
into gravity falls (finished)

simply my character in gravity falls oregon he's part of the LGBTQ+ community (and frankly so am I) so do expect this to have some of that my character as the book says is a boy that is all forgot to add my character WILL curse so please take note of that before reading

Luna_Winterhalow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Ch20 EP20 S2

dipper, mabel pines, soos ramirez and wendy corduroy  (run into the mystery shack) " yaaahh!!" they shout

i walk in calmly while swinging my axe happily like if it was a frying pan

celestabellebethabelle,chutzpar,  bats biker, woodpecker guy, candy, stan pines, grenda, sheriff blubs, pacifica northwest, old man mcgucket and some gnomes "yaaaahhhh!!"

dipper "wait."

dipper and mabel "grunkle stan!" (run to him)

i walk behind the calmly while studying everyone here

they all seem pretty messed up

i thought it had only been a day?

stan "kids! i can't believe it! i thought i lost you guys!"

soos(hugs stan) "mr. pines! it's really you! i've been hugging strangers to practice for this moment."

wendy(slams into stan for a hug) "we missed you, you old codger!"

i shrug and hug him too

stan(chuckles) " i've missed you knuckleheads, too. it's good to have you back."

dipper "so...what's everyone doing here?" (gasps as some lilliputtians run past him)

mabel "yeah there's like monsters and gnomes, and is pacifica wearing a potato sack?"

pacifica "hey! even in a sack i still look better than you." blushing in embarrassment

'wait... didn't i see her and mabel talking together before?'

[like when they were enemies?]

'no, like as if they were together or at least liked each other.'

[i don't remember that]

'maybe i'm imagining things..'

multi-bear "it's...it's a long story."

wax larry king(in the vents) "hey, is anyone gonna feed me? larry king's disembodied wax head wants num-nums."

grenda "we're trying to ration our food, remember?"

 (as wax larry king chews on her hair)  "uhhh...it's happening again."

multi-bear(closes the vents)

pituitaur(looking out the door) "hey, everyone! eye-bat!"

everyone gasps.

gnome "evasive maneuvers!"

stan(slams the door and grabs dipper and mabel) "shhh, keep it down."

the refugees scatter.

gnome "hit the lights!"

outside, an eye-bat turns a scampering raccoon into stone and flies off with it.

stan (lights a match and throws it into a can, illuminating the shack, revealing the people sitting around the room)

" welcome to what's left of normal around here. home base."

the various people hiding in the mystery shack.

toby determined(as a gnome pulls a dart out of him) "ow!"

greggy c. "we have..."

sev'ral timez(singing:) "several injuries!" (clutch their injuries)" oh, ow..."

chubby z. "ow, my liver, girl!"

dipper "ah! rumble mcskirmish?"

rumble "do not be afraid. weirdmageddon has taught me, there are some battles i cannot win. i am now humble mcskirmish." (a digital "-50 despair" pops up next to rumble)

i sweatdrop unsure how to feel about this

mabel "grunkle stan, how'd this all happen?"

"yeah.. it doesn't seem like this would happen naturally"

stan *so i was hammering signs out back when the sky started vomiting nightmares. i listen to a lot of am radio so i knew what this meant: the end of the world."

(flashback of stan running inside as the weirdness wave descends)  "what i didn't expect was what happened next."

 (the totem pole comes to life and attempts to attack the house, but hits a dome around it) "turns out whatever you and my brother did to the shack with your unicorn voodoo made the crazy place invincible to weirdness."

(the totem pole falls over; cut back to the present.)

dipper "of course, the unicorn spell. that's why this is the only place bill's magic can't touch."

"well ain't that interesting"

stan(gesturing to old man mcgucket) "that's when possum breath over here shows up leading a bunch of injured stragglers through the forest. they needed a place to stay and since the mayor got captured, i elected myself de facto chief. the plan's to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out, then i vote we eat the gnomes."

jeff "hey! i'm short, not deaf!"

stan "shh! shh! stress will make you chewy."

i chuckle amused but get hit in the gut by mabel

i wheeze out a laugh but stop nonetheless

dipper "grunkle stan, we can't all just hide inside the shack. there's a town in need of saving. me and ford tried to do it, but he got captured by bill."

stan(opens can of the brown meat) "serves that jerk right. my brother's had some stupid plans, but going up against an all-powerful space demon was his worst one yet. trust me, we have everything we need right here."

 (sits down on a wooden lounge chair surrounded by the multi-bear and gnomes)" it's not the ritz but at least the monsters inside know how to massage."

 (to the multi-bear:) "you know shiatzu?"

multi-bear "yes, i've taken some classes."

dipper "so you're really just gonna let bill win?"

stan "look, kiddo. we got a good deal here. besides, i'm sure wherever the rest of the townsfolk are, they're fine."

 (slams his hand down, accidentally hitting the remote and turning on the tv)

shandra jimenez(on the tv:) "this is shandra jimenez reporting live from the inside of bill's castle. here for the first time are images of what's happened to the captured townsfolk. viewers are advised to look away if they don't want to see their friends turned into a twisted throne of human agony."

pacifica "mom and dad?"

wendy "my family!"

sheriff blubs "deputy durland!"

shandra "is there no one who will save the people of this town? i'm shandra jimenez and i'm being turned into stone by a flying eyeball." (the tv turns to static)

everyone gasps.

pacifica "oh, no. my parents are bad but even they don't deserve to be turned to stone."

sheriff blubs(drops down on his knees) "curse you, bill! why must you take everything we love?"

 (rips his shirt open and cries)

mabel(climbing on top of the multi-bear) "guys, don't you see? our friends need us, but we can only save them if we fight back." (pulls dipper up after her)

dipper "mabel is right. bill wants us to run and hide. he wants us to think he's invincible. but ford told me before he was captured that he knows bill's secret weakness."

the refugees perk up and start muttering.

i sigh at this

wendy "weakness?"

dipper "now, if we band together, if we combine all of our strength, our smarts, our...whatever toby has..."

toby "various rashes!"

dipper "...then we just might be able to rescue ford, learn bill's weakness, and save gravity falls!"

everyone cheers.

stan "whoa! whoa! whoa! have you all forgotten who's in charge here? besides, we're only safe inside! it's not like we can take the mystery shack to bill."

mcgucket "wha--whoa! holy hootenany! flapjack and fiddlebanjos! sorry, sorry. got a little excited."

 (thumps his foot and slaps his knee) "what i meant to say is i think i figured out a way to fight bill and rescue ford. but we're all gonna have to work together."

 (snaps his fingers and a gnome puts glasses on him) "now. you just..."

dipper, mabel, soos, wendy and mcgucket(talk unintelligibly)

soos "don't worry, ford! we're coming for you!"

cut to the mystery shack.

mcgucket(lays out some blueprints) "alright. i've made some thingamadiculous robomajigs in my day, but this is the first one that won't be used for evil."

dipper "whoa! these blueprints are incredible, mcgucket."

my eyes shine with excitement

as a fellow inventor this is more then impressing

i am starting to adore this man maybe he's becoming something like my idol?

mabel "this is your most amazing invention yet."

i squeal on joy and jump up and down while dipper tries and fails to keep me still

soos "question, does it have any gun-swords? i watch a lot of anime and, uh, trust me, you're gonna want some gun-swords."

mcgucket "what's an 'anime'?"

soos "we have much to discuss."

"i agree!"

stan "discuss nothing! these scribbles are a bunch of cockamamie balderdash! excuse my french."

french lilliputtian "je ne sais quoi sacrebleu au revoir!" (subtitled:) ( i don't believe that was french.)

stan "and where would you even find a bunch of idiots who would be crazy enough to build it?"

mabel "grunkle stan, you're looking at those idiots."

everyone cheers.

soos "idiots!"

cut to montage of the refugees building the robot: mcgucket points out the parts needed, then people raid the junkyard; cut to people taking stuff from inside the shack.

stan "whoa-what! what are you--? h-hey now! hey hey! don't touch that! hey! aah!"

cut to people digging a dinosaur out from the abandoned mines; soos showing mcgucket anime while the latter takes notes lui seems to be talking and rambo long about the different genres in it; cuts all the parts being put together and to a "take back the falls" flag

cut to everyone outside the shack wearing mabel's sweaters

soos "thanks for these apocalypse sweaters, mabel. the end of the world has never been so comfortable."

some of the refugees nod and hum in agreement.

pacifica(shivers; mabel gives her the puppy eyes at her) "uh! fine, i'll wear it. "(puts on the llama sweater) " but i'm not gonna like it."she says with a blush

mabel "admit it. this is the best day of the end of the world. i think we actually have a chance to beat bill and win back our future."

dipper "yeah. getting to actually live to see our 13th birthday party is the only birthday present i want right now."

soos "hey, if we're lucky enough to get there, i guarantee this whole town is gonna throw you the best birthday party you've ever seen."

dipper "thanks, soos. hey, has anyone seen grunkle stan?"

stan "this whole plan is bonkers. but of course no one asked the chief what he thinks. after all i've done for everyone!"

shmebulock "shmebulock!"

stan "yeah, exactly, it's a total load of shmebulock."

mabel "is something wrong, grunkle stan? you're acting grunklier than usual."

stan "it's this darn plan to save my brother. if you didn't notice, i already saved him once from that portal, and he never thanked me! he causes the end of the world, and somehow it's still always 'stan's the screw-up. ford's the hero' .  "

i flinch not wanting to get in the family drama

dipper "well maybe people think he's a hero because he didn't want to hide in the mystery shack!"

i shake not liking the way he shouts as mabel pats my back to calm me down and pacifica stands akwardly by her side

stan "well maybe if he hid in the mystery shack, he wouldn't have been captured!"

mabel "guys! guys! trust me, tomorrow's gonna be great! i believe in us."

chutzpar "help! leader mabel! i keep accidentally flexing through my sweater. (does so) augh! it happened again!"

mabel "those weird cow-monsters are delightful! coming!"

pacifica follows her with a small smile but tries to hide it

cut to the next morning.

 gompers walks across a barren wasteland and bleats

mcgucket "alright, fellas. let's hope this turns out better than my other inventions."

mabel "everybody ready? dipper, now!"

dipper pulls a lever, causing wheels to turn. machinery begins running and the invention starts moving. as the invention stands up, the refugees are tossed side-to-side inside the shack.

the robot approaches the fearamid.

the robot's t-rex head crashes through the fearamid and roars.

the mystery shack robot comes into full view.

soos "it's the shacktron, dude!"

 (holds the take back the falls flag, topped with wax larry king's head)

wax larry king "they made the house into a robot. fascinating!"

bill "so the mortals are trying to fight back, huh? adorable! henchmaniacs, you know what to do! take them out!"

bill's minions grow in size and jump out of the fearamid to stand in front of the mystery shack.

stan "this was a bad idea."

soos(through a microphone:) "uh, hey, dudes. is this thing on? test (feedback screeches) heh. uh, i just wanted you monster dudes to hand over ford or we'll have to, like, fight and junk. heh. hey, you're a little cutie."

paci-fire "i have butchered millions on countless moons"

soos "whoa. i liked you better before you talked. real... real bring down, this guy"

pyronica "attack!"

the demons run at the shacktron.

soos "all right, dudes!" (runs into the shack)

dipper "everyone! like we planned! three, two, one. go!"

candy and grenda(operate arms, punching away paci-fire and kryptos)

mabel(uses waddles' mouth to pull a lever, which causes the shacktron to shoot several demons away) "ha ha ha. good pig."


eye bats(attack the shacktron)

mcgucket "get em, gobblewonker!" (operates a gobblewonker head on top of the shacktron, grabbing an eye bat in its mouth)

rumble(kills two eye bats with fireballs) "hya! hya!"

wendy "oh, no, you don't!"

(jumps onto an eye bat and pulls its wings, turning 8 ball's head to stone. wendy jumps off the eye bat back into the shack)

i shoot three eye-bats with the plasma cannon but have to go back in as i dodge a beem

multi-bear "everyone! incoming!"

stan(pulling at a door labeled "exit") "does this thing have an escape hatch?"

zanthar rams the shack and pushes it back. everyone inside screams.

mabel "everybody! maximum power!"

sev'ral times(runs on a treadmill)

dipper "and...now!"

(turns a wheel and the shacktron grabs zanthar and throws it)

teeth(runs away on fire, screaming)

bill "guys, seriously? you had, like, one job to do here."

ford "bravo, dipper and mabel!"

bill "well, would you look at that. those kids really care about you. and you care about them."

 (eye turns red; deep voice:) "don't you?fordwhat are you....oh. oh no."

bill "perhaps torturing those kids'll make you talk."

ford "no. no! not the kids! you ca-"

bill(turns ford to gold) "let's get this over with."

 (crawls outside, grows a giant fist and slams it down on the shacktron; he raises his fist only to find the shack perfectly fine) "what the? no! no! no! no! no!"

(grows ten arms and pounds at the shack)

stan "ah!"

mabel "attack!"

grenda(punches, causing the t-rex head to lunge at bill. it bites bill's eye and pulls back, ripping his eye out.)

bill "aah! my eye! do you have any idea how long it takes to regenerate that?!?"

dipper "we've got him distracted. now's our chance."

mabel "rescue team, move out!"

mabel puts her grappling hook in her sweater. soos puts the memory erasing gun in his backpack. dipper tests the height-altering crystal flashlight on a mystery shack snowglobe. cut to dipper, mabel, stan, soos, wendy, lui, pacifica and sheriff blubs standing in the exit tubes.

dipper "okay everyone. we get in, rescue ford, get out, save the world. piece of cake."

pacifica"just so we're clear. if i die, i'm suing all of you."

stan "hey, on second thought, maybe we could come up with a plan that doesn't involve us plummeting to our certain death-"

wendy "now!"

 (presses a button and they are pulled up out of the tubes and shot out of the gobblewonker's mouth, screaming. they fall towards the fearamid's opening)

dipper "oh, man, oh, man..."

mabel(doing cartwheels through the air) "woohoo! hahaha!"

they open their parachutes as they approach the fearamid. they all land and remove their parachutes. all of them gasp upon seeing bill's throne.

dipper "oh, man. it looks even worse up close."

mabel(shoots her grappling hook, which lands on manly dan and pulls herself up to the throne) "i found great uncle ford! (tosses the grappling hook down) he's golden. but not in the good way!"

stan "great! grab him and let's get out of here.dipperbut how are we going to unfreeze them?"

gideon " i know!" (dancing in a cage)

mabel "gideon! what happened to you?"

gideon "bill captured me. he's been forcing me to do cute dances in this cage for all eternity. (sobbing) i'm so tired of being cute!"

dipper "how do we undo this?"

gideon "mayor tyler. he's the load-bearing human. pull him out, and the whole thing goes down."

dipper pulls at tyler's arm. he rattles before turning back to normal and breaking free. this sets off a chain reaction, causing the chair to collapse. as it does, the residents are returned to normal. deputy durland hits gideon's cage, knocking it down and breaking it, freeing gideon.

lazy susan "ugh. my mouth tastes like nightmares."

robbie(falls down on his head) "aah! i think i'm dark and tortured for reals now."

 (a can of spray paint falls out of his hoodie)

tad strange "this experience will forever scar tad strange."

gideon(rips off his costume) "no more sailor suit!" (pants)

manly dan and his sons hug wendy.

manly dan "wendy!"

wendy "guys!"

pacifica "mom! dad!"

sheriff blubs "durland!!!"(runs to durland, knocking over priscilla and preston)

deputy durland "my blubs!"

sheriff blubs "don't you ever scare me like that again." (hugs him)

' d'aww'

everyone claps and cheers.

ford(unfreezes) "kids! ah, you did it! i knew i could count on you two. haha! (to mcgucket:) fiddleford. i--i haven't seen you since we parted ways. you must hate me."

mcgucket "i've tried forgettin'. maybe i should try forgiving. come here, old friend. "(hugs ford)

stan "hey, good to see you too, bro. now let's get outta here, huh?"

dipper "listen, uncle ford, we don't have a lot of time. remember how you told me right before you were frozen that you knew bill's weakness?"

mabel "yeah, a secret way to defeat him?"

ford "i--i do! (pulls on gloves) now, does anyone have a pen? pencil? anything? (sees robbie's spraypaint can) ah. (grabs the can) perfect." (draws with the spraypaint)

dipper "uh, we've got bill outside, but i don't know how long we can keep him occupied."

ford "yes, yes. good, good."

stan "drawing a circle on the floor. well, he's lost his mind."

ford "my mind is fine. and there is a way to beat him. with this."

pulls back to show that ford has drawn the zodiac.

pacifica "the world's most confusing game of hopscotch?"

ford "no, a prophecy. although it would be a pretty fun game of hopscotch."

(cut to ford as a young man in a cave approaching a painting of bill's wheel. voice-over from the present:) "many years ago i found ten symbols in a cave. some i recognized then, some i only recognize now. the native people of gravity falls prophesied that these symbols could create a force strong enough to vanquish bill. with bill defeated, his weirdness would be reversed and the town could be saved." (flashback ends) 

"this whole time i thought it was just superstition. but seeing you all here now, i finally understand that it's destiny. dipper, the pine tree. mabel, the shooting star."

dipper and mabel(step on their respective spots)

soos "the question mark. this one's unsolvable."

wendy(pushes robbie onto the broken heart symbol) "that one's easy. you've been rockin' that dumb hoodie since the seventh grade."

robbie "whoa. destiny hoodie."

dipper "the tent of telepathy sign! that must be gideon."

gideon(stands on it) "whoo! an excuse to stand next to mabel."

mabel "don't turn this into a big deal."

gideon "oh, i won't! (whispering:) i will."

cut to inside the fearamid.

ford "hold hands, everyone. this is a mystical human energy circuit."

dipper "ice? who's ice?"

ford "the symbols needn't all be literal, dipper. it just has to be someone cool in the face of danger."

lee, nate, tambry, thompson "wendy! wendy!wendyheheh. shut up, you guys."(stands on the ice bag symbol)

ford "much like the spectacles need to be someone scholarly."

mcgucket(stands on the glasses symbol) "heeheh!"

pacifica(stands on the llama symbol and looks at the llama sweater she's wearing) "this is freaky."

ford "now hold hands, everyone."

mcgucket(holds out his hand, which has flies around it, to pacifica)

pacifica "ew! i'm not touching that."

preston "do it, sweetie. do the one thing no one in our family has ever done: touch the hillbilly."

pacifica(holds mcgucket's hand and everyone in the circle glows. thunder rumbles and smoke circles around the fearamid.)

dipper "great uncle ford! i think it's working!"

mcgucket "hoohoo! heehahahaha!"

ford "yes! this is it! (to the people outside the circle:) the rest of you get out. it's too dangerous!"

i sigh but stay pit besides stan but step back once knowing full well i'm not in this

i did what i could and that's it

the people not in the circle run away.

ford "we just need one more person..."

(sees the empty symbol -- the picture on stan's fez) "stanley! stanley, get over here. you're the only one left."

stan "you realize this is a bunch of hogwash, right? you really think some caveman graffiti is gonna stop that monster?"

gideon "stan you old man! now's not the time!"

wendy "come on!"

pacifica "what are you doing? you're gonna ruin this!"

robbie "i've never held hands this long and i am very uncomfortable."

stan "whoa. hey. i'm not the enemy here, people. don't forget who literally created the end of the world."

ford "i'm sorry, stanley. i know. just help me fix it. please."

stan"fine. just do one thing. say 'thank you' ."

ford "what?"

stan "i spent thirty years trying to bring you back into this dimension and you still haven't thanked me! you want me to shake your hand? say 'thank you' ."

ford "fine. thank you."

stan(holds ford's and soos' hands) "now, see. between me and him, i'm not always the bad twin."

ford "between 'him and me.' (beat; dipper and wendy are shocked) grammar, stanley."

stan "i'll 'grammar stanley' you! (lets go of soos' hand and hits ford; the circuit breaks) you stuck up son of a gun! i mean come on!"

ford(lets go of robbie's hand and hits stanley) "don't jeopardize this, you idiot! everything's on the line!"

mabel "guys, stop it!"

dipper and mabel pull at stan and ford, who are fighting and yelling unintelligibly at each other.

dipper "join hands!"

ford and stan stop fighting as bill approaches.

bill "oh no, it's bill! right? isn't that what you're all thinking? hey, gideon, why aren't you dancing? chop chop, huh?"

bill "ha ha ha ho! this is just too perfect! didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands? and what's better, you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy circle!" (burns the circle)

dipper "oh no!"

pacifica(notices that her hair is on fire and pats it) "ah! my hair!"

robbie(notices that his hair is on fire and pats it) "ah! my hair also!"

bill(grabs stan and ford) "you guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?"

mcgucket "hey! you give them back!"

gideon "you've gone too far, cipher!"

wendy "yeah! we're not scared of you!"

(grabs her ax)

mcgucket(grabs his banjo)

i sigh and place my battle axe infront of me i'm a fighting stance

bill "oh, but you should be." (snaps and everyone except dipper, mabel, ford, and stan floats up beside him including lui)

mabel "ah!"

dipper "oh no!"

bill "you know, this castle could really use some decorations!"

 (the people who he was holding up are replaced by tapestries with pictures of them screaming in front of their symbols except for lui causing for him to be frustrated and toss lui into a cage far off to the side) 

"looks like it's too late for your friends, stanford."

dipper and mabel scream as a cage encases them.

stan"ah! kids!"

bill "but you can still save your family. last chance: tell me how to take weirdmageddon global and i'll spare the kids!"

dipper "no! don't do it!"

mabel "yeah! bill makes bad deals!"

bill "don't you toy with me, shooting star. i see everythi--!"

 (eye shows a picture of a galaxy; as mabel sprays paint in his eye) "ow! not again! why?! every time!"

stan "nice shot, pumpkin."

ford and stan are released from bill's arms and fall to the ground.

bill "i just regenerated that eye!"

i sigh and sit down grabbing my legs and press them to my chest upset

my axe was to far for me to grab it and the cage was small enough for me not to get out

i shake upset desperately humming to calm myself down but it isn't working

on normal occasions i would transform into the cursed beast but thanks to the collar the curse doesn't take effect but i'm still not good with dealing with it as my vision gets blurry with what seems to be my tears

mabel "i know that hurts because i've accidentally done it to myself! multiple times!"

dipper pulls out the height-altering crystal flashlight and enlarges their cage. dipper and mabel jump out as bill continues to scream in pain.

dipper "save yourselves. run! we'll take care of bill!"

ford "what? that's a suicide mission!"

dipper "trust us. we've beat him before..."

mabel "...and we'll beat him again! (fist bumps dipper) hey! bill! come and get us, you pointy jerk!"

bill growls. dipper and mabel run off into the fearamid. before leaving, mabel stretches her lips to blow a raspberry.

ford "what? no! it's too dangerous!"

ford and stan start to run after dipper and mabel, but bill puts them in a cage.

bill(opens eye) "not so fast. you two wait here! (turns red and grows six arms) i've got some children i need to make into corpses. (deep voice:) seeya real soon." (runs off)

stan "no! wait! no! no! oh, what do we do? what do we do?!"

ford(bangs on bars) "kids!"

i space out to try and calm down as i fix my breathing from the quick and shallow breaths to slow and calm yet shaky ones till i'm back to normal

i rub the tears off and look up

for a moment a flicker of an old ability of mine appears

i can see the names, age and a fun fact about them while i glace at them but as soon as i see the names i fades away

they switched clothes

they look exactly like each other!

bill(re-enters the main room with dipper and mabel in his hand) "alright, ford. time's up. i've got the kids. i think i'm gonna kill one of 'em now just for the heck of it! eenie..meenie...minee"

(eye switches between the pine tree and shooting star symbol with each word, then ends on the shooting star) "...you!!"

(holds up his other hand)

stan(wearing ford's clothes and imitating ford's voice) "wait! i surrender."

bill "good choice." (drops dipper and mabel)

ford(wearing stan's clothes and imitating stan's voice) "don't do it, ford, it'll destroy the universe!!"

stan "it's the only way."

bill "hahahaha! oh, even when you're about to die, you pines twins just can't get along." (drops the cage and ties up ford)

stan "my only condition is that you let my brother and the kids go!"

bill "fine."

dipper "no, grunkle ford! don't trust him!"

bill "it's a...deal!" (holds stan's hand, then enters the mental realm)" ahaha! hahaha! ahahahahaha! (enters stan's mind) oh, i'm here. i'm finally here! look at this place: a perfect, calm, orderly void. gotta hand it to ya, ford. you really know how to clear your m--"

 (opens the door to see stan on his chair in the mystery shack's living room with a paddleball)

stan(makes a clicking sound and points a finger-gun at bill)

bill "what?!"

stan "heh heh! do a pretty good impression of my brother, don't i? switch clothes and no one can tell us apart. welcome to my mind. surprised you didn't recognize it."

outside of stan's mind, ford takes off stan's fez and pulls out the memory erasing gun. he enters "stanley pines" and aims it at his brother.

i get out due to bills absence the cage disappeared

i walk over to them and give them all healing potions which they drink and thank me for

i nod solemnly as i didn't manage to do anything to help them

cut back to stan's mind.

bill "what?! the deal's off!!" (turns around but the door shuts) "what the...no, no, no, no!"

the room starts to burn with blue fire.

stan "oh yeah. you're going down, bill. you're gettin' erased. memory gun. pretty clever, huh?"

bill "y-you idiot! don't you realize you're destroying your own mind, too?!"

stan "eh. it's not like i was using this space for much, anyway."

bill "let me outta here! let me out! (grunts) why isn't this working?!"

stan "hey, look at me. turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon! you're a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family."

bill "you're making a mistake! i'll give you anything!"

 (eye shows a picture of a dollar sign, a star, a pot of gold and a galaxy)" money! fame! riches! infinite power! your own galaxy! please! (bends and melts) no! what's happening to me?! "

(flashes between several distorted forms;speaking backwards:) "nruter yam i taht rewop tneicna eht ekovni i! nrub ot emoc sah emit ym! l-t-o-l-o-x-a! (speaking normally:) staaannlleeeey!"

stan(punches bill in the eye and bill disintegrates with a fading scream. stan pants, then picks up a picture of him with dipper, mabel and waddles) "heh. guess i was good for something after all."

the flames engulf him.

cut to outside of stan's mind. once ford finishes erasing stan's memory he drops the memory erasing gun. the others from the wheel return to normal and drop to the floor.

outside of the fearamid, the rift sucks all of the demons back into the nightmare realm through the portal. teeth spits out shmebulock as he gets pulled away.

the fearamid is deconstructed and pulled into the rift. once it is gone, a wave washes over the town, restoring it to its pre-weirdmageddon state. the townsfolk look around, and xyler, craz and rumble mcskirmish all fade away. the forest is shown with a bird landing on a statue of bill, covered in moss and vegetation.

cut to another part of the forest with stan still collapsed on the ground. he opens his eyes.

mabel(runs up to stan and puts his fez on him) " oh, my gosh! grunkle stan, you did it!"

i fly behind her flapping my wings sadly

stan "oh, uh, hey there...kiddo. what's your name?"

mabel "eheh. grunkle stan?"

stan "heh. (looks around) who you talkin' to?"

mabel "c-cmon. it's me. it's me, grunkle stan. (as dipper pulls her back) grunkle stan, it's me!"

i start to shake but remain other then that unfazed

ford "we had to erase his mind to defeat bill. it's all gone. stan has no idea, but he did it. he saved the world. he saved me. (kneels down next to stan) you're our hero, stanley." (hugs him)

mabel sits down and cries. dipper puts his hand on her shoulder and cries as well.

cut to everyone in front of the mystery shack, which is laying in a heap in the woods. they walk up to the door.

dipper punches the door until it comes down. everyone walks into the living room, dipper and mabel holding stan's hands.

stan "hey, this is a real nice place you got here."

dipper "it's your place, grunkle stan."

mabel "don't you remember? even a little?"

stan(sitting down in the recliner) "nope. but this chair hugs my butt like it remembers. ah. (looks at everyone else, who are looking at him sadly) hey, why the long faces? you guys look like it's someone's funeral. (whispering:) who's that big guy crying in the corner?"

soos(sobs and turns away)

dipper "we saved the world, but what's the point? grunkle stan's not himself anymore."

mabel "there's gotta be 

something we can do to jog his memory."


ford "there isn't. i'm sorry. stan's gone."

mabel "i know my grunkle is in there somewhere. there's gotta be something around here that can help bring him back. "

(grabs her scrapbook, sits next to stan in the recliner and opens it) "this'll work! this has to work! here's the first day we came to gravity falls, grunkle stan. and here's a macaroni interpretation of my emotions."

(flips through the pages)

dipper "that time we went fishing? that summerween we spent together? don't you remember anything?"

stan "i'm sorry. i don't know what this is or who you are or-"

waddles(jumps up on stan)

stan gah! quit it, waddles! i'm trying to remember my life story!"

dipper and mabel(gasp)

dipper "what did you say?"

stan "i said get waddles off of me."

"ek!"i squeal in joy

ford(gasps) "it's working. keep reading."

soos "skip to my page! he needs to remember our boss-employee relationship."

stan "hey, just cuz i have amnesia, don't go tryin' to give yourself a raise, soos." (sits in the chair)

dipper "it's happening! keep going!"

mabel "okay. okay. 'day two. grunkle stan smells weird but we're starting to bond. he told us a lot about being a business man in the '80s and seemed happy when we pretended to listen. he also gave me a grappling hook which everyone is impressed by. and in more important news, i met some neighborhood hotties." (laughs)

everyone else laughs with her. cut to a woodpecker landing on the welcome to gravity falls sign. a gnome pops up and eats the bird.

shandra "good morning, gravity falls. it's another beautiful day, but every day is beautiful now that the...unpleasantness is over."

lazy susan(wipes a drawing of bill off of her window)

sprott(chasing some eye bats out of his barn) "git outta here, you ornery critters!"

cut to a zombie popping out of the ground. greg valentino pushes it back into the ground with his foot.

greg "ah, good as new."

 (to janice, who pushes one in the ground with a shovel as another grabs her leg:) "oh! looks like you've got a friend."

janice "robbie, would you be a dear and get us the sawed-off shotgun?"

robbie "ugh. fine! whatever!"

mayor befufftlefumpter(pops out of the ground as a zombie) "brains, and so forth."

janice "nope. none of that, thank you. "(pushes him back into the ground and she and greg laugh)

cut to tyler cutebiker standing on a podium in front of a crowd.

tyler "none of us really understand what just happened and none of us want to. that's why i'm passing the never mind all that act. if anyone goes asking around about the 'events' of the last few days, what do we say?"

 (a banner saying "never mind all that" drops)

crowd "never mind all that!"

sheriff blubs "and if you break the rules, we're gonna zap you."

deputy durland(waving tasers) " zap! zap! we're mad with power!"

sheriff blubs and deputy durland(drop their tasers and grab each others' faces) "and love"

shandra jimenez " in other news, the northwest family has gone broke. after pledging his allegiance to bill and then placing all his savings in weirdness bonds, preston northwest had to sell his mansion to preserve his family fortune."

cut to preston and priscilla crying as the some workers hand a "for sale" banner on the gate.

priscilla(to pacifica:) "you're only going to have one pony now."

shot closes in on pacifica's horrified face accompanied by dramatic music.

shandra "but fortunes have also turned for local maniac, fiddleford mcgucket, who, after regaining his sanity, has made millions overnight submitting his patents to the us government."

mcgucket "i'm gonna buy me a bigger shed! (pointing to the northwest manor) hey, that one's for sale!"

shandra "in other good news, town hero, stanley pines, has fully recovered his memory and will be throwing a party to celebrate his niece and nephew's thirteenth birthday and final day in town. but other than that, i can safely say our beloved gravity falls is back to normal. and now, bodacious t, with sports."

toby determined(holding a skull and bat) "it's called, 'death ball' ."

cut to dipper and mabel standing in front of a cake with many townsfolk.

crowd(singing:) "...to you. "(cheers)

mabel "i can't believe you all got together just to throw a party for us."

tyler "after all the pines family has done for the town, it's the least we could do. you've helped everyone here."

gideon "thanks to y'all savin' us, i'm gonna learn to open my heart to kindness. no more evil-doin'. from now on, i'm gonna try to be li'l gideon, regular ol' kid."

cut to gideon at a park on a skateboard.

gideon "wa--oh! woo! i'm bustin' a move on this skatin' board."

boy(walking past gideon) "more like busting your pants, loser."(laughs)

gideon looks over at ghost-eyes and killbone on the teeter-totter. he snaps his fingers and the two go after the boy. , they beat him up and the boy screams. gideon giggles.

cut back to the party.

i chuckle shaking my head while flying beside them and hover just above with a small smile and the rest of the presents that didn't fit which were two pacificas and mine

soos "dude! make a wish, dawg."

dipper "you know, on my first day here, if you had asked me what i wanted, i would have said, "adventure, mystery, true friends." but looking here at all of you i realize that every wish came true. (chuckles) i have everything i wanted.'

mabel "if i had only one wish it would be to shrink all of you with the shrink ray and bring you home with us in my pocket. but since that's impossible... (to ford:) is that impossible?"

ford(waves his hand up and down and shrugs)

mabel "since that's probably impossible, my only wish is for everyone to sign my scrapbook. i'll never forget you guys. wait. (sets the memory gun on the floor and smashes it) now i'll never forget you guys." (she and dipper blow out the candles)

wendy(hugs them) "i now officially declare you technically teenagers. welcome to angst and acne forever."

wendy, tambry, robbie, lee, nate and thompson "one of us! one of us!"

blubs and durland "woopee!"(fire a cannon)

soos "so how do you feel?"

mabel "same-y, but different-y."

pacifica "hey, you two. when are you gonna open your presents already? i broke a nail wrapping them."

mabel(she and dipper laugh) "pacifica."

dipper and mabel each grab a present.

stan claps.

ford "stanley, i need to talk to you. (leads him behind the shack) i didn't wanna say anything with everyone listening, but we've got a problem. weirdmageddon has been contained but i'm detecting some strange new anomalies near the arctic ocean."

 (shows a holographic map of the world on his watch) "i want to go investigate it but i think i might be too old to go it alone."

stan "are you sayin' you need someone to help you sail around the world in the adventure of a lifetime?"

ford "i don't just want someone to come with me stanley, i want it to be you."

 (gives him a photo of them as kids posing on the stan-o-war) 'will you give me a second chance?"

stan "you think we'll find treasure? and babes?"

ford "heh! i'd say there's a high probability. but, what should we do with the mystery shack?'

stan "i think the town's had enough mystery for one lifetime. are you thinkin' what i'm thinkin'?"

stan and ford start talking unintelligibly.

soos walks up behind them, eating cake, and gasps when he overhears their conversation.

cut to stan and ford on the porch with dipper and mabel.

stan(tapping a pitt cola bottle) "everyone, i have an announcement to make. me and my...heh!... nerdy bro over here have some catchin' up to do. we're gonna be away for a while. that's why i'm shutting down the mystery shack for good."

crowd(gasp and murmur)

soos "you shut down your mouth for good! (beat) i'm sorry, mr. pines. it's just that this shack is the most magical place on earth. sure, the attractions are all fake, but dreams aren't fake! "

(holds up a fiji mermaid taxidermy) "like, this mermaid. it's not just a dead fish butt sewn to a monkey carcass. it's a marvelous creature that makes us believe that anything is possible. you shut down this shack, and you shut down our dreams! at least...my dreams."

crowd "aww."

stan(sighs)" i'm sorry, soos. it's just, there's no one around to run it. at least, there wouldn't be if i hadn't just found the perfect replacement. (puts his fez on soos) ladies and gentleman, the mystery shack is under new management."


soos "you...you mean it, mr. mystery?"

stan "you're mr. mystery now, soos. try not to burn the place down."

abuelita(carrying luggage and assorted items, with a 'movers' truck in tow) "i'll move in immediately."

the partygoers keep cheering. cut to the mystery shack later that evening.

the empty attic.

cut to the pines,

soos, wendy, candy, grenda and waddles at the bus stop.

candy "do you really have to go? there's still so much we haven't done together."

mabel "summer's over, candy. it's time for us to grow up."

dipper "but not too much."

grenda "aaah! i hate my dumb heart for making me feel things. (punches herself) cut. it. out. heart!"

soos "hey, can you punch my heart, too?"

candy "no, mine! punch my feelings away."

mabel(hugs candy and grenda) "candy and grenda, thank you for being my people. you'll always be my best friends. grunkle stan, thanks for wearing my goodbye sweater."

stan "ah, it's cold out. i had to."

soos "what? but it's like eighty-something degrees out today."

stan and ford "can it, soos!"

dipper, mabel, lui, candy and grenda laugh.

wendy(kneels next to dipper) "hey, you mean a lot to me, man."

dipper(fist-bumps wendy) "you, too."

wendy(switches hats with dipper) "something to remember me by. (handing dipper a letter) oh, and this. read it the next time you miss gravity falls."

i fidget nervously as they all stare at me

"look.. i've never been good at goodbyes but you guys will probably see me around your town by next week so.. how about just a hug?"i say

they smile and we hug

i go to walk besides the rest but remember something i wanted to do

"actually do you guys mind if i talk with dipper in private?"i ask nervously

they all look at each other with a knowing smile and agree

i smile and grab him dragging him into the woods alone not to far away but enough so they can't hear

once alone dipper speaks

"what did you want to say?"he asks nervously

i fidget again but take a deep breath summoning three small roses a red one, a orange one and a pink one

i feel a massive wave of heat hit my cheeks and my ears and feel the strange bug feeling in my stomach that feels so weird and strange

i give them to him mad he grabs it carefully while he blushes fearsly realizing what this is

"look i like.. i'm in love with you.. okay? that's all i wanted to say.. i know that you may not feel the same due to you always going after wendy this whole summer but i wanted to tell you this before you left.."i say softly

he blushes harder and i swear that i could almost see steam come out of his ears

"look you don't need to say or do anything-"i begin but i feel him kiss my cheek and i stop speaking

he looks embarrassed


oh fuck...!

i feel like i'm on fire and my stomach makes me want to throw up but in a good way?

i don't know!!!

"i...so.. uh, what does this make us?"i ask unsure

"boyfriend's?"dipper says almost like a question

i nod with a huge grin on my face as we head back to the rest

they see our faces and the flowers and realize that it was a success

i see that mabel and pacifica are gone

i giggle knowing their doing the same thing as i did with dipper

i hear a loud squeal then a thump and then nothing

"it seem like it went well?"i say with a chuckle

we see them emerge from the woods mabel happily jumping at her success and pacifica blushing while holding three flowers purple, pink and orange roses

ha.. nice!

a bus pulls up.

bus driver "last bus leaving gravity falls. all aboard."

mabel "guess we've said goodbye to everyone except...waddles. i...i don't know how to explain this but... (sighs) mom and dad won't let me bring a pig home to california so... you have to stay here!"

waddles(pulls mabel's skirt)

mabel(trying to push waddles off of her; starts to cry) "come on. come on. i have to go. i'm...i'm sorry, waddles."

stan "agh! you know what? forget it! i lived with this pig all summer, now your parents are gonna have to. (puts waddles on the bus) hey, bus guy! this pig is comin' with the kids."

bus driver "now, hold on a second. bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by--"

stan pulls out his brass knuckles and ford shows his gun.

bus driver "wah...w-w-welcome aboard. you can sit in the front row, pig."

stan "kids, you knuckleheads were nothin' but a nuisance and i'm glad to be rid of ya."

mabel(she and dipper hug him) "we'll miss you too, grunkle stan."

dipper "ready to head into the unknown?"

mabel "nope. let's do it."

they get on the bus and it drives away. everyone runs after the bus shouting their farewells.

mabel "bye! bye, everybody! we'll miss you."

dipper "bye! i'll miss you guys, too!"

ford puts his hand on stan's shoulder.

dipper(narrating:) "if you've ever taken a road trip through the pacific northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called gravity falls."

cut to mcgucket walking into the northwest manor. he drops his sack and banjo on the ground.

mcgucket  "well, i've moved in."

dipper "it's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it. some people think it's a myth. but if you're curious, don't wait."

at the mystery shack, soos unveils a statue of stan.

the kids run away screaming.

cut to ford and stan on a boat. a giant squid attacks them and stan punches it.

cut to dipper and mabel on the bus and mabel is asleep.

dipper "take a trip. find it. it's out there somewhere in the woods. waiting. "

(opens the letter, which has signatures from various people and says "see you next summer."; dipper smiles)

we then see the scrolling closing credits in the form of mabel's scrapbook with various pictures such as waddles playing with the bubble;

dipper and mabel setting off firecrackers;

mabel doing crazy poses while taking a selfie such as blowing a dandelion and "eating" a sun;

wendy makes a "crazy face" in front of the camera; 

tracey and quattro relaxing under the tent during the rain;

stan trying out the grappling hook while holding ford;

mabel painting ford's fingers;

old man mcgucket, his raccoon wife, and his son tate relaxing in the pool;

lui bringing cookies out of the over while mabel is seen with tater all over her face a d dipper tries to stop her from rubbing the left over batter on his face ;

quentin trembley looking yonder at gravity falls while sitting on his horse backwards;

mabel, grenda and candy doing quick poses in a photo booth;

the pines family watching tv and then fall asleep the next day;

some objects in the mystery shack like the antique diving helmet and the jar of eyeballs;

a tree shows a number of heart carvings with one of them saying mabel+gabe, possibly about mabel's ex-boyfriends and another with mabel+pacifica;

a snack bar in the mystery shack where a kid takes one cookie bag;

grenda and candy during the final days of summer traveling in the yacht with marius von fundshauser when grenda vigorously kisses him;

and the final picture, dipper and mabel with waddles sleeping in the bus seat as they reach their hometown of piedmont, california.