
Into the Dragons and Pirates Den

Dragons... I could never tame or soothe any of their kind. Aunt Sylvia, the lost soothsayer was very wrong to proclaim the village that I could conquer and tame the most ruthless and virile... the greatest of this kind. Cause here I am hiding from the upcoming vengeance that's supposed to be at the mercy of my hands. I am ought to be a dragon whisperer but in the end, I wasn't able to thwart them when they were gobbling the whole of my neighborhood. All of my family...

millineyaaah · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Awkward meal with the pirates

I gulped as I traced all of him.

His bald head with traces of scars all over it, big and critical. All of them are dry but still very graphic to the eye. Shoving me how rough and brutal his expenditures are. And that he is a serious case for being alive still even after those. His large pointed nose, big crucial eyes, and lips... all with a scar too. Huge palms that would effortlessly fit my whole face. Strong muscles all over the place, very capable to crush my bones.

I see him as a vigorous and strenuous man. Someone I shouldn't meddle with.

"You should be. I'm a bad guy". he confirmed without a doubt nor compassion.

"I... can be your slave! I could s-serve-"

Eyes profound as he assesses my overall figure. His eyes darted to my left leg which made him earnestly pause for a while.

"It's time for dinner," he said it threateningly that I wanted to run back to the safest place on this ship, the room, so I tried running away but in a swift move, his rough palm caught my heels.

I inhaled hard when he did me so dirty for he effortlessly carried me downwards with my head thumping on his unmeasurable butt!

I closed my eyes, avoiding dizziness and thanking the heavens he is still considerately hanging me on his back without any brutal banging. He is also walking slowly and surely so even when we are walking downstairs on a dim patio, I am not worried of getting my brain slipped out of my head.

With five steps, the 15-step stairs were eradicated at my sight.

Ironically, even with the way he is carrying me, I find comfort in the way his palm carefully and unoffending secures my legs.

"Pirates don't eat humans, yeah?" I nervously blurted out. Hoping the dinner they'll be having tonight is not me. Not my head. Not my arms. Not my flesh.

"Calls on our necessity,"

"But it is on the law!"

Oh, how lame.

"In the sea, we, the pirates have a far way different law. Survive during the ocean. Survive during the existence of other pirates. Kill a mermaid if it's on our way. Those are our main protocols."

"But you guys...won't make a meal out of m-me... right?"

His laughter boomed. I let out an awkward nervous laugh too. Trying hard to be connected to him. And friendlier...

He laughed wider making me anxious of his big mouth.

The whole of my hand seemed to fit there so well.

Is he gonna eat me?

"Is that a question or a prayer?" he darkly joked around.

But I am serious!

Again, I nervously chuckled... to connect... to his emotions...

"Well, I don't eat human meat so I won't eat you,"

But then should I be relieved of that? He doesn't but what about the others?

My questions and abyss then rotated over my head when he abruptly pulled all of my feet upfront, followed by the whole of my body over his expanse. So all I had to do is harden my legs and limbs as his palm held me secure on my shoulder for a new way of standing. Shortly, my feet felt a steady placement on the floor.

Then... in front of me are the three 50-seater wooden long tables and filling every seat are the hungry filthy pirates.

Before, they are looking at the bounty feast in front of them until they proceeded to turn to me and my dazed expression.

Desperate, I smiled wide, hoping my constipated flex would make them realize I am too rotten to be eaten, aside from my unsightly appearance because of the upside-down banging.

Attias rolled his eyes at me and morbidly stared at the boogie man in front of him. The boogie man has a suggestive smile at me, and despite his teeth condition, I can't believe I would rather stare at it than the others' pearly white ones.

I caught another two-seater table in the middle of the other long tables... and sitting cozily there is a familiar man I thought should be out of this world.

Chinky eyes were never attractive in my eyes until...

Wearing a white dress shirt with three buttons off, topped by a men's corset, with brown trousers and black boots, the first man I desired to kiss when I thought all of it is gonna pass too soon, is staring directly at my soul as he fills himself with his first sip of red wine.

"Feed your guts before the sea stole it before your eyes," he casually announced, eyes steady at me.

And as if a sign, all of the long table seaters got busy on their own food.

The bulky man already filled the only seat available of all the long tables, yet my gaze remained on him, begging to have me... at least on his side.

Being a surprising gentleman, his right hand move to motion me a direction. I forcefully titled all my body to yet again witness a nerve-racking wonder as I follow his motion.

"Shy after the last two hours, are you?" someone on my right commented.

I turned to him. A bit heated of the meaning behind his words.

"What about it?" I bravely talk back, later on getting coward when all the other near pirates' eyes fixated and narrowed at me.

His grin widen, but before he speak again, the giant man threw his open mouth a half slice of his apple.

"Lady, the chief is more dangerous when pirates are not busy on their own foods. Go walk towards him. Food is more luscious when with accompany"

"But your legs looked too spacious and I thought it could accommodate me to sit at least..."

He lightly chortled, "I'd choose to say no for these legs are already taken,"

Unmindfully doing a habit, I filled both of my cheeks with air, glancing back to the smallest table in the middle. He is eating so casually that my mind told me he would always be casually eating any flesh served to him.