

After finding the ring in my pocket, I hear talking coming my way from outside the restroom. "Mrs.Cross that Kasim is in the restroom sleeping and is ditching your class." says a voice that is familiar. "Thanks Len it's almost the end of school so I'll be seeing you later for now go back to your class while I deal with Mr. Waste and have him suspended before his branding." Hearing all this, I stuff the ring back into my pocket and check for any injuries. The only thing noticable is slight blood coming out of my nose, my arm bruising and my shirt having a small burn mark on the collar of my shirt.

After checking myself, I rush outside and bump into someone coming into the restroom. *BANG* I was the one pushed back onto the floor, looking up I see the person being Mrs.Cross folding her arms and giving me a deadly glare. "Kasim can you tell me why you haven't been back to my class for an hour? That another student found you sleeping in the restroom?!" Getting my bearings, I stand up and look around (Len is missing) I thought. "Sorry Mrs.Cross I had a terrible headache and fell unconscious but before the headache I think someone with a fire power hit me due to having this burn mark and I am having a slight nose bleed." replying to her questions with my logic. "Yes I see that but I am taking you to the principles' office for a talk and potential suspension for not following the rules.

Hearing her, I narrowed my eyes and looked at her when she started walking towards the principles' office. (Something is going on, I have proof but she just ignored it and is trying to get me suspended. Is this brand something special that you would want to stop someone from getting?) I rush up behind her and follow her to the office. After a few minutes of walk down the long hallway pass her classroom and take a left at the end into another hallway. We ended up at a door with a sign saying front office, knocking and opening the door. We see the front office lady talking on the phone? Well something similar to a phone from 1 million years ago. It was a sleek and thin rectangle shaped object with no buttons or ports and just a screen. From my memories is a phone that civilians use or people that aren't branded, people that are branded either use a phone that is indestructible so they can fight or an indestructible smart holo watch for easier use.

Coming out of my thoughts, the lady tells us to go inside while she goes back on the phone. Walking inside we see a desk with one chair on one side and two chairs on the other side, an old man sitting on the side with the single chair greets us and we sit down. Just noticing how he looks, an older man that is bald on top but has long white mustache that swoops down like a martial arts master and tanned skin with faint muscles seen you would think this old man was either from a place with a lot of sunshine or a hidden expert. Glancing to my side I looked at Mrs.Cross's features for the first time since seeing her, a bombshell body, my height with slightly white skin, blue hair shoulder length and blue eyes. After looking at her, I look back at the old man. This entire time he was just staring at me and after I looked back at him he started talking.

"So Cross why have you brought me Kasim? Shouldn't he be getting ready for his branding?" After talking I felt the air get hotter and I can feel tension in the air. "Yes Mr.Tsuchi about this, he has been caught skipping class and from his actions and accusing another student for using their power on him I say we should suspend him and cancel his rights for branding." Mrs.Cross replies but right when she stops talking the old man slams his desk. "Cross! We have been through this multiple times already with other students and now you are pulling down one if not the best fighter from our school! Kasim here has the best knowledge and combat grades of his year and the best grades since the young general! He will not get suspended due to the fact just looking at him, you can tell he speaks the truth! Don't waste my time and leave Kasim you stay I'll do your branding myself."

"This is stupid! The young general was an exception and shouldn't be compared to a lowly waste such as this one! Says Mrs.Cross while pointing at me. "LEAVE!" Yells the old man that it shook the room and heat melting part of the desk he slammed again. Standing up and rushing out Mrs.Cross yells "You can't protect him forever!" and slams the door shut. The temperature cools down and I look back at the old man. "So uhm Mr. Tsuchi about this branding?"

"Please Kasim we've known each other since your parents died and me training you call me Kagu. Just sit there and focus on the energy in the room, follow it inside you towards your summon. This is the best place to summon than that of the summoning room." Doing as he said I stay seated and close my eyes. I focus and enter a meditation state I remember back from my life 1 million years ago. It was called the inside meditation or at least that's what I called it after reading up on different forms and styles back in the day. Everything was clear from my mind and I found myself back in the dark area with the reflective flooring that I am sure is water. I can feel energy in the room outside and it's slowly flowing north of me. I walk north and I can see a vortex of colors in the distance that gets brighter the closer I get. After 10 minutes of walking I am at the vortex, Anon shows up and says something.

"Kas that is me or should I say your summon once you take a hold of it, you will obtain a mark on you and you'll know where it is due to the burning sensation you'll have. I won't be able to talk to you anymore and we will fully become one person, I have a question before I vanish. What are you going to do in this world?" Replying to him I say with a conviction I didn't know I had in me. "I will find out why I travelled to this time period and become stronger. From my memories of this period I would like to travel and visit different places, tame different monsters and maybe create a place where they can live without worrying about the bad people hunting them in this world. I don't want to get them all but I'll do what I can." Ending it there I see him smile and shake his head giving me the go ahead, I walk into the vortex.

YAY more chapters.

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