
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Sky_novel_lover · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Azu's whining| and the plan in motion

Regal and Yue stood looking at the expansive forest in front of them. "Let's speedrun this whole labyrinth, but we will have to kill all the monsters on each floor," Regal suggested, and Yue shrugged. She wouldn't mind playing some games from time to time. And then it began, a speedrun of The Great Haltina Labyrinth that would never be broken.

---Danmachi Regal's realm---

"You want to do what again?" Azu bewilderedly asked as she stared at Ruphas and Scathach, who were sitting in front of her.

"You heard us. We can't just ask Regal to walk into an obvious trap, so this is necessary," Ruphas casually stated, making Azu hang her head in annoyance at the situation. Ruphas had just asked her to do something absurd that could make Regal furious at her. "It's not much of a big deal. It's just combining the two into one," Ruphas added, making Azu glance from the corner of her eye.

"Not really... One is too big, and the other is too small. If anything, it's like adding a drop of water to a bucket full of water," Scathach corrected as she nonchalantly sipped her tea. "Not to mention the power levels are too big to even bother counting a drop of water," she remarked, making Azu consider Ruphas's absurd idea.

"This is just breaking the norms we have... but I can understand what you two want and why... Everything is too similar to others and too bland at this point," Azu resigned, making Ruphas grin. She placed her empty tea down, and immediately, someone filled it.

"Thank you, Libra," Ruphas thanked as she smiled at Libra, who bowed slightly and stepped back.

The one who poured the tea was Libra, one of Ruphas's 'Twelve Heavenly Stars.' She and a few others had been summoned to help Ruphas, but only Libra had accompanied her to Danmachi. Her reasons? She was Ruphas's maid.

"When is this whole scheme going to begin? And where?" Azu asked as she glared at Ruphas.

"If you help, then in 9 hours. And for the location, it's going to be above Little Garden," Scathach answered, making Azu lean back and give this some serious thought.

"Alright, let's abduct the whole Tortus and drop it into Little Garden... We have just over 400 million system points, 300 million should be enough to deal with the gravity, light, rotation speed, and those problems." Azu started to plan out as she went through various possibilities in her mind.

Ruphas's plan was to kidnap the planet Tortus and bring it into Little Garden with heaven, hell, and all that. She wanted a full-blown showdown between Regal and herself, but knowing how powerful Regal already was, she got Scathach in. Since Regal had Ophis, making him the winner regardless of whatever Scathach and she had planned, it balanced out.

So to balance this out, she pulled in Shiroyasha, Azu, and her Twelve Heavenly Stars to help stabilize a game board that would suppress Regal.

Scathach at the start didn't like this plan but had to agree that Regal was too powerful for his own good. Paired with Ophis, who wielded the concept of Infinity, she changed her mind and played along with Ruphas's plan.

"We are jumping too fast... In Danmachi, the story hasn't even begun while Record of Ragnarok is on hold due to Obin's plans taking too much time... and now Tortus is being dragged to Little Garden. Both the stories of Little Garden and Tortus just started, and you already want to mess this up." Azu complained as she lay on the couch comfortably and hugged a pillow as well.

Azu stared at Ruphas and Scathach, who looked away. Neither of them wanted to be blamed for this mess. They couldn't help but be powerful... Hell, Regal is stronger than them, but that's because Ruphas and Scathach grew stronger faster, making him keep up.

"You all are supposed to enjoy life, not warmonger about... Scathach, you have too big of an influence on Regal, while Ruphas, your freeness brings out Regal's inner child... Although you don't have as much influence as Scathach, you still have some. Yue, on the other hand, is being influenced by Regal... this is so messed up." Azu whined as this situation was really frustrating for her. She was in every way the manifestation of Regal's powers and will, and she knew what Regal wanted. This situation was what Regal wanted, but not this fast. A slower delivery was required here.

This situation was supposed to be slow, not jump from one thing to another like how things are going in their lives. "Well, at least Killua, Miko, and the other three are having a good time..." Ruphas remarked, making Azu glare her down.

"Danmachi, Record of Ragnarok, Little Garden, and Tortus. That's four worlds...." Azu paused and corrected herself, "Since Tortus will be in Little Garden, it's 3 worlds now. For the next world, I will make sure you all have to work extra hard, and with only your skill, there will be no power jumps or any kind of shits, only skills," she annoyedly stated. She looked at Scathach and narrowed her eyes, "No intent and over-the-top runes as well," she strictly added, making Scathach and Ruphas a bit miffed. However, both enjoyed challenges, so this wasn't a big deal; as a matter of fact, this would be more appreciated by them later on.

"Can we go to the plans now?" Ruphas asked, ignoring all of Azu's irritations and complaints.

"Sure... you two will be the only ones fighting Regal? Or will Shiroyasha help?" Azu gave up on her whining and went along with Ruphas.

"No, she will only help in maintaining the game board, and I have a few deals with her. But that depends on the fight and her thoughts after her evaluation. But I am pretty sure that after seeing the scale of the battle, she would refuse the deals," Ruphas answered as she added a few things that got Scathach and Azu's attention, but neither asked about it now.

Azu got up and walked to the training ground, Scathach and Ruphas following behind curiously, but then Ruphas paused. "You plan to bring Tortus into Little Garden while having your powers sealed?" she questioned in puzzlement, making Scathach also stop and stare at Azu in confusion.

Azu turned to them in confusion as well, not getting what Ruphas meant there. "You think I am powerless? Really? How do you think I open portals? Through the system? Hell no, I have full control over space and dimensions, but I can only use that for portals because I am sealed off by powers. But that doesn't mean I can only use portals to travel... also, the size of the portal I open is irrelevant. What I want will pass through it, and if I want, I can make it bigger, but that's pointless," Azu surprisingly berated, making Scathach glare at Ruphas, who looked away.

Scathach didn't want to hear Azu's complaints, but she was absolutely weak compared to Azu in every sense, giving her no choice. Well, even Ruphas didn't want to hear Azu whine, but it was their fault that she was whining, so she was cooperative and attentive to her rants.

Azu opened a portal and gestured for Ruphas and Scathach to follow. Azu stepped through with them and appeared in the skies of Little Garden.

"From this point, you need to be very specific about the plans, from what you have planned to what you want to pull. Also, call in Shiroyasha and the 4 Heavenly Stars you summoned. I don't want any blunders," Azu ordered as she looked at Little Garden below, measured its size, and made some calculations.

Ruphas did as she was ordered and went off. Scathach stayed with Azu, not having anything to do except prepare her runes and strategy.


Plz read my original book!!!

Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!


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