
Internet Cafe in a Fantasy World

In a mystical realm of Eldoria, an extraordinary establishment emerged amidst the bustling streets of the capital city of Luminaire Kingdom. It wasn't long when unusual people visit there to browse grimoires online, engage in epic virtual duels, and ... share magical memes. The owner named Luke— Luke: "System! Stop the narration. This is just a normal internet cafe with a handsome owner. Or rather, you're the unusual one!" System: "..."

Meagerton · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Chapter 54 - Departure(Revised)

A fervent brilliance illuminated Luke's eyes as he contemplated his daring idea. It unfurled within his mind, taking root with profound significance.

As the idea of Lunaria returning to her hometown was raised, Luke couldn't shake off the initial disappointment that swept over him.

The implications of her departure weighed heavily on his mind, considering her vital role in the internet cafe's upgrade progress. Her contributions were like precious building blocks, propelling the advancement with significance.

Amidst this emotional interlude, a spark of inspiration ignited within him, piercing through the shadows of doubt. Recollection surged forth, reminding him of a dormant system quest that had lingered on the periphery of his awareness. This quest, a puzzle he had struggled to unravel, suddenly unveiled itself to his introspection.

A blueprint for success materialized, offering a pathway to complete the elusive quest and ascend to the coveted rank of 3.

And so, galvanized by this newfound clarity of purpose, Luke embarked upon a decisive course of action. This resolve spurred him to make a proclamation that would alter the trajectory of his journey.

With this intention in mind, he turned to Luna and declared his intention to accompany her on her journey. This abrupt shift in his stance was not impulsive, but the result of a calculated choice borne from his strategic thoughts.

'Perhaps,' Luke mused. 'It could indeed be a prudent decision to establish a branch of the café in Luna's hometown.'

He contemplated the longevity of elves, their extended lifespans holding the promise of accumulated wealth. This notion led him to consider forging ties with the elven community, envisioning them as not just patrons but loyal supporters of the café. This alliance seemed instrumental in his quest to ascend to higher ranks within his chosen sphere.

The potential to establish a loyal clientele within the elven community seemed to chart a course towards unhindered progress, marked by a growing patronage and a corresponding rise in his own stature.

In the face of uncertainty, Luke's contemplations leaned into the realm of opportunity, envisaging the rewards that could unfold.

Ophelia's unsettling vision didn't deter him; he maintained a steadfast belief that with insight into the future, they could shape its course. The example of Kai illustrated the malleability of fate, affirming that destiny's path could indeed be redirected through intervention.

Luke's confidence drew from various sources, including the guidance of the system that provided him with a sense of assurance. Alongside his sturdy physique, he was bolstered by his conviction of being nearly impervious to harm. While his skills might be underdeveloped, his resilience acted as a protective barrier, lending strength to his resolve.

The strategy to ensure Lunaria's return within a week had already solidified in Luke's mind, shaped swiftly during that brief interval of contemplation.

Caught in the crossroads of his protective instincts and his sense of responsibility, Luke wrestled with the decision to temporarily close the internet cafe.

The impending danger of the journey raised concerns about Kai and Mira's safety, pushing him to prioritize their well-being. Yet, this ethical dilemma raised the question: Was it right to leave them on their own, even if it was in an effort to keep them safe?

Indeed, the conflict within Luke was fueled by the recognition of Kai and Mira's unique nature. Their strong beastfolk instincts, though a strength in many ways, also posed challenges when it came to facing dangers and making decisions.

As he let out a sigh, his longing for a suitable substitute mirrored his deep-rooted care for them.

In the midst of these contemplations, the café's entrance swung open, and the scene that unfolded before him revealed a small figure. Evidently taken aback, the astonishment on her face was impossible to mask, even within her petite features.

This small figure was none other than Lilith, whose gaze drank in the newfound changes that had transformed the internet café.

The moment his gaze met Lilith's, a spark of inspiration ignited within Luke.

"Lily! I choose you!"


Luke mentally engaged the system. "System, I'm considering designating someone as my representative boss. Is that a feasible option?"

In response, the system's informative voice resonated within him. 

[ Affirmative. The host have the authority to assign a representative for each of your internet cafes. This chosen representative will inherit the host's privileges and benefits, inclusive of any buffs conferred. ]

The system's answer was what Luke wanted to hear. He walked towards Lilith, gave her 'little sister' a pat then talked to her.

"Lily," he began, his tone measured yet laden with significance, "I will be away for a few days. I'd like to extend an offer to you. Would you consider being the acting boss during my absence?" 

This proposition was a testament to his recognition of Lilith's intelligence and responsibility. Despite her youth, he harbored a deep belief in her character, akin to his own in terms of its integrity and determination.

His observation continued, acknowledging her resolute demeanor. 'You're fierce as well,' he added in his mind while giving a faint smile, a subtle reminder of her own tenacity.

Pausing briefly, he weighed the situation, realizing that the café's current customer traffic was relatively sparse. "Given the circumstances, I believe this opportunity might suit you well," he concluded, awaiting her response.

Lilith's ears caught the undertone of urgency in Luke's voice, prompting a ripple of concern within her. "Brother," she interjected, her voice reflecting both curiosity and a touch of apprehension, "where are you going? Will you be returning?"

With an affectionate chuckle, Luke sought to allay her worries. "Haha, don't worry," he reassured gently, his palm offering a reassuring pat atop her head. "I'll definitely be back. I just need to take care of something. Now, about my proposal, are you interested?"

As if seeking comfort, Lilith nuzzled her head closer to Luke. A profound sense of relief surged through her, allowing her to respond with a newfound determination. "If that's what my brother wants," she affirmed, her resolve unwavering in her commitment to assist him.

Luke's response was tempered with consideration. "Hey, just remember, if you're not comfortable with this, you can refuse. I understand that you have your classes to attend as well."

Lilith's retort was firm and brimming with conviction. "Brother, I believe I can learn far more right here than I ever could at the academy," she stated, her gaze unwavering and resolute.

Her words struck a chord with Luke, prompting him to reminisce about his own experience. The power of learning through technology was a sentiment he deeply understood, having found immense growth through his interaction with computers, even surpassing his high school years' education.

As this realization settled within him, a sense of relief replaced any lingering uncertainties. While he was wary of forsaking education for trivial reasons, his circumstances had left him with limited options.

Given the individuals within his sphere of acquaintance, Luke found himself constrained by limited options. The thought of leaving the cafe in the hands of Ophelia lingered, but his lack of trust in her made it an unviable choice.

The same apprehension extended to Mira and Kai, whose cognitive limitations rendered them unsuitable candidates. Even the king, once considered, was swiftly dismissed from consideration.

As Lilith's conviction reverberated, Luke responded, his tone tinged with affirmation. "You're right, Lily." He then paused briefly, a flicker of anticipation brightening his eyes. "Ah, there's something I'd like you to meet." With that, he beckoned to Kai and Mira, ushering them into the conversation. "Kai, Mira, come over here and meet your big sister."

Observing the interaction, Lilith's thoughts meandered to her own journey, finding parallels with the newcomers.

Sensing the possibility of shared circumstances, she resolved to embrace the role of a caring sister to both Kai and Mira. In this newfound familial dynamic, a sense of unity began to take root.

With a harmonious exchange of greetings, a sense of unity blossomed among them.

As the days unfolded, Lilith would gradually assume the role of a guiding figure for Kai and Mira. In due course, she would emerge as not just their sister but also their leader—a mentor and protector, guiding them through their journey with unwavering support and care.


On that particular day, Luke undertook the task of imparting the intricacies of effective cafe management to Lilith.

Lunaria, previously burdened with concerns, found her worries alleviated. The mere prospect of Luke accompanying her felt like a solution in itself.

This sentiment was shared by Ophelia, who held similar thoughts and hopes.

Meanwhile, Lunaria lose the mood to use the computer. Engaging in conversation with Ophelia, the two found camaraderie in each other's company.

As the events unfolded, the king remained engrossed in front of his computer screen, his brows knitted in deep concentration. Periodically, a determined glint flashed in his eyes, hinting at the magnitude of his contemplations. Evidently, a grand scheme was taking shape within his mind—a plan of considerable magnitude, one poised to reshape the very foundation of the kingdom's internal structure.

Following the culmination of that eventful day, Luke accompanied Lilith on a journey to Celestia Academy, where he sought an audience with the Vice-headmaster to discuss his plans.

Luke, keen on ensuring Lilith's involvement, formally requested a week of leave for her. In an unconventional twist, he suggested that the Vice-headmaster provide Lilith with the week's learning materials directly.

Initially, the Vice-headmaster exhibited a measure of concern, grappling with the unusual nature of the request. However, the atmosphere shifted when Luke extended an offer of the prized DragonFire Chai.

This gesture proved to be a persuasive catalyst, prompting the Vice-headmaster to swiftly assent to Luke's proposition. He not only granted the requested leave but also assured them that he would efficiently manage the arrangements, sparing them any potential future hassles.


Dawn broke on the following day, marking their departure. 

With consideration, Luke ensured Lilith's comfort by allocating her the extra room for a peaceful night's sleep, assuring her that it had been specifically set aside for her use.

Upon arising, Lilith descended the stairs and found Luke in the common area.

Soon thereafter, the trio of Mira and Kai joined them, completing the group's assembly.

Coming together, they enjoyed a hearty breakfast, partaking in a meal that nourished both body and spirit. During this time, Luke bestowed upon Lilith a sum of 50 gold coins, a financial resource intended to cover their expenses for over a week's duration.

The provision encompassed Lilith, Kai, and Mira, enabling them to secure sustenance with ease, including the convenience of utilizing the vending machine for their meals.

Having foreseen the upcoming circumstances, Luke had taken proactive measures by requesting the system to modify the offerings within an affordable meal combination.

With his parting words well-expressed, he bid a fond farewell to the trio of youngsters, their eager nods serving as an acknowledgment of his guidance.

Addressing them with a warm smile, he conveyed his intentions with reassurance. "Alright, kids. Consider this a temporary farewell. I'll return in a week's time. But, let's keep things calm and trouble-free, okay?"

As Luke swung the door open, a familiar figure stood before him—Lunaria, her patient presence indicating she had been waiting for some time.

Their gazes intertwined and a resolute nod sealed their silent pact.

However, the tranquility was interrupted by a voice that punctuated the moment. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting," a somewhat disheveled Ophelia chimed in, her appearance indicating a hasty departure from her bed.

Ophelia's voice resonated with a mix of determination as she revealed her intention to join the journey due to her unique insight into the future.

Both Luke and Lunaria embraced her decision with understanding.

However, Lunaria's curiosity persisted as she voiced her query. "Luke, considering the task at hand, how do you plan to transport us to the Elvendom within the span of a week?"

In response to Lunaria's inquiry, Luke's lips curved into a knowing smile. He reached into his storage and, with a simple gesture, materialized a sizable box that seemed to appear out of thin air.

The sudden appearance of the substantial box left both Lunaria and Ophelia visibly taken aback, their surprise evident.

Breaking the silence that followed, Luke's voice carried a note of confidence as he unveiled his plan. "This will be our mode of transportation," he announced, gesturing towards the conspicuous box.

"We're going to use this car."