

Finally it was time for the test, i walked toward's the School meting Naruto in class, he looked over to Sasuke and gave hi,m the stinky eye, the girls where all surrounding the boy, Naruto started to walk over to Sasuke and jumped on his desk. He and Sasuke had a glaring contest, till Naruto was suddenly pushed to Sasuke by the boy behind him, he was pushed close to Sasuke's face and there lips locked.

,,Hahahahaha", i laughed my head of, the Girls attention was drawn to me, they looked at me till the blonde girl named Ino asked me, ,,What's so funny?", ,,Oh just that Naruto had to kiss Sasgurke", i answered, they then all put back to the attention to Naruto and walked angry to him, i them jumped over the horde of girl's and stood in front of Naruto, lucky the Girl's sat fast back down on there seat as Iruka-sensai stepped inside the classroom and began to speak, ,,Well class today's, the day you will do the final exam the theme will be, Clone jutzu", at this Naruto banged his head on the table and muttered, ,,That's the one, i'm the worst at", patting Naruto's back i watched as Iruka began calling the student's one after one, soon it was Sasgurke, then Naruto, Sakura, shino, Ino, Kiba, so on, then it was my turn, Kiba the one who was befor me, called me to the Test-room.

I walked into the room, there sat Iruka and Mizuki-sensai behind the table, where laid headband's on it, ,,Well the, make 3 clone's of yourself", explained Iruka-sensai, i made the hand-sight's, then five other clones of myself appeared next to me, ,,Good", complimented Mizuki-sensai my clone's, i just sneered at him and while taking my headband from Iruka-sensai, i leaned close to Mizuki-sensai and said to him, ,,Don't touch Naruto", i then left two stunned Sensai's behind and left the school-building.

I looked around the School for Naruto he sat in his normal spot on the swing, as i was walking over to him i heard two older woman talk about him, ,,I'm glad the boy didn't pass", whispered the one to the other, ,,Yes the Demon...", ,,Shh we aren't allowed to talk about that", shushed the one tho other and put her hand up to the other's mouth, ,,Hey don't talk about Naruto-kun like that", i screamed at them and walked over, ,,Boy", screeched one of the woman and tried to slap me, stopping her and just befor she was able to hit me, ,,Don't hit a ninja, stupid woman", i scolded her and pushed her and the other out of my way, walking over to where Naruto sat, he was already gone, so Mizuki took him.

I rushed as fast as i could back home and waited till the night was to come, then i made my way over to Naruto's hidding spot, ,,,Hello Naruto", i greeted him as i saw him, ,,Ah hello Saku", greeted Naruto back but concentrated back on the scroll he was reading. Looking over Naruto's shoulder i watched as he trained and was able to disappear as Iruka-sensai came, he greeted Naruto and scolded him for taking the scroll, soon Mizuki came and said to Naruto that he was a monster and other hurtful things, later Iruka and Mizuki began to fight, i watched the whole scenario play befor me till Naruto tossed Mizuki into the ground that's when i appeared and was next to Naruto.

Iruka then gave Naruto his headband and all of us three walked to the Hokage returned the scroll and walked to get some Ramen from Ichiraku.