
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 84

Here you go. Enjoy it



Xander's POV*

I just watched as Rimuru mobilized his troops ready to meet Hinata. This is probably their first fight against powerhouses in this world, so they have no idea what they are fighting against. In the original Rimuru fought Hinata on equal terms even after becoming a demon lord showing just how strong she is. After just waiting for a few minutes that the knights finally arrived.

"By the order of the God, kill the heretics!" One brave saint said as destruction occured, Rimuru probably saw that negotiation is not possible with ths fanatics so he ordered his strongest subordinates to fight. The residents were already evacuated with the help of Treyni who made a way for them inside the forest. "Stop! Couldn't we talk about this?! Why did you even invade my land?!" Rimuru shouted as I sighed at his words.

Something like an talk no jutsu wouldn't work with fanatics like these, you can go to Warhammer if you wanted more details. Strangely, Sona wasn't here by my side but I didn't dwell on it. Rimuru's subordinates was getting trashed around as buildings dropped at a fast rate, thankfully for him the knights were playing with him as they wanted to see the despair in the monster's eyes. Rimuru is starting to lose hope on this fight as he heard a cool beauty talk. "The one we are looking for is not you, unfortunately you're land is on the way" Hinata said as she closed her eyes.

Hm? They are not after Tempest? Then why are they here? Didn't they know that entering the forest is equal to suicide? I couldn't understand what's happening as I began thinking. But before I could finish my thoughts, I heard a sentence from the girl that made me stop. "We are looking for Xander Ranvil, he is here right? We need erase him as he is the bane for the religion" Arnaud said as Rimuru tilted his head, "Xander?" Shit.. so I am involved in this huh?

Rimuru looked at me as the others stopped and also turned to my figure. I couldn't help but sigh as being involved in this would mean that those old shits already know about my existence, so the suspicion of Luminous already knowing about me is confirmed already. "Who's Xander?" I asked feigning ignorance before Hinata raised an hand as she ordered the knights to attack me. "Sigh, such a hassle. I wonder when I changed, I used to love this things.." I muttered before my sigh reached the enemy and they dropped on the ground.


The floor cracked as the knights were suppressed by an aura they never experienced before, "Guuh..!", "Hinata-sama..! Be careful!" They grunted in pain before they warned Hinata who didn't listened to them, she was already calculating things, how to move, when to attack, the timing of her trusts, when to dodge and lastly.. trying to use Usurper.

[Evaluation: Blocked]

Hinata knew what this means, she only saw something like this once and it was in the presence of Luminous. 'A awakened demon lord class..' she thought as I just waited for her. "You're just gonna stand there?" I asked while snapping my fingers making some of the pressured individuals on the ground change their forms. Hinata narrowed her eyes at the people who escaped my pressure, "Seven Luminaries, what are you doing here?" She asked as I just watched the show happened.

I looked at Rimuru who couldn't process anything as Great Sage is warning him to get out of the place or else he wouldn't be able to survive. Thought that stopped when Milim and Ramiris arrived. "Ah! The show already started! We're late!" Ramiris shouted as she blamed Milim, "Its your fault Milim! If you just didn't tried to steal the food in the kitchen then we wouldn't be late!" I was amused by their skit but turned my attention back to Hinata who narrowed her eyes.

The Luminaries was in disarray this time but just used their trump card, the sword in Hinata's hands suddenly exploded as her whole hand vanished along with it. "Kuh.." Hinata held her arm as she glared at them, "I see, you couldn't keep your filthy hands anymore that you decided to execute me" she said as the Luminaries just laughed, "Hee hee hee, you're a fool Hinata. You didn't obey our words like a dog anymore, you should die with that heretic there!" One of them said as they pointed their fingers at me.

"Oi, oi, why am I involved here? I was just living a quiet life you know?" I said shrugging their deadly gaze, "Shut up, pest! If you were not here..! If you were not here!" One of them said as a crazed look can be seen inside the cover on their faces, "Right! If not for this pest then we would've have Luminous-sama's attention all to our self!" Everyone assumed the craze look as they glared at me hatefully. Woah, their hatred is intense, is that how much they loved living long?

"Its not my fault that Luminous's attention was focused on me right? I am simply too dashing for her not to notice" I said as Rimuru looked at me with dull eyes saying 'Are you serious?' I just shrugged that, "By the way, did you also lure Sona out?" I asked as they just laughed creepily, "Of course we would take your protector, some simple sacrifice are necessary to take you out" They said as I just sighed again, how could they really be this stupid, they know that I am living with the 2nd rank Demon Lord and they treated me as a normal monster without Sona.

"How could people fall this low? Your brain probably degraded along with your age right?" I mocked them as they gritted their teeth. Hinata who was being ignored just watched as she was slowly losing blood, magic don't works with Hinata's body as it would automatically dissolve the magicules that would try to enter it. I just simply used my healing skill bypassing everything and returning her to her peak, even fatigues and mental exhaustion was taken away as she felt her body literally floating from how light it was.

She looked at me with questioning eyes, "Why..?" I just shook my head and didn't answer her, I turned my attention to the laughing guys and yawned, "You're still not out from your delusions? I'm starting to get bored by this farce you know?" I said provoking the fools who just circled me and placed immediately placed an holy barrier in my place, I looked at the brittle thing with a little smile on my face. A large magic circle appeared on the ground as I looked at it with interest.

"Holy Trinity Disintegration!" They shouted, as I was amused by its effect, why did they even placed an Holy Barrier anyway when this mortal body of mine is still of that of human. The thing didn't even tickle my skin so I just flicked my finger breaking the barrier and erasing the disintegration skill. "What!?" ,"Impossible! He should be weak!", "That must be a fluke!" They couldn't accept my strength as they began denying reality.

They tried using the same trick as I got bored of it already, I waved my hand as the skill vanished in the air. Everyone's eyes widened at that, Rimuru turned his head to the person who knew about me, in other words Ramiris and Milim. Milim noticed his gaze as she said, "Umu! That's one of the reason Xander is scary. He can literally erase anything as long as he believed on it. He even erased my Drago Nova!" Milim explained as Ramiris nodded her head, "You might not know about Milim's Dragon Nova but it is a simple localized black hole being shoved into a single attack" Rimuru was dumbfounded by what he heard.

"Black hole!? Isn't that dangerous!?" Rimuru exclaimed as I sighed, "Enough explaining Ramiris" I said as Ramiris placed her hand on her waist before shouting some things about me being cheeky and arrogant. I raised an eyebrow as I felt Sona's presence getting closer, "Hm, how did it go to you, Sona?" I asked without even turning to her. "Just a bunch of clowns trying to make me laugh" she said as I chuckled.

"Well, with our strength, anyone in this world is just a clown to us anyway" I said as she smiled, we are already strong enough to be able to think like that. The only problem that Sona couldn't take is probably Michael and Ivaraje, they are troublesome, specially Ivaraje who is born equal to Veldanava the creator. I was about to erase those seven fools when a big gate suddenly appeared, "Found you~" A familiar voice rang as I slowly turned my head towards it.

"Shit.., Sona don't tell me.." Sona just smirked while nodding her head. Before I could even talk Luminous emerged from the gate with her head raised. I can see Rimuru being daze by her beauty as she walked with confidence. "Nice to meet you, can you tell me who you are?" I asked feigning ignorance of who she is but it seems like it was useless. "No use doing like that Xander, I already know everything" She said with a confident smirk on her face as I stiffened by her words. "W-What are you talking about?" I tried my luck again, but was stopped by her words, "Xander Ranvil. The one who slapped Veldora out of my territory, and the one I fell for"

Everyone turned silent at her words as they stared at me baffled, I mean its not their faults, you suddenly heard someone who trashed the True Dragon Veldora long ago. "I-Iyaa.. Long time no see?" I said while my lips twitched in awkwardness. She smiled in satisfaction on my words as Sona just shook her head. "Let's talk later, I still need to handle these fools" She said before walking to the Seven Luminaries who are now trembling in fear. They did this thing to gain the attention of their lovely God but not in this way.

"L-Luminas-sama! Please forgive us!" One said as everyone kneeled on the ground, "We were just hoping to help the world cleansed by killing those things!" Another one tried to justified, "Out of consideration for our long years of loyalty, we beg you!" One said while lowering their heads further in the ground. "Normally this would be just an capital offense, but since your main target of this attack was him.. then a simple death wouldn't be enough!" Luminous said before they cried and shrieked at her words, they tried to fled but was stuck on their place.

Luminous's aura is too strong for them to handle as they could only stop. Uwah I am getting deja vu feeling from this scene, "Eternal Damnation.." Luminous muttered before their souls escaped from their body and was put in a hell fire, Luminous's strengthened their souls so that they wouldn't die easily. She also use thought acceleration on them making it with just one second they were already suffering for a thousand of years. She left those tortured souls before getting closer to me.

I didn't move as I just looked at her but I was surprised by her next move. She wrapped her hand around my body before muttering, "Drain Embrace.." Ah shit.. my mana is being drained. "W-Wait! Luminous, let's talk a-about this okay? Eh?!" She didn't replied as she just strengthened the draining ability. After losing a one percent of my magicules and Luminous stopping because of overload I sighed in relief. "Now you are inside of me.." she muttered some really disturbing words.

I can now understand how creepy I was to Sona but thankfully she seemed to accept how I was. "Etoo.. good to see you again?" I said with a resigned smile on my face as she returned it with a rare huge smile on her. "Yes! Its been a long time" we began talking as Sona walked in gaining the hateful glare from Luminous. "You.." she muttered before her aura started flaring all around making the buildings shattered in impact. "Heh, what a loser. You should be thankful that Xander wasn't the one who erased your memories" Sona sneered at her.

A vein popped on Luminous's face "Shut up you old woman!" Sona was pissed at that as they started bickering at each other just like how Carrera and Utaha used to do in the past. Now, I know that Carrera is not my woman, she just sleep with me since I am her master. "Stop, stop" I said before getting between them only to get punched in the gut. "Get lost!" I flew and stumbled towards Rimuru's place who is only staring in the ground in daze. I tilted my head before looking, Oh, a dead person has appeared.

I patted his head before saying, "Don't worry, I'll fix this" he turned his head to me before his eyes widened in amazement. All of the structures were back to what they were before the battle and all the deads slowly stood up. "W-What happened?" He asked as Benimaru stood up from the dead, he was killed by Arnaud the strongest of the knights. Milim nodded her head in understanding, "This is Xander's miracle, he could even deny the event that happened" Rimuru widened his eyes more at that, "Isn't he more like a God?! Who is he really?" He also understood why his friend didn't enter the fight.

Its because Milim already know that nothing would happen and if there were then Xander would just return everything by believing that something like destruction by using magic is impossible. "Xander is the husband of Sona. And maybe its time to reveal who she is... Ice Queen, Sona Sitri, the 2nd Awakened Demon Lord!" The place turned quiet at that revelations, "S-Sona-sama is a Demon Lord?!" Benimaru couldn't believe his ears, "Doesn't that mean that we are living under her territory?" Shuna said while tilting her head.

"Right, this land is from Sona, she is always releasing her magicules in the air that is why Disaster class monsters always appear on the forest, though they just follow their words like pups to their master" Ramiris explained making everyone shock, this is the most shocking news that they have ever heard. Sona was just their unusually strong friend and now she became something that the whole world feared. Their thoughts were complicated, it was still hard for them to chew the fact that Sona is a world ending person. I was talking to Luminous. "Well.. sorry for getting your memories erased" I said as she shook her head, "No, its fine. Its that hag's fault anyway, how could she be so childish and provoke the young me that day" Luminous said glaring at Sona who just smirked.

"So? Did I pass your test, Old Hag?" Luminous asked with her hand on her waist. "Hm.. indeed, you were quite faithful" Luminous's eyes shoned at that words, "Then.." Sona gave a gentle smiled before nodding her head. Luminous didn't exclaim or anything she was just in pure bliss on her spot. Luminous went to my body again as she embraced me tighly, Sona didn't interfere this time as its been a long time since Luminous got this close to me.

"Welcome to the family.. Luminous" I said while patting her head. "Roy, Gunther. You two handle the church, I'll live here from now on" Luminous said as the two nodded their heads. Luminous went to Hinata's side, "Thank you for coming here, Hinata. You can take the knights and return now, also lessen your animosity to Monsters, I didn't place any rule about eradicating them or something" Luminous said, "What?!" Hinata and the knights were surprised by that.

Hinata looked around and saw the hostile look of the monsters they just killed, she closed her eyes before bowing her head lightly. "I know this means nothing, but I'm sorry" she said as the knights also did the same after some hesitation. They returned to their land with sullen look on their face as they think about the events that happened today, their God was a demon lord all along. I shook my head at the knights before looking at Rimuru, "Somehow, I apologize too, you're town was involved in my problem." I said as he closed his eyes.

"No, thank you. I know you didn't move immediately on purpose, thank you for opening my eyes" He said as I just sighed, at least he understood it, Rimuru need to mature fast because the movement in this world is fast. You might not know that Tenma War would just appear tomorrow, that's why he needed to open his eyes to reality infront of him. He was just treating world like how it was on earth, thinking that everything would be solved if you just sit on one table and talked about the problem.

"Anyway, were going back to our house. You need to get more strength to stop something like this happening. There are more danger in this world that you can ever think" I said one last advice before whistling hard. Not even a second before Guinness appeared towering everything on the land, Ranga lowered his head at Guinness as the bloodline supression is acting. Everyone could feel their blood tingling from this huge wolf with creepy eyes, slowly everyone except Rimuru was on their knees.

"Eh? What's happening?" Rimuru asked as the informant two arrived. "Guinness is the father of all monsters in this land" Ramiris said, "Umu! There is no monster stronger than Guinness here, and he is also the king of the forest. That's why your subjects who used to live in this forest couldn't supress the feeling of submition to him" Milim supported, I, Sona and Luminous went to his back before he started walking under the watchful eyes of everyone. After Guinness left, everyone could finally catch their breathe as they stood up.

The first thing they did was prostate infront of Rimuru. "We apologize, Rimuru-sama! We would accept any punishment! No! Please punish us!" They suddenly talked about some words that made Rimuru freaked out, "Why?!" Rimuru asked as Shuna closed her eyes before explaining. "The act of submitting to someone else when our king is here is a humiliation to you and a shame to us who couldn't do anything. Everyone is doing this to at least lessen the shame on our self" Shuna said while doing a dogeza with her forehead on the floor already.

Rimuru took a long time convincing everyone to just stop and start training, their defeat would be a motivation to surpass the strongest beings in this world and their last goal is to beat Guinness, their ancestor.
