
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


"Since today is Saturday, let's go out and enjoy Japan," Kara said softly as she along with everyone else eat breakfast, everyone was here, from Anna, Fire Empress, Aunt May, Peter, and Ashly. all but Sora as he was talking to someone on the phone in the basement.

"Yes, we should enjoy ourselves and see all it has to offer." Fire Empress said, to which everyone agrees, they could go the hot springs, or visit the best chef in the world who stays here in Japan... they couldn't help but wonder who better Sora or them would be. with this in mind, they made plans before waiting for Sora.

"We want to buy it, each country will work together to buy the cure." the president of the chine said calmly, to which all the world leaders nodded while looking at Sora who was standing in the middle of the screens.

"Well, then the deal is confirmed, how would we go about the transaction?" Sora asked calmly, the meeting went quiet for some time before they all concluded. they acted as if they were buying something, they all gave Sora the money, and Sora gave them the cure along with all of the ingredients for the cure.

"And with that, I'm the richest person in the world... well, it was nice doing business with you all. when I have more sure, I will be sure to contact you all." Sora said with a smile, everyone nodded slightly before the call came to an end.

"Well, let's start working on making a cure for myself. is there anything I should know?" Sora asked as his basement turned into a lab, and he got to work.

"My copy along with everyone else has gotten Shark man, iron bat seems to be on to them... Kara and the others want to explore Japan today. I believe now it's best to create something like a robot to do your work." Techno said softly, Sora studied the cure for cancer on the hologram of his blood. of course, the cure was also a hologram

"... how did Iron Bat get to find out about you?" Sora asked before Techno went on to explain the little clash between his copy, and Iron bat. Sora sat down for some time/

'It seems like he was seeing if I kidnapped you or something. but now his attention would be on stopping you and capturing you to see if you have something to do with me... interesting, so Iron Bat movement." Sora said softly, and a screen popped in front of him, showing the movement Iron bat had made last night.

The iron bat had to quickly capture the criminals who have escaped, some heroes came to help, but through all of this, the Iron Bat lost Risa and the others. but he also found a few criminals had escaped, so he had to go through them all to find who would be mostly the one they wanted

"Give me the basic layout of a robot," Sora said calmly, and a robot layout appeared before Sora, with this, Sora went on to go change air, turning it into parts to put together a robot. he of course did some small changes, but his small changes made the robot

it took only seconds for him to put the thing together, he didn't use super speed or anything, he was just that smart. plus, he didn't need to be careful, as Techno was making sure everything was working out.

the robot was superhuman strength, grade 4 tech, and nothing too crazy. Sora planned to make a grade 5 tech-level robot, but that would be for tonight. last night Sora went to sleep, although he didn't need to, he couldn't have people know that he didn't need sleep

"Techno, go on and handle its cure-making, just make a smart A.I. to control it, don't make something that would in any way shape, or form turn to destroy the world or something," Sora said calmly Techno quickly install an A.I. into the robot, and after a moment, the robot came to life.

Sora went through the A.I. programming, before nodding, the robot's programming speed was fast, so although not as smart as Sora, it seeds it worked and allowed it to not only catch up to Sora but surpass it. that's how Sora created it to be after all.

suddenly Sora hears someone knocking at the basement door, a hologram of a hand opened the door and Sora saw Peter awkwardly coming downstairs, being around so many females when he had a girlfriend was awkward.

"If you're like this, you should have invited your girlfriend with you," Sora said with a smile, Peter stretched his head, how could he invite his girlfriend just like that?

"I don't mind honest; you can take my car to get her if you want. Japan is a nice place after all." Sora said calmly, making Peter's eyes brighten, seeing Peter's eyes, Sora nodded slightly.

"Since you're going, can you go to my house and get the whole fridge? Better yet... take my earpiece, call me when you get to my place." Sora said as he threw the earpiece in his ear towards Peter. Peter quickly caught it, fearful that he might break it, Sora seeing this shook his head slightly.

"It's harder than steel," Sora said calmly, Peter was in shock and looked at the earpiece, it was white, and it had no line or something which showed that it was put together. instead, it looked like a white stone that could fit perfectly into one heart.

"How does it get its power?" Peter asked in confusion, this thing was far too high-tech for the current earth to comprehend in a short time.

"It uses Physical Energy, potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or various other forms. it pretty much has an infinite amount of energy, you would have to use it for days none stop for it to run out of power." Sora said calmly, Peter put the earpiece on, and before his eyes, a start-up screen appeared, and information about the earpiece and how to use it was given

Peter held his hand out as if he was shooting a web, indeed a hologram of a web flew out, hitting the wall. he pulled slightly and was in shock that this could handle his body weight. and since it was a hologram; it pretty much instant went shooting out.

"This reminds me of the NerveGear that was created last year by Japan," Peter said softly, catching Sora's attention. Seeing the look in Sora's eyes, Peter quickly guessed that Sora didn't know of it.

"The Nervegear is a Full Dive device made by Kayaba Akihiko. in other work, the Nervegear allows one to link to virtual reality. the best games currently played are Sword Art Online and YGGDRASIL. it's only sold in Japan, so I'm hoping to buy one when I'm here." Peter said, making Sora almost brighten,

"Buy the Nervegear, and start your research into Sword Art Online, I will be joining that game," Sora said with a smile, a screen suddenly appeared before Sora, conforming him buying the Nervegear. since the image was backward, Peter could see it, but when he thought of wanting to know what it said, the image was changed in a way so he could see what was written, stunning him.

"Well, you should hurry up, since it's started, they might be wanting to explore Japan," Sora said to which Peter nodded and rushed out to hop into Sora's car. as he left, Sora looked at the robot, before he went on to create 4 more robots.

two were to work on the cure, 2 were to work on a new mold of his car, it should be thousands of years better than his current one. at least a tier 5 grade tech,

the last one could transform matter into other stuff, it would give the other robots stuff that they needed. before Sora left, he created a new earpiece, and this new one he created was much better than before.

for one, the holograms could allow Sora a normal person to show the power that would allow him to defeat Tier A heroes. meaning, Sora could unless city level destruction with the chip. was that everything? of course not, it had auto-defense, meaning it would act to protect Sora from injuries, supreme level processor which would allow it to read a person so well that it would know every move they could make

Sora went on to upgrade his watch, Techno couldn't be slower than his Chip, or else he might not be able to keep up with Sora. So, with this improvement, Techno pretty much had a 50-star system within the watch worth of room to do as he wished, and he could scan all that space within a heartbeat, so you can see how overpowered he was, and the earpiece Sora had.

before he left, Sora sighed as he made 7 other earpieces, he meant to make one for Kara, but he had been forgetting to do this, as he didn't care much about this,

with that done, Sora left and went upstairs and saw everyone was not so heartless that they didn't leave him any food. Sora went on to eat, while he eats, his watch made a hologram of a screen before him, showing him stuff within Japan.

"So, what are you all planning on doing?" Sora asked with a smile as he looked at all the females, Anna wanted to say something, she didn't simply come here to eat and hang out with them, she needed to speak to Sora about S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff.

"We have it all planned out, let's first wait for Peter to come back," Kara said with a smile as she came over to Sora and showed him the stuff on his screen. Sora looked at the stuff, he sighed deep down seeing how girly some of this stuff was,

"Well, here, I have been meaning to give this to you all," Sora said as he gave them the earpiece, they were stunned, to say the least, they had wanted one, but they couldn't ask. there were only 6 of them, Kara, Ashly, Mei, Anna, Fire Empress, and Aunt May.

the 7th one was for Peter's girlfriend, of course, Sora was not planning on stealing her or anything, that would be a dick move. and Sora never does dick move, plus, Sora liked Peter. in the comics, Peter went through hell, yet his heroic side always shines through. it was mostly because fans couldn't sit still without seeing Peter suffer, but still, Sora felt sorry for the guy.

everyone played with their eyepiece, to think with a simple thought they could go through the whole internet, this was a bit overpowered. and the A.I. was so smart, answering most questions they had, even some which most A.I. would have trouble with.

it learned among them and developed too before as useful as it could to them. Kara found it extremely that the A.I. could keep up with her, of course, it's with her holding back... which was a scary thought, to be honest.

Kara and Justice's man had extreme speed, allowing them to travel across galaxies within minutes. of course, that was travel speed, which was different from combat speed. and of course, that's them going all out, the Justice Girl holding back could travel across star systems within minutes,

with such speed, Kara could go through her work with ease, but thinking of work, having Sora post anything on his Watchtube channel?

"You haven't forgotten your Watchtube channel right?" Kara asked as she searched it up, it was shocking at a million subscribers. which was fast,

"Oh, I almost forgot... Fire Empress." Sora said calmly, Fire Empress froze slightly and nodded that she and Sora had an agreement. they went outside, where Fire Empress went into the clouds, to do her interview,

it took 30 minutes, but Fire Empress had a red face throughout the interview, as Sora was getting too personal, asking if she had a boyfriend or something, or if she was seeing a friend, or what she seeks in a man. how hateful,

anyways, Sora had techno edit the video and upload it, He had Techno write a news report about how he found a cure for cancer and sold it and sent it to JJ. he had to work.

he also had Techno pull up the image of Peter. just what was happening for Peter to have not called? but he was quickly speechless, Peter was in his spiderman outfit, fighting a bunch of arm criminals, and he happened to arrive in time to save Mary Jane, who had snuck into that place to get information on them.

"How could Peter like someone like this?" Sora said with disgust, such a woman was too stupid. who goes into a dangerous location, just for dumb information? Sora never got how people like Superman can love such a woman. that in his opinion didn't make the woman strong, it just made them suicidal, attention seeking, dumbasses. Sora wondered if Justice man was into girls like this.

Sora was not judging or anything, people had their taste, so who was he to judge? Sora once he arrived home, he called Sora and had his earpiece project a hologram of the whole room Peter was within, along with everyone there, once Peter picked up

"Hey Spider," Sora said as he looked around the hideout, looking at the butlers flying all over the place, while Spider-man jumped around, dodging bullets and webbing people up.

"Sora!" Peter said in shock, seeing Sora's hologram appear on top of a box, watching everything happening.

"You do know you can easily defeat them using the earpiece," Sora asked as he moved forward toward an armed guy. the guy quickly shot at Sora, but the bullets went through Sora, the guy was stunned, but before he could do anything, he was slammed in the chest with a fist, knocking him out.

"This is the earpiece power, you can just picture a fist hitting them," Sora said, Peter was stunned for a moment and did just that, and like that everyone was known out. the hologram had a limited range of 100 meters, but that was more than enough for peter.

"Oh, you can keep the earpiece, I made a new one," Sora said with a smile as he ended the call, his hologram which was before Peter disappeared, leaving Peter in deep thought about this tech... would be it rude if he takes it apart?

with a thought, a hologram of the earpiece appeared, and found that its making could be found out this way. his eyes brightened; it seems like he would be up all night.

Sora turned home with Fire Empress, it didn't take long for Peter to call once more, this time the call was with him in Sora's home. Sora went on to tell him what to bring and stuff, Peter arrived here a few seconds later,

once they arrived Sora put all the food away before they went out to enjoy Japan, it was they went all over Japan, seeing the tech that could only be found in Japan and enjoying it. but when it was time for lunch, they all headed to one of the best places in Japan. Totsuki Culinary Academy

Totsuki Culinary Academy is a famous culinary school located in Tokyo, Japan. Tōtsuki boasts the best and harshest culinary education in the world. of course, normally they couldn't just walk in, but with their statues, they would be treated like guests within this academy.

they were welcomed at the gates of the academy, to say the least, they had called ahead of time. so they were shown around while their guide told them about the place. After about 30 minutes of them looking around, everyone was too hungry to continue, so they were to the kitchen where a group of students was ready to show off before one the most famous heroes, Fire Empress... and because Sora secretly paid a huge amount of money to have the best of them come.

"One of you has the Gods Tonge if I'm not wrong," Sora said as he looked at 10 chiefs, the one with the god tongue stepped, she was a blonde-haired woman, with beautiful purple eyes, she was called Erina. Erina's tongue is considered the best in the world, able to taste a dish to the highest degree. Thanks to this ability, Erina has been a culinary prodigy since she was no more than 4 years old.

"I have been wishing to one day cook something that even someone like you could enjoy. a challenge which I wish to take on today." Sora said with a smile, Erina is an egotist, holding dogmatic ideals on absolute culinary perfection. She enjoys a great reputation across the culinary world for her God Tongue, which was said to either make or break a chef's career.

to say the least, Sora indeed wanted to cook something that could knock this woman's shoes off, it was a nice challenge. he had never gone all out while cooking, so he was wondering if he was good enough to be considered perfection

"you're also a chief?" Erina asked as she sized Sora up and down, to which everyone but Mary Jane nodded, Sora had cooked the best food they had ever eaten. but when they saw the look of disdain within Erina's eyes, they were instantly displeased,

"Let's do a small challenge if I win I get to pick 7 among you to be my personal chiefs, if I lose I will give each of you 50 billion dollars," Sora said with a smile, stunning everyone. of course, to them, Sora's words sounded like a shock, who was so rich?

"You can just look me up," Sora said softly, confusing all of them. Erina and the other students, along with Kara and the others did a quick search of Sora, and their lips twitched when they saw he was worth 25 trillion dollars.

"... if you want to lose so bad, then deal," Erina said after seeing the other 10 students were not against it. Sora stepped onto the stage and went on to look at all of them.

"You all might as well cook so I can know who to take and who not to take. oh... are you all from the Elite Ten Council?" Sora asked calmly as he stood before a stove, studying the knives, and other tools which were far better than the ones he uses.

but the others were slightly pissed, this rich guy already think he would win, just how much was he looking down upon them all?

"No not all of us, the other elites could join as they had other matters, I'm Erina, the 10th seat," Erina said softly

"I'm Alice Nakiri, 6th seat." a pale white seen woman, with pale yellow hair, and red eyes said softly as nodded slightly toward Sora.

"I'm Ryō Kurokiba. 5th seat." a man said lazily as if he hadn't slept in some time, with the black circles under his eyes, he indeed looked like it.

"I'm Akira Hayama, 4th seat." a man with dark skin, and white Hair said calmly,

"I'm Satoshi Isshiki, second seat." a blonde-haired man said with a smile as nodded toward Sora, to which Sora nodded back.

"I'm Sōma Yukihira, the first seat." Soma said with a smile, Sora looked at him closely, he could swear he saw him somewhere, but he just didn't know where

"I'm Ikumi Mito." a blonde-haired woman said softly, Sora looked at her for a moment, it was not because of her huge breast, or revealing clothing. no, Sora had a girlfriend. he had heard that name. with his earpiece he easily knew.

The Mito Zaibatsu is a worldwide famous company famed for its distribution of high-quality meat, especially beef. They are renowned for their A5 quality meat, the best meat in the Japanese meat grading scale. As the sole successor to the Mito Zaibatsu, Ikumi has a superb affinity for any form of meat and has easy access to the highest quality of meat due to her family connections.

'She is a vegan worst enemy. I have to take her for her meat.... the cooking meat,' Sora thought to himself.

"i-i'm Megumi Tadokoro." a meek voice sounded catching Sora's attention, Sora saw a blue-haired woman meekly intruding herself, Sora nodded towards her, before looking at the remaining two.

"I'm Rindo, I was passing by when I heard something fun was happening, I'm a former 2nd seat." a red-haired woman said with a smile, her head was long with some of it covering her left eye,'

"I'm Eishi Tsukasa, 90th Generation student Totsuki Academy alumnus, and a previous 1st seat of the Elite Ten Council." a white maid man said softly, Sora's eyebrow raised as he looked at this guy. the current generation at this school was 92th, what was he doing here

"I'm Sora, the richest person alive... and it seems like I can't pick among you all, so how about I simply take you all once I win?" Sora asked with a smile, making all of their eyes twitch,

"Snort, it makes no difference," Erina said with a snort, that everyone got ready to cook, since there were not enough stoves there, they went to a larger place that had enough, and began their cooking.

Sora didn't start and simply watched them all cook, copying them. since he couldn't use his spider sense to make sure his timing was perfect because peter and aunt may be here, he had to simply copy all of their cooking skills,

and with that done, Sora cooked, 45 minutes later, everyone was done and was ready to show what they made. but the students were not so confident, Sora first the first time went all out in cooking, and the smell of his food was something that hit everyone hard. they couldn't even pay attention to their food, as that smell was just too good

"Well, what's with the down looks? I'm best at making Beef Stew, so, have a taste." Sora said with a smile, as he gave everyone a plate. but deep down, he was sighing in relief, each of them was better than him at cooking, only with the spider-sense could he have hoped to match them

Sora watched as Erina was the first to take a bite... as soon as she did, she left as if she went super Saiyan, she let out a loud moan, and her hair turned golden. flying through a liquid of stew that formed the galaxy, she opened her mouth to eat the whole galaxy, but she quickly found she had eaten the whole galaxy.

opening her eyes, she found she had eaten the whole stew, she looked around and saw more of it, she quickly reached out to grab it, but everyone quickly took their dishes away. they too wanted to feel what she just field.

"Well, it seems like I win," Sora said seeing Erina who seemed as if she was willing to kill for another dish. Erina froze slightly and quickly calmed down, she looked deeply at Sora while biting her lips, a deal was a deal.

but just as she agrees, she heard loud moans, and saw everyone pretty much inhale the food like air, she never see anything like this.

"Well, don't worry, I will be paying you all handsomely," Sora said with a smile,