
Chapter 2: The Painting

Things come with a cost. And so, Chesh finds herself in dreams, but not the kind that are happy, but not the other kind either. In her first dream, she finds herself looking in a mirror, at once she sees her piercing velvet eyes, turquoise curly hair, and obsidian wings. She twirls happily. when she looks at her reflection in the mirror again, her velvet eyes a dull grey, her once beautiful curly hair, ratted, and... her wings, instead of wings, there are only small stubs. She cries out in anguish. Chesh feels herself falling to the ground. She sits there, waiting. She can see a window laced with Dark Amber. She slowly gets up, and walks toward the window. Screeching with agony, she pulls herself out of the window and starts falling. As she falls toward the ever getting closer ground, she looks at her hands, they used to be so beautiful, and capable. Playing the instruments in the palace for her step mother. But now, it seemed that the life was draining out of them.

And so, she didn't notice that she fell into another dream. This was a delirious dream, everything was sad, but Chesh was happy. For some strange reason, the character switched from narater to, Chesh.

I feel happy, why? I don't know. This dream is like a painting, a painting that slowly drains your life from your heart. I see Dark Amber everywhere I look, my eyes slowly becoming unable to see. But I still feel that stupid grin plastered on my face. Darkness, is now light. Friends are now enemies. But, worst of all, Happiness is pain.