
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 115


Hakoniwa Academy.

3rd POV*

The time for the third battle has finally arrived. Medaka prepared to win this battle as winning this would mean that she will win against her contest with Kumagawa. Though she is rather nervous as Xander is her opponent, he is the most nerve-wracking enemy that she could ever dream of as she never understood any of his abilities. All she knew that Xander excelled at everything that she could imagine, whether strength contest or even wits. Everyone is currently gathered in the designated place with Choujabaru standing infront of everyone. "The third battle of the Election Match would be held today! Challenger Ranvil-sama, please pick an card" Choujabaru said while showing 13 cards with labels on them.

Xander thought for a moment before arriving at a decision. "Then I choose Dragon. Fight among two dragons sound cool right? I don't want anything that has complicated rules like snake so I'll pick the most rough sounding one" Xander said smiling at Medaka who just narrowed her eyes. "You really want an one on one duel with me, Xander?" Medaka asked while staring at him seriously. "I just wanted to finish the lecture that I failed to implant on your brain when were still a child, Kurokami. I just escaped your vision for a few years and you already forgotten about my words? How cruel" Xander said dramatically while shaking his head. "... Of course I didn't forget about it, I even considered it for a few years but as you can see, I decided to stop believing on it" Medaka shook her head.

"Oh? And why is that? Me and Mashiro is already an evidence of the truth that you are not the only special person in this world right?" Xander said while grabbing Mashiro's waist and smiling at Medaka. Medaka cringed at the show of affection, "...You two are exceptions, as far as I know, only we 3 have the capabilities to become the most special person in the world" Medaka firmly said shaking her head. "Your stubborn Medaka" Mashiro said staring at Medaka who was unnerved by that gaze, she was determined to win this fight so anything that would be in her way would be deemed useless.

"Ranvil-sama has chosen the card 'Dragon'. Hmm... this is quite a straightforward battle. The theme of the battle would be Dragon Dance! I'll explain the rules right now. Each challenger would be given an chance to show their abilities to each other and the other party would need to tank those attacks. The person who will stand at the last will be counted as the winner" Choujabaru began explaining the rules to them who listened carefully. "Hey! Isn't rules kind of unfair? Surely the one who will be given the first chance is Ranvil right? He is in the challenger party after all!" Kouki complained that the rules were too unjust as the others thought the same. "I have objection to that too! We can't accept that kind of rule!" Zenkichi protested.

"What do you think, Hinokage-kun?" Maguro calmly asked Hinokage who was watching the scene seriously. "... Even though I think that this is kind of unfair, it was somehow lessen when I see that Choujabaru is the one handling this Election. That man wouldn't choose something that would become unfair to the other party" Hinokage gave his thoughts about this fight as Maguro nodded his head, he doesn't think that her little sister would lose in this battle. That's just how much confidence he placed on her. Of course that is not just mere speculations but he really did observed her little sister all around. He never really saw her losing in something, though he also has a complicated feelings about this matter as just like he expected, Medaka gradually became an monster since Xander was separated by their father from them.

『What do you think, Hitomi-sensei? Who do you think will win this battle? Probably Medaka right? She is an unfair being after all』Kumagawa asked Hitomi, "No.. I don't have any confidence towards Medaka-chan this time. I just have this gut feeling that she won't win this battle" Hitomi expressed her feelings as Kumagawa smiled at her. 『Quite good instinct Hitomi-sensei. Well, even me who thinks that minus wouldn't be able to win no matter what can feel my mind changing. Xander is the most extreme among us, he is even stronger than me after all』Kumagawa commented gaining gasp of surprise from the listeners. "I know that much, my only question is whether Xander trained during the years that we didn't see him" Hitomi said.

『Now don't ask me that, I only met Xander for a few days.』Kumagawa said making everyone's eyebrows twitch, 'How the hell are you two so close then!?' that was what in their thoughts. "I see, it was wrong to ask you that then." Hitomi said closing her eyes,

『Well, anything for you, Hitomi-sensei! You're my first love after all』Kumagawa said making Zenkichi glare at him ,"Kumagawa! Don't get close to my mother!" Zenkichi shouted at Kumagawa who just smiled. "Everyone, the process of gaining the advantage would be decided by this thing" Choujabaru said while raising a coin on his hand.

"You're kidding right? Coin toss? Isn't there something more complicated there?" Kouki said with a baffled expression on his face. "No, I decided this thing based on Kurobako rules. Simple would be the best answer. Both parties, are there any objections on your side?" Choujabaru asked looking at Xander and Medaka. "None" Xander said. "... Me too, I have none" Medaka said after some hesitation. "Wait! Can I do the coin toss? And for cheating, you can make everyone watch my moves. I won't do anything like cheating" Xander raised his hand and made a suggestion. "Hey! As if we could trust your words! You are just like Kumagawa!" Koga protested with a fierce expression on her face only to be stopped by Naze who patted her shoulder.

"No, let him be Koga-chan. I know Xander and he wouldn't do something like cheating. He might lead people but cheating is something I didn't see on him" Naze said making Koga surprise. "You know him, Naze-chan? That's the first I have heard of it" Koga asked pointing at Xander who tilted his head. "Yeah, he can be considered as one of the people who lessen my misfortunes, though he is also a hateful one as he is part of the reason that I left my house" Naze said reminscing about the past where the two would talk on a equal ground without Xander comparing her to Medaka or Maguro who are exceptional in their household. "That bitch opened my past memories gaining my memory about him" Naze muttered while cursing Shibushi who just smiled at her while waving her hand.

".. That would be against the rules but if the other party consented then it can be arranged" Choujabaru said looking at Medaka who contemplated before nodding her head. "Since the other party accepted the proposal we will let Ranvil-sama do the coin tossing" Choujabaru said while handing Xander the coin as the man grinned. Xander then tossed the coin in the air as everyone's attention was focused on his hands and the coin. They were trying to find any kind of cheating being displayed so their concentration was maxed out. As if time was being deccelerated, the coin slowly fell from the sky dropping on the ground.

The result surprised them as they this result was not on their mind. The coin spinned for a moment before standing straight being pinned by two tiles on the ground. "What...?" Medaka muttered looking at the result. "Draw? Hm, this is unexpected..." Choujabaru said as he began thinking how he should do this. "Then, rules are useless anymore because of this result. Since it didn't choose any sides then you two can go at the same time. In other words, just exchaning blows" Choujabaru gave his instructions as Xander and Medaka looked at each other. Choujabaru ordered everyone to follow him to the stage.

They arrived at the place, it was the field of Hakoniwa Academy. "Hey? Are you sure we are allowed to destroy this place? This is gonna cost a lot right?" Xander asked tilting his head in confusion. The others just stared at Choujabaru waiting for his answer, "This place was enhanced during the past week. It can now hold tank bullets and so please don't hold back. As for the repairments, the Chairman mentioned that he will handle those" Choujabaru said as both players went to the middle of the field. It was a huge field befitting of the grandious of Hakoniwa Academy, it was void of any things and the grass could be only seen.

"The 3rd battle of the Election is hereby opened! If Kurokami-sama win this battle then they will regain their positions as the student council, and if Ranvil-sama win then the battle will continue. Get ready both participants, in the count of three, the fight will start. 3, 2, 1.." Before Choujabaru could say the word, a large explosion already occured as Medaka rushed towards Xander. Xander raised his arm before deflecting Medaka's punch to the side. "Ho, you've gotten strong Kurokami. Show me more of your improvements!" Xander grinned at Medaka who got challenged by that. She began throwing a lot of punches that created a lot of craters on the field. Xander was just leisurely parrying all of the attacks as a smile was planted on his face.

"I gotta admit, this much strength in just a few years is rather amazing, but... That amazingness could only be consider for normal humans. This is pathetic Kurokami, did my absence force you to laze around and do nothing? It seems like I need to teach you in this section too" Xander said as he raised his fist before shoving it at Medaka's face. The punch was too fast that she couldn't even react, she only realized what happened when she was already 50 meters away from her initial spot. She touched her cheeks in disbelief as blood dripped from her mouth, its not only her that was surprise as the other viewers also couldn't hold their shocks.

Even Kumagawa who was the most casual in this fight showed some emotions upon seeing that. "What!? What just happened?" Kouki asked while looking at the others only to see them in the same state as him. "Hmm.. Xander probably punched too fast that she couldn't even see it. This is bad, his power grew too much in just the few years that we haven't seen him" Naze gave her theory as she bit her nail in frustration. At this point they might lose since this is Xander they are talking about. Everyone understood the situation from Naze's words, "Then considering that Xander is stronger than Medaka-chan, can we conclude that she will lose this fight?" Koga asked that question as everyone glared at her.

"Hiiek!" Koga squealed before hiding behind Naze who was unnerved by their gazes. "You might not know, Koga-chan but Kurokami Medaka has an transformation state that she called Mars Mode. She still hasn't used it so we still don't know who really has thr upperhand between them" Naze explained as Zenkichi and Kouki nodded their heads. "That's right! Medaka-chan wouldn't lose to Xander when she use that ability. Even Kumagawa was forced to quit school after taking a beating in her Mars Mode" Zenkichi said proudly but his eyes turned wide when he saw Medaka being pummeled by Xander.

"Gah! X-Xander!" Medaka grunted in pain as she shouted at him. She used Kurokami Phantom and immediately arrived at Xander's side only to be hit by a dropkick that planted her to the ground. "Aiya, you can't beat me if you just use brute force like that Kurokami. What about your techniques?" Xander asked dodging another blow from Medaka. "No! I know that using techniques are also useless against you! I already tried that a lot when I was a child!" Medaka said grabbing Xander's hand as she tried to pull it. She widened her eyes when instead of pulling Xander, she was already in the ground with Xander pinning her on the ground. She squirmed until she escaped his loose pin on her.

"Come on, level up the game won't you? Aren't you going to use your infamous transformation ability?" Xander said while gesturing her to come. Medaka ignored him. "Xander! Get on your knees!" Medaka said using the Weighted Words of Miyanokojou that she copied from him. Weighted words is the ability to control others by influencing their hearts. The ability took effect as Medaka waited for results. She gasped in surprise when she saw tilting his head in confusion. "Hey, did you do something? I felt a tingling feeling just now... Nah, maybe I was bitten by a mosquito" Xander said smiling at her. Medaka gritted her teeth, she opened her arms before special balls appeared on it. She threw them towards Xander with supersonic speed as Xander just watched amused.

Those special balls and the ability to use it was from Unzen. She copied it from him during their past fight, so she is using it now at 120%. The balls rotated at the ground before creating large craters wherever it would land at. One of it flew towards Xander only to be deflected by him using the back of his hand. "What!? Even Unzen-kun's special balls couldn't do any scratch on him? Just how durable that guy's skin is.." Kouki commented upon seeing what happened. "Hm, Xander is super strong" Mashiro simply said gaining the attention of others. They thought that since Mashiro has been with Xander for too long then she must know most of his abilities. "Mashiro, can you tell us Xander's ability?" Zenkichi asked.

Mashiro looked around and saw their hopeful eyes directing at her. She understood that everyone is wishing for her answer so she gave a gentle smile then responded. "Okay. About Xander.. he is the strongest person in this world.. and he has no weakness" Mashiro said as they fell comically when they heard her words. How did those words explain anything!? They thought while staring at Mashiro who tilted her head. "What's wrong guys? Hm.. ah, maybe you want some of these" Mashiro said as she conjured an baumkuchens out of nowhere surprising them. "All fiction is not your ability!?" Zenkichi asked getting closer to Mashiro only to be planted in a barrier.

"Ah, Xander is too overprotective to me so don't get close to more than 3 meters please" Mashiro explained while smiling at Xander's care. "You should've said that first!" Zenkichi exclaimed while pointing at her. "Anyway, what really is your ability? I never saw you doing something before as you were always behind Xander" Zenkichi asked ignoring the loud explosions from the fight between Xander and Medaka. "Xander said not to tell others so, No." Mashiro said as Zenkichi's face scrunched, his headache is getting worse. "Then, can you atleast elaborate Xander's ability?" Zenkichi tried his luck again but was surprised when he got a positive answer. "Xander.. can do anything. I know that Medaka also could do that but the difference among them is while Medaka could copy 120% of the opponent, Xander could dive deeper into the other person's ability. He can even order them using one of his skill called 'Control'." Mashiro explained.

Everyone gasped in shock hearing her words. This means that the thing that Medaka is most proud of could also lead to her downfall since Xander could also do the same. "This is bad, this is bad, this is bad... Hey, Shiina. Can you explain more about this Control thing?" Naze said looking at Mashiro who tilted her head. "?.. okay? Xander can basically control anything in this world. Whether people, ability, or even abstract things like soul, mind, concepts, ans phenomenons" Mashiro explained it simply as the others stepped back in shock to her words. "Oi, oi, this is too absurd! How could an ability exist!?" Zenkichi muttered while gritting his teeth. "..It's perfectly normal though. Doesn't that person has the same dangerous ability?" Mashiro said pointing at Kumagawa who just smiled.

『Hm? Oh, please don't get me involve in Xander's mess. I am just living an innocent life here without disturbing anything』Kumagawa looked like a sage while saying that. "Shut up, Kumagawa!" Zenkichi shouted at Kumagawa who smiled in return. "Anyway, can you tell us anything that could help us win against Xander? Giving advice is not against the rule as the others did it during the first battle" Kouki said clearly impatient since he can already see that Medaka is just being played by Xander. "Huh? Is there?" Mashiro's words gave chills to their spine as they comprehended it. Does this mean Xander is an immovable being after all? That was what on their thoughts before a voice entered their conversation.

"Of course not. Xander Ranvil has an weakness too. That weakness is already infront of you people" the woman voice said as they turned their attentions towards it. Nobody noticed Kumagawa's eyes widening as his minus aura erupted from his body. "How.. could release one of the seals?" Kumagawa asked in a rare normal monologue. "Ara, you've been quite happy for a few days already, Kumagawa-kun. You should've expected something like this to happen when you accepted that man's presence" the voice said as everyone was alerted. They raised their guards before Zenkichi asked the question. "Who are you?" The woman merely smiled at his question before answering. "You can just call me Anshin-in" The woman said before looking at the air. "Nice to meet you too, readers!"
