

Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

Amit_Agrawal_0888 · Urban
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1015 Chs

Ch 578 - The Harmony Technique

"Uncle Sawyer used to fix problems for the Rumble Club," Maryann said solemnly. "But now that his health is poor, people are out for revenge. There are several waves of attacks every year, and eventually, someone will succeed." 

She stifled a sob, fighting to regain control. "Then today, Uncle Sawyer went shopping, and someone deliberately hit him with a car. Fortunately, he saw it coming and managed to wheel himself out of the way so that it only clipped his wheelchair. If he hadn't, he would have been killed."

She lowered her eyes, mumbling to herself. "Uncle Sawyer, you'd better live. I am not giving up on you."

Alex sighed. He hadn't known much about the Rumble Club, but after listening to Maryann, he realized Sawyer was a lot like Clark.

Before long, they arrived at Parkview Hospital, which catered mostly to the wealthy. As well as providing first-class service, the hospital also took security extremely seriously.

Maryann flashed a hospital pass, vouched for Alex, and then they walked inside. Security guards, as well as several police officers patrolled the halls, and doctors and orderlies rushed all around the place.

Alex followed Maryann into a room, and then he saw a group of people, including police officers, security guards, doctors, and nurses. A man sat in a wheelchair, right in the middle of them all, and Alex realized this must be Sawyer.

He sat in his chair, his face was ashen, and his eyes were dull, not reacting to anything. Several bandages bore witness to his earlier escape, and his shirt was stained with blood.

Since no one had noticed Alex yet, he picked up the man's chart and studied it, noting that Sawyer had received treatment and had been deemed to be out of danger.

Still, as Alex looked at Sawyer, he could tell the man had given up, and if his spirits didn't improve soon, his health would continue to deteriorate, and eventually, he would simply fade away. Already, he looked much older than he really was.

"Uncle Sawyer!" Maryann said, squeezing through the crowd to stand next to Sawyer. "Are you okay?"

Sawyer brightened just a little when he saw her, and there was a spark of interest in his eyes, but he remained silent.

"Uncle Sawyer, I'm so sorry this happened," Maryann said, tears shining in her eyes. "I should have made sure you had more bodyguards." 

Footsteps came from outside the door, and then Dr. Isaiah Allbrook hurried inside, followed by his daughter, Sophie.

Maryann moved out of the way as Isaiah approached Sawyer, standing in front of him and sighing. "For Sawyer, this recent accident is nothing," he said. "I'm more worried about the nerve damage in his hands and legs." He shook his head. "Until he can regain the use of his legs, he's just not going to get any better." He lowered his voice. "I doubt he'll survive much longer in this state."

Maryann stifled a sob.

"I think I should try my special acupuncture technique again," he suggested. "After all, I've cured more than a dozen people with similar mobility problems, and some of them were in an even worse state than Sawyer." He looked at Sawyer and said, "I just don't understand why it hasn't worked for you."

Isaiah had studied the ancient Harmony Technique, and he had hoped he could use it to cure Sawyer. Unfortunately, it hadn't worked, but he wasn't ready to give up yet.

"But don't worry," Isaiah said. "I'll keep trying. And if it doesn't work, I'll find you another doctor. One that specializes in miracles." He smiled. "I've heard of one like that, and he's more skilled than I am, so perhaps he can help."

As before, Sawyer didn't react. He continued to sit there, staring into space and not making a sound, ignoring everyone around him.

The doctors shook their heads, certain that Isaiah had only said that to comfort Sawyer. They believed nothing else could be done for him, so what was the point of getting another doctor?

Isaiah didn't say anything else. He simply picked up his silver acupuncture needles and arranged them on Sawyer's hands and legs. The other doctors watched, fascinated, but Isaiah had already forgotten they were there.

But Sophie moved from time to time, determined to block everyone's view of what her father was doing, not wanting to share his technique with anyone.

Half an hour later, Isaiah was frowning as he removed the needles again.

"Strange," he said, muttering to himself. "There's still no progress. I don't understand this." He scratched his head. "As soon as I started, there should have been some signs of improvement, and yet, there's nothing." He scowled. "Why isn't it working?"

"Because his paralysis is not of the body, but of the mind," Alex called to him. "His legs aren't recovering because of his poor state of mind. You need to address that problem." 

"What? That's absurd!" cried one of the doctors. 

All the other doctors scowled at Alex, furious at his interruption.

Sophie glanced up, immediately recognizing Alex and glaring at him. 

My father is a well-respected doctor, she thought. No one should speak to him like that.

Over the last twenty years, many doctors had examined Sawyer, and they had all come to the same conclusions as Isaiah. Not one of them had given Alex's explanation.

After all, they knew Sawyer's problem was his legs, not his mind, so it was his legs they needed to focus on. Everything else was a waste of time.

They turned from Alex, refusing to acknowledge him. Perhaps if they ignored him, he would go away.

Isaiah glanced over at Alex, frowning in confusion, but he seemed to be thinking over Alex's suggestion. 

He was about to speak when he saw his daughter take a step forward.

"You again?" Sophie said, looking at Alex with disgust. "You're talking nonsense. I've never heard of paralysis being caused by the mind." She shook her head. "What on earth are you doing here? Who asked you to get involved? You got me in trouble last time, but it won't happen again."

Alex opened his mouth, but she held up a finger to shush him.

"Everyone in my family is a doctor, and you won't be able to deceive them so easily." She narrowed her eyes at him. "So, don't try any more of your tricks."

The last time they had met had been in the Lambert family home. Alex had humiliated her, causing Dr. Cook to publicly reprimand her, and in the end, she had fled with her dignity in tatters.

Sophie had complained about Alex to her father, but he had been extremely interested in Alex and had asked a lot of questions, trying to learn more about him. Sophie had given up, feeling like Isaiah had been taking Alex's side over his own daughter.

"Yes, young man, I see what you mean," Isaiah said to Alex. "That's a novel way of looking at it, but I think you may be right. It could be his mental state that's causing the paralysis."

The other doctors still weren't convinced, and they began to voice their dissent. 

"That's unheard of. Maybe he thinks cancer is caused by having a cold," a doctor said sarcastically.

"Keep your mouth shut, young man. You have no idea what you're talking about," complained another.

"Who is he? And who let him in here?" The first doctor shouted.

Isaiah had been ready to discuss the matter with Alex, but now he waited, watching to see how Alex would react.

Alex was tired of Sophie and her attitude. "If you're so sure I'm wrong, then let's make a wager," he suggested.

"A wager?" she repeated, staring at him, unsure what he meant. 

Alex grinned. "If I manage to get Sawyer to stand up, then you will act as my maid for three years, and you'll have to do whatever I say."