
Instant Cultivation System

In a world where martial prowess determines one's fate, Su Lang wakes up in a new body after a tragic accident. Transmigrating into a future where humanity faces extinction from monstrous beasts, he discovers he possesses a unique system—the Instant Cultivation System (ICS). This system allows him to cultivate at an unprecedented speed, quickly reaching the pinnacle of martial arts. Struggling against his past of being considered worthless due to a weak physique, Su Lang vows to change his destiny. With the ICS, he navigates the dangerous landscapes of Earth, where ancient barriers protect humanity's dwindling strongholds from relentless monster attacks. As he gains strength, Su Lang uncovers secrets about his new identity and the true purpose of the ICS. Amid battles against formidable foes and internal conflicts, Su Lang forms alliances with fellow warriors and challenges the status quo of martial hierarchy. His journey transforms from a quest for personal strength to a fight for humanity's survival. Will Su Lang's mastery of the Instant Cultivation System be enough to turn the tide against the encroaching darkness threatening to engulf Blue Star? RAW: 键修炼系统瞬间百万级

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 21: Activating the Second Function!

"Ding! Consuming 1000 gold coins, the One-Click Cultivation function is upgraded to Level 3. Cultivation speed increased to four times the base speed!"

"Ding! Host, congratulations on gaining activation privileges for a new function. Activation requires only 10 gold coins!"

Back-to-back notifications from the system nearly sent Su Lang jumping with joy. Especially the second one—new function! If the first function was this incredible, could the second one be any less?!

"System, activate the second function for me!"

Without hesitation, Su Lang immediately chose to activate it.

"Ding! Consuming 10 gold coins, Martial Dao Insight activated. One-Click Martial Learning function is now available!"

"Ding! Congratulations on activating the second system function. You have also gained the additional feature 'Universal Forge,' enabling cultivation of all worldly techniques!"

As the system notifications disappeared, Su Lang felt a jolt in his mind. Information about the One-Click Martial Learning function surfaced.

Simultaneously, within the mysterious black space, a second white figure suddenly appeared! This figure bore Su Lang's likeness but was different from the first white figure—it stood upright.


Seeing the second white figure in the mysterious black space, Su Lang couldn't help but burst into laughter.

At this moment, he fully understood the characteristics of the second function—it automatically cultivated techniques other than the primary cultivation technique!

In this era, cultivation techniques were divided into two major categories:

The first part focused on the primary cultivation technique, which specialized in advancing cultivation realms. Currently, everyone cultivated the Infinite Heart Sutra.

The second part was dedicated to techniques for combat, killing, defense, and personal improvement.

These techniques were broadly categorized into three types: body-refining techniques for physical enhancement, weapon techniques for mastering weapons and martial arts, and attribute techniques for manipulating various extraordinary energies.

In terms of rarity, they ranged from elementary, intermediate, advanced, to top-tier. Rumor had it that there were even more esoteric techniques beyond the top tier, but such claims were speculative.

To Su Lang's understanding, cultivation realms were akin to levels, while the second category of techniques resembled skills and techniques.

Advancing the primary cultivation technique relied on innate talent, whereas mastering these "skills" and "techniques" required comprehension and diligent effort.

To cultivate any technique from the second category, one needed sufficient comprehension. High comprehension reduced the effort required, while lower comprehension meant spending extensive time and energy to compensate.

Nevertheless, it demanded time and effort regardless.

Even basic techniques were prohibitively expensive, beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.

Furthermore, even affluent young masters typically refrained from practicing techniques from the second category during the body-refining stage, as compared to directly advancing their cultivation realms, the cost-effectiveness was shockingly low.

Initially, Su Lang planned to cultivate techniques from the second category after advancing to the martialist stage. But now, with the One-Click Martial Learning function, he could practice martial techniques automatically, anytime, and without interruption!

"System, how do I activate the One-Click Martial Learning function?"

Gazing at the unmoving white figure, Su Lang felt an itch of anticipation.

"Host, simply place a technique to activate the One-Click Martial Learning function!"

"Currently, the One-Click Martial Learning function is at Level 1, with the base learning speed. You can place one technique, and you can change it afterward."

"Detected that the host owns 'Return to Origin Body Refining Technique.' Would you like to place it?"

Su Lang was momentarily stunned. He had no recollection of this 'Return to Origin Body Refining Technique.'

However, he quickly retrieved memories from his previous life and found information about this technique.

It turned out to be a fundamental beginner's body-refining technique, almost obligatory for every formal martial practitioner, inherited from his parents in his previous life.

However, since his former self couldn't cultivate, he reluctantly shelved it.

"System, place it immediately!"

Su Lang's mouth stretched into a wide grin.

"Ding! 'Return to Origin Body Refining Technique' placed. One-Click Martial Learning function activated!"

Instantly, within the mysterious black space, the second upright white figure sprang into action.

It began executing various movements from the 'Return to Origin Body Refining Technique,' each posture impeccable and flawless.

Simultaneously, Su Lang sensed a faint warmth flowing continuously through his limbs and bones.

Although these flows were barely perceptible, they accumulated gradually. Within a few breaths, Su Lang felt a slight enhancement in his physical condition!