
Coin-kun's First Victim

"A coin dropped from a skyscraper can't possibly kill you. The coin's acceleration caused by gravity will be countered by air resistance. This will cause the terminal velocity to be capped at around 19 kilometers per hour. It is not enough to kill a person.", says Ray Webchester, a physicist, to his friend Charles Liwinski, a mathematician.

Charles lately have an obsession with coins and strangely his head is full of coin problems for the whole week. He can't even sleep peacefully with all the coins falling and dancing around his head.

He lets out a long sigh, lifts his glass full to the brim of golden beer and recklessly dranks it in one go. Glugh-glugh-glugh. "Hoooo! That hits the spot!"

"Ray, let's play a game. I will flip a coin. If it's heads, I will drink a full glass, if it's tails, you will be the one to drink. To make things more interesting, the number of glasses double each round. Do you want to play?"

"Why should I? This is irrational. I gain nothing from it.", says Ray as he expresses his clear disinterest to the game Charles is proposing.

"Alright, you got a point. How about I pay a penny for each glass you empty.", Charles sweetened his offer.

"Just a penny? Such a miser. Sigh. I accept. A penny is still money at the end of the day.", Ray, dissatisfied with the low offer, tries to provoke his broke friend.

"Good choice! You won't regret it! Now, let's play.", Charles ecstatic from Ray's response didn't waste any time to start playing.

Charles starts first with a flip of a coin. It lands heads, so he got no choice but to drink a glass. Ray laughs at his luck is so bad at the very first round.

Charles grumbly passes the coin to Ray. Ray flips the coin and it landed heads. Again! Ray smirks at his friend.

"You're in luck my friend. Two heads in a row."

"The game is not yet over, Ray. The Law of Large Numbers won't let me lose forever."

"Let's see about that. I will take this penny as my trophy."

Ray puts the coin into one of his empty glasses. Charles, already full from the two glasses, nervously flips another coin from his person. And oh boy, it's heads again.

"Alright, It's my loss. Sir, another glass please."

As Charles is telling the bartender to get another glass, Ray stops him with a firm grab on his shoulder.

"No Sir, two glasses for our little friend here. Don't think you can gaslight me Charles. You clearly said by your rules that we double the glass each round."

"I know, so stop grabbing my shoulders. It hurts."

"Hmph. Smart-ass."

The bartender, amused by their antics, drops a dozen worth of beer. "It's on the house. Please enjoy. I will watch carefully, so play by your own rules."

"My gratitude, Sir. Our little friend Charles here can take even a barrel of that. So you don't have to worry about him cheating. Right, Charles?"

"Yes Sir, haha. I truly can and so is Ray. We are best friends, so we need to share everything and not betray each other. Right, Ray?"

"Stop that. I did not pay for the beers to hear you talking. Drink all of them or pay the bill."

Ray and Charles promptly stopped talking. With a serious arbiter like Sir, any attempts of cheating will be severely punished.

"It's my turn Charles."

Charles passes his coin to Ray and Ray flips it. Unsurprisingly, the outcome is heads.

"Unfortunate, truly unfortunate. The saying is true, other people's misfortune is truly my fortune. Now, drink it now. Remember, those are two glasses. Don't even try escaping "

"Escape? Hahahahah, you jest. I am just going to the restroom. My bladder is full from all the fluid."