
The Rain

She ripped off her coat from the coat rack with a wicked Thwack!

" You think you are so clever calling me out so late just to tell me this?! How could you?"

He still sat there in the diner's booth drinking his tea looking out at the rain coming down. He did not look in her direction. He thought

" If I could just remain looking out this window. I won't see her tears. I must be strong for both of us."

The woman knew the choice needed to be made she kept pleading that there had to be another way. He spoke with the first secretary earlier on the phone. She told Yuan that

" Your father has made a choice for you and it was best if you left for now. The thought of seeing your face was just too hard right now. He had to think of Shen and how he was feeling through the misleading information they had received. Sorry, Yuan"

So for now it was best if he left the country. Alone.

She was not to come with him and if they found out...she would die.


The diner's entrance door slam brought him back from his phone call. She had already stood staring at him for long enough. She was not going to let him see her cry aswell. She thought about everything they had been through together and could not believe he would give all that up for some ungrateful father figure who barely acknowledged his existence.

Shen always was the loved boy in his father's eye. Yuan was his pain, the source of his father's anguish. But no one; not even Shen knew why.

" I cannot stay here like this. I cannot let them get away with this. This will not be my end. I will not give up."

As she stood there looking out into the night the rain pouring down; her path laid before her. Decisions made...all she had to do was get her revenge.

He realized too late that she was a courageous woman, she was not going to back down and be told what to do. She would do what was right. Even if it meant her life on the line. She was everything he ever wanted.
