
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Safronox · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Regal VS Scathach

Both took their stance, their eyes met and massive auras burst out. Scathach's aura was red and with a hint of black while Regal's aura was purple and goldish, both their auras had changed and were like raging beasts.

Regal slashed his sword while Scathach thrust her spear, it was a simple motion but it resulted in massive destruction. A sword slash formed from the swing while a pointed cone formed from the thrust meeting between the two combatants, and clashing creating a sprinkling spectacle but,

the slash moved forward but it was split in the middle causing it to move in different directions avoiding Scathach completely Scathach's attack seemed to hit the ground being redirected by the slash creating a huge crater. 

Regal waived his free hand and a small tornado formed which turned flaming instantly and pushed it forward. creating an Inferno Tornado, the tornado grew and engulfed the place leaving Scathach and Regal inside right in the center where it was calm but very hot to the point rocks started to turn into lava. 

The inferno tornado stayed in place covering everything to the sky making a barrier and an arena, for the two.

Scathach raised her ankle a bit to make a small storming motion, and the arena formed by the tornado shattered.

both used wind to settle down the dust, the battlefield was set now. It was a crude battlefield but it would do for now. 

Scathach and Regal disappeared, reappearing in the center striking at each other. Scathach did a spinning strick while Regal did an overhead, their clash but unlike before nothing happened no shockwaves or even a bit of vibration. Both held their position and a cracking sound came, in the place where the two's weapons should have met was a gap and there was a crack there as if the crack was in the air. 

Crack! Boom! 

The crack expanded and broke like glass and the two's weapons met and created a defining sound accompanied by a devastating shockwave. 

Both backed off assessing the situation, Scathach looked at the sword and her eyes glowed showing what was hiding, there was a thin barrier "A barrier that delays anything it touches or is encased inside, it like an infinity loop just going in one direction without knowing when anything changes, interesting." She stated, 

"oh you figured it out, also you broke it by expanding and concentrating your intent on the place of contact and destroying it, that a very interesting way to use intent, might come in handy," Regal commented.

Neither was serious they were just warming up.

Both seem casual but then the atmosphere changes around them, in an instant they cross their weapons exchanging hundreds of attacks, their speed slowly starts to increase, and the shockwaves of their attacks produce more sparks and become more rushed and powerful, ground trembles under them but somehow it was still intact unlike the surrounding that was full of destruction and remnants of the destroyed ground. 

Both their figures blurred and the clashes grew more ferocious and unpredictable, the ground around them started to creak yet wasn't destroyed but sank down in the ground, and a massive crater started to form, two clashing as the center. their figures start to blink, disappearing and reappearing constantly. 

Regal's armor and sword started to glow while Scathach's spear shined in a blinding red light, both struck and were pushed back. Regal jumped and reached the clouds while Scathach sent a volley of elemental attacks while also taking to the sky. 

"Stormcaller's Glacier disaster," Regal's voice echoed. the moment his voice fell, Scathach to a dive and headed to the edge of the field.

[Stormcaller's Glacier disaster

A spell that forms storms and creates Glaciers while the air freezes and forms an attack that freezes anything it touches.]

the inferno tornado which was flaming red now had blue and ice formed and followed the rotation of the tornado, the ground froze while glowing ice spears and sharp snowflakes fell.

"Sky's fall!" Regal's voice echoed again and the gravity increased 10fold increasing the falling speed of the snowflakes and ice spears, the sky was distorted and another presser fell an effect of the spell Sky's fall. 

[Sky's fall

A spell that increases the gravity in a marked area, then the distortion of the sky occurs causing the target to be pulled while pushing anything towards the planet.]

Scathach speed decreased and the snowflakes and ice spears got close, the runes on her body that she had placed before the battle began shined, deflecting the the pulling force and giving her freedom. 

a spin of her spear pushing away all the snowflakes and ice spears, she stepped on the ground and her feet froze for a brief moment but the frost shattered, she smirked and taped the end of her spear on the ice. 

"Pyroclasmic Fury" she cast nonchalantly, her voice echoing. Regal clearly heard what she cast and was dumbfounded, this was a spell in the book he had read a while ago

[Pyroclasmic Fury

A spell that forms a volcano and fires a concentrated Inferno Nova endlessly until the volcano is destroyed or the caster is stopped from supplying mana]

"Why did she know this spell?" he questioned, "Ah! I see when she came to check on me, this is a spell on page 170... so she caught a glimpse of it, huh?"

The ice that covered the whole ground shattered, and a volcanic structure formed from the ground and expanded, the opening charged up and erupted in an instant and burst out with intense concentrated blue flames to the sky and expanded covering all the corners of the inferno tornado and make no path for escapes. 

"Glacial Thunderstrike" 

"Tempest Crystal" 

Regal cast two spells the Glacial Thunderstrike formed a blue thunderstrike that fell and preased through the Inferno Nova and hit the volcano, destroying it and freezing it stopping the attack, while the tempest crystal took a crystal-like shape and redirecting the Inferno Nova protecting Regal from any harm. 

Regal forced his body forward and placed the blunt side of his sword on his shoulder, 


Scathach spear met Regal's sword blocking it, Scathach was above her had threw her spear as she couldn't get close to the tempest crystal, resummoned her spear and took a overhead stricking stance

but Regal's eyes opened wide and he turned back and slashed, the Scathach above was a fake the real one was beside him, Scathach struck and it was barely blocked by Regal and was sent down forcefully. 

Scathach's spear glowed and she took a throwing stance, the air bent and made a ground for her to anchor herself, she threw it, and the tip of the spear radiated a deathly aura. 

Regal who had stabilized him sef looked at the spear coming at muttered, 

"Accelerated Cognition" 

[Accelerated Cognition

A spell that amplifies mental processes, enhancing presentation speed and thought agility.]

From Regal's perspective the spear was barely moving, he couldn't doubt this one as this is the spear's ability to pierce the heart, the Reversal of Causality. 

Regal made his decision, his sword transformed into a ring emptying his hands, and his right hand glowed in a purple light giving a feeling of undying.

He plunged his right hand into his chest ripped his heart out, and raised it. These motions only took 0.69 seconds, and the Scathach's spear, the Gáe Bolg was closing in. Regal raised his hand with the heart up tilted his head to the left and smiled looking at Scathach who had a surprised expression. 

Regal didn't move his chest spilling blood, the spear Gáe Bolg reached his heart which was still beating and pierced it. The spear destroyed the heart along with Regal's hand his wrist was gone. 

"Blinkstep" he muttered, 


A spell that allows instantaneous movement]

He disappeared from where he was standing. 

The spear hit the ground, and the air crackled with thunderous roars, the surroundings of the spear's landing point raised up and crumbled like sandcastles, and the world seemed to tremble. The inferno tornado which was set as a barrier was expanding as if it would be torn apart, the sky lost its color and the spear embedded deep in the earth glowed blinding brilliance as if the world was ending it sucked all the color and darkened everything becoming the only light which slowly disappeared. 

A solemn silence fell, Scathach in the sky frowned and flew higher she didn't expect the spear to burst out like this, and Regal was nowhere to be seen. 

In an instant, all sound vanished, and Suddenly a deafening explosion shattered the eerie silence, ripping through the air with a force that seemed to rend reality itself. The ground erupted in a maelstrom of debris and chaos as the sheer power unleashed by the spear's impact erupted in a blinding conflagration of light and heat.

A pulsing, deathly sense roared skyward like the wrath of a vengeful god, consuming everything in their path with an insatiable hunger. the explosion expanded and raged out like an unending tide. The shockwave of the explosion rippled outward, flattening trees and mountains and everything on its path alike as if they were mere playthings tossed aside by a tempestuous child.

The inferno tornado, once a barrier that stood like a grand wall was now engulfed by the cataclysmic explosion, its flames whipped into a frenzy by the relentless force of the explosion. The sky cracked and splintered, as if unable to contain the sheer magnitude of the devastation of the explosion that unfolded below. 

But then, as suddenly as it had begun, the explosion's expansion seemed to slow, then stopped altogether. The chaos of the battlefield froze in a moment of eerie stillness as if time itself held its breath in anticipation of what would come next.

In that suspended moment, the raging explosion which was unbridled ferocity seemed to flicker in hesitation, then, with a deafening roar, reality snapped back into motion. The shockwave of the explosion rippled outward, sending shockwaves through the air and shaking the very foundations of the earth. 

the explosion collapsed upon itself and disappeared as if it never existed. The sky, fractured and broken, groaned under the weight of the devastation left behind but held firm. And amidst the chaos and destruction, a lone figure emerged from the heart of the explosion bathed in the eerie glow of the dying embers.

In the lone figure's hands, there was a glowing orb that shone in brilliant colors but it seemed contained and tamed, the lone figure had four rings, three of them were golden rings with black and purple lines covering them, and the last one was green with purple and golden lines covering it.

The green was simmering with a brilliant glow, while the other three stayed dim and rotated. The figure slowly becomes clear and it is revealed to be Regal, his upper body bare, and his pants barely intact. 

Regal had grown quite a bit, he looked like a 14-year-old before but now, he looked to be 18 and much taller being 6 feet, he had a calm aura around him that blew his hair showing his godly handsome face, and his body was slender, and muscular while there was a scar on his chest the result of ripping his heart off. 

his chest was healed and there was no wound left only a scar, while his hand which was torn to nothing was back good seeming like nothing had happened to it.

Regal looked at Scathach in the sky almost in space with a playful smirk, his third ring came forward while the orb in his hand went into the center of the ring. 

Scathach was dazed and stared at Regal, she understood what had happened but didn't get how he did it. Regal stopped the explosion and condensed it into the orb he was holding, when his third ring came forward and the ord took its place in the center, Scathach's expression changed and she summoned her Spear and charged it to the maximum she could, only leaving a little bit with herself to maintain her flight. 

Scathach Spear floated in front of her and it shined with a condensed red glow, with the tip having the same deathly aura, she was using the ability of the spear Reversal of Causality again. But this time even more powerful and extreme. 

Regal's third ring glowed and the orb seemed to be absorbed into it and the ring glowed even brighter. 

Scathach launched her Spear and flew even higher. The Sppear radiated the same deathly aura but it was much much stronger than before, 10fold no perhaps 100fold? 

The Spear cleaved through the air with terrifying speed leaving behind a sinister trail of black and red, it gave a sense of inevitable death, but Regal smiled gently and raised his arms to make a gesture of grandeur as if he were presenting a spectacle for all to witness. And then, with a voice that resonated with authority, he spoke the words that would shape the course of the battle.

"Cosmic Nova: The Devastation,"

At his command, the very fabric of space seemed to tremble, as if bowing before the power he wielded with unquestionable authority, A brilliant burst of cosmic energy erupted from the ring, swirling and coalescing into a titanic blast that ripped everything on its path and covering the sky. 

The Spear Gáe Bulg and the Cosmic Nova collided, the clash of titans sending shockwaves through the skies of Danmachi. But it was clear that the Cosmic Nova was a force to be reckoned with. Its mystical brilliance engulfed the spear, overwhelming its deathly aura with sheer power alone. 

Despite its resistance, the Gáe Bulg was pushed back, its formidable might was no match for the unstoppable force of the Cosmic Nova. Yet, even as it faltered, the spear continued to surge forward, an unyielding force drove it to reach forward.

Scathach who was in the Cosmic Nova's trajectory quickly moved out, but it was a bit late her right hand and about a third of her right leg were caught in it, evaporating them without anything left behind. She escaped, created significant distance, and turned back,

her heart pounded and a helpless smile appeared on her face, she watched the Cosmic Nova from afar now witnessing what she was up against, the power of the Cosmic Nova slowly died off and reviled the scar it had left on the atmosphere, a scar that went endlessly, displaying the power behind that attack and the beauty it scared.

(Image of the scar)

Scathach's Spear the Gáe Bulg wasn't pushed back anymore and picked up speed, while a deathly aura lingered on the tip, the Cosmic Nova had battered the spear to its lowest but the spear still kept going forward, there were cracks on it as well but it still caused the sense of inevitable death. 

The spear sped up and reached the same speed Scathach had launched it and reached Regal. 

Regal was unperturbed and stood still with his gentle smile, Scathach vision sharpened and she could see Regal clearly as if she was right in front. Regal mouthed something to which Scathach gave a bitter smile and then burst into light laughs. 

The Spear reached Regal and went past him, missing him completely, digging itself into the earth's depth and leaving a small crater behind.

Just a moment ago Regal had mouthed "I haven't regenerated my heart so my organs are dead right now, I will regenerate them when your spear falls." 

The spear wasn't aiming at Regal but at his heart which had been parsed and destroyed before, the spear landed at the same place as the previous spear did. 

Regal and Scathach made eye contact and stared at each other, Scathach smiled and her body went limp she was out of magic, she fell her body slowly picking up speed, 

"Blinkstep" Regal's voice echoed, and he disappeared, reappearing in the trajectory of Scathach's fall catching her while dispersing the impact. 

Regal caught Scathach in a princess carry, he was barely awake but still looked at Regal, she mouthed the words "You win."

Regal smile, he leaned in and pressed his lips on hers, Scathach eyes opened wide. Regal pulled back they reached the ground and Scathach was on Regal's lap. 

"The bet was the winner takes all, so I will do so," He whispered in her ears while caressing her face, "You were curious about death were you not?" 

"Abyssal Embrace," his voice sounded.

[Abyssal Embrace

A spell that gives the target instant death] 

Regal's hands took a deathly aura similar to the spears but more condensed and powerful, Scathach's body was covered in an eerie black glow and she closed her eyes and took the final breath. 

"~From realms beyond, where shadows dwell~"

Regal picked her up in a princess carry again, making her head lean on his shoulder.

"~I call upon the ancient spell.~ 

With words of power, I do implore~"

He flew into the sky avoiding all the destruction and headed back to Orario, taking steps in the air. 

"~Grant life anew, forevermore.

~Awaken now, again~

From the embrace of death~"

He was far from Orario yet he took small steps while his face grew neutral and darker. 

"~bath the world in your glow

~Follow my will, destiny intertwines.~

I summon thee, return to me.~"

He looked at the sun that was still up in the sky and his neutral and darker face broke letting a small smile form.

"~Through time and space, your essence tells, 

~In this sacred rite, return and be well.~"

The chant ended, Regal's chant felt like a melody that played for all, yet also only for one. 

A green glowing particle surrounded Scathach's body and dissolved the moment it touched her skin, while it rolled around in her skin-tight suit trying to get in. 

Regal's soul rings appeared and the fourth one shined forming a ball of light that disappeared in Scathach's body, her wounds started to heal while in the place of the missing parts, the limbs made out of lights formed and dissolved revealing the newly grown limb. 

[Soul Ring 4th: Revitalizing Resurgence - Channels a surge of rejuvenating energy into the target, restoring health and vitality while revitalizing their spirit. Additionally, it has the unique capability to regenerate lost or damaged limbs, crafting them anew from pure energy and seamlessly integrating them into the recipient's body.]


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this chapter took a lot of time...

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