
Chapter 1: The Attack.

The human race were beings located on a planet called earth. Earth ways a planet found in the milky way galaxy. It was a peaceful place to live and was always glowing with lives. This happiness and peacefulness continued for centuries, but it all ended when an attack from an unknown race appeared. This race was known as the Damrick's the rained down on the humans who did not even know what was happening. The military and the government tried and fought against the Damricks but the problem was their weapons.

The Damricks were gigantic in appearance and also appeared to have most of their body parts injected with weapon parts like thruster's and long glowing blades. The weapons of the humans were not even able to pierce the hard skin of the Damricks. The humans were slowly losing the battle, they tried everything they had in their arsenal but the only thing which was proving useful was their rockets. The rockets were able to kill a few of them when it made direct contact. but slowly they were dwelling in numbers which was proving their lose even more. That was until the humans were on their last legs they discovered a powerful crystal. This crystal was discovered by a group of scientist of the human race when they were out exploring other planets due to the war they wanted to discover more on how to defeat their opponents which led them to their great discovery.

When they first found the stone it was glowing with power which was beyond imagination. The scientist were ordered to bring the crystal back to earth for an experiment to be run on it. when it was brought back the started their test very quickly and wasted no time at all. But unknown to them try were about to reveal the fate of the human race.