
______Into You_____

Begins with the return of the heir to the motherland, the RSPV throws a tempting hot gossip: The heir was a big snapper. The initials AR. Identity withheld. Alaric and Aymard messed around with the deteriorating family business, they couldn’t ignore this big snapper. It's simple. Just about AR who is like a golden-horned deer, lost in a wilderness full of foxes in sheep's clothing. With the wild wolves commanding while lurking from the dark.

digidiggerr · Urban
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35 Chs

5_ Merci Mercer

Then Alaric suddenly appeared. He directly pulled the chair on Aymard's left side, "You've started to eat without me? It's rude!" he chirped unceremoniously.

"Yes, I've. Why I must waited for you?" Aymard retorted indifferently.

Rahman watched Alaric. Those boy looked at him blatantly. It happened until Alaric turned his head and found his stare.

"Hell-o, Boy. It's rude to look at people like that."

Rahman frowned, "I think that the rude on is Om. I was here with Om Aymard. It should be Om who greets us first."

Alaric glared then immediately turned to Aymard who was rubbing a smile.

"Rahman, get to know, he is my brother. His name is Alaric Dirdja. He was whom sleeping on the plane all the way."

Rahman silently stared on Alaric again. After several seconds, he stared Alaric and Aymard alternately.

"Om Aymard's brother?" asked Rahman

"Yes." Aymard nodded.

"It's nake sense. Your faces are similiar."

Alaric squinted watching Rahman who now gave a dislike glareon him.

"The face is indeed similiar but I don't like Om Alaric." Rahman murmured.

Alaric frowned, "Uh, brat! Why I need to be liked by you?"

Rahman shrugged, "He will come with us, Om Aymard?"

"No. I came here just want to have lunch, Little Brat!"

"That's good. If this is the case, it could be better to approachs Mama in the Landmarc, Om Aymard."

Alaric glanced and saying to Rahman, "What does your hick Mama do at the coolest TriBeCa restaurant?"

Aymard's chewing stopped. He turned to Alaric and looked at him with a warning look. Alaric looked back at him while opening his arms, putting on a fool's facial expression pretending was not understand anything. Alaric is really just a boy in an adult body. Just listen to it earlier, satirizing a 12-year-old boy even though he is already 27 years old. Outrageous!

Rahman seemed uncomfortable. Fortunately, Leonard came with his order.

"Special Oreo milkshakes, Young Master." said Leonard.

Alaric frowned at the boy drink. Its clearly that item is not listed on the menu. Apparently, this boy has access to various kinds and allowed to request menu at his will. Just look, his spaghetti is even full of mushrooms.

"Mama went there to meet Grandpa Ingmar, work matters as well as lunch." said Rahman suddenly.

His voice was flat. Aymard now knew that Rahman was the kind of child who harbored his emotions. Alaric should have learned from this boy.

Leonard glanced at Alaric for a moment then nodded politely at Aymard. He then asked Rahman if there was anything that bothered him. It was very obvious from his unpleasant countenance yet. Amazingly, the 12-years-old Rahman just shook his head. Aymard, who looked at Leonard coldly also said that Alaric was with him and would not make trouble.

"Well, Mr. Dirdja. However, Young Master Roestam is an important member of the Durlach. A family to Master André Balazs and Mercer."

At this time Alaric snorted resentfully, inwardly cursing even though his hands casually accepted the open menu offered by Leonard. He quickly ordered. Another waitress filled the three glasses that had been upside down.

"Just red and fresh water. I've meat for lunch." Alaric ordered as the Waiter tried to offer him white wine.

Rahman seemed curious about Alaric. His eyes rolled for a moment to see Alaric repeatedly commanding the waitress. Aymard only smiled found it.Because, if Alaric found it, there could be endless childish debates.

"Ah, Rahman. What are you interested in knowing about New York?"

Rahman put down his fork, muttering while chewing and thinking hard,

"I don't know. Mama says New York's museums are amazing. Mama also said there was too much interesting to see, not enough in a week of visit. I got confused. What does Om think?"

Alaric looked at Rahman dislikedly, "Boy, swallow your food until it runs out. Just talk."

Rahman glanced athim while Aymard ignored Alaric.

"How many days are your NYC vacation left?" Aymard asked.

"Three days. Mama said that she must be finished her work in St. Petersburg."

"Wow, that's city even more interesting than New York, Boy!" joked Aymard.

Rahman looked at him, "Really Om? Unfortunately, it's been a day there."

Aymard chuckled, "If I take you around the park, then take you to the tram to Roosevelt, or just see the Liberty, don't you mind?"

Rahman nodded, "No problem."

"What's the fun?" said Alaric.

Aymard glanced at him irritably.

"Take him to Coney Island!"

Rahman turned the fork, rolling up his paste. Then, suddenly he stopped his mouthful in front of his mouth and then said,

"I didn't take any advice from Om Alaric."

At the end of the sentence, he devoured his large roll of spaghetti with a single mouthful. Its made Alaric glares back. Meanwhile, Rahman calmed down, returning to enjoy his meal. Just as Rahman finished eating, Aisha appeared. He bowed gracefully kissing Rahman's head.

"Have a lunch sooner, honey?" he asked.

Rahman nodded and gave her a big smile with her mouth still filled with her last mouthful. Tomato sauce stained Rahman's chin. Aisha grabbed the handkerchief on Rahman's lap and cleaned the stain on her son's chin. As he slowly sat down on the chair that Leonard had pulled. Then she said,

"Never take the mouthful of spaghetti. Your mouth is not as big as a mouth of a hippopotamus, dear."

Rahman grimaced. Aisha replied to him, slowly looking at her son with a look that Aymard envied.

Alaric glanced at Aymard, grumbling to find those sparks on Aymard's eyes. It obviously leads to Aisha who doesn't look boring this time. Deepen on heart Alaric cursed Aymard who had begun to be abnormal as it seemed. Aisha asked Leonard to bring her the usual menu for her lunch. Soon Aisha straightened her seat and looked straich at Aymard . Alaric obviously caught Aymard for a moment holding his breath.


Aymard smiled back at Aisha's greeting, "Hi, how are you?"

Alaric refrained from spotting. For the sake of courtesy. Even though, he immediately couldn't stand of a flat conversation full of small talk between Aymard and Aisha. Bet down Brooklyn Bridge in the middle of the night if he gets it wrong. Aymard was indeed stiff even though girls were always hunting him. Their chat must be boring and crummy.

"Good. How about you?"

Alaric turned his head to and frowned, wondering in his heart why his order didn't come yet.

"Very good."

Alaric found Rahman's eyes fixed on the two of them. Its taking turns to follow who was talking. It felt like he wanted to ally with the boy to act grinning at Aymard. It's a pity the boy doesn't like him. It's made Alaric can't cooperate with him.

"So, where do you plan to take Rahman, Mr. Dirdja?" asked Aisha.

Alaric turned to Aisha because this was the custom when his surname was mentioned. His act made Aisha stunned for a moment then glanced at Aymard.

"Just call me Aymard, Aisha." said Aymard.

Aisha smiled stiffly, "Oh, well Mr. Aymard."

Alaric sighed, "I'm Alaric Rainier, the younger Dirdja."

Aisha looked at Alaric awkwardly before smiling, "It's nice to get acquainted with you, Mr. Alaric."

Alaric gave a big smile full of pleasantries. Causing Rahman to frown in disbelief. Aisha cleared her throat softly before saying,

"After all, thank you for being willing to be bothered by Rahman."

Alaric watched a waitress who had just left the kitchen with his stroller. Silently he prayed that it was his order. If it is so, he could try to ignore Aymard and Aisha by concentrating on his meal.

"Yes. It's okay." answered Aymard.

"Mama didn't meet Grandpa Ingmar?" asked Rahman.

"I have. He's very busy, dear. So just a little bit time I've just now."

"Excuse me, who is meant by Grandpa Ingmar is the cousin of the late Sir Mason Durlach Tiberius Ingmar de Eu de Savoyye?"

Alaric frowned at Aymard's question. He shook his head looking at Aisha. The woman nodded formally,


"Is there still some kinship with him? It looks like you're close to him, Rahman."

Rahman laughed crisply while Aisha smiled politely, "Oh, it's not that close. This is a matter of work. I work for them."

Aymard stared at Aisha stickyly, "So straighten me out if it's wrong. You're the AR that's being gossiped?"

Alaric almost twisted, he turned to look at Aymard who ignored him.

Aisha raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me? Gossiped, am I?"

"Yes, it was rumored about someone way too rich with the $340 billions. Durlach's heir!" said Alaric as she asked.

Aisha was surprised now, "Wow! It's a huge amount." she hissed.

Aymard watched her, looking imperceptibly at the sweat on Aisha's temples. A little wonder came to Aymard. Obviously, it's not hot here right now. She hides seomething. Rahman looked clueless.

"What steps do you think you're going to do on homelandl?" asked Aymard.

Aisha sighed then smiled faintly, "Master Aymard, I make sure that the gossip is not entirely appropriate. About that amount as the legacy of the late Sir Durlach, it is true. But not in liquid form. This includes company assets, joint ventures and many others."

Alaric hardened his jaw. Did Aisha just confirm the RSVP rumors?

Aymard nodded, "As I guessed. It must be so. It's terrible if it's personal equity. So, now can you be sure that Aisha Roestam is the mysterious AR?"

Aisha chuckled lightly and then looked straight at Aymard. A casual look without any pretensions. Soon he turned to Alaric. Her act is making Alaric instantly realize that Aisha's eyes were dark brown. He even ignored Leonard who put the order menu in front of him. His eyes fell on Aisha's ordered plate instead. Damn it, exactly the same as the order of him.

"Where did that inference come from, Mr. Aymard?" Aisha asked.

It was even cooked well done with extra truffle sauce, Alaric thought.

"Your initials are AR."

Aisha's laughter came again, "Ah, what a coincidence, huh? But, I assure you, the gossip about AR is overblown. I am, Aisha Roestam, working for Ingmar Durlach."

Aymard was silent for a moment. He was not catching any lies from the look in Aisha's eyes. Or on her body language that was so relaxed. Alaric found him pouring half the truffle sauce on the meat he had sliced. Complain again in silent, because she – Aisha, has the same steak habit as her. Grumbling slightly, he devoured the large piece of meat that had been soaked in balsamic vinegar.

"So, you are their representative in the homeland, Aisha?" asked Aymard further.

Aisha shook her head, "It's not. I take care of all things for them in the country. Including the move of our heiress to the homeland this year."

"Huh! I've told you, Aymard. She's a PA only!" said Alaric.

Aymard glanced and giving him a sinister look so that his brother would know himself. But Aisha's laughter that made Aymard transfixed.

"Yes. I'm a PA indeed." she said.

Alaric smiled with satisfaction and looked at Aymard arrogantly. Feeling for the moment of victory over Aymard was rare. At least in his own mind. If you turn to Aymard, of course his face does not show any emotion. Aisha, who noticed them at a glance, had a chuckle, believing that the relationship between the pair of brother in front of her was much more genuine than what the media presented. Until finally a slightly upset and impatient voice sounded.

"So, when shall we go for a walk, Om?"

The three adults at the table were instantly stunned. Rahman, those 12-year-old boy who is very curious about the NYC had asked. He was the reason Aymard finally sat down to enjoy the cuisine of Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten here. The reason for his stale base at the beginning to cover his curiosity about Aisha Roestam, his mother. Aymard smiled turning to Rahman with guilty feeling.

How could he forget?


1 Om means uncle. Use to randomly called a grown man with any backgrounds. It isn't limited to family members only.