
Instant level up(Levelling up in an apocalypse)

In a world ravaged by an insidious disease that transformed the infected into savage beasts, humanity teetered on the brink of extinction. Those who succumbed to the infection became nightmarish creatures, viciously attacking any unfortunate soul they encountered. Yet, amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. Some individuals, infected by the disease but untouched by its horrific transformation, were reborn with extraordinary powers. These newfound abilities bestowed upon them the means to combat the relentless onslaught of the infected, granting a flicker of light in humanity's darkest hour. As the survivors huddled together behind towering walls, seeking refuge in an isolated sanctuary, a group of individuals emerged as their leaders. These gifted beings, blessed with the potent force known as Chaos Energy, shouldered the responsibility of venturing beyond the barricades to reclaim their lost homes. Among those left bereft by the apocalypse, a young boy named Kadori harbored a fervent wish: to join the ranks of the runners, the brave souls who ventured into the treacherous unknown to confront the abominable creatures. His heart ached with the loss of his last living family members, and he yearned for vengeance against the chaos that had stolen his loved ones. Then, one fateful day, Kadori's dream came to life. Permission was granted for him to step beyond the protective walls, armed with newfound hope and a fierce determination. But destiny is a capricious mistress, and tragedy struck on his very first foray into the hostile wilderness. Yet, even as Kadori's life hung in the balance, a mysterious force stirred. Whispers of a cryptic message echoed in the desolation: "[Host has been found.] [Survive one day alone outside the walls.] [Reward: Instant Level Up]" The tale unfolds with the promise of epic struggles, newfound powers, and the enduring spirit of humanity's will to survive. Kadori's journey has only just begun, and the world beyond the walls holds secrets, perils, and the key to humanity's resurgence.

Quiet_max · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Exam begins!

Analyzing the ongoing fight between the two boys, Kadori noticed from their energy that they were both Silver 3 rank.

The chaotic energy and techniques they produced didn't seem too impressive at all, and one could easily tell that they were low-ranked Chaos users.

Kadori shifted his gaze to the side of the cage and saw hundreds of people the same age as him, waiting to be called in for their fight.

"Alright, Kadori, go join in with those people there. Soon your name will be called," Yukiko said, pointing towards the area where the students stood.

Kadori nodded and began to make his way towards them.

"What does he want here?" a boy among the students asked.

"Isn't he just a mere Bronze 2 rank?"

"Yeah, he must be the homeless kid that stays at Santino's house."

"Yeah, he claims to be Enhanced, but after many tests, they found out he had no ability."

The students kept gossiping among themselves as Kadori approached them.

They tried their best to keep their voices down, but Kadori could still hear them clearly.

After getting the system, Kadori's hearing and eyesight seemed to have been enhanced. He could hear what people were saying even if they were far away.

Kadori stood alone and continued watching the ongoing fight, ignoring the words of the teenagers.

Among the two fighters, one of them seemed to be the attacker, while the other seemed to be defending right from the start.

Kadori noticed that ever since he began spectating the match, the other student hadn't charged in for any attack.

All he did was remain in the same spot and dodge every one of his opponent's attacks.

"You coward! Why won't you attack me!" the attacking boy shouted in anger, joining his two palms together, and a black energy beam could be seen forming in his hands.

The boy threw his arm forward, and the energy beam shot out from the palm of his hand and headed straight towards the boy.

If Kadori wasn't mistaken, he could see the energy beam turning around and heading back towards the boy, along with many other beams.

"What the..." The attack came as a shock to the attacking boy, and he didn't have enough time to counter.

The beam hit his chest and sent him flying.

'Reverse technique, eh?' Kadori mused. 'All he needed to do was make his opponent send out a barrage of attacks before he reversed everything in the duration of 3 seconds.'

Two reasonably large men walked into the cage and carried out the boy that was knocked out.

The victor was directed to a certain area in the arena.

Immediately after the fight ended, another fight began. This one was between two Silver 4 girls.

The fight didn't last long, as a fierce-looking girl just bullied her opponent like a child. Even if they were both in the same rank, it was obvious that one of them had mastered the techniques and moves in the rank.

It continued on and on with different students being knocked out while the rest emerged as the winners.


Soon after, Kadori's name was announced. He made his way into the cage and stood in front of his opponent.

The boy who stood opposite him had a rugged look. Tattoos were etched on his face, and he held a long whip in his hand. Students were allowed to bring in their weapons to the exams.





HP: 10/10



A holographic screen popped up right above Park Jin, stating his basic information.

'A Gold 1?' Kadori exclaimed internally after realizing the boy's rank.

If Kadori were in his full strength, then facing a Gold 1 would be a walk in the park. But with everything being halved, he found it a little difficult.

The boy's Chaos technique also seemed dangerous, and he held a Basic tier whip in his hand.

'It's not that tough. As long as I tire him out first, then take him out with a single strike,' Kadori mused as the boy charged towards him when the bell rang.

When Park Jin was centimeters away, he lashed out his whip towards Kadori.

Seeing the rope heading towards him, Kadori jumped and rolled on the floor, dodging the strike completely.

Park Jin quickly retrieved the whip and lashed it out again.

Swerving his body to the side, Kadori dodged it again.


Park Jin lashed out the whip continuously, but Kadori managed to dodge it neatly.

"Screw this!" Park Jin screamed, dropping the whip on the ground and charging forward towards Kadori.

When he was in striking distance, he punched out his fist towards Kadori.

Reacting swiftly, Kadori lifted his arms in an x-like shape to block the attack.

When the fist was a few inches away from Kadori's arms, the fist began to increase in size, until it was the size of a giant fist.


The force behind the blow sent Kadori crashing into the cage and onto the floor.

"Ugh... forgot he had body transformation," Kadori grunted as he struggled to his feet.

Park Jin didn't stop there; he leaped into the air and right above Kadori, bringing down a hammer strike with his giant hands towards Kadori's head.

Noticing the big guy right above him, Kadori performed a front flip forward to move out of the way, and Park Jin ended up smashing nothing but the ground.

After performing the flip, Kadori now stood where Park Jin dropped his whip.

"Hello there," Kadori picked up the whip and held it firmly in his hand.

Park Jin charged in once more with hatred and anger etched on his face.

Before Park Jin could get close, Kadori swung out the whip, making it tie around Park Jin's neck.

When the whip was successfully tied around Park Jin's neck, Kadori pulled him closer with all his might, before knocking him down with his elbow.

Kadori's elbow connected neatly with Park Jin's nose, knocking him out instantly.

The same two huge men walked in once more and carried the unconscious kid outside, and Kadori was directed to where the victors stood.

"All the winners will be transported to the base immediately!" a man declared.