
Integrating into Adventure Society: COTE x Danmachi

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, a student attending the Koudo Ikusei Senior High School finds himself in a world of monsters, gods, and adventurers. How will he attempt to live his peaceful life in a world where it's never peaceful? ______________________________________________________________ I don't own anything I use from other works I don't own the cover and the work either I'm just adding it to the webnovel so that other can read it. If the author has any complaints, be free to talk to me and I should remove it. [English isn't my first language] Credit to the Owner: 02ragnar ______________________________________________________________

Blank_Key · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


It was the dead of night, the darkness covered the night sky. Owls were occupying trees and people were in their homes. Except for some of them, including me. Currently, I was at one of Orario's many gates in and out of the city. I was stationed in gate 5 where Freya set a mobile vehicle. 'Vehicles' in this world were mostly just carriages pulled by animals. I can assume that Freya set up one of the quicker automobiles.

Ganesha Familia took it upon themselves to guard this area as inspectors and protection. Ganesha Familia took it upon themselves to act as the authorities of Orario. Well, I guess it'd be best to say their sheriffs while the Guild is the police.

There weren't many passersby so it made the process of exiting faster than usual. At least I think it is. I stood in short line of humans and demi humans. My carriage, as well as many others, were stationed to our lefts. That was the area in which the magic stone lamps shone brightest. The guards on the other hand were equipped with spears and glaives as well as light armor. Running around in armor suits would only prove to be detrimental if one has to protect.

"Proceed, Next!"

One guard shouted out as the women in front of me exited the gates. That one took longer than the others, maybe she was an adventurer? I stepped forward as commanded and faced him directly. My clothes were relatively the same, with a gray cloak concealing my sides, back and front. I didn't actually have anything else on me so the personal inspection should be over relatively quickly.

"Raise your hands." He commanded. So I complied, my clothes were pulled upward and rustled as my arms went into motion.

My clothes had a few pockets and openings in which smaller items can be stored so the man had to check every single one even if it was tedious. Starting from the waist down, he pats me down. He took out a piece of paper from my pant pockets. I wonder if he knows what that is? After doing so, he stood up and looked up at me.

"All set, now wait over there as we check your transportation." I gave him a slight nod and dragged myself to the area he indicated. I was currently parallel from my carriage, which was only 10 or so meters away. Another man joined the guard in his inspection of the carriage. The two of them donned a special type of veil on themselves as well as a mask. I can only assume it's for extra precaution as the carriage itself maybe loaded with a bomb or other traps. This might seem excessive but this was the labyrinth city after all.

After looking inside, one man came out and approached me.

"Any companions on your trip, Sir?"

"No, it's just me."

"If that's the case, if you would lend us the papers the Guild provided then it would be much appreciated." The paper he was talking about was the one Rose gave me yesterday night. It contained basic information and few other details. It was also the one the other guard took.

"The one inside the carriage confiscated it during the inspection." I told him honestly.

"Again? Damn that newbie." He cursed under his breath.

The man left me and went back to his associate.

The paper was supposed to stay with me and the man didn't realize that. I wonder if he'll get punished for something like that.

Things settled down as time went on. Now, I was placed in the carriage. The front seat is where I'd operate the horse. I decided to not get a driver and looked upon this topic of 'driving' instead. It's how I spent my day as I waited for Freya to contact me.

The gates opened relatively quickly in order to avoid creating a creaky sound so as to not disturb the civilians. Once I pulled the reigns, the animal set out.

"May you have a safe trip." The guards said as I pulled ahead of them and set foot out of Orario.


My destination was the Far East. According to Freya, a large amount of Hermes Familia members were gathered there for some reason. If that's the case, Hermes himself is most likely to be there. His specific location isn't exactly known so this was my best bet.

But for right now, I need to focus on travel. Everything from this point on is new territory. I pulled out multiple maps that I stored in the carriage as well as a magic stone lamp to illuminate the papers and my surroundings.

I was 'driving' considerably slow so I could take in the details on the maps. Of course, maps won't tell everything so I have to rely on what I see in order to avoid trouble. Hopefully, no obstacles get in the way, namely bandits and such.

The area directly outside Orario was mainly flat land with the occasional boulder but as I moved on, vegetation and forest-like features showed up in my line of sight. This was directly on the map so there wasn't any cause for distress. I was entering the Seolo Forest. Located east of the city and near the mountains, this forest is known to have monsters. Weak or no, Freya came prepared. She provided monster deterrents. These were relatively weak compared to the original ones which are rare but they should work just fine.

I opened up the bottles containing the incense and laid them in an open compartment at my side. The bottles each had a lid on top with multiple openings in which the gas-like substance can be released.

Now in the middle of the forest, I made sure to avoid any monster hotspots as stated in my information manuals and maps.

In the end, this did not work and I was forced to confront a monster for the first time since day 1 in this new world. These monsters that barred my path were ants. As for what kind, I can't be sure. The information I have on monsters is limited compared to adventurers.

A group of these ants came together. They stood up like humans and were brown in color, like most ants. A group of 3 stood before the horse pulling the carriage. Instead of jumping off and dealing with them myself, I decided to take the safer approach.

I ran them over with the carriage. And it's safe to say it worked because I can see their dead bodies crushed on the ground behind me.

I don't have time to waste on these insects.

Leaving them behind, I continued on my way. The horse who did the dirty work looked relatively more energetic than usual though I can't say. I guess those ants annoyed it so it was joyful to run them over. Can't say I don't feel the same.

The incense repelled any flying, insect-type monsters away and made the rest of the journey in the Seolo Forest all the more smoother.


Leaving the forest long behind, my location was near several natural obstacles such as animals and bushes so I had to focus on my driving.

I hadn't encountered any other locations that were inhabited with a populous but I passed your occasional traveler along the way.

The journey, now reaching 4 hours, was getting tedious. The Horse now moves at a mere fraction of its initial speed and the carriage was rocking back and forth as the horse trudged its fatigued body along.

Deciding it was best to take a break, I moved to an edge covered by trees and dropped ethe rough reigns, sitting back for the first time today.

Looking up into the sky, I saw a crimson shade covering it. The Sun was rising, indicating the start of the day.

This is the first time I've ever done anything like this. While I'm not particularly weary in any way, I think I appreciate busses much more now than before.

Since I couldn't just let the horse run free, it drooped down on the dirt and lay in a relaxed manner. I on the other hand decided it was best that I ate something.

Taking out a bag of apples in the back of the carriage. I stared at it, wondering how they haven't deteriorated due to the atmosphere.

Once I took a bite out of one of them, I realized that I haven't put anything in my mouth since I came into this world almost a week ago. I hadn't bought any food nor did I eat anything in the Hostess. Every time I needed something tasted, I requested the assistance of a coworker.

After taking only a few bites, I thought it would be best to save food. So, I handed the rest of the fruit to my tired companion. I got out of my carriage and went in front of the horse. It didn't recognize me right away, but as it did, I held out my hand. The creature pulled its tired head to my hand and swallowed it whole.

The apple I mean. I don't know what I would do if it bit my hand from my arm.

Now that that's taken care of, I took another one and it ate that one as well. It's mouth moved in many directions as it chewed the apple sloppily.

Once I was back onto my seat, I was able to clearly see the bag in which the fruit was in. The fruit was in a bag from a store that Ryu usually bought fruit from. Careless, though it doesn't matter since I know her identity. But she could have done it on purpose in order to clear my doubts that she was lying.

Putting the bag away, I positioned myself properly and sat straight, looking directly in front of me.


Now gearing toward 17 hours in this journey, the weather decided to take a turn for the worse. The humidity increased as fog clouded the area. I wasn't sure if the horse had the ability to overcome these conditions but I didn't want to take any risk. I pulled out a type of auto functional fan powered by magic stones. This was bought by me, not by Freya. I predicted that the weather would turn into this, especially since I'm in a vegetated area.

Placing it on the saddle on top of the horse, the moving blades caused by the energy in the stones cleared the immediate fog to dissipate.

Riding through the fog, the horse and I crossed land once again and made our way. I made sure to take in every detail of the environment.

Once the 18th hour of this journey came, I thought it best to momentarily end the journey for today, Finding an area covered by a natural roof, the horse soundly rested until it fell into a slumber.

It was nearing the evening of the day, so I didn't want to waste too much time resting. We should be up and about in a few hours or so when night approaches.

I prepared more anti-monster incense. The scent was bad, to say the least, so I don't have to worry about humans coming closer to the carriage. But just in case, I slept with one eye open.


It's been well over two days now and I've now reached the final obstacle of this trip. Crossing into the Far East. The place itself was an island surrounded by water and it's safe to say that the horse will not be able to swim all the way to it. Swimming myself would prove to be useless and almost impossible anyways.

I decided it best to look around. Since the nation was an island, port towns were everywhere. My best option would be to find a 'ferry' of sorts. If someone would be able to send me across for a bit of money.

Entering into the port town directly north of the island, I observed my surroundings. Most buildings were made of wood and plaster with there not being many people around. The ground I walked on was a slight silver with a hint of brown. It was made of rock-solid material. I bent down and knocked on it with my fist. It had an iron type of feel to it. This town clearly can't afford a material similar to iron, so it must be some type of material cheap in this world. Or maybe it's something that's commonly found in these parts.

It seemed abandoned at first but there were actually several bars and entertainment venues. Nothing grand like casinos but you've got a gambling bit here and there. But the places most port towns should usually have are inns and hotels. Most of the men and women were out doing something, So since I didn't want to interrupt them, I decided that the best thing I can do is ask the attendants.

Now in the far western side of the town, I spotted a relatively small inn.

"Travelers Paradise." I recited the name of this particular inn out loud. The name seemed much to grandeur for a shabby inn found in the middle of who knows where. In fact, I think that name would repel customers, thinking of it as an overly desperate rip-off. But, I'm not going to actually be staying in it, so it doesn't matter.

I pushed myself through the two, double doors. Finding myself in a lounge room with a couch sitting in the corner and a receptionist counter at the back wall. At this counter were multiple men and women, human and demi-humans. They were covered in the same cloak that covered them from the neck down. On the back of each cloak was a travelers sandal. They must be some kind of group.

I waited for them to finish what they had to do. I went to the left of the counter and kept my head down. But what I heard next piqued my interest.

"I'm sorry but our storage for guests isn't that large. At most, we can afford a cardboard box." The receptionist spoke to the man in charge of the group.

"If that's the case then there's nothing we can do." He said to the receptionist before turning around to his group and continuing.

"That tablet Hermes gave us ain't important. Take the stone and let's go."

Hermes gave them something. Along with the traveler's sandal on their cloaks. Could they be Hermes Familia? They were last spotted on the island but there was enough time between then and now for them to move out and enter the mainland.

The man placed emphasis on the 'stone' but the stone isn't what I'm looking for. No, it's the tablet, the Ruthven.

Hermes gave them a tablet. What was stated in the book was that a god who meets all, Hermes, has it in their possession. But there's nothing saying that they can't hand it to another person or deity.

For one, I can't be sure they're Hermes Familia. Nor can I be sure that we're talking about the same tablet. Add this to the fact that this 'coincidence' is much too unsetting.

As that group left the counter, I avoided any further eavesdropping in hopes that they avoid me.

When they leave, I go up to the counter and confirm something on my mind.

"If you would tell me a few things."

"What would that be sir?"

"Is this the only inn that has a storage?"

"Y-yes. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. And how many boats carry people to the Far East?"

"There's severa-"

I cut him off.

"How many boats are run by dealers or sellers?"

My question may seem random to the man but it doesn't matter to me. I want his answer.

"There isn't such a thing si-"

"Don't lie, tell me and I'll give you something sacred."

"W-wh-what is it?"

"The god I am currently affiliated with, Freya, left me a treat of sorts. Would you not want the goddess of beauty's gift? If so, then answer my question. Please."

Of course, I don't actually have a real 'gift'. But apples sent by her are close enough I suppose.

The receptionist nodded several times before continuing.

"There is one ship that does things like those. It's been here for a while now. It's owned by a rich noble in the Far East."

"And which port does that ship reside in?"

"The one only a few minutes walk from here, Sir."

I see, That answers most things on my mind. Hermes Familia being here is no coincidence.

That ship owned by a noble is the one in which Hermes Familia took to come to this port. They chose this port specifically because of the inn that is close by. This inn is the only one with a storage facility. The reason they need this facility is to put this stone they have as well as other items. These other items aren't necessarily important but they can't leave them here as they need to set out immediately to find a place to store this stone. This is because this stone is something they acquired from the Far East and/or ship and is valuable enough to need protection. It's valuable because it was acquired from the ship of a noble. It wouldn't make sense for it to be a cheap accessory.

The reason why I assume it's the stone they acquired from there and not something they always had on hand is that they needed storage right now. If it was something they already had before going to the island, it would have been kept in storage beforehand but that clearly isn't the case.

At least, this is one of the many possibilities and theories I have on Hermes Familia. Though I can't be sure about any of them since I've only seen them for a minute or two.

But, it's not this 'stone' I want. No, it's this tablet. I need to confirm its identity and then decide whether I have to steal it or not.

I walk away from the counter and turn toward the exit of the inn. I turn in the direction in which I saw the group go too through my peripheral vision.

"Hey wait, what about the gift!"

I ignored his plight as I walked back into the port town.


