
Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Despair loomed over the globe. All resources were exhausted, and hope was all lost. When three-player chess that will decide the lives of billions of people was at its zenith, a portal appeared in the sky. Monsters, bigger than the biggest animal, harder than the hardest metal poured out of the abyss... Putting aside their differences, humanity united to fight against their common enemy. But the weapons were ineffective. The most powerful weapons of science could not do even the slightest bit of damage to monsters. While desperation reigned, science prevailed, and laser weapons were born. The first blood was spilled... The first monster was killed! However, it wasn't laser weapons that allowed humanity to win the war, but a piece of orb found in the monster's brain. When supplied with electricity, the orbs would turn into pre-determined objects. These orbs turned into weapons that could damage monsters, and the more monsters were killed, the more weapons were found. With the newly looted weapons and the determination of humanity to get rid of this disease, the monsters were pushed back. At that moment, a messenger flew from the portal in his radiant form. An Artificial Intelligence produced by the native race living in the Portal World... Called Mother AI by humans, this object used the miracles of the alien world to help humanity close the portal. With these miracles, humans awakened superpowers to fight against monsters. An unfortunate teenager, Miles Cross, was born with dormant Ancient Genes and failed to awaken his superpower. Instead, he used every means to get stronger... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Discord: https://discord.gg/dNNYQSEuRE

GodonAHill · Fantasy
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418 Chs

One Down, Three More to Go

Miles dodged the incoming attack with a backward jump and dashed towards Tian Ling. His water element caused him trouble, so he had to be eliminated first.

Mihr Orril took a step forward to stop Miles from hurting Tian Ling, but he wasn't fast enough. Although he raised his sword and was able to cover it with his superpower, he couldn't move fast enough to stop Miles. If he was like the goat and used the light element to move, Miles would be in a lot of trouble, but sadly he couldn't bend the element yet.

Miles stepped on Mihr's foot, who was stepping forward, and punched him in the chest, while with his free hand grabbed his ankle and twisted. Mihr Orril blasted away with the force of the punch, but his broken ankle forced him to ditch the weapon in his hand. While it was still in the air, Miles grabbed the sword's handle and turned back to parry an approaching blade.

Starve Cleric girl had used Strengthening Serums as well, and her speed was a bit faster than the rest, her attacks also had more strength to them, but they weren't enough. Miles easily parried the attack and turned back to land a jab at Tian Ling's stomach. Like his buddy Mihr, Ling also flew away from the attack while puking blood.

Miles turned his focus to approaching flaming vines. They were coming from every direction and there was no gap for Miles to escape. Miles wanted to trap Starve Cleric girl with himself, so Eloise would refrain from attacking, but to his surprise, Eloise didn't hesitate at all. Vines surrounded the duo and were approaching pretty quickly.

"Are these the people you are working with?" Miles asked with a smirk.

"Tch!" Starve Cleric girl snorted and tried to escape from the vines but there was no gap.

Miles tried to cut one of the vines to create an opening, but as soon as metal collided with the vine, the whole vine exploded.

"Shit!" Miles covered his body with the cape as he tried to back away, but he was at the heart of the explosion. "How can she attack with an explosion? Isn't her superpower the life fire? At least Cody escaped, so I can fight without any worry."

Starve Cleric girl too was near the center and blasted away with Miles. Her mask was still intact surprisingly, but her clothes were wet with blood. Luckily Miles hasn't got any cut or he would be in peril.

Miles looked at the fuming Starve Cleric girl looking at Eloise. Her eyes were beaming with hatred.

"I know your father is still alive," Miles said as silently as he could. But she was able to hear him. Her pupils dilated to the limit, and her face turned to look at Miles with dread. Miles looked at the pair of eyes looking at him with killing intent.

"You can maybe kill me if you really work with them. But I am sure I can let everyone in the cave know about it before I am dead. Wanna bet?" Miles asked with a grin. There was nothing more dreadful than being found out for the Leader of the Starve Cleric now.

"What are you?" She asked with her voice cracking for the first time.

"Let's just say my lightning superpower is a little special." Miles covered how he knew the existence of the Leader of the Starve Cleric with his 'superpower'. After all, the whole world thought he had a lightning-related superpower, there was no harm in keeping the ruse going.

"What do you want?" She looked at Miles while thinking. She was holding the blade in her hand firmly, ready to attack any second.

"Nothing much. Take your men with you and leave." Miles smiled underneath his armor. He couldn't ask her to do more. Making a compromise was acceptable, but convincing her to fight for him was overboard. After all, there was no way for Miles to convince her that he wouldn't tell the truth after she left.

"How can I trust you?" She asked, hesitant.

"You can't. But I was sitting on this information for a while now. If I wanted to reveal, I would have done it a long time ago, Elfrun." Miles called her by name to prove his points. She looked at Miles with shock. He really wanted to peel off that bloody armor to see if it was his father looking at her underneath it. Not many people knew her name, not even in the organization.

"Don't look at me like that. I was just lucky enough to pass by your 'secret' base when I was running away from that scary attack in the capital. You may have heard that I was hiding under the ground right? Well, let's just say I have a really good hearing." Miles further pushed her. But the smoke was scattering and a new round of attacks would begin soon.

"Alright, I will take my leave. Just remember, if you reveal anything, we will become your life and death enemies." She said and rose.

"How dare you attack me!" She shouted as she walked towards Eloise.

"It was a good shot. I was aiming at him and you only received a small amount of the attack. Come, let me heal you with my ability." Eloise said and gestured to her to approach.

"You are trying to kill me, aren't you. When I come closer you will change the form of your fire to blast me to death." Starve Cleric girl, Elfrun shouted fervently as she made her exit. "We are leaving. So much for working together."

Cannon fodders of both sides looked at each other, and Starve Cleric goons took their leaves in confusion. Tian Ling and Mihr Orrill looked at Eloise with dumbfounded expressions but there was nothing they could do to stop her.


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