
Do you remember what happened

It's was always funny until the fun finally is lost.Silence approaches and darkness enters every part of your eye.and suddenly "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A knock on the door.

"Who is it?"the closest person to me asked.No response! after a few seconds , a struggling voice comes out ."he..he ...help me please .he .he.. help me"..Then silence.

I decided to stand up but my dear wife was trembling in fear such that she wouldn't let go of my arm .

"What if it's a trap.David please don't do this,"she said hugging me to her tight arms .

"Everything will be fine don't worry",I replied immediately back to her .I pulled my base ball rack and turned on my favourite flashlight and walked fearlessly straight at the door.

I took a few breath's and opened the door in a slow pace just to have a glimpse of what was going on.I peeped through the edge of the door and what my eyes saw will never be forgotten...