
into hunters academy

into hunters academy

Rakesh_Rake_3477 · Urban
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2 Chs


It was 9 pm, Ganesh stopped his work and walked to his house. After a while he heard someone's footsteps behind him, slowly looked back but saw no one. He turned around in surprise. A large shadow appears in front of him, he panics and runs into the street on the right and opens the door of the house.

Two teenagers were sitting in front of him, both of them were looking at Ganesh strangely. he looked around and noticed that he was sitting on a seat, and the whole place was moving like a train and he also hear the sound of the train too. And not understanding what happened here, his face was covered with sweat, and he screamed loudly, "How did I get inside the train?"

A boy sitting in front of Ganesh says "why are you shouting so much you are a fool. now everyone is looking at us".

Then ganesh looks at them, everyone there was about the same age, and they all wore the same clothes.He says "Who are you,and how did I come here?"

She said "My name is Lilly, the name of the person sitting next to me is Rahul and how do we know you came here".?

"I was walking alone on the street, suddenly a big shadow appeared in front of me, I was scared and ran" ...

The girl laughs and says "you're afraid of the shadow"?

"Stop wasting time and tell me first how you got here," said Rahul.

"I got scared and ran and opened the door of the house, and then I was here, but I don't even know how I got here"

Lilly says "That's teleportation, with that power you can go anywhere instantly, that's cool, can you teach me how to use that power."

"Are you kidding me, this isn't a movie. How can a human use super power".

" everyone can use the power, why are you talking so strangely". lilly said.

"You are joking again" he said. He opens the window next to him to see where the train is going, then immediately the wind blows on his face, the light from the full moon turns the night into day, then he notices something strange, he sees clouds near the train window.

He says "hey, look here, the clouds that should be above have fallen",

Immediately Lilly says "the clouds have not come down, we are traveling in the sky".

Ganesh didn't want to believe her words but he saw it with his own eyes, so he had no choice but to believe. Not understanding what was happening, he panicked, and put his hands on his head and shouted, "What is happening?"

People around start looking at them trangely.

This idiot doesn't understand what I said, we will reach our destination in half an hour, till now keep your mouth shut, said Rahul.

"Whose stop"? Ganesh asks "where this train is going"?.

"Have you forgotten the past? We got the admission letter form academy so we all are going there". Lilly said.

"I didn't get any admission letter and I don't even know how I got into the train".

Rahul says. "I told you both to shut up"

Ganesh has no other option, but to wait until the Trin to reach it's destination. after a while the train reaches its destination. Everyone starts getting off the train, Ganesh is confused as to where he' has came , finally he gets off the train and looking ahead, he sees a big building like in fantasy movies and dragons flying in the sky. He thought he was on another planet.

Ganesh asked "what they will do to me if they know that I don't have admission letter."?

"as soon as they know they will kill you in front of everyone". Rahul said.

"What.? will they kill me now"?