
A Grave Situation With Danger On All Sides

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Alright. Lead the way."

When they reached the cell where Bob was being held, Brian went straight to the point.

"What kind of deal do you want to make?"

Bob didn't speak any nonsense either.

"I have information on battleships capable of spatial hyperdrive."

"Why do you have that information? How do you prove that your information is real?"

Bob organized his words before answering slowly.

"I stole it when I gave my life to the Bhutlerians so that I could use it to save my life at any time."

"In addition, I can help you spread false information that Planet Helka's strength has been severely damaged after the previous battle with the S Battleship Squadron."

"My request is simple: return me my freedom. I want to reunite with my family."

Brian was overjoyed, but he had to pretend to be calm.

"You made the right choice. Planet Bhutler will eventually be defeated by Planet Helka."

A few days later, Brian obtained the information on the obsidian space teleportation and spatial weapons.

Meanwhile, Bob was waiting for a suitable time to send a message to Planet Bhutler through the communication channel and inform them that Planet Helka had been weakened.

[Planet Overlord: Brian]

[Planet Name: Planet Helka (Model Galaxy Region 15)]

[Planet Radius: 7122 kilometers]

[Planet Population: 100,230,000]

[Intelligent Creatures: Helkans]

[Planet Resource: Obsidian]

[Military Force: Upper Low-leveled]

[Civilization Type: Technological Civilization]

[Civilization Level: 1.26]

[Overlord's Talent: Construction Specialization (Instant building and production)]

[Unlocked Technology: Rising Spaceship production line, railgun production line, Snow Eagle Mecha production line, small battleship production line, military satellite production line…]

[Interstellar Overlord Seal Level: Level 1 (Upgrade progress: 59%)]

[Spatial Black Hole: Connected]



"We can finally build destruction-grade starships."

Only with a method for spatial hyperdrive could they carry out interstellar expeditions.

Regardless of whether it was for interstellar warfare or for interstellar migration, they now had an additional option.

"Through my Interstellar Overlord Seal, I can analyse the data of all our current starships and create them using the technology I have unlocked."

"Creating technological equipment using this ability of the Interstellar Overlord Seal can increase the level of my Interstellar Overlord Seal."

Not only could starships be unlocked through this method, other technological equipment could also be unlocked.

For example, the fourth-generation mechas equipped by the Bhutlerians could be unlocked as well.

However, Brian felt that the performance of the fourth-generation Bhutlerian mechas was far inferior to the Snow Eagle Mechas created by him and Harris.

Thus, he did not waste materials to create fourth-generation Bhutlerian mechas.

"The production line of Planet Helka is almost complete."

"Now, the upgrade progress of my Interstellar Overlord Seal has reached 59%. I'm just 41% away from levelling up to Level 2. At that time, my civilization level should also reach Level 2!"

"The rest of the numbers haven't changed much. The population has increased slightly, and our military strength has risen slightly. The civilization level has also only increased slightly compared to when I first arrived on Planet Helka."

Brian was looking forward to the changes that would occur after his Interstellar Overlord level and civilization level reached Level 2.

The Interstellar Overlord Seal was the most important thing to an interstellar overlord.

In the early stages of civilization development, any slight change in its level would have a huge impact on the strength of the planet.

Therefore, to the interstellar overlord, one should pay attention to anything that could increase the level of their Interstellar Overlord Seal.

"Let's not think too much. When I reach Level 2, everything will be known. It's useless to daydream now."

Brian stood on the platform at the top of the main base.

His expression was calm as he looked at the packed crowds of Helkans.

The clothes of many people below him were tattered, but the changes that Brian brought to them after coming to Planet Helka made them feel as if they had been reborn. They also saw the hope of Planet Helka's revival.

Brian's arrival ignited the crowd. In an instant, shouts and praises rushed into the sky and reached Brian's ears.

He had been on Planet Helka for more than a year, and his reputation had been rising.

The Helkans had already seen him as their leader.

He was their leader not just on a civilization level, but also on a spiritual level.

To them, not only had Brian provided them with enough technological equipment to fight, he had also provided them with a pillar of spiritual support.

This spiritual pillar was Brian himself.

There was a rumor in the Model Galaxy — every planet that had a mysterious interstellar lord descending from the sky would experience a rapid development in civilization and strength.

Thus, Brian's arrival gave hope to the Helkans.

After all, having a powerful overlord was much better than being in a state of disunity.

Brian couldn't help but sigh.

"The population of Planet Helka is still too small."

"During the interstellar era, we can do almost nothing if we have a population of a mere 100 million people. Before I came here, the Earth's population had already surpassed seven billion."

"Furthermore, Planet Helka is too barren after being destroyed by the Bhutlerians. Moreover, with the cold air, this place is no longer suitable for intelligent life. After defeating Planet Bhutler, I must find a planet more suitable for the development of a technological civilization and migrate all the people of Planet Bhutler there."

A civilization could only develop more quickly once their technology, population, the resources on the planet, the environment, and other factors caught up to development.

On the other hand, a small planet like Planet Helka, which had a radius of only over 7,000 kilometers, was not suitable for technological development, let alone for building a base camp.

In his eyes, a main planet that a base camp could be built on had to be big enough and rich in resources. Furthermore, the environment of the planet had to be suitable for people to live on, and its geographical location in the galaxy had to be good enough.

If not, with so many strong enemies around their planet, the neighboring planets would destroy his planet only after a few days of development. What kind of development could there be then?

After all, there were often people in the Model Galaxy who would start galactic wars.

He had to be fully prepared for an even more intense interstellar war.

"Sooner or later, there will be a large-scale interstellar war in the Model Galaxy."

Brian was not only wary of the natives in the Model Galaxy.

He was most worried about planet overlords who were also from Earth.

As a native Earthling, he understood how ambitious Earthlings with an Interstellar Overlord Seal would be.

The world wars that had happened many times were enough to explain everything.

Greed and great strength were the catalysts of war.

If he wanted to protect himself amidst this chaos, he needed to be strong enough.

Brian sighed ruefully for a moment. Then, Harris came to his side.

Brian looked at Harris with great pleasure.

With his hands behind his back, he asked Harris.

"Are the resources ready?"

Harris didn't dare to slack off as he replied with great respect.

"Reporting to the Overlord, everything has been prepared. However, it will take some time to transport the supplies."

"Hurry the transportation team. When we build the destruction-grade interstellar battleships, our strength will increase exponentially."

At this point, Brian paused for a few seconds before explaining.

"The S Battleship Fleet from Planet Bhutler has only left us with little time."

"Overlord, we have learned from the wiretap that the the head captain of the S Battleship Fleet appears to be extremely dissatisfied with the upper echelons of Planet Bhutler."

"Alright, I understand."