
Chapter 8


Jiraiya had dragged him straight to the Hokage office, ignoring Danzo's ANBU who were on lookout for them.

He now stood in front of a serious Tsunade who regarded him with cautious eyes, Shizune standing behind her and Jiraiya standing to the side.

"Let's get straight to the point. Who are you?" Tsunade asked bluntly.

"That's a bit complicated to explain." Kaito said with a small frown.

"Then simplify it." Tsunade said, not budging from the question.

Jiraiya had spilled that he wanted him to capture the nine tails which was partially the reason for the slightly rough nature of her questioning.

"It's not that simple. The earliest thing I remember is waking up in a dark room with Danzo standing over me." He said, the other occupants of the room paying attention to every detail of his words.

"I was in a tube or at least some kind of container." He added, Tsunade's eyes narrowing.

"Jiraiya said you had some skill in fuinjutsu, was it Danzo who taught you that?" She questioned.

"Not exactly. He just gave me scrolls to learn from so I guess you can say I'm self taught." Kaito answered, choosing his words carefully.

"Just scrolls? You said that the first thing you remember was waking up in a tube." She said in a questioning manner, gaining a nod from him. "How long ago was that?"

"This is my first time outside the base so I'm not sure. If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say two months ago." Kaito said, actually being honest.

He could only count the passing of days by noting when he was served meals. Sometimes, it felt like days before he got food but that could have been because he'd been in the room for too long.

Tsunade stayed silent for a moment as did Jiraiya, their expressions hard to read. "That jutsu you used back when you were fighting, where did you learn it?" This time it was Jiraiya that asked him a question.

"Do you mean the Flying Thunder God jutsu?" Kaito asked, intentionally using a casual tone to mention it.

For the first time since he entered the office, Tsunade's expression went through a quick change, showing her shock.

Jiraiya only nodded seriously. "Yes. Not just anyone can learn it. Also, Danzo called you Kanoe. Is that your real name?"

Kaito shook his head. "I don't think so."

"You don't think so?" Jiraiya asked, more serious than ever.

"Though I don't remember anything else, there's a name that kept popping up in my head after I woke up." Kaito answered, partially lying.

"And what is that name?" The environment seemed to grow more tense than before.

"Uzumaki Kaito. I think that's my name." Kaito said carefully, a gasp leaving Tsunade while Jiraiya looked frozen.

He was gambling it all at this point. If for any reason, they didn't take him in, he was screwed. That was why he revealed so much, not that he would let an opportunity to reveal anything about Danzo.

"Uzumaki?" Tsunade whispered under her breath in shock.

"No way!" Shizune muttered, in a similar state of shock as Tsunade.

He was aware that Tsunade had some Uzumaki blood in her. With her grandmother being Uzumaki Mito, he could say that they were clansmen at least.

'Can it even be called a clan when there's so few Uzumaki left?' He wondered curiously.

His eyes moved to Jiraiya who held an expression of barely contained anger as he spoke. "Kid…Kaito, what you said earlier…how sure are you?"

"I'm very sure. During my time there, I was educated on the different clans of Konoha, including the now extinct Uchiha clan." Kaito said confidently.

"When I was about to escape, he tried to put me under a genjutsu. I'm positive that he's hiding a sharingan under those bandages." He added, shocking the Hokage and her assistant.

"Sharingan? That Danzo-!"

"How did you find that out? Those aren't accusations you can throw around lightly." Tsunade asked, not denying the possibility now that it had been heard.

"I'm a sensory type ninja. The chakra in that eye was vastly different from his one chakra signature. I felt the chakra building up as he tried to put me in a genjutsu. The Byakugan isn't capable of genjutsu and I'm not aware of any other dojutsu which has that capability." Kaito answered, carefully mixing lies with the truth.

Tsunade had a contemplative look on her face. "How would he even get his hands on a sharingan? Is it possible that could have…" Tsunade's words were barely above a whisper as she muttered to herself.

At this time, Kaito decided to hit the final nail. "There's also something else." He said, grabbing their attention.

"I felt something similar to that from his arm. The feeling of the chakra in his arm…now that I'm standing in front of you, it feels somewhat similar to your chakra." He said, making sure to sound uncertain about it.

He knew enough about chakra to know that chakra signatures, while different, had a somewhat similar feeling when compared to those related to them.

Tsunade and Jiraiya's eyes widened immediately. "That would mean-!"

"That scoundrel! I can't believe it!" With Tsunade being the Hokage and Jiraiya being in continuous contact with the third Hokage before he died, they were both aware of the early attempts to experiment with Hashirama cells.

It was shut down after being deemed as hopeless, inhumane and not worth the deaths it had incurred. With Danzo being the evil crook he was, it wasn't hard to piece together what Kaito had fed them.

At that moment, the door to the office opened up and the man who was the topic of the discussion walked in with an eerie confidence.

"Tsunade, I'd think that your former teammate would know better than to kidnap my subordinate." The man said as he stopped in the middle of the room.

"Your subordinate? Then I hope you have an explanation for what he said earlier." Tsunade spoke, not giving any hint of what was previously being discussed. "Capturing the nine tails? Explain yourself."

"Like I said earlier, there is nothing to explain. It is simply a precaution in the event that the boy isn't able to control the tailed beast's power." Danzo said, not missing a beat. "I believe something like that happened during his mission to rescue the Kazekage."

"Is that so?" Tsunade asked rhetorically.

"The reckless naïvety that Hiruzen passed onto you will only lead Konoha to its destruction unless precautions are taken." Danzo said in a self righteous manner. "If that is all, I'd like to-"

"We're not done here." Tsunade said in a tone that surprised him. Though she was the Hokage, she had always spoken to him with a modicum of respect.

'The elders in Konoha hold too much power.' Kaito thought as Tsunade stood to her feet.

"Danzo, you're under arrest." She said as Jiraiya stepped forward, a look of fury that Kaito never recalled ever seeing on the man's face.

"You bastard!" The white haired man yelled as he picked up Danzo by the neck of his robe, a rasengan forming in his other hand.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Danzo asked in shock at the sudden attack but Jiraiya wasn't paying attention to his words.

"How dare you kidnap Minato's son!?" He screamed in rage as he slammed the rasengan into the man's stomach. The force was enough to send him crashing through the wall and into the hallway.

Kaito who stood in the office had a look of utter confusion. 'Huh?'


[Quest Complete]

[Objective - Escape Danzo's clutches]

[Reward - Lightning Style: Purple Lightning, +5 to all stats]

[Quest Complete]

[Objective -Discover your parentage]

[Reward - +5 levels to Flying Thunder God Jutsu, +20 to Dex]



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