
Chapter 4

Lia goes stand behind Shanny in the queue. Lia was scared because she couldn't forget what exactly happened in the class before rushing in the cafeteria .Constantly she was looking back and forth to check if there is something suspicious around her. The moment she was little relaxed when she felt she was not being followed by someone, she noticed behind them were Jash and Lauren. They were the school beauty's and gossip queens .Shanny made a disgusted face as she knew what they were going to talk about would be nothing else than gossip. Lia saw Shanny on rage so she asked her to put her dander down and just focus on food. She was going to do that but they got distracted when Lauren and Jash started gossiping about the news they heard in the morning.

The news contained of an article of a Girl of their High school who was found death lying on the 64th street. Lia started to panic but the movement Jash and Lauren read that she was found in an accident were she was hit by some vehicle. Lia dropped the plate she was holding everyone in the cafeteria started to looking at her. She was being starred by everyone. Shani rushed and picked up the plate she apologized for her behaviour and then took Lia to one table where they sat. Shanny ask her to act normal and not be clumsy

Jash and Lauren sat on the next table. Finally Luren told her the remaining news which stated that Nia willingly came in front of the car to get it. For some reason Lia was happy to hear that. Others sitting on their table were gossiping how can someone who's is an average but with good looks not less then of beauty's try to kill self. Some were asking Lia and Shanny about it. Shanny replied that they were no more close since they were placed in different grades though they are sorry for her. Lia started to recall how they were the bestest of best friends how they were helping eachother . Then again she panicked and various thoughts were surrounding her. Suddenly she screams she once again come into everyone's eyes all were constantly starring at her and she was being laughed by almost all the people present . She had to rush to washroom.

When she reaches the washroom she watches of her face repeatedly splashing water on . She freezes for a moment the reason was she saw a blurry face whose eyes starring at her in pain and anger. Lia thought to self when she will turn around the figures will disappear. Shanny knocked the door Lia smiled slightly thinking once she opens the door and Shanny enters the blurry figure will leave her alone. Shanny opens it by pushing hard just before Lia could open they walk near the mirror her both hear some sort of noise from the mirror. The noise was as if someone was scratching the mirror very badly.

When they looked at it they were stupified to see a blurry figure Lia was completely wrong it was not hallucination there was someone who was wanting her,that figure was making noise by scratching the mirror her whole body was looking at she had blood on it. She was constantly scratching the mirror as if she wanted to tell them something she wanted something from them.Shanny took no time to think she held Lia hand tight and run away with her slamming the door hard. When both the girls were out of washroom they hugged eachother. Finally Lia breaks into tears hugging Shanny.