
Instintos Nefastos

In a world where a mysterious, omnipresent force controls humans, society attempts to become seemingly utopian, devoid of crime, hatred, and violence. However, it is the complete opposite. However, beneath this veneer of faux perfection lies a dark secret: suppressing basic human instincts has bred a new kind of darkness that plagues the supernatural, unseen and unspoken. Amelia, a determined and curious young girl, begins to sense the cracks in the facade of her family life and structure. Once dulled by living among the human societal norms, her instincts start to resurface as she investigates a series of inexplicable bodily changes. Each second, she uncovers something that points to an unfathomable world that only exists in story books. As Amelia delves deeper, she runs and encounters Luciano, a powerful stallion in Prada; he is dark and dangerous. Luciano seems to be the sole reason for the strange changes Amelia is going through due to Luciano's position that stretches to the highest echelons of power, revealing a chilling agenda to eradicate free will and individuality, or is it so? As tensions rise and the truth becomes a weapon, Amelia and Luciano must decide: will they continue to live in the safety of ignorance or risk everything to ignite a revolution of humanity? The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and only by confronting the nefarious instincts within can true liberation be achieved.

Justyagirl_kudzie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

9. la curiosidad mató al gato

——————————- recap ———————————

"Estás en problemas ahora, bella," he whispered causing me to turn my head and glare at him.

(You're in trouble now babe)

"I-I d-don't know Spanish, Luciano" I stuttered. "Let go".

"Little kittens who sneak around, curious of things they shouldn't know,"he paused for a few seconds, tightening his grip. "serán castigada, princesa".

(They will be punished, Princess)

Oh boy if I thought I was in trouble before

Stormi you just had to do it again didn't you

Causing trouble left right and centre.

——————————END of recap————————


"Now, tell me Tesoro." He says just above my head I had to crane my neck so i could see his facial expression because by God i do not want to anger him more than i know he already is if the state of his room has something to say about it.


"U-umm I," i stuttered.

"No cara, your stuttering will not save you from this". He whispered as he tightened his hold on my wrists and turned my body around to face him. His eyes were hung and dark.


"So lets start with you explaining exactly how my room came to look like this?" he questioned.

"Well i-i," He quickly cut me off.

"Think carefully before lying to me princessa, i am a very impatient man who is not quite fond of being lied to. especially by you," he spoke while looking down at me with an emotion denounced to me.


"Eva asked me to remove the black boxes from your closet a-and your room is so large I-", he rudely cut me off again!


"I asked her! to take them out! why did she send you!," his face soured with each exclamation, he releases my hands from his grip and sharply turns around. Man! this guy gives me whiplash! honestly.


I quickly get my thoughts in order and race after him before he causes a ruckus.


"Luciano! Wait!" I exclaimed out of breath as I made my way towards him. I caught him in the hallway leading towards Eva's room.


I caught hold of his wrist and sparks flew everywhere. I know he felt it too because he abruptly stopped all movements and i could feel his pulse ramming against his skin in quick, strong beats.


His eyes land on me and blacken, he takes slow steps to close the distance between us. His face hard as rock as if he is desperately trying to contain something within him.


He suddenly comes to a halt, his nostrils flare, his jaw clenches and fists ball. He releases his wrist from my hold as if it burnt him and he turned around and practically flew right out the front door as if the devil lit a match on his behind.


I am left alone in the passageway wondering, "what ... just happened?" I tried re-tracking back to the main lounge, but as per usual i got lost a couple of times because by God!!! This house palace mansion place is so huge. This is a whole maze!

After taking multiple wrong turns because all these corridors and rooms are so similar with the pearl white walls accented at its margins with golden swirls and designs coupled with rich mahogany planks on the opposite walls. The wall at the end of each hallway was designed with a modern greyish-black stone with deep green drop vines to accentuate the large frame gracing the wall. It was a painting of a man transitioning into a wolf?


"What the actual..." i was cut off by footsteps coming my way. I felt uplifted thinking Luciano had come back but hey! we don't always get what we want. I saw Nessa and Eva walking towards me with multiple snacks and throw blankets. They were in their onesies looking so adorable.

Nessa was in a gray owl onesie with light pink, hot pink and dark gray hearts. Eva was wearing a light green onesie and judging by the yellow beak on the cap at the back of her head, she is definitely one of the many birds in angry birds. This girl is so cute!


"REI!!! We were looking for you everywhere!" said Eva as she rushed towards me and wrapped me in her arms.


"I heard Luciano came back and left furious! are you okay? I am so sorry its all my fault i should not have asked you to look for the box," Eva said against my shoulder blade.

I wrap my arms around her shoulders, "It is okay," i reassured her. "Nothing happened, he just left". i explained.


Nessa walked up to us and wrapped her arms around the two of us.

"Welllll, Lucian aside, lets go have a Harry Potter Marathonnnn!!!"  she exclaimed excitedly as she pushed us in the direction of what i presumed to be the home theatre.


As we entered the room Nessa let out a delightful squeak as she saw Benjamin, their British butler lay out all kinds of snacks. There were throw blankets at the edge of the seats in the middle row. The lights were set to a dim so i was unable to make out the interior of the room but as every other room in this house it looked and felt ridiculously expensive and large.


"The area is ready for your occupation ladies," Benjamins British accent cut through my thoughts that had gone astray just my the sheer awe of this room.


"Thank you so much Benjamin," we all say in unison as we head towards our seats. I offered him a kind smile to which he returned with a slight bow of his head and a warm welcoming smile.


"You do have a good one, i shall retire to my quarters for the night  I am afraid, I have quite the number of errands that require my doing tomorrow." he said as he retreated to the exit and gave a slight bow and left the room.


A loud squeal came from my left as Nessa scrolled through Netflix looking for Harry Potter.


"You know....," Eva began," you could just use the search panel, right?" she asked Nessa.


"Yeah, but where is the fun in that? The thrill of the chase!" Nessa Chuckled.


"Uh-huh, there we go, see? found it!"' Nessa giggled as she clicked the first Harry Potter film.


We all got comfy and snuggled against each other as we got ready for hours of continuous screen time. Eva handed Nessa and I a pair of 3D glasses. They were black framed and felt heavier and more exquisite than the normal 3D glasses from the theatre. I made a mental note to ask about them after the marathon.


The first Harry Potter Movie started playing, "Harry Potter and the philosophers stone".

"eh," Eva whispered as the face of 'he who shall not be named appears on the screen and i could not help but agree because eww. How can anyone live with another face behind their head. And did he not look ugly!!!


"Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets," I did not particularly enjoy this because for some reasons unknown to me we all ended up on the same seat. Oh! who am i kidding? We are all extremely terrified of the cold blooded reptile, it gets me wondering how some people keep them as pets. Snakes and i are not the least bit of friends.

"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban,"

"I think Seruos Black is seriously hot!!! just look at him," Nessa whispered.

"Argh, He's so cool," I added simply because i agreed without any objections he is seriously hot and oozes the IT factor!!

I quite enjoyed this one because Harry got a piece of his family back.


After this everything went in a blur between switching movies, eating popcorn, laughs and cries, heartbreak for Ron and Harry, cuddling, eating some more snacks and toilet breaks. Luckily there was an intricately designed modern bathroom right close the the exit door. As the time flew so did the movies, we had successfully gone through Harry Potter and the goblet of fire, Harry Potter and the order of phoenix, Harry Potter and the half blood prince," I never quite liked Draco Malfoy just something about his snobbish behavior gets on my last nerve!! Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1

We were halfway through our snacks by the time

Harry Potter and the deathly hallow part 2 started playing on the screen. I was so exhausted i could feel sleep creeping through the back of my eye lids just like a thief in the night. I heard a couple of yawns on either sides of me and knew the girls felt the exact same way but however we powered on and kept watching.


I woke up with a dry and bitter taste to my mouth and a dull ache at my temples. i lifted my left hand and soothed my temples with my thumb and index finger. Just as i opened my eyes, the curtains opened and the harsh light rushes into the room like hell fire and Benjimins British accent filled my eyes, i cant say i was particularly pleased by this intrusion.


"Right!" he said with a loud clap to his palms, " My Ladies, its way past the waking hour and you ought to get up and freshen up before sir arrives home!" he calmly exclaimed while pointing his long and strangely for a man, well kept and manicured nails towards the exit of the home theatre".


Out of the blue a black leather cushion zipped through the air aimed directly at Benjamins head but luckily he had amazing reflexes, he quickly moved out of the way and the pillow flew right out the window.


"Well then,' Benjamin signed. " A pleasant morning to you too my lady, it is clear you're in quite the spirits today so i will head to the kitchen and brew yo some coffee." He politely offered as he walked swiftly towards the exit.


"Oh and ladies, your presence in the dining hall is required in 30 minutes of the chefs will clear up the table as we get ready for lunch." He added with a coy smile.


"WHAT!!" we all screeched in disbelief to which he responded with two light taps to is wrist watch.


"Well you better hurry up the, 28 minutes left." He exited.


We all looked at each other for a few seconds before we were all high tailing to our bedrooms to prepare for our timed breakfast.

i entered my bedroom and took a quick hot shower to relax my aching muscles. I walked into the closet and chose a rosé coloured bodycon dress and a pair of fuzzy socks and put on my white crocs, i tied my hair into a quick messy bun as I made my way out of the door and raced to the dinning hall, thankfully this time i did not get lost.


I entered and found Nessa taking a seat and right behind me Eva waled in. Nessa was in a white wrap dress that hugged all her curves perfectly she paired it with a cute pair of golden flip flops and a black throw over her shoulders, her hair was also in a messy bun. Eva was in a pair of denim shorts and a white hoodie that was way too big to have belonged to her. She had on fuzzy socks and a pair of red Crocs, her long hair was in a messy ponytail.


Eva and I took our seats and indulged in a three-way conversation about our plans for today, we did not even notice as the guys walked into the dinning hall until Kael cleared his throat.


Startled by the intrusion we all turned our heads to the entrance, i vow i almost got whiplash as i saw the three of the crowding the doorway with Luciano right in the middle, Kael on his right and Cam on his left. Luciano's presence presides all others, there is just something about him that demands submission. His brooding figure could account for that or maybe it's his broad and squared shoulders? his domineering height? his dark and dangerous stormy gray eyes? his voice that could command a thousand men? or maybe its something that i can not quite put my finger on, it is on the tip of my tongue but i just can not seem to fully understand it.


"You girls... have some serious explaining to do," Kaels voice cuts through my train of thought and i quickly avert my eyes as i seemed to have been staring for far too long at Luciano and by God i hope he did not notice but by the slight upward shift of his lip i knew my luck was as awful as can be.


"And exactly what are we in trouble for darling?" Nessa answered while keeping her attention on the bacon she had previously plated.


"This!," Kael fumed, "someone chucked this leather cushion right out of the third floor". he continued.


"So why are you so mad it is after just a cushion," Eva joined in.


Cameroons strangled voice cut through the air, " oh um yeah that is because it hit him right in the face in front of the soldiers out front." by the time Cam finished his sentence his face was quickly turning red from all the suppressed laughter.

Kael cut Cam a bombastic side eye that could have killed a lesser man.


"Now, what i want to understand is how this cushion miraculously grew wings and flew out the home theatre?."


"Well um...," Kael cut her off.

"And do not even dream of lying to us because we went into the mess you three left in there so it is clear as day that one of you threw this cushion,' he said animatedly as he angrily waved the cushion around. " Who is it?"


His perfervid voice cut through the room and even the bird out the window seemed to quiet down.


"Do you even have to ask?" he questioned as he trained his striking eyes sought out his sisters face. "Vanessa, would you care to explain why you insist on vandalizing my furniture and my employees?"


"It is quite alright sir,' Benjamin walked in. "I might be at fault in this particular predicament as i woke lady Vanessa without her cup of coffee in hand."


"Unacceptable! Vanessa?" He chastised in a lighter tone. "My dear sister would not mind apologizing when she is very much at fault now would she?"


oh i knew what he was trying to do. Smart move. I just hope Vanessa remains level headed, keeps her cool and does not fall for her brothers trap, but hey, this is Vanessa we are talking about so i moved my foot as carefully and quietly as possible as i soon came to learn that I am  living with people with very sensitive hearing. I learnt my lesson when I had constipation, so embarrassing! i do no even want to think about it.


I moved my foot and lightly tapped Vanessa's foot and prayed religiously that she does not look up and make it as clear as day that I just did that.


"My apologies Benjamin, i just i woke up on the wrong side of the broomstick." She calmly said as Eva and I tried to stifle our laughs because of the Harry Potter reference.


"Are you done chastising me?" she looks at the guys who just shrug, huff head to their respective seats. Kael sat beside Nessa and gave her an unimpressed look.


"I am still yet to get an apology," he huffed. Nessa laughed lightly. She leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss on his  cheek.

"I'm sorry," she said sheepishly as she looked up at him from below her lashes.


Cam who sat next to Eva was rolling his eyes at the pair which earned him a smack at the back of his head from Eva who thought it was so cute.


On the other hand. Luciano was seated beside me, at the head of the table. He moved his sturdy hand beneath the table and seemed to have pressed a button because the placements with the food platters started moving automatically.

My eyes widened as i looked at it in awe. How far mechanized is this place!


Luciano takes a hold of his plate and serves a bit of everything on the table, bacon, cinnamon Croissants, breakfast sausages, an omelet, some honey fried chicken bites and a cookie. Given his Herculean structure i would not have thought this was his diet. However, I and everyone else present where even more shocked as he picked up my empty plate and replaced it with the one he had just plated. Now that i think about it this is usually what i have for breakfast each morning.


'does that mean he noticed?' i asked myself subconsciously.

'of course not, he just took whatever passed by him,' my subconscious reasoned.

'hmm yeah, maybe'


Everyone had their mouth agape, probably still in shock as I.


"Be careful, flees might fly in," Luciano commented causing everyone to quickly close their mouths.


He served his own food mainly consisting of protein, yeah that is more like it. I must have been staring again because he turned to me and our eyes met. It felt like the whole room had disappeared. It was just him.

His pupils dilated and turned a stormier shade of gray, almost blackening.

He quickly blinked and looked away from me as if the very sight burnt him.

He cleared his throat.

"Eat!" he commanded as he gestured to my untouched breakfast with his butter knife.