
Into The Future: You and Me Forever

The world keeps on evolving, as time waits for no one. At a point in time, there were no cars, phones or even the internet but now you can see that and so much more. The year 1322, a girl born in that era had a terrible life, orphaned by her parents, she lived with her aunt who treated her like she was a slave. Which she eventually became after her aunt and uncle sent her back to the palace. The people there laughed at her and mocked her, calling her “THE FALLEN PRINCESS” because her parents were the king and queen of Goryeo but they died not long after she was born. Her father’s assistant took over as king, stripped her of title and made her a lady in the palace. She lived every day of her life filled with regret, woe and despair. Tired of it all she decided to commit suicide in an old house. Only to be found alive by a man 700 years in the future but unfortunately, she had lost her memory. She has another shot at life, will she be able to regain her memory and live a happy life?

Eniola_Onipede · History
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3 Chs



A whole week had passed with me and her living together but there was still no sign of her regaining her memory. On a fateful day, I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a knock at my door.

"Yong-sun, Yong-sun?" She called.

"What do you want?!" I yelled opening the door.

"I want to tidy the house but I didn't see any brooms"

"I don't have any brooms but the vacuum should be in the storage room below the stairs."

"But I don't know…"

"Figure it out!" I said slamming the door in her face

"Did I just tell her to find out how to use the vacuum? What was I expecting? She didn't even know how to shower" I thought and reluctantly went to lend her a hand.

"How to start…" She said reading the manual.

"Let me help you" I went over and grabbed the vacuum from her. I turned the vacuum on started vacuuming.

"What can I do to help?" She asked uncomfortable

"Go and get the duster and clean the TV and furniture"


"The television, you know, the big thing that has a screen and is hanging on the wall"

"Oh you mean that?" She responded pointing to the TV

"Yes" I replied. She went to the kitchen to get the duster and started dusting the furniture before going to dust the TV, she dusted it like it was sacred or a prized possession.

"What are you doing?" I asked when I noticed her

"I don't know what this is but I'm really sure that is very expensive" Before I could reply, her finger touched the middle of the TV making it turn on.

"AAAHHH!!" She screamed running to hide behind me

"Why are you afraid of everything? It doesn't bite, look" I said turning the TV on and off while touching the screen.

"It's not my fault, everything just seems new to me" She yelled defending herself

"Hah you are really funny, I thought you only lost your memory but it seems you're also mentally derailed"

"Are you calling me crazy?!" She replied angrily

"No, no, no don't get me wrong, I said you act crazily"

"Yah! Should I rip all the hair on your head?!"

"AAAHHH!!! Stop it!! You really are crazy!!!"

"I'm sorry" She pleaded. We stopped fighting a few minutes ago but as punishment, I said she wouldn't eat breakfast, perfect!

"Please! I promise to be obedient from now on"

"Fine…" I was speaking when my phone rang, it was Secretary Lim.


"Yes sir"

"I thought I told you to cancel my schedule, what do you need me for at work?"

"Erma, the chairman called for an emergency board meeting. I called to ask if you will be attending"

"Of course I will attend! Send the driver here. I'll be there in 10 minutes"

"Okay sir" I hung up

"You!" I pointed to Eun-kyung

"Make breakfast on your own" I said climbing the stairs to my room.

"Why? Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I'll be back in an hour or two" I replied slamming the door behind me. Dak-ho, my driver, was already outside.

"Are you ready sir?" He asked when I got in the car.

"Let's go"

"We haven't had any new trainees since Min-hyuk's debut, at this rate we're going to get bankrupt before next season." A shareholder complained.

"Yes, that's right!" The others agreed.

"Yong-sun, what do you propose?" Chairman Han asked.

"I don't really have an idea but by the end of the week, we should at least twelve persons auditioning for two spots as our trainees."

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes sir"

After the meeting, I decided to stop by the training room and check on the dancers.


After Yong-sun left, I had a hard time making breakfast, so I checked the fridge for any leftovers. Lo and behold, I saw assorted types of food. I decided to pick a bowl of rice with seaweed stew and 2 spicy chicken feet.

I eventually figured out how to use the TV although it was a long series of tries.

"Are you ready to dance?" The lady on TV asked.

"Yes!" I replied joyfully.

I carefully followed each step given to me through the television and danced accordingly.

"Wow this is amazing, if only this had been invented years ago!" We went from classical to hip-hop and modern.

Just then the front door opened but I was so busy dancing that I didn't notice when Yong-sun came in, after a few minutes the lesson came to an end.

"Tune in tomorrow for more!" The lady said waving goodbye.

"Of course! Wow I'm so tired." I said flopping onto the couch.

"Aahh! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"It's my house"

"But still, why were you standing at the door like some psycho stalker?"

"I didn't know you could dance"

"Well you know absolutely nothing about me, so…"

"If I give you a couple of moves for you to make a choreography, could you do it?"

"Sure! What do you take me for?"

"Great! I'll send the movements to your phone!"

"Um, I don't have a phone remember."

"Right! Let's go get you a phone!" He yelled dragging me with him.


"Pick one" He told me when we got to the electronics store.

"What is up with you?"

"Stop asking questions and just pick one"

"Okay, okay, I don't which one to choose, they're all so expensive"

"Hmph, we'll take this one" He said pointing to an Oppo phone.

"Yah! I heard that phone costs over 100 dollars!"


"Why would you buy it for me?"

"You're helping me, so it's only fair that I help you"

"I'm helping you? How?"

"Aish! Forget it, please help me package it"

"Where are we going now?!"

"To my office!"

"But I want to go home!"

When we got to the parking lot of a big company, it was called Shooting Star Entertainment Industry. I was a little bit confused, in fact I thought his office was the small shop across the street.

"This is my company" He announced with a big smile.

"Wait! You own this?!"