
Interstellar: King of Stars

In 2350, mankind entered the interstellar era. Nations disappeared, and all humans formed a coalition government. The human beings on the earth are divided into two categories according to their vitality: the elite area and the ordinary area. Originally mediocre, with a vitality of only 0.7, John could only stay in the ordinary area, living an ordinary life all his life, until one day, he met a mysterious mummy while chasing a stray cat... From then on, all is different…

EdwinKing · Fantasy
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30 Chs

24, Caught

Swish Swish…

He twisted and turned his body, avoiding the opponent's three hand-knives with bizarre angles and swift movements. The blades whizzed past him, leaving trails of air that could slice any part of the human body. They were as sharp as razors.

He saw the astonishment in the criminal's eyes. He didn't expect such a young student to have such a formidable fighting ability.

But he also noticed that John's muscles were torn from performing the "Boneless Dragon Dance", and he wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer. Maybe the next moment, John would collapse.

The criminal inhaled deeply, ready to unleash a more lethal attack.

At that moment, John sensed the murderous intent of the other party.

And he had dodged so many fatal moves, his muscles were ripped, and he could barely move a finger of his body. He had no choice but to close his eyes and wait for death.

Pew pew pew…

At the last moment, gunshots rang out from the door, and bullets flew at the criminal. He was suddenly in danger.

These bullets were all beams of light, not the kind of solid projectiles that were used three hundred years ago.

The police had long replaced the guns with solid bullets with laser pulse guns.

A loud noise came from above. It was an aircraft, and many light beams were aimed at the criminal.

The police department had mobilized its resources, and the sky was sealed off, leaving no escape for the criminal.

"Damn it, how did these cops get here so fast!" The criminal kept dodging, giving up on killing John. His movement was more nimble than a cat, avoiding lasers, but the aircraft in the sky were increasing, and tens of lasers rained down on him, piercing his body.


He felt a numbness, gradually losing his mobility, and fell to the ground.

Then, many aircraft landed and the police emerged. John knew that the laser was a new kind of weapon called a "laser paralysis gun".

If one was hit by the laser paralysis gun, he would feel paralyzed. Ordinary people would be taken down with one shot. This criminal had been shot many times before he was taken down. His physical fitness was extremely high.

Many policemen cautiously approached the criminal, and there were policemen outside with guns pointing at him. If he made any move, he would be shot dead.

John also saw a commander wearing power armor. The power armor was expensive, invincible, powerful, and could fly. It was like the movie "Iron Man" from three hundred years ago, but now humans had made it a reality.

However, this power armor was made of an alloy, and it was still heavy to wear.

It was rumored that humans had developed a "biological mecha", a kind of biological armor that could suddenly erupt and cover a person with dense scales like dragon scales. It could make one soar in the sky and dive into the water, omnipotent.

It was the secret weapon of humanity.

When John got the Heart Dream Sutra stone, he had vaguely seen some human elites wearing biological mechas on the human warship.

Even the alloy metal mechs were very expensive, ranging from a million stars to millions. Ordinary people couldn't afford them at all, and mechas were prohibited from being bought and sold. Even the rich couldn't own them.

Only the army and government agencies could have them.

"Here is an injured person, send him to the hospital right away!" The police reached John and saw that he was bloody from torn muscles. They quickly took action, and the middle-aged police officer appeared: "This is a student. He has been assisting our police in solving the case and provided important clues for catching this guy. We must do our best to treat him."

"Yes sir!"

Soon, a few nurses and doctors arrived, quickly put John on a stretcher, and took him to the hospital.

John could still move, just some wounds.

He was not afraid of his milky white stone being exposed, because it was useless for others. It was just a normal stone.

As John was carried away, a policeman came up and said, "Sir, we have confirmed that this person's DNA matches a member of the Restoration Organization. His code name is 'Phantom Fox'."

"Sir, we found an aircraft in the rubble on the roof. He was planning to escape by air. We were lucky to catch him when he was blocked. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to track him down if he flew away." Another policeman reported.

"Sir, this is the video captured by the satellite just now." Another policeman showed the video, and after a while it played, it showed the scene of the criminal fighting John.

"Huh? He is really a high school student, so young."

Clank clank…

he man in the steel power armor walked over, and the power armor automatically disassembled into a steel box that he held in his hand.

This man had a muscular body, eyes like daggers, and he looked like a soldier. He was a physical expert who could easily hold hundreds of kilograms of power armor in his hands.

"Colonel Strong." The middle-aged police officer saluted him: "He's a genius, only lacking some combat experience. But if he can survive the Phantom Fox for a while, he will have a great future. By the way, this time we cooperated to catch a member of the Restoration Organization, we will get a reward from above."

"Damn the Restoration Organization." Colonel Strong showed fury on his face: "They create chaos everywhere. We humans have been united for more than three hundred years. The country is a thing of the past. These people still want to restore the country. Don't they know that we humans would go back to the turbulent era of national wars and invasions?"


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