lurking from the dark.

digidiggerr · Urban
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35 Chs

Incendiary Whispers

Alaric arrived late to Weathergrass, bearing good news in the form of Jatmiko Dirdja's promise. Unexpectedly, his feared uncle was willing to listen as he presented Durlach's business plan. Alaric was perplexed, coming as a nephew with intentions to socialize but instead finding himself giving a presentation to his own uncle. Despite still teasing Alaric, who had recently appeared in their community magazine, Jatmiko Dirdja praised him, even if just once. He was glad to see Alaric starting to learn how to work properly. This gave Alaric a bitter feeling in his gut, as it seemed that his involvement in this project was not as significant as Aymard's.

"And Uncle Jat requested that we schedule a dinner with him. He really wants to meet Aisha."

Aisha looked directly at Alaric. Shortly after, she smiled and said,

"Wow, it's an honor for me."

Jaya Emyr and Aymard smiled meaningfully. Jatmiko Dirdja was known to be a difficult person. If it weren't for his idealism, he would have full control over all the Dirdja companies. But no, he chose to pursue a career as a Business Consultant long ago. He made that choice for a simple reason—to have free time to train young people with strong principles. To instill his excessive business idealism and social concern that was not meant for promotional purposes. Jaya Emyr and Aymard clearly saw him as their mentor, although Jatmiko Dirdja refused to personally teach them as their personal closeness was the barrier.

It appeared that the Waste Processing Center idea for the Jagakarsa region had immediately captured the heart of Jatmiko Dirdja.

"Uncle Jat said he has this weekend free before he joins the President's official visit to the Middle East,"

Aisha nodded, returning her smile to Alaric, who instantly felt his heart flutter. Outrageous, the smile was nothing more than a mere polite exchange between colleagues. Alaric knew all too well that Aisha had built an imaginary wall between them. A clear statement that she didn't want any personal involvement with him.

"The Middle East? Oh, I will certainly recommend whom to meet if he visits Abu Dhabi," Jaya Emyr interjected casually as he passed by.

Aymard smiled stiffly, realizing that Jaya Emyr had strong connections with people in Abu Dhabi. Jaya Emyr, whose face clearly bore the mixed features of the Middle East, carried the weight of this land in his name. Such a circumstance silently intrigued anyone. It had even become a hot topic of gossip in society long ago, triggered inadvertently by Aymard, which had angered Jaya Emyr's parents. This was the cause that turned Jaya Emyr and Aymard from the closest of friends into mere acquaintances. Until now, Jaya Emyr's father refused to have any dealings with the Dirdjas, despite their impressive portfolio. If it weren't for AR Durlach, there would be no opportunity like this, with Jaya Emyr sitting at the same table as the Dirdjas.

"Very well, Alaric. I shall arrange a private dinner for Jatmiko Dirdja. And I believe it's only fitting for all those involved to be present. What do you think, Ay? Jaya?" Aisha posed the question, to which Jaya and Aymard simultaneously nodded in agreement.

"Your parents and Sir Martin Ingmar should undoubtedly be in attendance," Aisha murmured.

Alaric tilted his head, contemplating the possibility of Magdeléne coming face to face with Jaya Emyr's mother once again. His stomach suddenly tightened. Aymard glanced and flashed a knowing smile.

"It will certainly be quite the spectacle," Jaya Emyr whispered with his mischievous grin.

Clearly, they shared the same thought, considering such a possibility. It had become common knowledge that feuding ladies would always become the center of attention when they encountered each other at social events. Aisha, wearing an expression of perplexity, only deepened the laughter of Jaya Emyr and Aymard.

"Alaric, can you explain to me why Jaya and your brother have those looks on their faces?" Aisha raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, that? Um, I think you'll find out soon enough," Alaric replied.

Aisha squinted her eyes. "Please?"

Alaric chuckled, "Sorry, Aisha. The thing is, we men don't gossip. That's all."

Aisha appeared frustrated. "Fine! Watch out, both of you!" she threatened.

Aymard and Jaya Emyr burst into laughter, while Alaric couldn't contain his smile.

"You guys! You're such childish individuals with too much power! Focus, come on!"

"Oh, Aisha, c'mon. We're just having lunch," Jaya Emyr complained, pretending to be annoyed.

Aisha disregarded his comment. "Ay, how was the morning's inaugural meeting?"

"It was brief, Ai. Just a sounding board and confirmation to kickstart the new project. My team is already formed, fully embracing our mission and vision to their core. I guarantee it," Aymard replied.

Aisha nodded. "Alright, Jaya Emyr and I have completed 80% of land acquisition. The problem is, only 40% of that land has proper legal documentation."

"Leave it to me, together with Burik," Jaya Emyr chimed in.

Alaric was taken aback. He glanced at Jaya Emyr, puzzled. But Jaya Emyr ignored him, returning his focus to Aisha. Aymard did the same. Alaric scratched his suddenly itchy nape.

Why does Aisha look so beautiful this afternoon?

Let her hair untouched, without the perfect coiffure, wearing a modest turquoise dress. Her face was minimally adorned, not even concealing the bags under her eyes. Alaric lowered his gaze, pretending to focus on his glass that was only a quarter full of water. He was behaving this way to avoid Aisha's gaze as she turned toward him.

Embarrassing, Alaric cursed himself.

"I'll come pick you up. Is Rahman feeling better now?"

Alaric raised his face once again.

"That's an activity I left behind long ago, you know!" Aisha exclaimed, glaring at Jaya Emyr.

Alaric furrowed his brow, turning to Aymard, who burst into laughter. It seemed he had been daydreaming for quite some time, unaware that the conversation had shifted into a more casual tone, no longer discussing their work.

Alaric couldn't quite grasp it, trying to understand but immediately feeling like an outsider.

"So, the sacred name of Faithless doesn't tempt you to go and watch?" Jaya Emyr said.

Aisha glared menacingly at Jaya Emyr.

"Seriously. They're performing at CUE tonight. Don't believe me? I have the tickets," Jaya Emyr declared.

"Bullshit, Jaya!" Aisha exclaimed, eyes widened.

"I'm serious, Aisha. For people who only chase after fleeting fame, that name might be meaningless. But for you and those accustomed to grandeur? It's impossible to resist!"

Aymard shook his head, "Don't tempt a reformed person, Jaya. It's cruel."

Aisha quickly turned, "What do you mean, Ay? I was just a bit wild back then. No need for reform! Here's the thing, there's a legend visiting CUE! Haven't you ever listened to them? Even just one song?"

Aymard murmured softly, humming "Insomnia." Aisha immediately pointed at him with enthusiasm.

"Jaya is so annoying, isn't he? Bringing them to CUE, a place I rarely visit anymore! Why don't you organize a big concert at Senayan? It could bring in a lot of profit." Aisha grumbled.

Alaric was stunned, taken aback by Aisha's fickle behaviour. Since she had been bored acting as the Meeting Chair at the dining table, suddenly, in a brief moment when Alaric was transported to a realm of imagination, Aisha had become so relaxed and was discussing plans to visit CUE. Aisha became ecstatic upon learning that her favourite musicians would be performing at the CUE owned by Jaya Emyr's family.

And her antics annoyed Alaric. He couldn't recall Shafina ever being so expressive about anything she liked. Never, not even once.

"Oh God! Faithless doesn't mean what it sounds like, you know! They're supernatural and magical in my opinion, Jaya! Oh shit! What do you, kiddos, know about them?"

Aymard wagged his finger. "Hey, watch your mouth, Ai! Listen, don't underestimate us. You may doubt Burik's taste in music. But Jaya and I, don't be mistaken. We even agree that Death Cab For Cutie is remarkably similar to Badly Drawn Boys! Got the point, Miss Pretentious?"

Aisha burst into laughter, and Jaya Emyr smiled at her enthusiastic response. Alaric wanted to smile like Jaya Emyr, but he restrained himself. With a feigned melancholic expression, Alaric retorted to Aymard,

"Stop mocking my music! At least my music is recognized by many, while your taste is heard by only a handful of aliens, Mardi!"

Jaya Emyr's laughter erupted. "Those so-called aliens by yourself are the music arrangers and influential cool people in the industry, Burik."

"Shut up, Jaya!"

Aisha joined in the laughter. "Ah, here we are, acting like shallow teenagers debating over preferences. Who's cooler. Is that it?"

"Non-sense, Aisha!" Alaric exclaimed irritably.

Aisha laughed even harder, finding amusement in Alaric's frustration.

"I am sorry, Alaric. But Aymard and Jaya are right. Your face when you're annoyed is absolutely hilarious."

Alaric glared, feeling his face grow warm upon hearing Aisha's words. But his heart raced, warming him up as he managed to capture Aisha's attention. Yes, just like shallow teenagers struck by the first waves of infatuation, trembling from a brief moment of locking gazes. Three seconds of gripping emotions, sending shivers that turned into a cascade of joyful smiles. A source of positive energy that could last for days.

Alaric laughed now, as if he was joining in with the others. Yet, it was merely an attempt to mask his surprise at how his heart had suddenly become naive. How could it be that a casual comment from Aisha could bring him such joy? Disaster was lurking, it seemed!

"So, what do you say? If you agree, I'll come pick you up. Or you can go to the city with Aymard and Alaric. Rahman will surely give permission. He knows his mother needs to relax once in a while," Jaya suggested.

Aisha glanced briefly at Jaya, then turned to Aymard,

"You don't have a midweek date, right?"

Aymard smiled softly. "No, I don't."

Alaric turned his gaze back to his glass, this time reaching for it and finishing the water in one gulp. The sight he had just witnessed was too bittersweet, twisting his heart. It made him realize that he was not at all considered by Aisha. He was merely a last resort, and even that was only in a situation where she had no other alternatives.

Instantly, his source of positive energy evaporated, leaving no trace behind.

"You little rascal! Stop with your flirtatious games! Disgusting!" Jaya Emyr grumbled as he stood up.

Aymard burst into laugh while Aisha gives an annoying stare to Jaya Emyr.

"See you tonight at CUE. Use the side entrance as usual. And you two, be careful! I'll be watching. Watch out," he said, pointing at Aisha and Aymard in turn.

Aisha scoffed, throwing a tissue at him, while Aymard, again, simply laughed.

"If you're causing trouble with Aisha, getting involved with my big family again, Mad!"

Aymard chuckled this time, "How horrified."

Jaya smiled and took his leave. Before he left, he said to Alaric, "Hey, Burik! Make sure you don't become a devil in their midst, okay?"

"What? You're calling me a devil? You bastard, Jaya!" Alaric exclaimed angrily.

Jaya walked away, laughing, waving casually at them. He let Alaric curse him harshly while Aymard simply smiled. He continued to gaze at Aisha until she became uncomfortable. Eventually, Alaric couldn't bear it alone any longer and cleared his throat loudly, warning Aymard with a heart that was slowly being torn apart with each word he spoke.

"I'm the devil between the two of you, understood?" he asserted, his words hanging in the air.

Aisha lazily blinked and rose, excusing herself to accompany Rahman and inviting Aymard and Alaric to enjoy Weathergrass freely.

A servant led them to a luxurious guest room facing a vast lawn with an English Garden-style landscape. Both Alaric and Aymard fell into contemplation, savouring the soothing view before them. They both pondered the fact that Aisha had truly managed to eliminate their curiosity about AR Durlach. They even startled simultaneously when their phones vibrated. They exchanged glances and opened their phones. All notifications came from the respective RSVP.

Today. PM 14:53____________ The winner of the reclamation site tender has been canceled. Allegedly due to SKA loan from an architect from Surabaya. The consultant was immediately caught by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).____________________________________________________________

Let's gossip. Jayaprabhu Emyr remains the most desired bachelor, with many prominent names vying for his affections. It seems he can only be rivaled by Aymard Dirdja and Reginald Goh. As for the young ladies, Isabel Nabokov, Andjani Jusuf, Meika Lukasc, and Callista Darim are the enchanting young women. It is rumored that one of them has caught the attention of Madame Proust. But whose? Aymard the Lover or the Charming Alaric, who resembles a prince from a fairytale and is the main heir to Dirdja-Proust.

Strange but true, their second child was crowned to be the inheritor of yhe House of Dirdja-Proust!_

Alaric widened his eyes. Due to the gossip, for the first time, he was incredibly curious about the comments responding to the RSVP news. Not in the form of comment sections but in the form of limited-time live chats. About an hour after the last activity, it all ended and couldn't be accessed again. Deleted without a trace by RSVP, whose operations were indeed sporadic.

33342: Fake SKA! They're at it again, creating a convoluted path to confuse us! Kudos to the Investigators!

10109: I know both of the Dirdjas!

67455: Jaya Emyr is incredibly clever, but Alaric irritates me with his pretentiousness! If only Aymard would notice me!

65788: Hey @10109, actually, we all know each other outside!

03950: Andjani? Really? Folks, she's off the market! What if I told you Aunt Magda chose her for Alaric?

43255: Who's dumb enough to lend their SKA?

10109: Shut up, @09950!

345545: Seriously @99950?! What about Shafina?

27697: Oh shit, @09950! I need to call Jani!

99876: @3950, can you confirm it with Alaric?

67852: Reginald is on Ceningan with, don't know who. Someone I can't recognize laaah.

55509: Crap! I envy Andjani. *sigh

77709: Dammit Alaric! He's so damn lucky to have Andjani as his wife! Lucky bastard!

28765: Aymard is much better. Jaya Emyr is much, much, much better.

23435: Andjani suits Alaric and his flamboyant nature. She's OCD, authoritative, and a total Daddy's little girl!

10109: Really, @23435? She's so that horrifying? But it's okay as long as for Alaric. Aymard suits me better!


The laughter of Aymard, peeking through the gap between Alaric's shoulders, could be heard. Causing Alaric to grumble in annoyance.

"You have nothing better to do than browse through their live chat, Burik?"

Alaric muttered incomprehensibly. Suddenly, he felt a tightness in his chest.

"Do I come across as flamboyant?" he asked without much thought.

Aymard glanced and shook his head, letting out a sigh as he reclined on the sofa. It was not surprising that Alaric swallowed the judgment of unknown individuals without hesitation. Aymard didn't respond, choosing to let Alaric discover it for himself. Then, Aymard hoped, Alaric would contemplate and deeply introspect afterward. It may be late in the game, but it was better than Alaric not considering himself from a different perspective at all. What puzzled Aymard was the trigger that could have caused Alaric's thoughts to suddenly unfold a bit recently.

Could it be Aisha?

Aymard was indeed curious, as the thought crossed his mind. There was even a slight, wicked suspicion that Alaric was not so different from himself, desiring Aisha. However, Aymard was wise enough not to confront Alaric about this matter. Alaric would surely speak up about anything in due time, as usual. Hopefully, his suspicion was merely the result of a cold-hearted serpent's whisper in his mind. It should not turn out to be true, as it would certainly complicate matters if it were.
