
Inter-Dimensional Travels of Ivarn

This novel is based on a 20 year old young hero who seems to have lost most of his powers. He has travelled from his dimension to another and does not retain any memory of his past after entering this world. He sees that this world has only 2 types of residents : Humans and demons who refuse to co-exist with each other and are constantly at war. He saves a demon fox girl who was running from humans . He finds out that many demons are trying to live in peace while the others are at war. This is where he needs to make a choice of whose side he will take : Humans or demons ? What will be the result of his decision ? Will he be able to regain his memories and face his past ? This is the beginning of an amazing adventure-comedy and portions of thriller and action !

DaoistEDdTRs · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1. Episode 3 : Protect

" My name is Lily. I am from a Fox Village that is hidden in fog and mist. It is difficult to fine it since the nearer you try getting to the fog, the thicker it gets and the more difficult it becomes to breathe. So it may seem but it is actually an illusion created by our ancestors to protect the village from bad humans. The name of the village is Kinagare. I am the granddaughter of the head of the village elder. He is a very nice person. He helps everyone in need. Except for humans. "

Ivarn curiously asks, " Why do you all avoid humans ? You seem to hate them. "

Lily says, " Don't you know ? Kitsune magic is very high class and are very valuable in making spells. We used to share our magic willingly but once we knew that they use it to do harm to the natural environment and other demons, we stopped sharing it. That's why they started hunting us and all kitsune went into hiding. But this was an obvious question. You didn't know about this ? "

Ivarn said " I will tell you everything about myself once you finish telling me about you. " Lily pouts a little but then continues " I had always liked taking strolls out of Kinagare at the borders so that it will be easy to escape in case we bump into a human.

" All alone ?! " Ivarn asked.

" Do you think they will let an eleven years old girl venture out into the forest alone ? Of course not ! I always went with my parents. My mother was a weaver and my father was a farmer. They both loved me very much."

After saying this, she paused a for a little while. Then continued " We always went out together. Even yesterday we were out but this time I decided to go a little further and then.... "

* Flashback of yesterday's incident *

" Hey, wait a minute Lily. Slow down. We should not go out so far. " said Lily's mother as she caught up to her and held her hand.

" Ehhhh, why ? We have explored every part near the border so why not go out a little further ? I am sure we have nothing to lose.... " Lily said with a stubborn face.

" Sure we have ! We might run into a human and besides, grandpa has warned us to never go further outside the border. We might lose our lives if we run into a warrior human ! You know about our long history with humans right? You should be more careful. " she said.

" It's okay ! Why not ? Only for today ! " said Lily's dad. " Daddy ! I knew you would agree " she said with a smiling face.

" Like father , like daughter. Fine ! But we need to be careful. This is the first and last time we are going outside. " she said with a sigh.

" Yay , let's go ! "

I was very excited back then. But never could I have imagined what will happen next.

My mother and father were very cautious. We had to pick some fruits on our way back so we stopped by. I was busy chasing butterflies. But a little later, I went too deep and got lost. " Mom, dad ? Where are you ? " I started crying. Right then , I saw two figures.

" Dad ! Mom ! " I cried and ran towards them.

" No Lily ! Wait ! Don't come any near ! " Both of them said and pushed me back.

Suddenly a rope got cut and they got caught in a net trap.

" No !!! Mom , dad . " I was horrified. What I did not expect to happen was them getting caught in a human trap laid for capturing fox demons.

" What do I do ? What do I do ? I need to get you both out ! " I started crying all over again

They both said " Are you alright Lily ? We were very afraid of losing you. We are sorry. Looks like this is the end for us. " Just then it looked like dad heard something. " You've got to run now, Lily ! I hear a few footsteps coming near us. "

" I'm scared ! I don't want to leave you."

" It's okay to be scared. Now go. Don't look back. No matter what happens , know this : We. Love. You. "

I didn't look back and ran to the opposite direction as fast as I could. I didn't even look back. I could hear voices behind me. After a few moments, I heard footsteps following me. I tried running faster. Just when I thought a hand almost caught me, the path ahead of me ended and I fell into a waterfall.

* Back to present *

" You know the rest. " she said with tears covering up her eyes. " I couldn't do anything for them ! This is all my fault ! If only I hadn't insisted on going further away from the border ! I don't even know if they are ali-

Ivarn pulled her into a hug. She felt the warmth of his arms and he said " Don't blame yourself for this. Why do you think they sacrificed themselves for you ? They love you ! They wanted you to live more than anything ! So don't you dare go into despair ! "

After a few moments... she cried again and kept on crying for the next few minutes. Then after that, she started becoming normal again. She then went a little back and said with a smile " You are right. I have to live for them..... And thank you. For cheering me up. I am sorry I misunderstood you. You turned out to be a good human after all. "

" Yeah sure, and after hearing to your story, I have made up my mind. I will help you reach your village safely. Do you know the way back ? " he asked.

She became shocked and said " What ? Really ? You will really send me back ? Thank you so much ! Oh, by the way, what's you name ? "

" My name is Ivarn Waverly. I am-

Just when he was about to explain his situation, he heard a voice.

" I can see the tracks leading to this place..... Let's have a look... "

He covered Lily with his hand as though telling her to stay back. 2 men came in from the entrance.

" Ah, there she is. We almost lost you little kid. Now be a good girl and come back with us. " said the first one. " No..... This can't be.... He is one of the hunters who chased me till the water fall ! " she said with a terrified look on her face.

Ivarn was shocked but he said in a calm voice,

" Don't you worry, I will protect you. "

What is this situation ? The hunters tracked her to the cave ? How will Ivarn protect her ? Will he recover his memories ? Will he be able to fend the hunters by himself ?

To be continued...