
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


walking to work, Kara sighed softly as he straightened her glasses and straighten out her clothing. today, he was looking better than usual with a hint of makeup on. never in her life did she expect that she would agree to date someone she put in prison, thats right, when Sora asked her out she said yes. it was in the moment, the words just came out.

"Let me tell you something, 3 years ago, Spider-man almost killed me. it's our job as reporters to let people know the truth of this villain, running around causing destruction everywhere he does." a man yelled as he slammed the table, his voice was so long that Kara who just entered instantly heard him

"JJ, give me a week. I will not give you pictures, but a whole video of this guy... you can do what you want with that." Sora said with a smile, JJ laughed hearing Sora's words,

"the last guy who managed to get the best pictures of spiderman quite after finishing college, if you can really do as you say, expect to have you pay to be off the roof." He said with a smile, his hands moving, showing the good work he did, Sora nodded slightly while looking at the pictures while taking the picture. JJ showed him this for 1 reason, showing him the expectation he was holding him up to.

"Oh, who is this person who used to get these pictures, it would keep things up if I could speak with him," Sora said with a smile, but deep down, he was sighing at how easy things were.

"Peter Parker, a smart kid," JJ said calmly, Sora nodded slightly, but deep down he was speechless. not understanding this world, what the point of fusing heroes and stuff, yet they remain with their original names?

with this new information, Sora got ready to go meet Peter Parker, but as he was about to leave, he froze as he saw Kara. Kara awkwardly tried to speak, but she couldn't say anything, although having a boyfriend was nothing new to her, this was the first person who knew she was Justice Girl,

"I guess we are in that awkward part of a relationship... I'm going out to get information on spider-man, you can watch as I find who is behind the mask." Sora said with a smile, Kara's eyes widened as she looked at Sora in shock

"I will not sell that information, I'm not a dick," Sora said with a roll of his eyes, making Kara sigh in relief, but she nodded slightly as she agreed to come with Sora.

Sora walked up to a computer and went on to search for Peter Parker, there was some website that allowed a person to check a person's background, seeing their information and stuff, Sora went on to get information on Peter Parker through websites such as this. he also went on to find Peter Parker's social medial

"Weird..." Sora said softly while looking at pictures of Peter Parker, Kara who was watching the screen was confused, seeing this Sora smiled slightly. and went on to explain a few things.

"This is the year 2015, he went from having glasses to having similar fake-looking glasses like yours. his physique got sharper as if he works out. form a nerdy guy to such a person within a few months... there is also this." Sora said as he returned to Peter Parker jobs, there he went on to see his schedule which showed how he calls off.

"If I was a hero..." Sora said with a smile, Kara's eyes shrank slightly, so easily Sora came to the conclusion that Peter Parker? after getting Peter Parker's location, they set off. it was not that far so they took the bus and took the time to talk

"What makes you sure he is spider-man?" She asked in confusion, Sora smiled slightly as he went on to list a few things down, avoiding the fact that where he came from, there were comics of spider man.

"well, it's simple. he was able to get the best pictures of spider-man. that means he knows something about spider-man than anyone else. but if you looked closely at the pictures..." Sora said as he pulled out the picture and showed them to Kara

"the camera is not moving and seems to hold still within all the takes. meanwhile, spider-man is fighting and happens to be in the center of each take. either he could hold his hands extremely still, or he lined the camera up and left it there." Sora said leaving Kara stunned for some time, such skills were amazing.

"I can't believe you turn your head to being a criminal." She said with a shake of her head, Sora smiled slightly,

"I have no regrets since one door is closed, I took another job and become a reporter... and found you," Sora said with a smile as he brought his face close to Kara, Kara panicked slightly and quickly turned her head to look outside the window.

'why am I panicking?' Kara thought she was no schoolgirl. but when it came to Sora, she grew nervous,

soon they got off the bus and walked towards Peter Parker's house, at this point, Kara was 70% sure that Peter Parker might be a spider man. as they arrived at the door, they knocked on the door, and room a beautiful woman opened the door.

"Yes?" She asked in confusion, not knowing who Sora and Kara were,

"is Peter home by chance?" Sora asked with a charming smile, the woman was stunned for a moment before she shook her head.

"Peter is out, but he should be back any moment now... you two are free to wait for him." She said with a smile, Sora and Kara nodded slightly. so they entered the house, and she went on to serve them some drinks.

"so, are you friends of Peter?" She asked as she sat down in front of them, Sora shook his head slightly at her words while drinking the tee.

"Peter used to work at Daily Truth, he was getting the best picture of spiderman, I came to ask for some tips... are you by chance Peter Sister?" Sora asked with a gentle smile, the woman was stunned slightly before she smiled sweetly, while Kara's eye twitched slightly. Sora was flirting with another woman with her being right here? but she shook her head slightly, she didn't see herself as the jealous type. plus, Sora was most likely just being nice

"oh my, no. i'm his aunt, call me Aunt May." She said with a smile, Sora had a stunned look upon hearing her words. She had the same name as Spider-man's Aunt May within the Marvel universe as well.

"My apologies, I meant no disrespect," Sora said with a smile, Aunt May smiled slightly at Sora's words. she felt 5 years younger,

"no need to apologize... give me a moment, I left something on the stove." She said with a smile, as she quickly ran off. so, they were weird for some time Aunt May soon return, and they talked for some time. Sora did most of the talk, meanwhile, Kara just watched. growing more and more on guard against Aunt May who at some point was flirting with Sora.

"I'm Home?" someone entered the house and called out, Aunt May hearing Peter's voice was stunned, she didn't expect time had passed so fast. Peter walked over and was quickly stunned to see new faces in the living room. Sora and kara intruded themselves, and Aunt May quickly left as she had places to be.

Peter was a young man in his 20s, he didn't seem childish and seemed grown up. he had already seen the work and was a skilled street-level hero.

"so, what might I help you with?" Peter asked in confusion, Sora smiled as he pulled out a few pictures of spider-man. seeing these pictures, Peters's heart skipped a beat. but he had a calm look,

"haha, poker face. I already know you have something to do with spiderman, you most likely are spiderman. i'm working for an evil organization, and we have come to have you join us" Sora said with a smile, stunning Peter and Kara.

"he is joining, we working at daily Truth. although the fact you might be a spider man is on the table, we don't care much. he just wants to get a good picture of spider-man." kara said quickly seeing Peter fall on guard.

"I have no idea what you mean by me being spider-man," Peter said with a shake of his head, Sora just blinking looked at Peter Parker, making Peter feel uneasy slightly.

"Heroes are all such good liars," Sora said as he looked at Kara, who blushed slightly as he looked away from Sora, Sora smiled slightly and looked at Peter. Sora pointed behind Peter which Peter pointed back to see, but at that moment Sora threw a pencil.

Peter's hand flashed, grabbed the pencil before it could hit her. she turned to look at the pencil in her hands for a moment, and up at Sora who was looking at him with crossed arms.

"it was nice meeting Spider-man until we meet again," Sora said as he got up to leave, Kara was confused for a moment, but she said goodbye and left with Sora. Peter saw them off and was in deep thought as he watched the two leave

"I thought you were going to get a video of him?" Kara asked in confusion, but as she looked at Sora, she frowned slightly... something seemed different with Sora, and at the same time Sora seemed sleepy.

"That would be for later, I have a week... for now, I need to go to sleep, I will be up all night tomorrow," Sora said with a smile, coping Peter Parker was something that took everything out of him. Peter Parker was hundreds of times stronger than the average person, lucky Sora was not an average person, being more than 10 times stronger before copying him.

"I see... Are you hoping he is out tonight to work?" She asked to which Sora nodded slightly, Kara fell into deep thought. she opened her mouth to speak for a moment, before freezing as he looked at the sky.

"What? a superhero call?" Sora asked with a smile, Kara nodded slightly, normally her breakups are always because she had to leave, but Sora didn't seem to care much.

"then get going," Sora said with a smile, Kara nodded and quickly ran off to hide behind a house, before she disappeared without a trace. Sora watched her leave for a moment before smiling, looking at his wrist. but he quickly caught the bus,

he gained everything from Peter Parker's abilities, from his smarts, physique, and skills. this was something. he didn't gain spider man knowledge or anything he had learned, but he did master his abilities. this was the best thing about his ability to copy, he master the abilities he gains.

'once I recover, I will start learning a few new stuff... I bet I can rival the likes of Iron Bat.' Sora thought, all of a person's stats are added onto him, this means also a person's intelligence levels, along with the person's stuff. this was why Sora thought things would be boring.

Sora went on to go home, and went to sleep. he woke up later that night, and set out. standing on his apartment roof, he put on some clashes, along with a heavy cought. covering himself with a hat, he flicked his hand out, and from his wrist, webs shot out at high speed, attracting onto a building,

Sora pulled slightly, before nodding and jumping. he swung in the air, before soon letting go as he was sent flying straight in the air, flicking his hand out once more, another web attached to a building, and he skillfully swung in the air,

after some time, he did a flip in the air, and landed smoothly on the side of the window, while looking at a drug deal that was happening down below. but this was not what caught his attention, as he saw a man wearing all black. looking like a real spider, unlike the one from Marvel.

Spiderman easily handed over the drug deal before calling the cops, after which, he jumped off, swinging within the city while searching for stuff to do. after what happened this morning, he was seeking something to get his mind off the whole thing.

"what to do, I guess I can break a few people out of jail, force someone he knows to reveal some things... no, thats too easy," Sora said softly while jumping from building to building, following spiderman, after some time, he smiled and through off the clothing and jumped off the roof, while calling out for spiderman.

Spiderman who was swinging turned and was shocked to see someone falling to their death, sighing helplessly, he quickly swung off, catching Sora before he hit the ground.

"What was... it's you." Spiderman said in shock, not expecting to see Sora out of people, what made him speechless was that Sora had his phone out recording all of this,

"nice catch... and I haven't met spider-man before..." Sora said with a smile, Spiderman froze, he faced palm seeing he messed up. singing helplessly, he looked at Sora and the phone,

"So, Spider-man, what are your thoughts on JJ's words? some say he throwing dirt on your good name, and some say he is telling the truth... but what do you have to say?" Sora asked with a smile, Spider-man sighed for a moment before shrugging

"JJ and I have a huge misunderstanding," Spider-man said with a shake of his head while looking into the phone, Sora went on to ask a few more questions, getting at least 30 minutes of Spiderman talking, explaining past actions, and clearing up some things about himself.

"Well, you heard it here first people of New York, commit down below which Super Hero you want me to interview," Sora said with a smile as he turned the camera to face him, before ending the video.

"well, Pet, thanks. I will pay you back big time for this." Sora said with a smile,

"What did you mean by commit down below?" Spider-man asked in confusion, Sora smiled slightly, as he looked at his phone.

"i'm planning on creating a WatchTube Channel, I will give JJ a copy, knowing him he would find dirt in anything you said," Sora said with a smile, Spiderman seemed to smile through his mask,

"was it worth you jobbing off the roof?" Spiderman asked with a frown, to which Sora nodded slightly.

"it got your attention and got you to speak without thinking. killing two birds with one stone." Sora said with a smile, Spiderman was speechless for a moment. but before he could say anything, Sora jumped off the roof again.

Spiderman rushed over to catch Sora, they were 2 stories up, but to his shock, he saw Sora walking off as if nothing happened. Spiderman froze for a second, before realizing that Sora might also be a superhero or something.

"Until we meet again," Sora waved goodbye and went on to jump onto Watchtube, where he created a channel. a WatchTube channel would be an easy income. Spider-man watching Sora leave jumped off, quickly disappearing into the sky.

Sora went on to return home and created his Watchtube channel, before he went on to shoot another video, and edit it together with the first video. WatchTube went on to go and upload the video, Sora smiled slightly. if things go well then he could get some money while simply talking to heroes.

the channel was called the Hero and Villain channel because he would be interviewing both heroes and villains. the spider man video was called the Hero interview: the friendly neighborhood spiderman.

Sora thought for a moment before going to bed, Sora woke up the next day and went back to work, he went to go see JJ who was sitting at his table, smoking a cigarette

"Yo, JJ you're in luck. check your email. I have a 30-minute-long interview with spiderman," Sora said with a smile, JJ was stunned for a moment before pulling out his phone. there he went through the video that Sora had sent. Sora pulled out his phone and simply used his phone while waiting for him to say something.

"Haha, not bad, some I get some editing down, I can turn this into a treasure." JJ laughed happily, Sora looked at him for a moment before secretly shaking his head. Sora got up and when to go research other heroes.

"what you doing?" kara said as she looked at the screen Sora was looking at. but she was stunned to see information about the iron bat.

"I'm going to find out who is behind the Iron bat next, you want to bet how long it would take?" Sora asked with a smile. Kara opened and closed her mouth for some time. the Iron Bat was only a human, without any superpowers. but he was a master in all forms of martial arts, extremely smart capable of making all kinds of stuff,

his most famous creation is the iron suit, allowing him to fight side by side with people like Justice Girl, but that was not everything he was known for. he is extremely ruthless, willing to break the bones of a normal villain just because he rubbed a store of a few candies. to say the least, he was seen as a villain by the government, but the people saw him as the hero we need but don't deserve.

"... don't, this is a bad time for something like that," Kara said in a soft voice, Sora looked at her in confusion, Kara looked around for a moment, and seeing no one was looking in she spoke.

"the earth was in danger, some guy is coming to earth to collect some stones, this is not a good time to get in the way of the heroes," Kara said softly, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly at her words.

"stones?" Sora asked in confusion, to which Kara hesitated for a moment before she went on to explain. the stones are named the Infinity stones. The Infinity Stones were six immensely powerful gem-like objects tied to different aspects of the universe, created by the Big Bang

having any of these stones would make one extremely powerful, enough to destroy planets with ease. with all of them, the universe can be destroyed with but a snap of his finger. this stone makes anyone a living god.

there were currently 2 stones on earth, and the other 5 are spread all over the universe, but the person coming has 3 out of the 4 infinity stones. he was one of the few people in the universe who had the power capable of withstanding all of the 7 infinity stones.

"you seemed stressed out, before you can help anyone you need to take care of yourself," Sora said calmly as he turned off the computer, Kara smiled slightly at Sora's words, but she shook her head slightly. she had a job for the people,

"I have work to do today." She said softly, but when Sora just looked at her, she sighed helplessly and gave up. with that, she took Sora back to her place since Sora offered to cook,

"I live with my sister, she doesn't have superpowers, but she knows I have powers." kara said softly, as they entered her apartment which was many times better than Sora's apartment, Kara went on to show Sora around before she went on to join Sora in the kitchen,

Laughs soon sounded from the kitchen, they were doing more talking and having fun than cooking. but after some time, they sat before the tv with plates full of food.

"so, the green warrior using his power created this green stone knowing it's our weakness... I have never seen Justice man seen him scared like that." Kara said with a slight laugh, Sora also laughed as slightly. the two eat slightly, kara was stunned by the taste,

Sora's cooking skills were amazing, he copied the best after all. but that was not all, his spider sense played a role, allowing him to sense the perfect timing when cooking, avoiding most mistakes.

Sora was also shocked by how good the food was. in truth, he hadn't eaten for some time now, he, of course, wanted to eat something but he was broke...

"That was amazing..." Kara said softly, this was one of the few times she could sit back and relax, Sora was a good listener. the two looked at each other for some time, slowly their head got closer to each other, and they shared a deep kiss.

you might have a question, what could happen if Sora had an ability, yet he copies someone who has that said ability? well, it was simple. that ability would be added to Sora's current ability, making it twice as good. be it the peak, or the limits of the ability, Sora's ability would break past the limits, reaching new heights.

currently, Sora had copied about 13 people within this world. including spiderman. adding the countless people back in his world, Sora was a pro at kissing. no, he was better than a pro, and Kara felt the full impact of this skill.

if she was on guard then this would have been a simple kiss. but she was turned on, and she slowly began leading the kiss into her room mistakes lets, Kara's loud moans, filled with imaginal pressure as Sora was hitting all the weak spots sounded, making her unable to control her moans.

hours later, Kara was laying weakly on top of Sora. She had a loving smile, one could only question if she was in love with Sora or the thing in between his legs