
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 79


Xander's gaining of skill was sensed by the whole world, Luminous who was lying on her bed heard the Voice of the World. She heard it announce a name that strangely feels weird, as if the name was familiar with her that it kept appearing on her mind. She started thinking about the name itself, as her head was attacked by a migraine.

She thought that the name might be connected to the Unknown One or maybe its the person itself. She took a paper before writing the name with the category of Important Clues. She smiled before calling Roy to let him investigate what happened.





Sona POV*

Sigh, Xander did something outrageous again. We returned to our house after that show as Xander was somehow happy, I wonder why? Carrera went to the kitchen to start making for our afternoon snacks, we always spend our time in the afternoon reading books while listening to the voice of nature with snacks by our side. Xander also got another weird obsession with my thighs. Nowadays, he would always use it as a resting place since he described the feeling as heavenly.

I was of course embarassed doing something like that, however living with Xander for a long time has lessened my embarassment. I somehow gained a immunity to weird things that Xander do, even just this morning I didn't even felt a surprise as I thought that it was just a Xander thing. There was a rule that I made when I was still with my peerage, although I missed them, I know that time run different on this world from there so I am not worried at all.

That rule is to consider everything that they could not understand or something that even science couldn't explain to be a 'Xander Thing'. My peerage didn't object with anything at all, instead it was the opposite as they immediately accepted the rule. It seems they were also getting weirded out by Xander's actions. Xander is full of surprises but being with him really increased my tolerance to it, I can now handle something that would have made the whole world slack jawed by watching it.

Even Guy isn't excluded from his surprises, well it was no surprise as he was rather passive when we came to this world. Only going to act when the scene really needed him to. I looked at Xander's face who was sleeping on my lap while the corner of my lips raised. He is really cute like this, I do wonder why my interest in him never faded in the long time we lived together. Is it one of his doing? Or is my feelings too strong that it wouldn't let go of him.

I smiled at the thought as I looked at the book in my hand, 'Fate/Stay Night'. This book amazed me a lot since the system on it is so intricate. Servants, Magecraft, Holy Grail. Who wouldn't be interested in something like that. Its only been a few days since Xander gave this to me but my knowledge was enhanced by reading this book. Though it was also weird reading King Arthur as a girl when the one in my world was a guy.

The Noble Phantasms amazed me, It gained my attention when I read the description about it. I also asked a lot of things to Xander about the thing that he just answered lazily, Manifestation of a person's legend, doesn't that sound amazing? I gained a lot of inspiration by watching this, I wanted to replicate some of the Noble Phantasm using my Ultimate Skill but I put it off right now. We still got a lot of time in this world, Xander also informed me that we would leave this world in 300 years so I still have a lot of time.

Xander also mentioned something interesting to me, its about making a castle using the body of a God. If I was still the young girl from 2 milleniums ago, then the mere thought of using a God as a material would baffle me a lot. But now that I have my experience and abilities, it seemed simple to me. I am also sure that no God could handle my power in the world of DxD right now, well Shiva is still questionable since I didn't really know anything about his powers.

Xander is the biggest blessing that I met in my life, because of him my life changed. Before meeting him, I have a feeling that the world's fate is tied to Rias and I am just a side character to the story. But after meeting Xander, that feeling vanished, as if the world doesn't have a choice but to cut his connection to Rias and the Dragon boy. He also raised the level of my peerage and brought me to this world that has nothing but advantages. I am glad that I met Xander.


3rd POV*

Xander woke up and saw that the sky was already riddled with many stars, he yawned before smiling at the sleeping Sona. Sona is so considerate for him since she didn't woke him up, she just slept in a uncomfortable position just to let him rest in peace. Xander carried Sona's body carefully afraid of waking her up before placing her on the bed, Xander placed an blanket on her body before going outside.

Tomorrow, Xander is going to make something again. But tonight he is going to test the ability that he gained just earlier, even though he already has the main idea of the skill, he still doesn't have the perfect mastery on it. Mastery in one's own ability is rather important because failing to do that would lead to mass destruction, especially Xander's case since his ability already touched the boundary of a normal skill could have.

He went outside of the house before going far away from the house. He also ordered the monsters to stay away from the area incase they don't want to be hit by some of Xander's attacks. Seeing that the place was already empty, Xander took a breathe before taking a wooden sword from his storage. He don't want to use super strong sword because he might accidentally cut this whole universe itself if he is not careful.

Xander closed his eyes before relaxing his mind, he then draws his sword and holds it above his head. He takes a step forward, and the air around him crackles with energy.

Xander takes another step, and the air around him ripples with power. He takes a third step, and the air around him shatters like glass.

Xander took the fourth step, and the air around him parts like a curtain, revealing a rift in reality. He takes a fifth step, and his sword slices through the rift, destroying another reality far away from this one.

Xander looked around, satisfied with his work. He sheathed his sword and used his other ability, he 'believed' that a rift in reality is impossible, so the thing was nullified and closed by itself.

Xander finished the first one so he proceeded to the next, his first slash was perfect enough since his sword skill is supporting him. Xander teleported to somewhere special in this world.

Xander stood in the middle of a dimensional plane, surrounded by swirling colors and strange shapes. He held his wooden sword on his hand, he took a deep breath and closes his eyes. He held the sword above his head and then brings it slashing down in an arc.

The sword slices through the plane, creating a rift in the fabric of the other dimension. A bright light shines out from the rift, which begins to expand rapidly. The inhabitants of this dimension widened their eyes at the scene. They never expected a mad man to suddenly appear and create a rift in their dimension.

Xander took a step back and watched as the rift grows larger and larger, eventually engulfing the entire plane. The inhabitants didn't even have a chance to scream before they were engulfed by the rift, destroying their body and soul in the proceess.

Xander stared in satisfaction as the rift disappears, leaving only a few remnants of the dimension behind. He has destroyed it completely. Xander left the place with a huge smile on his face. What he didn't know was that this place is one of the dimensions that the Mystic Angels conquered, meaning he just offended a race without him knowing.

After Xander left, one person with 6 pairs of wings suddenly appeared, "Huh?" It stared confused at the place, he was sure that he teleported to the right place, but all he saw was remnants of the world. There is nothing there, everything was erased, literally everything. The angel turned serious before thinking of something, "Someone destroyed this place? Who dares?!" The Seraph was enraged as his face turned red.

The nerve of that guy! He started looking for traces and saw some mana and started following it, his inspection led him to Central World. His face turned grim as he teleported back to his comrade's side, he needed to inform this. They still can't recklessly enter that world as they are still in the process of 'cleaning' the insects that just brought filth to the world.


Xander's POV*

Today Carrera and I are having a journey, we are going to visit her former place. El Dorado to be exact, it was now founded so that place should've be beautiful too, I am already excited to see how it look. Carrera was also excited as she has a wide smile on her face, no doubt that she wanted to release some frustrations. And the most effective target for that? Immortal demons.

Right, today we are going to Hell after visiting El Dorado. Leon was permitted to use the title demon lord by Guy as he acknowledged his strength, Guy even mentioned that Leon might win against him with a probability of 1 out of 1,000,000. Leon already tried to challenge Guy because he was insulted by his words but ended up returning to his land with body full of injuries.

That story was so funny that I laughed hard when I heard it from Guy, Leon might be the only entertainment Guy have in the canon so he is probably an interesting person. Hm, Carrera is already tamed so there is no problem in outburst unless she was the one who was provoked first. We went to the border of the continent and saw a huge ocean that goes far as the eyes can see.

Carrera and I looked at each other before grinning. "Do you want to race?" I asked while Carrera just widened her grin, she took off her clothes revealing a erotic yellow swimsuit. "Do you like it, boss?" Carrera asked while she started circling all around me. I couldn't help but give a excited smile before slapping her bouncy ass. "Ya bet I did!" Carrera laughed making her bountiful tits jiggle.

I focused my attention in the ocean afraid that I might lose control and just devour her here, that would destroy all of our plans. "Are you ready?" I asked as Carrera just nodded her head with an excited look on her face. I placed restrictions on my body limit my physical capability, now it was the same as Carrera. "Then let's start!" I shouted before we both dived in the water. Since flying is boring, we just competed in swimming.

After a few minutes of swimming fastly, we arrived at the shore of the continent as Carrera just punched her hand at the ground, even though we have the same physical capability, I still beat her in her game. I just smirked at Carrera who just looked away with a hmph. I chuckled at her reaction before looking at the side where a army was already waiting for us.

Carrera regained her energy as she saw them, "Boss, its seems like they know manners, they even received us here even though this is the border of this continent" Carrera said cheekily as I just laughed hard at her words. "Right, they are kind enough to do that" I commented as they didn't change their stance and stay wary about our presence. "Hmm.. boring" Carrera lost her interest when she saw them not reacting.

Leon finally couldn't handle watching our skit as he asked, "Who are you? You should know that this is my land right?" Leon asked as we nodded our head. "Humu, we both came to see if this place has some nice view on it" I said as Carrera just went to my side while nodding her head. "Again, Who are you?" Leon asked again, this time his body was already shining indicating his seriousness. Well, he's the stiff type huh? I thought as I shook my head.

"You can call me Xander, and this is Carrera" I introduced ourselves as Leon widened his eyes a little. "Xander? Are you the one who messed the system?" He asked as my eyebrow raised by itself. "You could say that, I just wanted a skill, why did it need to be so defensive about it" I muttered the last part as Carrera just sighed. "Boss, you're action is already being spread in the world you know? People are talking about it everywhere" She said as I looked at her, "Seriously?" she just smirked as an answer.

"Anyway, can we have a tour in your country? You have one right?" I asked while looking at Leon who already calmed down, he was thinking of the pros and cons about this thing as he just nodded his head. There are no direct problem as from what he observed, the person infront of him was a rational man, he can also observe him while he visit his city. "Fine" Leon simply said before he turned into light, he intended to return to his palace.

Leon arrived at his castle but stopped when he saw that we are already by his side, I just looked at the beautiful castle and nodded my head. This is beautiful, I admit it. Carrera was also appreciating the gorgeous view while Leon just started thinking how we arrived at the same time as he did. Leon's ability is based on photons and light so his speed was the same, moving at the speed of light while still being followed, he's probably thinking millions of thoughts at this moment.

We didn't bother Leon and left him at his world as we went outside the castle. Carrera and I smiled when we saw the beautiful place, we were tempted to destroy this beautiful art but held ourself back. I should use some reference to the palace and maybe renovate our house, it stood for millenium without collapsing even though the one living inside are monsters that could destroy the world if they wanted to. "Leon, we're going to have a tour" I said while waving my hands to Leon who snapped out from his thoughts.

"No, I need to come you with. I am afraid that you cause needless trouble to my citizens" Leon said while we just smirked, we didn't refuse his words as we just strayed in the beautiful city, even the barrier is amazingly nice to the eyes making me wonder how strong Leon's aesthetics is. We also tested some local foods but they were disappointing, I guess the world is still not advance enough huh?

We did the tour for an hour where Leon just kept looking at us all the time, "Oi, stop staring, its creepy as hell" Carrera said as I almost choked from her words, my body shook trying to stop my laughter as I watch Leon's dumbfounded reaction. Leon closed his eyes before saying "I apologize" See, he's not an unreasonable one. Just hard to talk with. "Hm, that's fine. You don't have to worry, even though we are tempted to see what would happen if we plunged an Gravity Magic here, we are still sane enough not to do it" Carrera said as I chuckled.

Leon was alarmed by her words as he started holding his sword, he narrowed his eyes at us. He was wondering why did he even bother to bring troublesome people like us in his territory, "Don't worry, we won't bite. We just wanted something to comfort our eyes, an this place is the best" I said while Leon lowered his guard.

After an hour, we got bored watching the scenery so we just said our goodbyes to Leon who was still looking at us with complicated eyes. He still probably wondering if we really didn't come to trouble his territory. We went to the place where we entered and took Carrera from. "Hmm, this thing looks more normal than I thought" I said as Carrera snickered at that, "What? Didn't you see this before, boss?" She asked while I hummed, "We did indeed see this before but we were excited at that time that we forgot to check about it. But now that I see it again, there is nothing special about this gate, except for the spatial travel" I said.

"Well, what did you expect? Sinister looking huge gate with some creepy aura oozing from it?" Carrera asked as I looked at her surprise. "Really..?" I just giggled at her reaction. "Can you still use this place?" I asked as Carrera tilted her head confused. "I should be able to..?" She looked at me, "I mean, isn't Noir the one holding the real mastery when it comes to using gate?" I asked as Carrera finally understood, "Don't worry, this is my territory after all, simple things like that is simple" Carrera said while raising her chest.

We looked at the gate before an excited smile entered appeared on our face, this would be the best place to release some Explosions since demons would just respawn somewhere unless you destroy their core. We stepped towards the gate and got ready for the beautiful fireworks we would place in hell.
