
Into the unknown- Adventures in the kingdom of Nelph

Change is inevitable..... No matter how or what your life is.... it will change. Whether it is big, or small. And it will happen, when you least expected it. --------------------------- Kevin Moore, a 22 yr old young man, who is content with his daily life, doing a job as a driver. The constant life comes to an end, due to the abrupt changes suddenly happening to him. Because one moment, he is following his daily routine, doing his job, and the other moment he finds himself in an unknown place, which is nothing like the place he is used to... Join him, to a weird , action filled adventure with the spice of emotions and feelings mixed in, to an unknown place called Nelph.....

sanghmitra1111 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


" Are you angry? "

" No"

" Then why are you sulking?"

" I'm not sulking! "

" Yes. And I'm not Ray. Tell me what is it Kevin? "

" You always disappear whenever I need you! This was my first time meeting some princess, and I actually acted so casually, like she is girl next door! "

" I'm not your personal assistant. My duty was to safely bring you here, which I did. Now you are off on your own. "

" I never expected to be abandoned by you Ray! If you have decided to leave me, just tell me who would I spend my time with?! "

" There is always Lia~"

I scoffed harshly, " Like that's possible! Don't play games with me! "

"Who knew you would be such a drama queen. Seriously man, man up! Can't you make new friends? "

" I'm not a big social butterfly. " I whined.

" *sigh* If I help you introduce with someone, would you go ahead and make friends on your own? "

" Yes! "

" Oh elders help me, I feel like such a mother. " Ray muttered under his breath.

" Show me the way, mama. " I teased, which made him look at me with a sour face. He didn't say anything and lead me to a room, which I presume, was a kitchen.

The room was boiling hot! In large earthen stoves, big iron utensils were hanged with different aroma coming from it. In the corner, there were piles of sacks, which were presumably filled with grains and rice. Shelves filled with vegetables and fruits were on the other side of the room.

Everyone in the room was either cooking or chatting. There were barely 15 people in that kitchen. They didn't even acknowledge Ray, as they were eying me curiously.

He led me to one of the people who were cutting vegetables.

"Ava, I'm back. " Ray announced softly as the woman named Ava lifted her gaze to meet it with Ray's.

Her eyes lit up in joy, as she literally yeeted her knife that she held in her hand and threw herself on Ray while shouting his name. Every eye shifted on them, soaking the small reunion.

Maybe she is his girlfriend.

She had raven hair and matching eyes. Her complexion was a bit dark and with an average height. She wore a jade dress with brown sandals.

Like everyone else, my lips also twitched in a small smile. Seeing Ray looking so relaxed and gentle made me think, maybe I was ruining their moment. I watched as the woman chatted away lively as Ray held her in his arms gently.

I heard a childish screech as another body threw itself upon the lovely couple.

" Daddy! You're back! "

I stood there dumbfounded, as Ray took the little girl in his arms and tickled her sides. The girl giggled trying to pry his large hands off her.

She had raven locks with a pale complexion. Her big round eyes were adorned with pale blue pupils with dark blue eyeliner, similar to Ray....

The little girl broke free of the man's arms and stood, calming her breath. She looked at the two people beside her, and then her eyes shifted to me.

Her big eyes lit up in curiosity as she tugged on Ray's sleeve.

" Daddy, who is he? " Her index finger pointed me, which made me break out of my reverie.

Ray?..... A father??!!.... He barely looked 25..

" Um... "

" Is that him? "The woman, Ava whispered to Ray who just nodded.

" Oh! " She exclaimed and within a moment, she was in front of me.

"Hi!! My name is Ava. My husband has told so much about you! I mean as much as he knows.. He he.. "

" He- hello... " I was unable to conjure up a suitable reply as mind roamed around the word 'husband'.

I smiled uneasily after the pathetic attempt of a reply called ' hello', and looked towards Ray. He sighed and moved forward.

" This is Ava, my wife and this little firecracker is Raven, my daughter. Guys, this is Kevin, the first space traveller in a century. "

Ava's expression didn't change but Raven's eyes sparkled with admiration after hearing the last part of the intro. She ran forward and clasped my hands with both of her tiny ones, and tugged me back and forth.

" Oh my Merlan!! It is a privilege to meet you firsthand Mr Kevil!!!! I have always wanted to meet a space traveller. "

I looked at her excited face and softened up. " My name is KeviN not Kevil.... " I said offering her a tiny smile.

" Oh sorry ...." She smiled sheepishly.

" It's alright "

" Raven sweety, why don't you let uncle Kevin go? He must be tired after that journey, right? You can talk to him afterwards. " Ava said in a motherly tone, which made Raven wilt like a malnourished flower.

Seeing her state I quickly added, " I promise I'll answer your every question afterwards, ok? "

She lit up again.

" Really?! "

" Really " This time it was Ray who replied, " Now run along, help your mother. "

" Okay! " She squealed joyously and literally skipped to her mother, who offered me a small smile ( which I returned) and shifted her attention to the work at hand.

" Oh! I nearly forgot! " I heard Ray muttering. He ran to Ava while fiddling something in his pocket. I looked on curiously as he took out something sparkly, suspiciously a charm. Seeing that thing, Ava squealed and jumped on Ray, kissing his entire face. Ray was struggling to hold her down.

I chuckled and looked out longingly. So this is how a family looks like.....

" It's a shame that a hottie like Ray is already taken. " I jumped at the new voice and looked at my left.


This man was a hulking giant!

His hair was a unnatural greyish blue colour with grey eyes glinting mischievously. His wore an open jacket which showed his naked torso. He worked out really well...

" But, you are not so bad yourself. " He completed eying me. His gaze made me uncomfortable. I gulped when he clapped his hand on my shoulder.

" Hi~" He smiled flirtatiously and continued, " The name's Jesse and...


I'm gay. "
