

"So, I died, huh?"Alex asked the old man in front of him.

"Yeah, turns out it's not a good idea to sleep when there is a terrorist attack going on in your university, who knew, right?" the old man told him in a mocking tone.

"So, what now?"

"Looking at your file you haven't done anything noteworthy to go either heaven or hell, but guess what, I am feeling quite generous today and you, young man are the lucky one, who got selected, so reincarnation it is." answered the old man.

Alex immediately got excited after hearing that"Ohh Ohh, so do I get a wish or something like that?"

"Yes, three to be exact."

(A/N: Look now there are wishes that Mc might choose that you may or may not like, If i wanted to I could just have him wish for Ever growing Saiki K's power with full control and BOOM all the Celestial Dragons are my bitch figuratively ofc and I am the most powerful man in the one-piece world and the novel ends, so hope you give the novel a try)

"Thank you for that, The world and its time and place, do I have to Include them in the wishes?" asked Alex.

"No, You won't have to do that as you are the mc of this novel, you don't have to worry about that or some secret conspiracy against you, hell I will even make you more handsome than you are right now, as long as it is not a harem."

"You really are generous, don't tell me you also have an immortal daughter who you want me to marry, right?" asked Alex in a sarcastic tone, after all, he didn't like the fact that author never let him break the fourth wall.

"'cough' 'cough' Alright, onto the wishes and world choosing now."

[Alex POV}

"Well, okay then, I would like to go to One piece world at .... time ... and at ..... place"

"Hmmm, okay done. And wishes?"

"My first wish is, the power to extract anything and make it mine and Transfer anything, is that alright? it's not breaking that world's rules or something like that?" I asked as most novels I read always give this excuse.

"No. it doesn't. But you will only be able to use your ability on living being to a living being and inanimate objects to inanimate objects." To my relief, the old man agreed.

"Okay, For my second wish, I want three powers, skills or justsu's whatever they are, from the Naruto world, Multiple shadow clone justu combined with abilities of Parasite clone and substitute technique of white zetsu."

"For my third wish, instead of using chakra my abilities use stamina with my clones also being able to regain their stamina after they rest a bit."

"Done, Hope you have a good life do some good deeds so next time someone sends you to heaven"

And all blacked out for a moment after that I found myself standing in front of the bar I didn't have time to think as I looked into the bar where only two-man were drinking, one sitting on a table against the bar counter, the man had silver hair and was wearing a silver coat, and the other one standing was facing opposite to the counter while drinking the bottle of wine and talking to the silver-haired man."

I looked around and found a pile of men, unconscious on top of each other, they were somewhere seventeen to twenty, all looking like pirates, smelly, ugly af, and most were wearing rags but some had pieces of jewellery on them, maybe those two did it, I don't think people do cosplay in this world.

I decided to try my abilty on them, I know that I need to touch the person or object for at least one second and think about what I want to extract, for the transfer ability to work I also need to touch for at least one second, depends on the person who I am using my ability on, simple as that.

As I go near the downed pirates I touch one of them on his shoulder and think about extracting his strength, a light glow appeared on my arm and just like I thought I can't extract it but my stamina reserve got increased instead and my stamina got full too. I can work with that.

I proceed to extract their stamina and also check if any of them have any devil fruit or haki or not so I can extract it.

Well, none of that had any devil fruit but four had little talent in haki, so I extracted it. Rather than direct understaing of what they considered haki, I got their talent instead that is good too. My foundation won't be weak now and I was going to use my clones anyway.

After extracting that, I went into the bar and noticed that the man with big and curly mustache who was wearing a red-captain's coat which couldn't be more famous put the bottle of wine down on the counter and started exiting the bar but he turned around one last time to see the silver haired man.

Before he could say those epic words I immediately ruin their moment and say "Hey , Roger can we talk?"

I know its not that good but first-time writer so cut me some slack, hope you enjoy it. if not Recommend me some good books to read.

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