
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


"You stayed up all night again?" Mei asked with a raised eyebrow seeing Sora yawning while cooking breakfast, Sora nodded slightly seeing Mei walking downstairs.

"Weird, Ashly is the first one to wake up. can you go wake them up?" Sora asked calmly, Mei looked at Sora who was looking at her, they stood like that for a moment, before Mei turned to look behind her.

"you're talking to me?" She asked, making Sora sigh softly, he thought for a moment before calling them. the call went on for a moment, but he quickly found they didn't have the earpiece on, as they left here.

"Weird, they left last night," Sora said softly, before shrugging, they were big girls who can handle themselves. finishing the food, the front door opened as Peter, Aunt May, and Mary Jane came, Sora shook his head slightly seeing this.

"Haha, we can't miss breakfast," Peter said with a laugh, they all sat down to eat, but Peter and the others quickly noticed that Kara and the others were not there. they were sure they wouldn't miss breakfast.

"They left last night, it seems Fire Empress went with them," Sora said calmly after seeing everyone had something to eat.

"Today I will be busy, I have to work on some land I bought, I built a few new cars, pick one if you all want to go and enjoy Japan today as well. by the looks of it, I might be back by tonight, if you need me, you know my know how to call me, I gave each of you 10k, so enjoy Japan as you wish," Sora said while tapping away at the hologram on his watch for a moment before he left.

Peter, Aunt May, and Mary all looked at each other, before looking towards Mei who was watching a hologram of tv in front of her while eating. completely ignoring the low lives,

"I guess it's just us 3," peter said softly, he knew Mei was death and didn't want her anywhere near them without Sora. so, it seemed they would have the time of their life, just doing their own thing.

while in the middle of the ocean, Kara and a bunch of other heroes were covered in blood, but they managed to lock up the Berserker after fighting for the whole night. they couldn't kill him, so they fought to lock him away, this time was harder than the least as the berserker was not weakened and came from a state of being dead

Having the fact the Sage was here to help out, they managed to defeat the berserker and lock him away. they now needed to build a new seal.

"I hack into the system, Techno, Deadpool, Bullseye, and Risa were the ones who did this. they came to get Poison Ivy." Iron bat said in his deep voice, causing the heroes were sitting down to rest to sigh softly,

"Techno was good, he hired a bunch of criminals to attack a prison, catching my attention while he moved here, they couldn't have gotten this far within him and his... upgrades." Iron Bat said softly while looking towards Justice girl who frowned slightly, but she said nothing

"Now we have the world's most dangerous villains running around, the reverse racer, Magento, Hitler, Pison Ivy, Injustice Man, Doom, and countless others. they would need time to regroup, we move to defeat them before they rest and recover their strength." Iron bat said calmly, to which everyone nodded as they stood up, fighting through their injuries. although some of them had already recovered

"Wait, I will call Sora to ask him to find them," Kara said as she pulled out her work phone, a durable which she could take in battle. she called Sora, and waited for a moment, the next moment Peter picked up.

"Holla?" Peter answered, stunning Kara, why didn't Peter have Sora's earpiece,

"Hey Peter, is Sora there?" She asked feeling uneasy that Peter could see her hologram or something like that.

"No, he bought some land and said he would be busy handling them for the day, he gave me his earpiece yesterday, I will send you his new number in a moment," Peter said seemly struggling to carry something, kara didn't ask, and simply thank him and ended the car.

the next moment she got a text from Sora's new number and quickly called it, but found that it was answering, as the voice male says that the person, you're calling currently doesn't have their earpiece in. please call again later.

she was speechless at this, Sora only ever take off the era piece when sleeping, taking a bath, or when working on them. so, Sora was out of the picture. The iron bat had a look that said I knew something like this would happen, making Kara disappear, but she said nothing.

iron bat went on to give everyone some location of the last sighting of the villains, before they all set off, going to work.

meanwhile, Sora was standing on land he had bought, he was currently having his ear fixed when his earpiece exploded, luckily, his robot which he had created to build the houses moved just in time to grab the era piece, but sadly, it was so slow, leading his era to suffer some damage.

"I have bought a total of 10 lands all over the world, over 500k Sq Ft, the house behind me currently being built is going to be my research house. I will spend my time researching stuff, and hopefully, find cures for more illnesses." Sora said with a smile, talking to a sexy reporter.

these reporters all rushed over upon hearing he bought land, since yesterday, they have been camping waiting for something to happen so they could be the first person to get news on the world's most famous person.

"What do you plan on doing, having so much many under your name, what do you plan on doing after finding the cure for cancer... and would your ear be ok?" The Sexy reporter asked while looking at the robot working on Sora's ear.

"What do I plan on doing? being the president sounds nice, I believe under my leadership, humanity would rise to a point we would no longer need outside help. Justice man and other aliens, without them I can't imagine how many people would have died without their protection. so, what is the best way to thank them, than to have humanity grow? so, this year I will be running to become the new president." Sora said with a smile stunning all of the reports who were taking pictures.

flashes went off, as Sora calmly spoke taking this time to talk to them. but time a palace that seemed to be made out of a metal found from the future was created, and the hours passed, Sora bought the next reporter into the palace along with a few other people who he thought were not annoying.

after giving them a view of his place and some answers to their questions, they left, and Sora went off to his next land. and so, the day quickly went by, in a blink of an eye, it was night so Sora returned home, a bite tired, he entered the house to find Mei and Kara waiting for him.

"What happened to your ear?" Kara asked with a raised eyebrow upon seeing the bandage over Sora's ear.

"Just search me up, you see everything... I need some rest," Sora said softly as he went to bed, the earpiece exploding was unexpected for Sora, he had made some changes to it last light, but he forgot to make sure it was safe to be used, leading to what happened. as soon as Kara called, his head almost disappeared.

he needed some sleep and rest, and although he didn't feel tired, the fact a small mistake like that happened annoyed him greatly. but before he went to sleep, he had the robot downstairs in the basement and started to work on something to help Emma, his students.

Kara watched the news and saw the scene of Sora being interviewed which suddenly flicked when his earpiece went chaotic. a robot flashed, grabbing the earpiece, the earpiece exploded, but luckily it was within the robot's hands. but Sora's ear was damaged, Mei watched this seen for a moment, before snorting, a part of her wished that Sora would have died... yet strangely another part didn't, confusing her slightly.

the next morning, Sora woke up as he heard a knock at the door. Sora went to open the door and saw Erina standing at the door. today was the day she and the others would start working for Sora, as for how she entered the underground city, techno has a car to go pick her up.

"Welcome to work," Sora said as he tapped a few times on his watch, suddenly air gathered and slowly turned into an earpiece, Sora gave her the earpiece. she put it on after slight confusion, after putting it on, she was shocked at what she saw

"I that you had hearing trouble." She said softly looking at the bandage over Sora's ear, Sora rolled his eyes slightly. before he went on to show her around.

"You don't need to remember this place well, today is the last day I will stay here, make a male worth for 8 people, that's home many people I usually cook for. everything you need is in the fridge, I know they are all common quality," Sora said calmly as he went to take a shower after seeing her get to know the place, he had Techno show her how to use the Earpiece which she went on to use to improve her cooking.

soon, Mei, Peter, kara, and everyone else were awakened by the smell, they all came over along with Anna to see the cooking. but before Sora could seat down, Anna pulled him as they needed to speak.

"I have decided to quiet shield," She said softly, Sora looked at her for a moment before smiling.

"Then as I promised Shield will be my ally, go talk to Kara about the deal, I'm sure you know who she is," Sora said with a smile as he looked towards Kara who was eyeing them, clearly on guard. Anna nodded slightly before asking kara to speak.

as everyone sat down, Sora lazily watched the two speak while eating, Kara's eyes widened hearing what Sora did for her. she almost came to tears. To think she had such an amazing boyfriend, indeed he was a true hero. She hugged Anna, seemly accepting the fact that she would be staying with them.

Mei on the other hand was also watching this, before looking at Sora, this pig... she didn't trust him for a moment, he was planning something. Sora sensing her look, innocently looked at her. making Mei snort as she returned to her food.

"Your cooking was perfect... but that's all it was, it was the limit of human capability. but your heart into the food next time." Sora said while looking at Erina who was looking at the holograms of cooking knives she held.

"What do you mean?" Erina asked with a frown, Sora's words also caught everyone's attention, so they looked toward Sora, but Aunt May and Mary Jane seemed to understand. Erina quickly guessed them, and her eyes widened.

"You all felt refilled after eating my cooking, a person who reached the peak, reach a state where they pour their heart into their food, allowing the food to have things that could allow one to think they drank a potion or something. draw out the full power of the ingredients and use it to give the food special powers. use your heart to sense it." Sora said calmly, Erina went quiet slightly, before nodding.

after eating Sora cooking two days back, she indeed felt healthier, she didn't notice at first because she was busy eating, but after she calmed down, she felt like she was younger. the same thing for Aunt May, and Mary jane. the only people who didn't notice this were those with powers, they were too strong to feel any difference in their bodies.

"Well, I have class today, Erina, you can use my car to return home, but I will need you again for lunch and dinner. the car will get you each time," Sora said with a smile, Erina frowned deeply, not happy with all of this, just when she wanted to complain, she realized Sora was teaching her, so she shot her mouth.

she could improve the longer she stays here, and reached new and greater heights, she took a deep breath before looking at the disk. it seemed like she would have to wash them.

"You don't need to wash them, she will," Sora said calmly as he pointed at Mei, Mei's face darkened, she was the one always washing the dishes, and it only got worse with peter and the others coming over. she thought she would have a break, but no, Sora was a dick.

"Cry all you want, you're not living here rent-free," Sora said with a snort, making chills run up Sora's spine, such balls Sora was bad to speak Death to her face like this,

"And did you even bring back Odin and the others Thanos killed? don't get me in trouble because of your mess." Sora said making Mei's face darken, but this confused Erina, and the few others who didn't who Sora was. taking a deep breath, Mei decided to be the bigger person.

She has been watching this new anime called Sasuke SD: Sakura & Her Ninja Pals. it followed the MC Sakura, a woman who was considered the strongest female in Sasuke, as she easily defeated the Rabbit goddess all by herself.

this anime stops following Sasuke's journey, and focus on her super important story, on how she seemed to suddenly get so powerful in the main storyline. through this, Mei learns to remain calm, she was now putting her learning to the test against Sora. she is usually calm, but that was when she was Death. she was not Death, but Mei now.

"You just like Sakura," Sora said with a sneer, Mei felt some pride hearing this, who would not want to be the most powerful, useful, and beautiful female in all of the anime...

anyways, Sora and Peter went to work, and upon entering, Sora waited for everyone to arrive, once they did, Sora went on to go over the week's task

"So, you will all have two weeks' task. that's right, I will work your asses to death. the first task I want you all to work on is going to be this." Sora said as he raised his hands, casing a hologram of a villain covering his flames to appear. to say the least, he created this villain

"This villain... fire head, he has the power of flight, superhuman strength, fire manipulations, and super speed. his fire acts like a shield, as it could turn bullets fired at him to ash. by Friday, I want you all to defeat him, I don't care what item you create or whatever. you by yourself are required to bring down this villain. I know most of you are not fighters, but for you, I will have a robot with the same capability as you use your equipment to face the robot." Sora said stunning everyone

"You be graded on your speed to creating your item, how effective it is, how cool it looks, and how much resources were used to create it. the first person to defeat him would instantly have a C," Sora said calmly, as a screen appeared before all of them, giving them all the items needed to build stuff, they could buy more items, at the cost of their grade suffering. this the lowest grade was a Z,

their face quickly darkened when they saw how Sora ranged the grade, the Grades were A, B, C, D, E, F, and Z. for a person to go up one grade they needed 100 points.

so, from 0-100, it was a grade of Z

101 to 200 is F

201 to 300 is E

301 to 400 is D

401 to 500 is C

501 to 600 is B

601 to 700 is A

All of them had F and Z, and the cheapest thing on this was 50 points, what could they buy? if they were to fail, they would suffer greatly.

"The second task, by Friday, I want you all to have programmed your own A.I., this A.I. will be your best friend, it shall sport you in all your needs and help you manage your class work. I will tell you now if you can't make your A.I. be of any use, you will fall behind as the work would be too much for you. that's all for me for the rest of the week, this hologram will remain here for the rest of the week, so stay as long as you want to do your work." Sora said calmly, as he

"But I understand making an A.I. is hard, so you will not be graded for doing this until 1 month down the road. my use in a form, from telling something like the news." Sora said calmly as the news appeared to his right.

"As you can see, the news is something that would interest my past intake and... oh?" Sora asked eye raised when he saw what the big knew, Trench prison had been broken into, leading to countless prisoners breaking free. Peter was not shocked by this; he had already heard of this news.

"... has Ivy been captured yet?" Sora eyes with bright eyes,

{they have not been captured, seemly Risa and a few others have broken into the prison... using your tech. Risa, techno, has gone missing, it guessed that Techno is with Risa and Poison Ivy.} the robot-like voice sounded, making Sora brighten

"Do a mask search of the planet, find her," Sora said calmly, time seemed to freeze for a heartbeat before an image of Ivy and Risa checking into a hotel appeared before Sora.

"Peter you can take over; I have to go get my gardener... Emma remembers what we spoke of, and yeah...you will be graded Friday." Sora said as he rushed out,

within a floating ship in the sky, Fury quickly reported about what Sora just did, he was even given a video of how easily Sora found Ivy, scary him at how powerful Sora's tech was, it was too powerful, and he quickly had his man follow Sora, Sora was sending himself to death door.

Meanwhile, Sora shot through the sky with a hologram armor suit flying him toward the place he had dropped the two at. in seconds, he arrived and landed outside the hotel, before entering, he went straight to their room, where he knocked on the door.

slowly the door opened as Risa poked her head out, she looked at Sora with an on-guard look, if one were to see behind the door. they would see there was a gun aimed straight at Sora's head.

"let's get going, as I said, today. will come." Sora said with a wink, Risa was stunned for a moment before she opened the door, instead, Sora saw that the whole room was covered in roots, making Sora speechless.

"let's get going," Sora said calmly, Ivy walked out and looked at him for a moment, before sighing, she didn't trust Sora, but did she have any choice? she was one of the most dangerous criminals, simply because she wanted to kill him. but that would do better for the planet, honestly, she saw nothing bad with what she was doing.

"So, you will be my gardener, you will eat the best food of your life, and stay out of jail as payment. Risa, I will help clear your name, with the promise you start working on yourself and become the best you. deal?" Sora asked with a smile, the two looked at each other and nodded, they saw nothing off with this.

so, they walked out of the hotel, but as soon they did, they saw a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. surrounding them, with guns pointed toward them. Ivy quickly raised her hands, but Sora stopped her. stunning Fury who was among them.

"She agrees to be my gardener, and I offer to help her clean her name... what do I have to do to let you leave them be? they are my people, and they come in a package. and I know their worth in your eyes, so don't push it." Sora asked with a smile while looking at Fury, Fury frowned while looking at sora,

"a fair trade." Fury said calmly as he had his man back down, Ivy's eyebrow raised slightly.

"Then you will have to build a new Prison to put all of them away, while also happing to lock them away... you should be able to make something right?" He asked, Sora thought for some time before nodding.

"a bit over the top, but sure I will play along. the prison... I will build it on the moon, in the core of it. so even if they break free, they will have a hard time getting to earth, they will die." Sora said softly, Fury one eye rightened slightly, and nodded agreeing with this.

"Alright, with this, I will send 10 robots with the tools and stuff needed to build it, stay out of their way. the prison would be small, as those who enter would shrink to the size of an ant. so, using it could store more villains... also, I don't support the fact of locking people away for life. anyone can change. so, I will be stopping by to look at the prisoner to chat with them and get down to the root of their troubles." Sora said softly,

Fury frowned slightly, but he said nothing to this. eh suddenly felt his phone shake, pulling it out, he saw that he had the location of all the villains who escaped... but Sora did nothing this whole time and was simply looking at him.

"My A.I. did the work," Sora said as he clapped slightly, from the sky, a jet flew over and turned it a car which landed before Sora. the doors opened by themselves, and Ivy and Risa stepped in, the car driving off, turning into a jet and shooting off.

"Why did you allow him to take them when he said he would work for us?" a blonde-haired man asked softly,

"he said ally, not work... he would support, but he will not break his back doing so." Fury said with a sigh before he entered a car,