
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Safronox · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Denatus. Another game: Hunt Antares

The Denatus is a meeting of the Gods held once every three months. Many things are discussed and aliases are given to adventurers that rank up. But the Denatus is also called when there is a major event or something grand. And this Denatus is for a war game.

All the gods were set, and many questioned what was going on they knew it was a war game but who was fighting who? 

The doors of the Denatus opened and someone stepped in. All the gods who were present were looking at who had come this late, Hermes who had a smile slowly disappeared and was replaced with a frown, Freya was smiling but her eyes glinted with a pink hue. 

"Hey, who the hell are you? never seen you around," Surprisingly the one who spoke was Loki, she was smiling mischievously but her always-closed eyes opened slightly "And you got some guts to come last," Loki had noticed something that no one had yet to realize, she couldn't feel this persons divinity. 

"Ya! Who are you!" 

"What with the late entrance? you think you some big shot!?"

"What is that thing in his mouth?" 

"What's with his attire?" 

"He thinks he is a big shot, doesn't he?" 

The gods always troublesome started to make comments some mocking and some curious, the person who walked in was Buddha with his lollipop in his mouth. Buddha didn't care and just walked in and sat down beside Hermes, who smiled at him. 

The chattering of the gods started and most of it was around Buddha who didn't care. 

"I AM GANESHA!" a man with an elephant mask shouted while standing on a podium, he stood down and again, "I AM GANESHA!" he shouted drawing all the attention. 

Loki who was standing nearby pushed him, "Go back to your seat, I am the one who will handle things here!" She shouted puffing up her nonexistent chest. 

"Ok everyone let's get started," Loki shouted, and the gods let out annoyed sounds, "Hey! I know ok! even I want to know what this war game is about but what can I do the Denatus was just 2 days and it was bought ahead," 

The time for the Denatus was just 2 days away but Buddha barged into the prayer chamber and bluntly stated to Ouranos that the Buddha familia would play a war game with the Ishtar familia and to arrange things and left. Ouranos was helpless, Buddha didn't even let him speak just stated what he wanted and left.

"OK now the diplomatic thing," Loki said, Buddha didn't care and just closed his eyes. 

After a while, the naming ceremony came which was also ignored by Buddha as both Regal and Scathach had already chosen their aliases so it didn't matter.

After an hour, it was finally time, "Now!" Loki shouted, "It's time for the war game's discussion!" the gods cheered and Buddha opened his eyes. 

"So, it's finally here, I wonder why you would fight with her?" Hermes commented he was aware of the war game. 

"Hermes, you will know soon so why bother asking now?" Buddha questioned, he didn't want to be here so he was a little grumpy. 

"And now, huh? who is this?" Loki was about to say it grandly but lost focus and reread the name, "Hmm, this might be interesting," she commented purposely building the tension. "The Ishtar Familia VS the Buddha Familia!" she shouted, Ishtar who was sitting calmly and throwing hateful glances towards Freya stood up in shock. 

"What!" Ishtar shouted, "Who is this bastard that dares to challange my familia," she looked around and her eyes fell on Buddha who was the only unfamiliar god here, one by one all the eyes of the gods fell on Buddha. and then someone spoke out. 

"Is he a god?" when that god said that all the focus fell on one Buddha some trying to probe while others watched it play out. Buddha was annoyed and released a hint of his divinity enough to show he was a god and barely enough to hide he could use divinity freely.

The gods chattered, Buddha stood up, "Is that enough? this is getting boring decide on your own," Saying that he walked out and left a yawn which was like mocking other gods. 

"That bastard! Who does he think he is?" just like that a round of mocking and anger began. 

"Calm down now," Freya said in a light tone, which made the place go silent, she looked at Ishtar who was glaring with hate and jealousy. 

"Oh, my dear Ishtar, I wonder what you did to get in conflict with them," Freya said her tone filled with pity and amusement, "A piece of advice, pack up and get lost," She said mockingly. 

"Huh? You." Ishtar muttered under her voice but didn't speak it out, "Hmm! you talk like I would lose to a nobody, just you wait," Ishtar gritted her teeth while glaring, "And why should I play this war game? I have better things to do," 

"Hey! Let's stop fighting we have the stage to set up now," Hermes had gotten to the podium and stated. 

"Hey! What do you think you are doing!" Loki shouted from the back. 

"Loki I will take it from here, you just enjoy the show," Hermes said playfully, Loki frowned but stepped back, "Now then the war game!" 

"Hermes, stop goofing around I-" 

"Let me speak first will ya?" Hermes interrupted Ishtar whose face turned red from anger. 

"Ishtar, that piece of from Freya, take it to heart," Hermes said warningly, "You are in a very bad spot right now," Hermes continued

"And w-" 


Hermes cut off Ishtar again, Ishtar was about to lash out but stopped, she processed what Hermes said and made the connections, she grits her teeth and understands, "That bastard has her," he muttered under her breath. 

Buddha had left a piece of paper that had the name Haruhime, Buddha wasn't worried about Hermes being an enemy or an ally anymore so giving him the paper was just a whim. but Hermes thought differently, he took this as an opportunity to befriend the Buddha familia but he would likely be ignored. 

"Now then let's go the preparation planning of the war game!" Hermes exclaimed and the other gods joined to cause chaos. 


It was late evening and the news of the war game spread like wildfire in the city, it would happen in the outskirts in a week, a basic team deathmatch, and anything was allowed. Ishtar wasn't wasting time and put everything in and even cashed in some favors.

 In the Buddha familia, no one cared and some didn't even know. in the backyard, Kurapika and Shinoa were on the ground and were doing planks. 

"Remind me why am I here again?" Shinoa asked barely even holding on, she had a smile that continued to break and her eyes twitched from time to time.

"You ticked off someone you shouldn't have?" Kurapika beside her responded blankly while doing his best to maintain his position, his eyes glowed in scarlet but unlike other times where there was anger and hate it was fear. 

2 hours ago, Kurapika had asked for Scathach to train him and was met with a beatdown called 'light body exercise'. Shinoa had got bored and came down to watch and sometimes commented lighting the mood but one comment made it to Scathach, 

"Why do you wear those skin-tight clothes? aren't tight and too showy?" Shinoa said that in a teasing tone which was ignored, but Shinoa wasn't someone to give up early or anytime. She continued to pester but Scathach just ignored her. 

"It would be better if you stop wasting your time and do something perhaps like training," Scathach's tone was dry, she had just finished the 11th 'light body exercise' for Kurapika.

 "Oh, training? but I thought I was in a grand tea party," Shinoa was smirking and her voice was playful "Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to save my best tea party poses for another time." she ended it with a teasing tone. 

Shinoa turned and was about to walk off but, "Now where do you think you are going?" A menacing voice came from behind her, and Shinoa's face formed sweat-like bullets. Kurapika who just gotten up felt like his heart sank hearing that menacing voice which he was totally right about. 

and back to the current, Kurapika had 10 slabs in his back while Shinoa had 5 slabs. 

Miko and Haruhime were nowhere to be seen, Miko was about to enter the backyard and Haruhime was tailing her like a lost puppy and in this case a lost fox. Miko who was about to enter picked up the menacing words from Scathach with her fox hearing and that made a shiver go down her back, the atmosphere had changed and was suffocating and oppressive for her. Of course, Haruhime also felt the change but didn't understand and couldn't feel it much. 

Miko in a sense is a demi-god and is much stronger than Haruhime, she has also lived for more than 500 years so she was attuned to her surroundings and any change. Miko grabbed Haruhime and disappeared while Haruhime left an "Ehhhhhh!?"

Regal was in the front yard, he had his soul rings out, "System, I have soul rings but I dont have a martial soul," 

[You do have a martial soul and that is you yourself. Please do keep in mind that there is something besides the 'Human' in your status, and that is ???] 

"Hmm, you are taking form as a real being now," Regal tone had a hint of happiness, he was more than aware of the ??? in his status, he just never asked as it would be pointless, instead he opted to find it out himself and make an adventure of it. 

Regal raised his right hand and faced the palm to the sky, a figure appeared in his pam. The air distorted while the figure became blurry, the ground quicked and cracked but it soon calmed down. Regal closed his pam and headed to the backyard. 

The cracked ground slowly returned to its usual state, this was Regal space so everything can be said to be a part of his will or power, and that power is the system so nothing can go wrong in this place unleash Regal wills it to. This is also the reason Scathach and Regal can spar freely here. 


"Let's play another game," Regal said while looking at Scathach, it was midnight she had been training Kurapika and Shinoa nonstop, both were out cold and were resting in the living room. Regal and Scathach were in the backyard they were going to have a light spar but Regal brought up an unexpected topic. 

"Hmm, pretty soon but fine by me," She responded flatly but a gleam could be seen in her eyes

"The Elsos Ruins, which are located at the end of a continent, there is an Ancient monster sealed there, the first to hunt it wins," Regal stated, earlier they had gone over the map for the war game's location and had also take notes in mind about other places in the world so both knew where the location was. 

Regal took out a Valis and tossed it in the air, the tension grew thick, Regal and Scathach emanated a terrifying aura, and neither summoned their weapons so as not to be burdened by them. 

the Valis fell, but to the two who were standing it was very slow, Scathach eyes were emitting a bloody light while Regal's eyes were slowly dimming like they were lifeless. 

The Valis touched the ground and both disappeared, this time there were no craters formed or the grass being ruffled. the Valis rolled around and then it went silent. 

In the far distance, two figures were moving at high speeds and there wasn't even a bit of a sound after a certain distance both sped up and seemingly became a blur. 


The sound barrier broke and the two became a redish purple blur and the other became a purpleish black blur. The reddish-purple blur was Scathach her long purple hair billowing while a thin red aura covered her and the purpleish-black blur was Regal his purple cloak billowing while a lifeless aura formed around him sucking all the light away. 


The Elsos Ruins, both Regal and Scathach were side by side both in thought. 

"Us dashing here was pointless," Regal stated to which Scathach nodded, 

they were in front of a barrier that was covering the place, both could break it but the other would get in, and neither was willing to lose in this situation. 

"Sigh what now?" Regal questioned to which a silence fell. After a while, Scathach spoke.

"Half each?" She questioned, to which Regal nodded. Scathach summoned her spear and Regal transformed the ring into his sword. Runes marks were formed around Scathach while the Regal channeled mana into the sword. both attacked the barrier and broke it in a single go. 

The moment it broke both rushed in, there was a temple but neither cared and went in at full speed destroying the place without even trying. A screech sounded and a Giant Scorpion broke out, the barrier just broke and Antares was unsealed. 

Antares screeched and looked at Scathach and Regal and readied to attack but unfortunately, it was the prey here. 

Scathach had used her runes to give herself an advantage which made her a step closer to Antares, She threw her spear and because of the runes, it sped up the moment it was airborne. Regal was aware that Scathach had the advantage and it was too late to use any of his soul rings, so he opted for magic. He froze the half and burned the other half but it was too late. Scathach spear went through it before the magic could take proper effect leaving the legs of Antares frozen and burned. 

Antares head the tail were gone, and the spear went through and came out the other side. It was Scathach's victory. 

Scathach let a smirk slip which she didn't notice, Regal seeing this smiled in amusement. 

"It's my win, the next game will be decided by me." She stated, 

"Hmm, yes, and if you haven't noticed you are showing more emotions now than ever," Regal commented which removed the smirk and was replaced by a frown, Scathach touched her lips in wonder and then smiled. 

"It's not so bad is it?" She asked while walking off, 

Regal followed "Not at all, I prefer you showing more emotions," He said matter of factly to which Scathach smile grew. "So head back or go around the continent?" he questioned, the familia would be fine even if they went out for a while not to mention they could return in about half an hour if both of them cooperated. 

"Isn't there a dragon around?" She was referring to the black dragon from the Three Great Quests.

Regal nodded, "There is but we aren't ready for it," this raised an eyebrow from Scathach, "At the very least we need to be pinnacle level 5 or a level 6, The One-eyed black dragon is a level 10 monster possibly a pinnacle one," Regal explained to which Scathach nodded neither was in a hurry so they walked around. 

The outside of the Elsos Ruins, is still covered in forest and there are very few monsters here, the only monsters they could find were goblins and kobolds which were ignored. The forest was covered in mana most likely the spirit's influence. 

It was a pity that the spirits were no longer around both of them were curious about them, Regal because he had never seen one and Scathach wanted to compare them with the spirits she was aware of. 

Regal proposed a place to go to and Scathach grew curious after hearing the details, both of them sped up and left for the destination without wasting time. 


Plz, comment! I like reading them.