
Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Despair loomed over the globe. All resources were exhausted, and hope was all lost. When three-player chess that will decide the lives of billions of people was at its zenith, a portal appeared in the sky. Monsters, bigger than the biggest animal, harder than the hardest metal poured out of the abyss... Putting aside their differences, humanity united to fight against their common enemy. But the weapons were ineffective. The most powerful weapons of science could not do even the slightest bit of damage to monsters. While desperation reigned, science prevailed, and laser weapons were born. The first blood was spilled... The first monster was killed! However, it wasn't laser weapons that allowed humanity to win the war, but a piece of orb found in the monster's brain. When supplied with electricity, the orbs would turn into pre-determined objects. These orbs turned into weapons that could damage monsters, and the more monsters were killed, the more weapons were found. With the newly looted weapons and the determination of humanity to get rid of this disease, the monsters were pushed back. At that moment, a messenger flew from the portal in his radiant form. An Artificial Intelligence produced by the native race living in the Portal World... Called Mother AI by humans, this object used the miracles of the alien world to help humanity close the portal. With these miracles, humans awakened superpowers to fight against monsters. An unfortunate teenager, Miles Cross, was born with dormant Ancient Genes and failed to awaken his superpower. Instead, he used every means to get stronger... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Discord: https://discord.gg/dNNYQSEuRE

GodonAHill · Fantasy
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418 Chs

The Battle Beast!

"See you later, Mil. Don't worry, I will not talk about what happened to anyone," Val said goodbye when they reached the academy. Miles was dragging ten trees with him. People who saw him looked at him with questioning eyes, but almost all students recognized him by now, so they thought trees might be related to his forge.

"Battle Beast!" a student who Miles identified as Number 45 walked to him with a smile. They meet for the forge, but sadly he had already contracted with another person with the same element, so he didn't require Number 45's services. But to thank him, he still offered a discount for the first craft he would order.

"Hey, what's up with the name?" Miles asked in ominous wonder.

"Oh, turns out it is a tradition to title the first three after the newbie competition. We were discussing among us what to name the three of you, and decided Battle Beast for you." Number 45 said with a big smile.

"Um, okay." Miles thought about what may have given them the impression but didn't dare to ask. 'Probably because of my strength! And how awesome I am when battling! Yes, I am the beast. Not because of something else.'

"Of course, the Beast part is because the moans came from your villa all night." Number 45 started to laugh as he explained. Miles almost fell to the ground when he heard him speak.

"Val, I am gonna kill you!" Miles gnashed his teeth in frustration and then asked "What are Number 1 and number 3's titles?"

Saphire was now Number 3, thus Miles used her new number instead of the old one.

"Number 1 is Lightning God, and Number 3 is Shadow Fire." Number 45 said after thinking for a while.

"They sound so cool! Why am I the only one titled as a beast?" Miles wanted to create a table with energy so he could flip it. "Why am I the only one with a bad title?"

"What do you mean bad?" Number 45 said with a surprise, "All the men and even some women admire you, look at them."

Miles looked around to see students were looking at him with amazement and adoration. Some women and even some men were looking at him with meaningful looks. Miles felt his bottom sealed in panic, as he wanted to run home.

"What's up with the woods?" Number 45 asked, pointing at the trees Miles was dragging.

"I found them in Portal World. I found them useful, so dragged a bunch." Miles answered, then quickly grabbed the trees and kept on dragging them. He sighed in relief when he threw them all in the warehouse of the villa.

"The woods are pretty strong, but how can I shape them? I need something strong that can cut them easily. I also don't have any carpentering skills" Miles thought to himself.

"Hmm?" Miles looked at the growling Makwa. It was waving its paw theatrically.

"I can't wait for you to grow up. It would take too much time." Miles shook his head. "I have 3 shields in order, I want to use trees on top of them, also I will try to cultivate them here, in my garden, too."

Miles jumped onto the couch and pulled out two items. "I couldn't use the blood orb because of Val's surprise visit. I will first use it to see what ability it has."

"This item, what should I do with it?" Miles held the round object in his hand. It was lying dead. He tried to supply energy into it, but nothing worked.

"I will try to figure it out later. Not much I can do anyway." Miles shook his hand and walked to the safe in his room. He placed the device there for the time being.

"Let's see what ability I will get this time."

Miles held the blood-colored orb in his hand and looked at the arm with scars swimming in the bloody sky. Miles appreciated the orb for a few seconds then willed his energy to surround the orb. The energy melted into the orb and shook the sky inside. In a few short seconds, the orb melted and splashed on Miles's hands.

It slowly crawled towards every part of his body, before covering his body from head to toe. It was as if Miles had red skin, he was covered with the bloody liquid. Miles felt lava moving on his skin, trying to seep into his body.

He was familiar with the procedure, thus ignored the pain and waited for it to finish. Not long after, the liquid receded into his body and vanished completely.

"Anything different?" Miles asked the floating wristwatch and Makwa who was looking at him from where he was lying. Makwa shook his head, while Coin said, "Nothing seems different."

"I guess, I have to figure out what this ability does," Miles said and a blade formed in his hand. He brought the barely visible blade over his arm and made a cut. The blood started to gush out, but the wound was healing with visible speed. In five minutes, there wasn't even a scar on his arm.

"Not bad, it really gives regeneration ability," Miles said with a smile. " I wonder if I can regrow a limb or head?" Miles thought.

"Yeah, I wouldn't gamble on that." Coin said.

"Welp, it is not that hard to reattach a limb right, at worst I will run to the doctor." Miles thought for a while but decided not to. If he were to lose a limb because of something so stupid, he would kill himself out of shame.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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