
Intertwined Realities

[...Augmenting] [Target “Reader” Found] [Welcome “Reader,” to a story of a Human and a Demon with Intertwined Realities] [When Realms Collide, Dimensions Falter, and Realities Intertwine, will you be there to see it?]

TimelessRecord · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Lull

Year: 2043, Month: October, Day: 11

Material Realm


[The Skill 'Core Shift' has been acquired for the Users. Please refer to the Skill details in the Interface.]

"Haa... Haa... Haa..."

Each breath Lumin draws feels like a monumental task. Lumin's mind is filled with a mixture of disbelief and confusion. His thoughts are intangible as he tries to understand what just happened.

Azathoth is no better, as he is disturbed at how he took control of Lumin's body. He did not understand what he did.

It was reckless, but it worked.

As Lumin continues to regain his breath, his mind gradually settles.

﹝Well, that was... unexpected.﹞

{What do you mean unexpected!? I just started using your body and took those assholes out!}

By communicating through their minds, Azathoth relays his shock of the experience of controlling a foreign body.

﹝Keep in mind that our situation is highly peculiar. We do not know what traits we were intertwined with.﹞

With cold logic, Lumin calmly assesses the situation and concludes that this results from their intertwined status.

As he stares at the raw flesh, Lumin feels his body is covered in various scratches and bruises. His knuckles are split from the impact of the blows he delivered, blood streaming down his fingers.

The pain radiated like electricity throughout his body. Lumin does his best to ignore it, believing it to be of lesser importance.

﹝Rather than mulling over what happened, we probably should look at the update in the Interface.﹞

As if infected by Lumin's rationality, Azathoth is pacified from his shock and the two look at the new Skill.

Skill: Core Shift Lv.1

Active Skill

Free of cost.

Through the Title 'Intertwined,' users can swap control over their bodies and harmoniously act through one another.

"Core Shift?"

Lumin mutters in a low voice, beginning to realize how Azathoth could take over his body and fight off the goons.

﹝So this is how you were able to aid me.﹞

"Apparently so." Azathoth mentally concurs, both of them now sitting in silence. Their intertwinement, it seems, had opened up possibilities neither of them could have fathomed before. Lumin takes a peek at his Interface, wanting to see the changes to his status after the fight.

Identity: Lumin Blavatsky

Incarnation: Human

Realm: Material

Titles: Psionic Dreamer, Intertwined

Rank: 1

Status: Injured (Minor)

---- Stat ---

Health: 6/10

Mana: 5/5

Psionic Energy: 10/10

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 5

Constitution: 7

Stamina: 6

Intelligence: 19

---- Skills ---

[Passive Skills]

Unidentified Barrier Lv.?

[Active Skills]

Core Shift Lv.1

Perspective Lv. 1

Analysis Lv. 1

Looking down at the unconscious teenager beneath him, Lumin finds his thoughts drifting back to the sequence of events that unfolded—surprised not only at the fact that his injuries though painful, are seen as minor as well as 'Core Shift' allows them to tap into each other's bodies, to control and be controlled.

﹝This is a useful skill for the future. However, the Skill mentions only bodies. The skills potential seems to be that its limitations on only bodies are not finite.﹞

Lumin wonders, pondering the potential benefits and dangers that come along with this newfound power.

Azathoth doesn't respond immediately. He seems to be contemplating the idea, his non-corporeal presence humming with thought until he answers.

{Potentially, yes. Though, it will take time.}

Lumin nods; he winces as the action sends a wave of pain through his battered body.

﹝Well, that seemed to be obviou-﹞



Mentally signing, Azathoth feels exhaustion catching up to him from the memories and events prior. Later murmuring in thought.

{I guess... this is the beginning of a strange... journey.}

"Hm." Lumin simply agrees, hit battered presence proving a strange sense of comfort.

﹝You've got that right.﹞

A few breaths later, the rain begins to cease. The downpour gradually transitions into a gentle drizzle before ceasing altogether. Creating a scene where dark grey tinges of colour are evaporated into a soft late evening ambience.

﹝Of course, the rain stops now.﹞

{It looks better than before.}

Struggling to push himself up from his makeshift seat, Lumin feels every bruise, scrape, and muscle soreness from the intense fight.

"Haa... Haa..." His breath still laboured, the chilly air stinging his battered face.

﹝You're right... it does.﹞

Azathoth seems to smirk, a sense of satisfaction seeping through their intertwinement.

Lumin's grip tightens, his knuckles whitening as he uses the alley wall for support. He pulls himself up slowly, careful not to agitate his wounds. Once Lumin stands, Azathoth reminds him.

{You should leave before they wake.}

﹝Already one step ahead of you.﹞

Lumin comments, knowing that he should get back before they wake up. He knows that even if Azathoth knocked them out, his body strength will not keep them down for long.

He limps out of the alley after picking up the umbrella. Leaving the goons, he steps over to whatever fate has in store for them as the city lights illuminate the evening dew.


Stepping into the dimly lit apartment, the soft glow from the kitchen light illuminates the otherwise darkened space. Lumin expects to find his mother in the living room or the kitchen. However, both areas are void of his mother.

He shakes off his damp coat, hanging it up neatly on the coat rack by the entrance. The umbrella finds its place in the stand next to it and by the door are his shoes.

Entering the kitchen, Lumin sees a small note from his mother on the counter. His mother's neat handwriting is immediately recognizable. Telling him that she left to take another shift at work and there is greek yogurt and strawberries in the fridge.

﹝Well, I was hoping I would not have to explain myself. This saves the trouble of doing so. ﹞

With a faint smirk playing on his lips and lady luck on his side, he heads towards the fridge, the echo of Azathoth's silent agreement resonating in his mind.

{Less trouble for you.}

His hand hovers over the fridge door, a wave of exhaustion washing over him. But he shakes it off; there's still much to do before he rests. Taking a look at himself, Lumin thinks.

﹝I should probably clean these wounds first.﹞

{Yes, do that. Infections can be... troublesome.}

Moving towards the bathroom. The mirror reflects a young man much worse for wear, with bruises darkening on his pale skin, a cut lip, and a slightly swollen cheek.

Assenting to Azathoth's suggestion, the next half hour is spent tending to his wounds, the sting of disinfectant a sharp contrast to the dull throbbing of his injuries. Lumin is meticulous, ensuring his injuries are well taken care of before heading back into the kitchen.

Pulling out the greek yogurt and strawberries from the fridge, Lumin sets them on the counter. He works methodically, the movements slow and steady as he prepares a simple meal for himself, keeping the overwhelming events of the day at bay.

As he eats, the silence of the apartment settles around him like a blanket. His gaze drifts to the clock on the kitchen wall, its hands showing it's trickling into the night now. A sigh slips from him, quiet and tired. As he eats, he asks Azathoth within his mind.

﹝By the way, why did you help me back there? I thought you wanted to watch my smug face get wiped?﹞

The confusion in his attitude startles Azathoth. Unexpecting such a question to be said in a confused tone.


Azathoth grunts in response, seemingly caught off guard by Lumin's question. There's a moment of silence as he gathers his thoughts.

{I'll admit, seeing you knocked down a peg or two might've been entertaining...}

There's an amusement tinging his words as if recalling a fond memory.

{But I didn't think those thugs would go so far. And besides...}

Another pause, longer this time. It seems as though Azathoth is trying to find the right words.

{I couldn't just sit still and not react. That boy's face, when he had a faint grin, it brought out memories of a demon I know who had the same face as him.}

Lumin couldn't help but pause his spoon mid-air from the input.

﹝Would it be wrong to assume that this demon is someone you are closely connected with due to personal circumstances?﹞

Shocked by the accurate disposition, Azathoth replies.

{H-how did you-?}

Lumin replies rationally before resuming to move his spoon, outputting dry humour.

﹝I guess we are not so different.﹞

Azathoth's voice resonates within their shared mind, a hint of grudging respect creeping in.

{It appears so.}

Once he finishes his meal, he cleans up, leaving the kitchen just as pristine as it was when he entered before heading to his room. As he does so, he looks at the note his mother left before moving with indifference.

As he enters his room, Lumin flips on the small lamp by his bed, casting a warm glow across his room. Lumin then sits down at his desk and boots up his laptop. The familiar hum of the machine starting up is somewhat calming after the day's chaotic events.

As his laptop springs to life, Lumin logs in, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the keys. He looks up course information and details about his new school, Stellar Summit Academy.

{What are you doing?}

Azathoth's mental voice cuts through his concentration, pulling Lumin away from his task. His fingers continue typing on the keyboard as he replies.

﹝Just researching.﹞

Lumin's voice resounds in their shared mind, calm and collected as ever.

﹝I need to familiarize myself with my new school.﹞

{School, huh?}

Azathoth's voice reverberates in their shared mind, tainted with curiosity. Azathoth has yet to understand the full breadth of Lumin's life outside their shared existence with only snapshots of information passing by.

{What is... school?}

Lumin halts his typing, taken aback by the query. It's a reminder of how different their worlds are.

﹝School is an institution where people, like myself, go to learn. We gain knowledge on various subjects and develop skills that will help us in our future careers. It's also a place to make friends and socialize.﹞ Lumin explains, trying to encapsulate the complex institution that is a school in simple terms before resuming his previous action.

There's a pause, as if Azathoth is mulling over the information.

{And this... career. It is your future path, yes? What do you aspire to become?}

﹝Yes, exactly. In my case, I aspire to become a mechatronics engineer. It's a field that synergizes mechanical engineering, electrical systems, and software to develop intelligent, computer-operated machines﹞

{And these... friends-}

Before Azathoth can even finish his sentence, Lumin interrupts him. His tone is colder, more distant than before.

﹝Friends...they can be deemed useless.﹞

Azathoth feels a wave of surprise sweep over him. This is a stark contrast to Lumin's usually calm and logical demeanour.

{Useless? But didn't you just say...}

﹝Yes, I described the traditional perception of friendship, but in my experience...﹞

Lumin's voice trails off, a rare moment of hesitation. He doesn't elaborate, but Azathoth can feel a twinge of old pain resurfacing in their shared consciousness.

The stark reality of Lumin's words hangs heavy in their mind. Azathoth can sense that there is a story there, a past hurt that Lumin has yet to fully reconcile with. But he also understands that it's not his place to pry.

Lumin's fingers fly over the keys as he navigates through Stellar Summit Academy's official website as the silence stretches on, the unsaid words as clear as day. The glow of the screen is the only source of light, casting long shadows across his room and highlighting the lines of concentration etched on his face.

Azathoth remains silent, quietly observing Lumin's actions and absorbing the new information. The concept of school is somewhat foreign to him, but he's learning.

Lumin considering Azathoth's questions about his life, decides to ask a few of his own. Though the moment this idea passed through his head. Azathoth hears knocks on his door.

{Hold on...}

There's a sudden interruption in their connection as Azathoth's attention is pulled elsewhere. Lumin pauses in his work, curious and slightly wary.

﹝What happened?﹞

Azathoth is already making his way towards the door. His senses are on high alert, ready for any potential danger, but he only finds a meal placed before his door when he opens it.

The smell of roasted meat wafts and spices into the air, piquing his appetite. There's also a flask of what appears to be water.

A quick glance around the corridor reveals no one in sight.

{Someone left food at my door...}

Azathoth's confusion reverberates through their shared mind, the picture of the mysterious meal vivid in Lumin's imagination as Lumin continues to type away. Not bothering to use 'Perspective' to look at Azathoth's food.

{Must be one of the servants...}

Azathoth muses to himself. The conclusion seems logical to him. After all, in Azathoth's mind, who else would provide such a service? It is not his first time receiving an anonymous meal though Azathoth does not feel the need to voice it out.

Lumin, however, remains skeptical.

﹝A servant, huh? It's a possibility. But isn't it odd they didn't introduce themselves?﹞

His logical mind quickly runs through various scenarios. It could be a member of the residence staff or a courtier trying to curry favour. But, for some reason, something doesn't quite add up. The unexpected kindness feels out of place in Azathoth's harsh world, triggering a wary instinct in Lumin.

As Azathoth begins to eat, their conversation fades into the background. Both of them hold their own thoughts and suspicions about the mysterious meal, but for now, they focus on their immediate tasks.

Lumin continues his research on his new school, while Azathoth enjoys his unexpected dinner.

As Azathoth savours his meal, Lumin begins to frame his own questions. Earlier in the day, he had noticed through their shared Interface, minor injuries that Azathoth bore in his status, a detail that had gone uncommented on until now.

﹝Azathoth, I noticed through the Interface that you had some injuries. Would you mind explaining what happened?﹞

The words hang heavily in the silence of their shared consciousness. Lumin's question, cold and analytical, reverberates in their shared mind as he can feel Azathoth's surprise but also a flicker of defiance.

{You're quite observant...}

Azathoth responds, not directly answering Lumin's question. His mental voice sounds a bit guarded, an instinctual reaction.

﹝Observation is part of my nature. It's not a matter of concern, but a simple request for information.﹞

Lumin's tone is as icy as ever, his words hinting at his own distance. Keeping his words factual, and detached.

There is a tense silence, filled with unspoken thoughts and feelings. Lumin's blunt honesty is jarring, but not hostile. Despite this unusual openness, Azathoth doesn't push him away as he eventually breaks the silence.

{Alright... I'll tell you.}

Though laced with resignation, his voice carries a newfound thread of trust.

{It was my...mentor.}

Azathoth finally reveals, the word 'mentor' coated with a bitter undertone. A simple response, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.

﹝Your mentor?﹞ Lumin asks, surprise etched into his mental voice. He stops typing to fully concentrate on Azathoth's words.

{Yes. He's...rough, to say the least.}

Lumin lets the words hang in the air, his mind already analyzing the scant information. Mentors, especially in combat-related scenarios, are known to be harsh to bring out the best in their disciples, but this...

﹝How long have you been dealing with this... rigorous mentor?﹞

Lumin asks, his words carefully chosen, not wanting to push Azathoth too far. His cold demeanour hides the concern creeping in.

There's a pause, one that feels too long for Lumin's liking, before Azathoth finally responds, his mental voice carrying an undertone of weariness.

{Too long...}

The words hang heavy in the silence that follows. It's a simple statement, yet it tells of years of relentless struggle, perseverance, and pain.

﹝It seems your skill, Tenacity, isn't without basis.﹞

Lumin comments, his voice carrying a rare hint of acknowledgment, yet maintaining its usual coldness.


Azathoth's response is simple, yet carries a sense of pride. He is fully aware of his tenacity, having had to tap into it time and time again in the face of adversity.

Lumin contemplates the revelation quietly. The mentor's name remains unspoken, but he predicts it's a piece of information he'll inevitably uncover down the line.

Their conversation gradually fades, each returning to their respective tasks. Lumin's fingers once again dance across the keyboard, his focus shifting back to the new school's curriculum, the building layout, and class selections. However, a part of his mind still lingers on Azathoth's predicament.

As the night grows deeper, Azathoth has finally finished his meal. He announces the end of his day, ready to surrender himself to rest.

{Time to shut my eyes.}

﹝Very well, rest well, Azathoth.﹞

Lumin's voice resonates one last time for the night, cool but not unkind as Azathoth retreats into sleep.

As time continues to flow through the night, an uninvited guest enters the room - the specter of fatigue. It clings to the edges of Lumin's mind, nudging at his concentration relentlessly.

His eyes linger on the digital layout of the school one last time before he allows his weary body to rest.

﹝I'm turning in for the night as well.﹞

As he closes his eyes, Lumin realises that their shared existence, it seems, holds more potential than he initially thought.