
Dark Energy?

As I rose from my tattered bedclothes, I realized I needed to freshen up before continuing my training. With a heavy sigh, I trudged to the washroom, casting a disparaging glance at my disheveled appearance. After a quick shower, I discarded my old clothes and donned a sleek all-black outfit that complemented my piercing black eyes and jet-black hair. With a nod of approval, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, appreciating the way my new clothes hugged my muscular frame.

With a sense of purpose, I strode towards the training hall, eager to begin my daily regimen. However, as I surveyed the destruction that I had inadvertently wrought upon the thick walls, I was once again struck by the sheer power that I had unleashed. The walls cracked, and there was no sign of the gun that had once been there. As I inspected the walls more closely, I saw deep cracks running through them. When I tentatively reached out to touch the wall, it trembled under my fingertips, threatening to collapse. I quickly withdrew my hand, realizing that I had much to learn about controlling my newfound strength.

Making my way to the center of the hall, I sat down cross-legged and closed my eyes, seeking to reconnect with the power that had so unnerved me. I wanted to feel it again, to harness it and control it. But as I sat there, I felt... nothing. Frustration welled up inside me as I struggled to tap into the dark energy that lurked within me. I knew from Asher's memories that this energy was present within me, but I couldn't seem to access it.

For five long hours, I remained in that state, trying to focus my thoughts and control the power that simmered within me. But despite my efforts, I made no progress. I knew that this would be a difficult task, but impatience gnawed at me as I longed to unlock the full extent of my potential.

With a heavy heart, I rose from the ground and made my way to the kitchen, determined to refuel my body so that I could continue my training. I resolved to eat, train, and repeat until I finally mastered this power that lay within me. It would take time and effort, but I was willing to do whatever it took to achieve my goals.


After 2 months...

The boy sat cross-legged in the center of the destroyed hall. The walls around him were cracked, and the ground beneath him was no exception. The destruction was all around him, but it was the boy who commanded attention.

His jet-black hair fell gracefully around his shoulders, and he was clothed entirely in black. But it was the dark energy that radiated from his body that truly mesmerized the senses. The energy seemed to pulse and swirl around him, occasionally rushing into his body, only to emerge again moments later.

In a sudden burst, all the dark energy surged towards him, entering his body in a rush. The boy opened his eyes, and they shone with a blackness that was captivating, as if drawing the viewer in. His laughter echoed through the hall, and the dark energy continued to emit from his body, sending shivers down anyone's spine.

"I did it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the boy exclaimed, the sound of his laughter like that of a manic.

But as he noticed the dangerous energy emitting from his body, he quickly silenced himself and closed his eyes, allowing the energy to flow back into him.

"I have to be careful," he whispered to himself, aware of the immense power he possessed.


"I have to be careful," I murmured to myself as I gazed at the ominous dark energy that had just emanated from my body without my conscious intent. I knew that this energy was dangerous, capable of causing harm to those around me if not controlled. As I recollected the devastating destruction that had occurred in the hall, I reminded myself that I needed to maintain a tight grip on my emotions.

After two long months of rigorous training and practice, I had finally mastered the art of releasing dark energy. As I lifted my right hand, a ball of dark energy emerged from my palm, hovering above it in a menacing manner. With a sense of triumph, I marveled at the power that I now wielded. And when I closed my palm, the dark energy effortlessly flowed back into my body.

"This Energy enters my body when I lose control of it," I pondered aloud. "I don't know why this happens, but it is a good thing that I can use it unlimited times."

Once again, I lifted my hand, and the dark energy began to float above it. This time, however, I scrutinized it closely. "This dark energy is not affected by time," I exclaimed. "I think that's why I can use it anytime I want."

In a moment of introspection, I closed my eyes and began to delve deeper into the nature of my power. "Wait," I suddenly exclaimed, as a memory from my past life flashed before me. "The dark energy that is not affected by time. It reminds me of something..."


As I entered the living room and sat down on the couch with my laptop, I knew I had to finish what I was doing before Neha came looking for me. I put on my headphones and started watching a video. As I reached the climax of the video, I heard a voice from behind that shook me to my core. I instinctively closed my laptop and removed my headphones. When I turned around, I saw Neha looking at me with a strange expression.

"What are you doing so late with your laptop in the living room?" she asked, the question I had been dreading. We were newlyweds in an arranged marriage, and awkward silences like this were common. I avoided her gaze, and she seemed to confirm something as her face contorted "Did I disturb you?" she asked, lowering her head.

I don't know what she is thinking but I knew I had to clear up this misunderstanding now, or it would lead to difficulties in the future. "Stop," I shouted, causing Neha to turn around. I put the laptop down on the couch and moved towards her, standing at an appropriate distance. I closed my eyes and confessed, "I like learning about mysterious things." My face turned red with embarrassment; I never thought I would confess something like this. I didn't want my wife to think her husband was weird.

"Hehehe," I heard Neha laugh, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that she was trying to hold back her laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "It's weird, but it's my hobby, okay," I said, trying to justify my interest.

"When did I say it was a weird hobby?" Neha asked, still struggling to control her laughter. Her statement eased some of my worry.

"What did you think I was doing?" I asked curiously, wondering why she had looked at me like I was pathetic.

"Nothing, nothing at all," she said, shaking her head while blushing.

When I saw her expressions, I had an idea. "Don't tell me you were thinking I was doing..." I exclaimed, not even finishing my sentence before lowering my head. I felt sad that someone could think that about me.

I felt something on my cheek and looked to my side. Neha had just kissed my right cheek, and it melted my anger. But before I could say anything, Neha turned her face towards the laptop and asked, "So what are you watching?"

I could see her flushed face. It was our first intimate moment, and I knew she was feeling just as shy as I was. So, I accepted the topic change and said, "It's about the dark energy that covers 60% of our universe. Do you know the most interesting thing about it?"

"What?" Neha asked.

"It's not affected by time," I declared.

"Really? It's not affected by time?" Neha asked in disbelief.

I proposed, "Let's watch the video together," and Neha happily accepted.


As I recall that fateful night, a wave of mixed emotions washes over me, leaving me feeling both sad and happy all at once. I fix my gaze on the enigmatic energy in front of me, trying to confirm that it is the same one I had encountered in my previous world. Despite my limited knowledge about it, I do know that this energy is impervious to the ravages of time and that it devours light, rendering it an insatiable absorber of all kinds of energy. What's more, it is impervious to the pull of gravity, making it one of the biggest mysteries in the field of cosmology.

I am electrified with excitement as I hold this strange, otherworldly energy in the palm of my hand. My passion for unraveling mysterious phenomena is piqued, and I can sense that this discovery will be the key to unlocking some of the most enigmatic secrets of the cosmos. Even the greatest scientific minds in my former world have been unable to fully comprehend this energy, but I am determined to do so. I know that with time, patience, and a lot of research, I will be able to uncover the mysteries of this elusive energy.

If your eyes are scanning these lines, kindly signal your presence. I'm unaware of your attention, but a response from you would ease my uncertainty.

from_another_worldcreators' thoughts
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