
Iron Man 4

Tony and Jack flew a long distance away from Justin Hammer's factory and stopped to rest. Even though Jack couldn't use magic, he wasn't physically tired because his endurance had increased greatly.

"That was an intense fight. I understand why you wanted me to come with you. After all, I fight better than your clone, and many suits wouldn't have made much of a difference against Ivan," said Tony.

"Yes, you fight much better than my clones, so it's better for you to come to help me. Don't forget, Tony, even though others may use the same suit as you, only you are Iron Man," said Jack.

"Inside Justin Hammer's factory, there could have been cameras watching our fight, so it was better not to use the other suits. We managed to keep this secret for a while," continued Jack.

"I see. So can you tell me how you knew Justin Hammer could attack me and how you knew Ivan Vanko might be using a suit similar to mine?" asked Tony.

"It was just a hunch. Do you remember when I said I knew S.H.I.E.L.D.? It was at S.H.I.E.L.D. that I learned about what your father said about you. There, I also found out where Howard had hidden his idea for the new element," said Jack.

"At S.H.I.E.L.D., I also learned that a physicist worked with your father while he was creating the palladium arc reactor version, even though your father created it, he knew the arc reactor's designs."

"That's how I knew after seeing Iron Man that there were more people than just you who could create the arc reactor. I think Justin Hammer had access to the suit you gave to Rhodes, even though the government didn't open it. Justin could study it, and Ivan could create a similar one," said Jack.

"Knowing this, I investigated and found out that Ivan was a physicist just like his father, and that he came to the United States after his meeting with the American Congress."

"I just thought it was possible, but until Justin Hammer and Ivan Vanko attacked, I couldn't do anything about it. Even if I told you, it was just an idea and it might not happen," said Jack.

Since Jack couldn't tell Tony that he knew some things from the future, he had no choice but to lie and pretend that he was a genius who had investigated everything, as he knew how things had happened by watching the movie.

Tony couldn't imagine that someone could know the future and believed Jack, as everything he said had really happened, besides the fact that Jack hadn't really investigated anything.

"You're a genius in the investigation as well as in physics, now I'm starting to envy you, after all, you found out that someone could attack me and discovered that I was Iron Man," said Tony admirably.

"After today, I'll always trust when you say that I might be in danger, after all, you've been right 100% of the time so far, luckily I took Pepper and Happy out of the Stark Expo," said Tony.

"What did Ivan mean by he'll destroy the Stark Expo? Did he create some kind of bomb and secretly put it there?" Tony remembered what Ivan had said at the end.

"No, he put explosives in the Hammer Drones. When I created the Mirror Dimension, he didn't have complete control over the Hammer Drones, so when my clone destroyed the Hammer Drones, I also destroyed the explosives," said Jack.

"I see, so he thought that even if we destroyed the Hammer Drones, he could still attack the Stark Expo by activating the destruction of the explosives in the Hammer Drones, but he didn't know that you had destroyed the explosives," said Tony.

"Yes, at least he died happy thinking he would be able to destroy some buildings at the Stark Expo," said Jack, laughing mercilessly at Ivan Vanko.

"Can you still open a portal? We have to go to my apartment here in New York, Pepper might be worried about me," said Tony.

"After resting for a bit, I can open a portal to your apartment. Call Pepper to calm her down, and don't let Natasha be with her when I open the portal," said Jack.

Jack didn't know if this time Natasha would reveal herself as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent or if she would continue to be disguised. After all, he didn't know if she had to reveal herself as an agent to help Tony Stark recover from the poisoning or if she would continue to be disguised.

After a while, Jack felt better and Pepper sent Natasha and Happy out of Tony's apartment, so Jack opened a portal and Tony and Jack was able to rest from the difficult fight at Tony's apartment.

"Thank you for helping Tony, Jack. If you weren't prepared, Tony could have been hurt, several people could have died, and the buildings could have been destroyed. Even though the fault is Justin Hammer's, the Stark Expo could have to be canceled," said Pepper.

"Tony is my friend, of course, I would help him. Besides, I'm used to facing people like Ivan who are crazy and want to hurt others," said Jack.

"Thank you, Jack, but I have to tell you, if you want to continue being a hero, you need a suitable superhero name. I can't call you by your name, and I don't know how else to address you," said Tony.

"I know that, actually, I want a superhero name now, but I can't think of anything," said Jack.

"Great! I was hoping you'd say that. I'm really good at coming up with names. I named several robots in my factory to remember them, so I've already thought of a superhero name for you," said Tony.

"Oh, and what superhero name did you think of for me, Tony?" said Jack curiously. He knew Tony was good at giving names and was excited about it.

"It will sound strange, but after using this name a few times, you'll get used to it. It was the same for me with Iron Man. The name I thought of for you is Battle Sage, a great name because Sage is related to your wisdom and the fact that you are a sorcerer and mage, and Battle Sage because you are very strong and fast and good at physical fights as well," said Tony.

Jack heard this name and thought it sounded strange, but since it related to his fighting style and he couldn't remember any hero with that name, it seemed good for him to use it.

Finally! a hero name for our MC, it took me a long time to think of this, as Tony said, it seems strange at first but you get used to it, people need something to talk to him about in fights.

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