
instant mastery skill in the anime world

My grammar is trash. this is not an incest

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Sora sat lazily on the ground before flicking his finger, shooting a small wind bullet at Carla, who stood in front of him with her face covered with a cloth. The bullet was weak and would only flick her head, but at the last moment when the wind was about to hit her, She tried to dodge it but she was too late.

"impressive, only a few hours in and you're only able to see hints of the future," Sora said as he copied her, making his ability to see the future 10 times better.

"Thank you," Carla said with bright eyes as she removed the blindfold, Sora just nodded as he got up. It's been a day since Sora fought Natsu, he started training Carla and Wendy today as he had nothing better to do.

Sora smiled slightly as he rubbed his head and looked toward Wendy who was training the wind dragon slayer enchantment spell he had taught her.

"I will be heading home, since you can see hints of the future, stand using that more and more. push yourself to see more, and before you know it you will be able to see almost anything you want." Sora said as he thought of Happy.

"I just remember. I gave Happy tickets to go to the fish world, a place filled with countless fishes of all sides and forms. I can't go with him, but would you like to take my place?" Sora asked with a smile as he continued rubbing her head, Carla couldn't say no when receiving such treatment, she happily nodded.

"Thank you, I will go tell happy," Sora said as he turned into the wind and disappeared. Carla's smile slowly disappeared as she realized what she just agreed two. she sighed helplessly and went to go get Wendy to go somewhere

meanwhile, Sora returned to the guild and found it was closed, rubbing his stomach, he went home while thinking of where he should go eat.

He ran into Boze along the way, the two haven't seen each other so Sora took this time to hang out. but after some time, Boze began rushing Sora to go home. Sora was confused but quickly returned him.

Sora soon opened the door to his house, he quickly found the house was darker than dark. Sora calmly turned the light on, as soon as the light was turned on countless people jumped out of the dark and they screamed Happy Birthday.

"This is 19 worth of a birthday party swizzed into one day," Erza said with a smile as she put a birthday hat on Sora's head, Sora smiled slightly,

"I was tasked to hold you off with the training while Erza got everything ready," Wendy said shily, while Boze wrapped his hand around him

"and I had to keep you away from here when they couldn't." He said with a smile

"enough talking, let's party like there is no tomorrow," Natsu yelled as everyone cheered. and with that, everyone drank until everything went dark.

Sora was the first to wake up, but he froze when he found himself sleeping under one of the fairy tail guild members. a female named Cana Alberona

Cana is a tall and slim tanned-skinned young woman with an ample bust. She has mid-back length brown hair with varying shades of color. Cana has large brown eyes and visibly long eyelashes. She possesses a very voluptuous figure, with large breasts and curvy hips. She is quite the beauty, one of fairy tail's most beautiful females, and could be ranked around 4th or 3rd.

Cana has a great love for alcoholic beverages-and a strong alcoholic resistance- such that it borders on addiction. Oftentimes, she is often seen drinking directly from a large beer barrel. She started drinking at the age of thirteen, two years before the legal age, and the frequency of her drinking has grown to the point where thirty percent of Fairy Tail's liquor budget goes down her throat.

She was the only some capable of holding her own against Sora, of course, Sora was human as well, and didn't drink alcohol that much. so Sora was only a few times better than her.

Memoires of what happened last light returned to Sora, and everyone entered a drinking compensation, with over 50 billion jewels on the table. Sora wanted some fun, so he put that much on the table. almost everyone joined. in the end, it was just Sora and Cana standing, while everyone else left or couldn't handle it and blacked out. Sora was winning as Cana couldn't handle it, but this was 50 billion she tried to cheat her way to victory

So, tried to distract Sora by taking off her bar, Sora took off his shirt to mock her. what was some breast? how could they distract him, but it was different for Cana, seeing Sora's body and while being drunk. she couldn't control herself but wanted to touch those abs, things went off rails from there and ended up taking it to the bedroom.

remembering the events that took place in bed, Sora dragon couldn't help but raise. but he quickly suppressed it as this action was rubbing against Cana's place. Sora was slightly annoyed, these memories returned so easily, what about his other memories.

Cana slowly opened her eyes feeling Sora's movement, Sora seeing this quickly acted like he was sleeping, and began thinking of the best thing to do in this situation, should he tell Erza? nope, that will lead to more problems, the best thing was to keep this a secret. he could erase her memories, but that could lead to more problems when she regains her memories.

Cana froze upon seeing she was sleeping on top of Sora, she panicked slightly as memories of last night returned. this was all her fault, she quickly moved to get off Sora, but her body shook slightly as his thing rubbed her. her body suddenly went weak as she remembered last night, she almost died from the pleasure.

but she quickly got off Sora as she placed her clothing back on, which was just a light blue bikini top and a pair of capri pants. She quickly thought of what she should, but remembering Sora's memories, she had slight hope that he would forget about all of this. that would be for the best, Erza was her friend. she couldn't hurt her like this, but to leave no treasure, she used card magic to remove her smell before leaving

Sora who heard her thoughts sighed in relief as he opened his eyes. he will simply act like this never happened, after a few minutes, Sora woke up and went to wash up before going downstairs. Sora had of course bought a huge mansion, with how much money he had, there was no way he was going to get an apartment or something.

as he arrived down stars, he found everyone was out cold, Erza was sleeping on top of Lucy, resting her head on her chest. Sora watched this scene for a moment, before walking the two up.

Lucy slowly opened her eyes, only to find Erza rubbing her head in her best. She angrily sent Erza flying, before she froze after realizing she sent Erza flying.

Erza slowly stood up, coldly looking at Lucy. who just sends a person who is a sleep flying? But she froze seeing Sora just standing there but naked.

"what?" Sora asked in confusion, Lucy quickly covered her eyes.

"can you guys keep the noise down?" Gray asked as he stood up butt naked. unlike Sora who forget to put his clothing on, Gray had a problem with removing his clothing. he was a wish wizard and trained within the cloud, he would remove his clothing to temper himself, but this became a normal habit for him. aways removing his clothing without even knowing it

"Gray, you're naked," Sora said calmly, Gray froze as he quickly covered himself with the closest thing he could grab, which happened to happen.

"you're naked as well," Gray yelled, as Happy slowly woke up. Sora looked down and was amazed, that he was naked again. meanwhile Happy panicked seeing what gray was using him for, Gray panicked seeing he had grabbed happy and quickly replaced Happy with a scarf, but this happened to be Natsu Scarf. Natsu was awakened and quickly enraged seeing what gray was doing.

"enough," Erza said coldly seeing these two were about to fight. the house was already a mess, she didn't need these two to make a bigger mess. Natsu and Gray instantly stopped fighting, Gray quickly found his past before looking at the mess house

"what happened slight night?" Gray asked as he looked at the empty beer barrel laying on the ground. Sora's heart skipped a beat slightly, but he did have memories problem, he was going to ride this train to his death.

"I think Lucy Sora and Cana were the last two standing before I fell to sleep." Happy said as he tried to remember what happened, everyone looked around for Cana but she had disappeared.

"put your clothing on," Erza said unable to force Sora's butt naked, no female could pay attention to that body before them.

"I forgot," Sora said as clothing appeared on his body before he went to wake up everyone who was laying all over his house.

"can't find Cana, she might have left. I don't know if she won or not, I still got my money. I can't remember a thing from last night." Sora asked while rubbing his head

"I just finished a bath. i'm going for my morning run..." Sora said as he left, Erza was confused slightly. Sora usually went for a run first before taking a bath. sometimes if he didn't sweat too much she will join, but she didn't think too much about it.

time quickly went past, Sora, and soon it had been 3 days since Sora's birthday party. Sora sat within a fairy tail guild hall and was playing pool with some of the wizards. but just as he was about to hit the ball, the ground suddenly began shaking, leading him to miss his shot.

"damn," Sora said seeing he missed, but no one was forced on him as everyone rushed to look at the town which was currently moving. Sora watched the whole town move, revealing a path to the fairy tail guild.

it turned out that fairy tail's strongest guild member had arrived. Magnolia Town is complete with technological mechanisms that allow most of its buildings to slide sideways and rise over platforms, leaving only a very large, straight road that leads from the city's entrance to Fairy Tail's headquarters. Such a peculiar measure was taken to make up for the absent-mindedness of Gildarts Clive, Fairy Tail's ace member, who, after returning from his usual, long journeys, would accidentally walk through the town destroying private houses with his Crush magic.

Crush is an extremely powerful Caster Magic that smashes everything the user comes into contact with into pieces. It can be used to both crack Magic into pieces, thereby nullifying its effects, as well as to reduce the Magic's power and deflect it. Even the most powerful spells are rendered useless when faced with this destructive and advanced Magic, which is difficult to control even for an extremely powerful individual like Gildarts himself.

everything he touches is destroyed, so the city was changed into something like this. the whole guild hasn't seen Gildarts for some time so they were a bit excited to see their strongest member.

"who do you think is stronger, Sora or Gildart?" a few fairy tail guild members asked while looking at this. but Erza and the others froze as they through od Sora coping Gildart's ability. they for seen the whole destruction with Sora being careless

"I wonder if I will be able to control it," Sora said with a smile, everyone joyful mode froze hearing Sora's words. everyone froze as a middle-aged soon walked through the fairy tail guild door, but upon looking around he was confused. everything had changed since he was last here, so he began asking around for the fairy tail guild.

'was there not a symbol of the guild outside?' Sora thought in confusion

Gildart had failed his quest, which shocked everyone as the quest he took was called a 100 years quest. Sora couldn't help but wonder what the quest was, as he felt he wasn't that much stronger than Gildart.

Sora's strength was still growing, he was only 19. Gildarts on the other hand was in his 40s. of course in a fight, Gildarts could never beat Sora. once Sora sees him make an action to attack, Sora would know everything about him and even have every ability he has.

being like Irene is far stronger than Sora, and Sora couldn't see himself defeating her just yet. If even he knew all of Irene's abilities, it didn't mean he was strong enough to use his knowledge to bring her down. at most, it can draw with her, or run away with some injuries.

Gildarts after talking to the guild master left, but he walked straight through a wall, the wall exploded into cubs stunning every seeing he couldn't just walk through a door. Natsu was fired up seeing Gildarts destroy a wall, and left, leaving everyone more speechless

"what hot heads," Sora said as he turned to look towards Cana who was acting weird after seeing Gildarts. Cana seeing Sora looking at him panicked slightly and quickly stood up and left. Sora shrugged as he turned and returned home,

a few days later, rain filled the sky. something was off with the sky, it spun around as in the middle of all of this something began sucking into the sky, turning into lights which were absorbed. Sora was slowly absorbed as well, he could have resisted if he was awake but he was out cold and was absorbed along with everyone else.

the only survivors in all of this were Natsu, Wendy, Happy, and Carle. the only reason they survived was that Natsu and Wendy were dragon slayers, unlike Sora who just copied. Natsu and Wendy had dragons sleeping within them, so they could resist this perfectly. meanwhile, Happy and Wendy were from a world of Edolas, which was where they were sucked into, so they were not absorbed by this,

The powerful spell used to do this was called Anima, it turned out that Mystogan, one of fairy tail's strongest mages was going around closing Anima all over the world, but this one was too powerful for him to close.

Happy and Wendy flew Natsu and Wendy to Edolas through the small remains of the Anima.

meanwhile, in Edolas, The world of Edolas used to have floating island terrains levitating off the mainland, as well as streams of flouting rivers that flow threw them, all of which is naturally suspended in the air by the world's magic. The daytime sky is colored lime green with visible celestial objects such as moons and planets.

Edolas is a universe parallel to Earth Land. So, there were different versions of everyone from Earth Land here. Magic was running low on Edolas so they were stealing magic from Earth Land, sucking them in and turning it into a Lacrima.

on a floating island, two huge Lacrima floated on islands. one of the shook from time to time, like a huge sleeping beast. slowly the shaking stop as Sora found himself turned into Lacrima.

Sora was enraged, who turned him into Lacrima? but slowly, he relaxed, and Sora began reforming his body. this time he didn't need to cross and will slowly make an even stronger, and even more perfect body.