
Instant Cultivation System

In a world where martial prowess determines one's fate, Su Lang wakes up in a new body after a tragic accident. Transmigrating into a future where humanity faces extinction from monstrous beasts, he discovers he possesses a unique system—the Instant Cultivation System (ICS). This system allows him to cultivate at an unprecedented speed, quickly reaching the pinnacle of martial arts. Struggling against his past of being considered worthless due to a weak physique, Su Lang vows to change his destiny. With the ICS, he navigates the dangerous landscapes of Earth, where ancient barriers protect humanity's dwindling strongholds from relentless monster attacks. As he gains strength, Su Lang uncovers secrets about his new identity and the true purpose of the ICS. Amid battles against formidable foes and internal conflicts, Su Lang forms alliances with fellow warriors and challenges the status quo of martial hierarchy. His journey transforms from a quest for personal strength to a fight for humanity's survival. Will Su Lang's mastery of the Instant Cultivation System be enough to turn the tide against the encroaching darkness threatening to engulf Blue Star? RAW: 键修炼系统瞬间百万级

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 23: Primary Weapon Technique

After a long while, Su Lang finally calmed his excited heart and resumed his usual demeanor.

At this moment, he remembered there was a woman standing beside him.

Su Lang turned to look, only to see the woman in blue staring at him with a stunned expression.

"Don't stare, let's go," Su Lang waved his hand and turned to walk away.

"Ah!? Oh!!"

The woman snapped out of her trance and quickly caught up with him.

She looked at Su Lang ahead, wondering why his expression had changed so much earlier, as if he had encountered some incredible stroke of luck.

Even with her wild imagination, she couldn't fathom how Su Lang managed to cultivate a technique to the entry level in just one or two minutes.

Soon, Su Lang brought the beautiful woman to the house where he had previously slain Dou Zhong and the others.

"There are some women in there who are in the same plight as you."

Su Lang pointed to the house's door. "You're at least a Primary Body Refiner. Take them out of this hellhole. I'll give you the safest route."

"But what about you? Aren't you coming with us?"

The woman in blue had placed all her hopes on Su Lang for protection, so she was anxious when he said this.

"Me? Don't worry about me. Just go. Once the defenders return to the base, even if you want to leave, you won't be able to."

Su Lang smiled faintly without committing, then pulled out a map, marked a route, and handed it to the woman in blue before turning away.

Su Lang had experienced a sea of women in his previous life; there was no way he'd play the knight in shining armor for some random woman he just met!

He was not a lackey but an emotionless killer!

Watching Su Lang's resolute figure, the woman in blue could only sigh and dispel her thoughts.

Shortly after, she arrived at the door, prepared to lead the unfortunate women out of this place.


The door opened.


The woman in blue let out a horrified scream.

Behind the door were three ragged corpses and eight women who looked like demons, creating a scene of unimaginable bloodshed, akin to a hellish battlefield!

After handing the map to the woman in blue, Su Lang did not leave the base.

Most of the experts in this base had gone hunting quasi-grade E-level Wind Wolves.

Quasi-grade E-level Wind Wolves were often accompanied by dozens or even hundreds of lower-level Wind Wolves, and it was no simple task for the members of the Axe-Hunting Squad to hunt them down.

Even with thorough preparation, the Axe-Hunting Squad would be exhausted after winning the battle, providing Su Lang with the perfect opportunity to strike.

Moreover, Su Lang needed time to advance his cultivation realm.

After upgrading the One-Click Cultivation function to Level 3, his cultivation speed skyrocketed to four times that of a flawless aptitude genius. It would take only two hours to break through to the quasi-warrior level.

Considering the time needed for the Axe-Hunting Squad to travel, regroup, explore, battle, and return, it would definitely take more than two hours!

Therefore, Su Lang decided to thoroughly loot the base first and then wait for the opportunity.

Ten minutes later, Su Lang had looted the corpses of the Axe-Hunting Squad members and their dormitories, gaining a total of 89 gold coins.

In addition, there were many materials from fierce beasts, herbs, ores, and other items, but these couldn't be stored in the system and had to be temporarily left aside.

"With the previous 468 gold coins, I now have 557 gold coins!"

Su Lang's face lit up with a brilliant smile. "With this, I'm one step closer to upgrading the One-Click Martial Learning function to Level 3 and unlocking a new function!"

After looting the corpses and dormitories, Su Lang returned to the residence of the base's defender.

Although he had taken all the gold coins from the safe, the private collection of the base's defender hadn't been looted yet.

After a thorough search, Su Lang harvested another 123 gold coins, bringing the total in the system to 680 gold coins.

But that wasn't the most exciting find for Su Lang!

"I didn't expect to find not only gold coins but also a technique!"

Su Lang held a thin book in his hand, sitting on a chair with excitement as he flipped through it.

This technique was named "Ghost Moon Saber Technique," a primary weapon technique. Su Lang speculated that it was prepared by the base's defender for his breakthrough to a formal warrior.

"Tsk tsk, although it's a primary weapon technique, it's much more profound than the sword techniques I knew in my previous life."

"Moreover, this technique is obviously more mysterious and difficult than 'Return to Origin Body Refining Technique.' Once cultivated, the benefits will definitely be greater."

Su Lang praised as he quickly read through it from cover to cover.