
Into the unknown- Adventures in the kingdom of Nelph

Change is inevitable..... No matter how or what your life is.... it will change. Whether it is big, or small. And it will happen, when you least expected it. --------------------------- Kevin Moore, a 22 yr old young man, who is content with his daily life, doing a job as a driver. The constant life comes to an end, due to the abrupt changes suddenly happening to him. Because one moment, he is following his daily routine, doing his job, and the other moment he finds himself in an unknown place, which is nothing like the place he is used to... Join him, to a weird , action filled adventure with the spice of emotions and feelings mixed in, to an unknown place called Nelph.....

sanghmitra1111 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


I don't know what happened..

How it happened..

Or where I was...

For a second I was driving the car from my master's research lab when a truck struck me - and another second I am here....in the middle of nowhere with no sign of the car, or crash, or livelihood of any sorts.



It was just another day for me. Waking up at 6, doing morning rituals, have breakfast, dress in a  'drivers' uniform with my name tag shining 'KEVIN' , going to the mansion and awaiting orders.

My master, Prof. Masrani is an archeologist and a researcher. And a famous one at that. His field surveying days are over....He is too old for that.

But he gave his life studying and researching some of the new and intriguing finds. My job? As one his drivers, my job is to take him to his destination.It's his lab that he spends his major time in.

Today he seemed a bit excited about something, maybe the new things they unearthed...I don't know much about it, considering I am not into history.

He held a beautiful gold box with no particular opening. It looked just that...a cuboid...a gold cuboid with intricate designs.

I bet it was worth millions!

His old eyes shined brightly when he talked about the box on phone and made a hasty exit to his lab. I was his driver for today, so I have to run after him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself through his excitement.

When it was the time to return back, he asked me to return without him as he was busy with something else.

He reluctantly handled me the box he was so intrigued with and said," Kevin,  this box is very important to me. I will be staying here but I'm not sure if I should leave it unattended. I don't think I will be able to find anything with eyes prying on my work so I will do that at home. Right now I give you a very important duty to take this box home and guard it with your life."

His eyes bore into mine with such sincerity that I could only nod dumbly in acceptance.

I was driving back to his mansion, like any other day. The trees were buzzing by the car and the whole road was quiet. Then out of nowhere a truck came straight towards me, crazily sprinting at the road.

I tried to divert the car but it kept following me and banged the car from behind. The road wasn't good enough for my car to slide through but it tumbled over two times.

I felt pain searing through my head, side and leg and my vision became blurry. From the corner of my eye I found one of the gems embedded in the box glowing.

I shrugged it off as hallucination, and saw the truck pull back. I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me as I was losing consciousness.

I remembered professor's words and extended my hand to the box. I held it close to me and my hand traced the shining gem. It's glow started growing as I heard the truck coming for the final impact.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the impact and blacked out.


Now here I was, in the middle of some kind of forest with no sign of the car, truck or the box. My head was throbbing with blood oozing out from it.

I checked my side and saw a large black-blue gash forming. I tried to stand but saw my leg twisted at a weird angle. Broken.

I let out a growl mixed with with pain, frustration and helplessness. As soon as I did it I felt a sting at the side of my neck. I reached out and found a small blow dart attached to my neck.

Before I comprehend anything I felt woozy and numb and blacked out again....