
Into The Kaleidoscope

A man dies. A homunculus awakens. And a choice is made. What will you do with your new life in the multiverse when all you ever wanted was ripped away from you moments before your ultimate victory? What path will you walk in an infinite reality? Come along for the journey and find out for yourself. . A Fate Multicross fic. MC will be magic focused but there will be tech implants and spaceships later. Worlds include : 1. Game Of Thrones 2. Arifureta 3. DC (CW version) 4. Campione 5. Magi 6. Minecraft 7. Supernatural 8. Mushoku Tensei 9. Fate Stay Night 10. Ben 10 11. Hunter X Hunter 12. SCP Foundation Among many others. . Support me to read chapters a week ahead at my pat.reon, pat-reon.com/goldenfingers.

GoldFinger · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Sneak peak of a future chapter.

Yes. this fic is not dropped.

Here, have a sneak peak.

It is unedited, so take it with a grain of salt.

Also, Spoiler Warning. Duh.

Don't read if you want to keep the suspense.


Now you get to know why they call him the deep one!

I laughed as the tentacles tore into his vessel, a thick, stout arm piercing him from the blind side, violating the very core of his being. He screamed out expletives as blood and divine ichor oozed like sickly sweet caramel from his wounds, the madness nearly overtaking him.


His eyes began to glow as the arm jutted in, and his screams turned to roars, shaking the firmament itself. My bounded field thrummed, then rattled violently like a maracca, before a crack appeared in it. Then another. And another.



Abort mission. PK, get us out of her-


His divine power burst forth with a blinding light and the world rumbled, shuddering in its might.

With a thunderous crackle, my bounded field shattered like glass, and the incarnated legend sublimated, the tentacles flickering out of existence as the spell dematerialized.

With a flash, Chuck's vessel reformed and floated back to the ground.

PK! Step on it!

I pleaded.

I'm aiming dammit, just a second-

"Where do you think you're going?" Chuck smiled cruelly and raised his hand gripping in the air.

Suddenly, the space seized around us like the jaws of an iron maiden, the spiritual pressure that descended upon me threatening to crush my soul.

No! Dammit, no!

I refuse to die here!

"No shit Sherlock!" PK quipped, "More magic, now!"

I nodded, and opened my magic circuits to their limits and pushed further beyond, exerting all of my will upon them, pouring all of it into my ring igniting a few measly sputtering sparks of the Kaleidoscope. But it was far from enough.

"Struggle! Struggle more you pathetic worm! Let me see you wriggle and writhe in vain!" Chuck laughed as he drew closer, the spatial lock on me tightening with every step he took.

Dammit. I cracked.

Not like this. Not Like This!

More. Just a little more!

I dug deep into my soul, overdrawing from my origin, my life force straining my very soul, wringing for every last drop from anywhere, everywhere, anytime, Now! And then some more. More. MORE!

Then, almost as if a riddle had been solved, a great mystery unbound, with a click, a lock fell open. My very being, my existence cracked, shattered into a myriad of fractals, held together by a spider's web. And I Was. Everywhere, everything, all at once. Worlds upon worlds, time upon times. Me. And me. And me A thousand thousand me-s in a thousand thousand worlds, looking up at each other as if in a funhouse infinite mirror, having a staring contest.

And I blinked.

And magic power came pouring out from within me, like the flood gates to oblivion, all pouring into the ruby ring as Chuck hurled in shock, stumbling a few steps back.

"You! What is this?! What did you- What are you doing?!"

I looked up at him, flashing a million shit eating grins and in the cacophony of a million voices united as one I spoke.


In an instant, a massive force burst out from within the ring, mana outpouring like storm and accompanying it, spewed forth an infinite stream of multicoloured fractals, whirring like a cosmic chainsaw as it tore open the spatial lock like rotten wood.

Chuck's eyes flashed with a very human fear, the fear of the unknown, as he grit his teeth and asked, voice shaking.

"Who are you?!"

I smiled and focused on myself as the myriad of my selves in the millions of other worlds began to collapse into me in light speed dogpile, their possibilities uniting with mine like the multiverse's grandest puzzle falling together into place and replied.

"I am Nicholas Sutler-Freidmann. I am Ardwyll Heathschilde Ymirsson. I am the One and Only.

I. Am. The. Kaleidoscope." I raised a hand and summoned my puppy to it as I felt my newly earned power wane, fatigue setting in and oblivion nipping at the edges of my mind, cradling it in my arm, while I gripped the air and tore open a portal before my shellshocked audience, spitting out one last warning as I jumped into the swirling Kaleidoscope, eyes scanning over them all. "And I will be back for my dues. With interest."

"No you won't!" Ajay scowled, and rushed over, a deep and powerful miasma coalescing into his palm as he slammed it into my portal.

"Like hell!" I threw back, and punched out with kaleidoscopic power wrapping a gauntlet over my arm, meeting his fist with a space shattering boom as we both got thrown back from the force of the punch.

Unfortunately, his plan worked. As I sunk into the multicoloured fractal space, the portal destabilized and began to collapse around, and with conciousness fleeting, I couldn't stabilize it on my own.

Fuck it!

I swore and reached out with whatever power I had left, grasping at any straws I could find, for want of any port in a storm and clung onto the first line I hooked, just as darkness took me.