
Interdimensional Manager

Linden Smithson is a young man that is trying to be independent. He is looking for a job in the city, far away from his parents. After trying for a few months with no result, he finally get a job. Hmm? Interdimensional Manager? What kind of job is that? Follow Linden's adventure in resolving problems related to dimensions by reading this book!

Mouri · Realistic
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15 Chs


*beep beep beep*

The nonstop beeping sounds woke Linden up. He reached for his phone and stopped the alarm he had set last night.

His eyes are then attracted to the PDA beside his phone. That PDA is the confirmation that yesterday really happened and that it was not his imagination.

"Interdimensional Manager, huh?" muttered Linden.

He still could not believe what he saw yesterday. But looking at the PDA, he muttered, "If this all is true, then… I need to prepare myself."

Walking toward the shower room, he tried to recall yesterday's event. It all started with the job offer, and then he went inside the empty office. Who knows that there was an active office located on a different dimension?

"Wait, he said that the office was not located at a different dimension?"

Linden remembers that the office is in the same dimension as his world, only on another planet. Or something like that.

In the end, Linden still doesn't understand many things. The event yesterday was too much for his tiny human brain to process. Toward the end of the talk with the manager, he just nodded along, agreeing with what the manager said.

Also, Linden doesn't know when he accepted the work. But when he was home, a PDA and another box full of equipment were brought with him.

Linden finishes his shower and prepares himself for his first day of work.

"There is a manual book inside the box…. Here it is."

Opening the box that he brought back yesterday, there are numerous strange items. From weird square-shaped things to some round things….

"Ah, this is the one I should put on my door. This looks like a LED board.

"Then, I need to put this ring on the knob. Ah, also this, huh?"

In his right hand is a rectangular board with numbers on it. Inside the box is a ring that can be installed on a doorknob. There is also a number pad. Based on the manual, the three items are one set of items to be installed in a door.

Without wasting any time, he installed it on the door to his storage room. He then connected the three items with the cables that come with them.

The rectangular 'LED' Board lights up as soon as the cables are connected. It then displayed two rows of numbers.

"Let's see, the upper row is the destination coordinate. And the bottom row is this door coordinates."

Linden tinkered with the number pad for a bit. He was able to change the number displayed on the upper row. He changed it to the coordinate of the office.

Taking a deep breath, Linden is preparing his heart. "Okay! I have all the important things with me."

He opened the door and stepped inside. The scenery changed from his house to a bright room.

Linden is inside the office right now. This is the same office that Linden visited yesterday.

He then walks toward the manager's room. Yesterday, he had been instructed to go there in the morning.

Linden knocks on the door to the manager's room. He opened it when the manager responded from inside.

When Linden walks inside, he can see the manager and one other person. That person is the woman with short shoulder-length silver hair that Linden saw when he entered the office yesterday. She is sitting beside the manager, and in front of her is a cup of milk.

"Ah, you are here," said the manager when he noticed Linden. "Come sit there."

Linden follows the instruction and sits in front of the silver-haired woman.

"Let me introduce you. This woman sitting here is Lyra." The manager then turned around to Lyra, "And this is Linden. He just joined us yesterday."

"Nice to meet you," greeted Lyra. She sticks out her right hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you. Uhm- Senior Lyra," answered Linden as he accepted her hand.

Lyra's smile widened as she heard Linden's greeting. This is the first time she was called as a senior in this place. There was no new person that entered after she joined around three years ago.

The manager continued, "Lyra, I will entrust Linden to you. Teach him the rope.

"And Linden, you will follow her for a few months to learn about this job.

"You both understand?"

"Yes," answered both Linden and Lyra.


"Senior Lyra, what should I do now?" asked Linden to his new senior.

"First of all, we should get your body checked and enhanced," said Lyra. She is reading something from her PDA while walking toward some room inside the office.


Linden put his right hand on his chin. He is thinking about what it means to get his body enhanced. He imagined getting his body injected using some chemical substance.

"Yes, enhanced. Don't worry. Workers in this place are all having their bodies enhanced."


"Sometimes, we need to go to other dimensions. If the body is not enhanced, it will affect the body.

"The lightest effect starts from headache. But it might also injure the body. That is why you need to get your body enhanced."

Lyra then stopped outside of a room. A sign is placed outside, it reads [Medical Room].

"Here, this room," said Lyra.

When the two go inside, a robot approaches them. The robot looks like a rover, and it has a display screen. Right now, it displays a smiling face in the form of an emoticon.

"Welcome to the medical room. Is there anything you need to do?" asked the robot using its mechanical voice.

"We want to do a body check and then body enhancement."

"Please tap the ID card on the reader," said the robot. The display on the robot changed into a green light with a card shape at the center.

"Ah! We forgot to make your card," said Lyra. She looked at Linden before continuing, "Let's make your card now."

She holds Linden's right hand before dragging him to another room.

Linden, on the other hand, feels a bit worried. Lyra was guiding him while reading the manual on her PDA. But she still made a mistake.

'Is this senior of mine okay?'