1 Welcome to: Internia

<p>Lore swung his sword, an ear-splitting clang resounded as his blade met that of his best friend Psi. "You're telegraphing your swings to much Lore. Each swing should be fluid and smooth." Psi said this as he sheathed his sword and grabbed a cloth to wipe his brow.<br/>"I'm trying my best. We can't all be naturally gifted with the blade." Lore stuck his blade in the ground and he too grabbed a cloth to dry off. <br/>Lore, a twenty-five year old knight in training, and his best friend Psi train with each other every day working towards there goal to become high level knights. <br/>These two young warriors weren't even squires yet but they had the wonderful goal to become prestigious Knight Kings.<br/>in the Kingdom of Internia Knight ranks are broken down as follows: Fledgling, Squire, Apprentice, Paladin, Knight Lord, Knight Genrral, and Knight King. Most Internia citizens who serve the Royal family reach apprentice, or paladin. When ones skills are shown to be exceptional, and they demonstrate their dedication to their country then maybe they can become a Knight Lord or higher.<br/><br/>Lore had yet to become a fledgling. Psi on the other hand was a squire. Psi's family wasn't very prestigious however his great-grandfather reached the rank of Knight General, and so his family had many resources to use on Psi. <br/>On the contrary, Lore and his family were some of the poorest citizens. When he was little his father left for war and died an honorable death. Lore's father was merely a foot soldier and gained little renown for himself. His family may not have suffered, but they surely didn't prosper. <br/>The continent Lore lives on, known as Helmton. Helmton had 3 major countries, and Lore resided in the second largest, Internia. <br/>In the countryside of Internia there's a small town called Loginas, and this is where our story starts. <br/>** <br/>Lore strode down the cobble road, listening to the merchants and citizens bargaining. The suculant smell of roasting meat wafted across his nose. He stopped at a stall and said "One skewer of meat sir". "That'll be 5 copper pieces" the vendor grabbed a skewer off his grill, and handing it over the small counter. Lore looked inside his coin purse and saw he only had 3 silver and 7 copper coins. He fishes out the copper coins and plops them on the wood, "Have a good one, see you" Lore says as he strolls back down the street. <br/>His next stop was home. With the day turning to twilight, Lore headed to the opposite side of town. When he got home he walked in, closed the door behind him and sighed. He leaned his sword against the wall and sat on a bench unloving his boots. He stood and strode over to his bookshelf where he grabbed a thick, musty book, whose title was in an ancient language that read "Mastery Spells". To Lore this was just a book he bought to start teaching himself magic. He thought this was a beginners book and that he had a knack for it, but the truth was he was unbelievable good witn even advanced magic. <br/>Lore read into the late night before setting his book back on the shelf and preparing for sleep. <br/>Tomorrow begins Lore's long and arduous journey to become the greatest Knight.</p>

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