
Every Beginning Start from end Part I. The I4 John

In the quiet night there was a young man sitting on chair drinking whiskey and whispering about how he regret his situation now

"I shoudn't say that" and then a small amount of water felt down from on his eyes life a rain drop "I'm just angry that's why i said that but how she can say that word to me"

while drinking and remembering his girlfriend word to him before he get to the point of he regret everything

"i want to break with you John i can't stand you anymore seeing you make me sick" her tone was totally harsh and her face was plain, you can't see any emotion on her face just a eye of pity, pity to John

"what do mean liera?"

"I'm just using you because your'e rich!, your not even handsome to worth me!"

hearing those words from leira ,John approachable tone change to angry

"really, Im not even worth for you!!, and you just use me? so you are really a gold digger?"

liera bite her lips and looks like she hurt from the word of shun, she even look like she want to deny if but

"yes, you can call me that and i wish don't show your face again in front of me."

John stun a moment not able to say word while watching liera walking back until only a light of street light and him left on that place

ring! ring! ring! ring!

a ring of phone able to wake up John from a drunking sleep, When he move up he check first a message of liera hoping last night was a nightmare to him but seeing a message with a name mom he realize everything was real and happen to him again he regret he say those words instead of make a angry arguement but a same time he feel betrayal because of word using him

"HaaaaaaaaH!" john scream loud and punch the mirror reflecting to him and the blood came out from his fist flowing down into shattered mirror, he feel a pain but not pain as he feel inside

ring! ring! ring! ring! a phone rang stop john thinking he look at the phone and it was his Mom

"yes Mom what is it?"

"Son Back to the house now!" and the phone hang up, John not bothered on his mother seriuos tone but instead he go the bathroom and take a shower with a teary and sharp eyes, he select a formal suit with dazzling look but a sadness mark on his handsome face

john about to leave on place where he drink last night but he was looking on the surrounding and a important memories he suddenly remember a memories in this apartment about him and liera, a memory of hardship and happiness they fought together but now for him it's just a plain sad memory and betrayal

john leave there apartment and theres was a lot of men wearing a black tire with black shade and he walk in front of them and they vow sign of greetings "Young Master Madam waiting for you" a man in the age about 50 or so with a glass on his eyes symbol of low eyesight spoke formally to John

"Mr. Jay before a i back to home there's something i want to ask you"

"anything Young Master, I Jay Clake head butler of Mier family i will fullfill anything"

"Mr. Jay burn this place until nothing left, just burn anythings even a picture make sure turn in into ash"

the oldman with a name of Mr. jay shock on the request of John he know how this apartment means to john, its means everything to him and now he want to burn him like nothing happen, Mr jay want ask again John if he sure about this but before he can ask john already inside on mercedez benz and the other butler already starting to start a fire in order of John

Mr. Jay seeing John plain face while burning meant everything to him he realize "this is not my John, my Young Master i raise with for a long time was gone and just a pity man left"


Arrived into John Mother place

"Young Master Wake up were here."

John slowly open his eyes and seeing he arrive on the gate of their house, John house from the main gate there still a 700 meter long road before rich the house and the left and right side of the road is a green field, some trees, and flowers like a wide garden with a middle pathway

within a hundred meter the house of John mother able to see and it's pretty huge look's like a mansion size definetely it was a mansion on Jonh car arrive on the front house there's was about a 15 to 20 maid lining on and on there middle there was a red carpet and both side of red carpet they lining on it and waiting for John came out from the car

Mr Jay first came out on the first car and the maid vow to him and Mr jay vow to them too, Mr jay came to the second car to open John car, John came out from the car and the maid vow too but this time they greet John "Good Morning Young Master and Welcome back"

John not vow to them sign of superiority and walk to the red carpet while the maid vowing to him, John heading to his mother room to talk about something and his arrive on his mother room he knocked 3 times before he go in, on the room there was a woman with the age of 40 - 50 sitting on her couch wearing a exclusive and high value accesories

"Mom I'm Back" John word caught attention of her mother and look at him straight

"are you done on your rebelling to me?" john mother have a cold voice and cold eyes

"I should trust to your word mom she just use me" john eyes begin to red and his hand start to tremble because of the betrayal he got

John mother start to stand from on her couch where she sitting and hugged john and say this "That's right John, From now on listen to me"

"okay mom but first transfer me to another school i won't want to see her again anymore, move me in too far place where she can't see me and i can't see her i want to bury this fake memory of her"

"okay son let's do that"


2 years later

"to all freshmen on business administration department go to business administration gym there was an important anouncement"

after the message of the speaker, the students with a course of business ad start to gather on that gym and sitted on the chair which prepare for who going to see the anouncement after a few moment a woman with glasses on her ice and wearing a business attire and speak in front of them

"I am professor Jackylen Mayor of marketing, today i want to announce you the first I4 was selected from our department"

the students start a serious face and thinking who will this person the first I4 , everyone seems interesting on I4 well I4 or international 4 is a definition of power and ranking on Eagle International school, each I4 attain or archieve a high goal,power,money even recognize by the world, I4 is also have a previllage on Eagle Intenational school such as own room, own office, own library, and more, even they have a permission not to attend to the school class if they want too and there's more privellage of a I4 you can't even imagine

while the students or the audience shouting for excitement for who will be it, Professor Jackylen announce it excitely

"our first I4 was arrive and his name is John Mier from Mier Interprise"

if you enjoys this sadly to say maybe there's no more i just happen to think a good concept but im not a good writer though plus im lazy and i have a work too

WinterWritercreators' thoughts